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Another Parking Lot Drug Deal Gone Bad


Feeling good is good enough.
S&W 500 the fecolator!!!! one look at it and the sub. shits himself!

or the Taurus Judge- 45-410


as for rifles...

7.62X39 SKS

Let me say it:

The Judge OWNS !

What a sweet piece.

As for the 7.6x39...

Well, just ask Mexican/Colombian Cartels and Taliban... round of choice indeed!

It'll bitch slap the 5.56x45 NATO to the corner, specially after passing through a barrier (car door etc).

Even better using 123-grain Barnes TSX-BT bullets.


Game Bred
Let me say it:

The Judge OWNS !

What a sweet piece.

As for the 7.6x39...

Well, just ask Mexican/Colombian Cartels and Taliban... round of choice indeed!

It'll bitch slap the 5.56x45 NATO to the corner, specially after passing through a barrier (car door etc).

Even better using 123-grain Barnes TSX-BT bullets.

and you can scavenge it off of the bodies of the ones the zombies got to.


i always aim for the face...at least that what my girlfriend tells me to do...i follow the rules of close combat :p always


"It's just a flesh wound"
i always aim for the face...at least that what my girlfriend tells me to do...i follow the rules of close combat :p always

Sorry, but your girlfriend is wrong. Always aim for center mass, that way your chances of hitting what you're aiming at greatly improve.


Active member
glad to hear those rippers got gunned down like they deserved. haha dagnabit is into firearms...i guess we have one thing in common. i like using my AR15 for target practice but its not what i would want to rely on in a SHTF zombie scenario. My r700 with the 308 packs the crucial kick. my dream gun is to get a LWRCI SBR in 6.8....but at almost 5 large its out of the price range at the moment..and 6.8 is a dollar a round so it makes target shooting quite expensive.

watch out on those online bud trading websites. my roomate was robbed for a poound in a walmart parking lot by some faggots in a white crown vic. if we ever catch those rippers around they better pray to god we are drunk and miss them....i get an adrenaline rush just thinking about having the oppurtunity to put them in the scope of my Leopuld...one hit from my 308 and his head will look like a watermelon got smashed by a sledgehammer.


Active member
point i was making if i hit u. u aint firing back ..... i swear by the 45. myself , and a 223. then again im ex military

i love the .45...i fired a 1911 and was totally surprised by its accuracy. big pop. i pack the glock in .40 at the moment...lots of cops swear by the .40 and i havent been dissapointed, cheaper ammo than the .45 and has a good knockdown power to accuracy ratio.

no idea why that kid would bring a .22 to a gun fight unless he intended to not use it. the only upside i can see to a .22 is its relatively quiet, sounds like a firecracker going off. bring the biggest caliber to a situation like that....leave the 380s and 9s at the range for target practice....bring the Kimber .45 ACP when you need to handle business.


Active member
i never said the dealer imposed his point of view i was talking in general about guns.
I totally understand them defending themselves towards armed people, that is not my point.
My point is that i think it's so sad that guns are so everywhere, I'm not just pointing america. I can tell you about france last year we had an increase of 300% of armed attack towards jewelry and banks. And it's not just about little glocks, there coming out with kalashnikovs and war weapons!!!! Where are we going? There is an incredible rise of violence due to the crisis.
Here we've got one dead and one injured for WHAT? maybe a few kilos, remember it's just plants!!! I think it's just that money troubles the mind of lots of people then they don't make the differences between good and bad (if we can call "good" and "bad").

if your city is being flooded by criminals with guns...all the more reason to pack one yourself...instead of trying to get all brady campaign with it crying about gun violence and trying to restrict peoples rights to defend themselves.

the brady campaign makes me sick...bunch of cowards trying to make it easier for criminals to commit robbery and murder.

with the latest SCOTUS decision, i cannot wait for californias retarded gun laws to be struck down, and finally i will be able to legally carry my glock around my shitty low income welfare baby part of town. like clint eastwood says...MAKE MY DAY PUNK


Game Bred
glad to hear those rippers got gunned down like they deserved. haha dagnabit is into firearms...i guess we have one thing in common. i like using my AR15 for target practice but its not what i would want to rely on in a SHTF zombie scenario. My r700 with the 308 packs the crucial kick. my dream gun is to get a LWRCI SBR in 6.8....but at almost 5 large its out of the price range at the moment..and 6.8 is a dollar a round so it makes target shooting quite expensive.

watch out on those online bud trading websites. my roomate was robbed for a poound in a walmart parking lot by some faggots in a white crown vic. if we ever catch those rippers around they better pray to god we are drunk and miss them....i get an adrenaline rush just thinking about having the oppurtunity to put them in the scope of my Leopuld...one hit from my 308 and his head will look like a watermelon got smashed by a sledgehammer.

into yes..but i pray daily i never have to use one.. i do always have one or two (ccw holder) usually the Taurus protector .357 or the judge


The cat that loves cannabis
....leave the 380s and 9s at the range for target practice....

I have a ruger 380 LCP, thing fits in the palm of my hand, beyond tiny, most concealable gun I have, I could hide that thing in a speedo.
Not a ton of stopping power, but better then nothing, and ultra concealable


Active member
yea i like 380s too....but there are a few compact concealables in heavy caliber...like the Kimber Ultra Carry in .45, or my Glock 27 in .40. the tradeoff to small gun with big caliber is a relative sacrifice in accuracy because they pop so hard....a 380 you can put rounds downrange nicely but make sure you hit them 2 or 3 times...


Active member
i love the .45...i fired a 1911 and was totally surprised by its accuracy. big pop. i pack the glock in .40 at the moment...lots of cops swear by the .40 and i havent been dissapointed, cheaper ammo than the .45 and has a good knockdown power to accuracy ratio.

no idea why that kid would bring a .22 to a gun fight unless he intended to not use it. the only upside i can see to a .22 is its relatively quiet, sounds like a firecracker going off. bring the biggest caliber to a situation like that....leave the 380s and 9s at the range for target practice....bring the Kimber .45 ACP when you need to handle business.

As my Dad told me "1 hit from a small round and the attacker will keep coming, 1 hit from a .45 anywhere they won't get back up."
<3 my colt 45

I believe in the right to defend yourself. I also believe in everyone having the right to a second chance.

He blew his second chance when he shot his gun. I don't know if it was in self defense but from the story that man aimed to kill in cold blood.


Guns and bullets are just tools, some work better than others in different situations. I shot all types of calibers, my favorite is the 9mm because of the extended distance, I can rain bullets down with accuracy at 100 yards, get head shots all day at 25 yards and at within 10 yards or so also double tap where my bullet holes are touching each other. In the heat of battle you may often miss your first shot, its all about getting as many bullets down range accurately as possible(shoot as fast as you can shoot accurately) I use a technique called flash sight shooting, you pull the trigger as soon as your sights are on your target it dont have to be perfect, as long as you get a hit. I always see people at the range with their 45s, boom, aim, boom, then they see me, bambambambambambam, they look over like :jawdrop: :tiphat: , not that you cant do that with a 45, it just makes it alot easier with the 9

I''d bring a .22 to a gun fight, it would just have to be ruger 10/22, its the perfect urban sniper rifle for shots within 100 yards but it wouldnt be my only gun.


I will shoot to maim and cause excruciating long-term physical and mental pain. If you try to rob me, at least one of us is going to die that day, if you're lucky. If I have it my way, you will become a blind & deaf quadriplegic.


"It's just a flesh wound"
I will shoot to maim and cause excruciating long-term physical and mental pain. If you try to rob me, at least one of us is going to die that day, if you're lucky. If I have it my way, you will become a blind & deaf quadriplegic.

Unfortunately, if they live they will file suit against you and probably win a huge settlement because he was alive to testify against you. If the scumbag ripper dies, on the other hand, it's just your word in court against the ripper's relatives, thus less of a chance to lose your case.


The cat that loves cannabis
yea i like 380s too....but there are a few compact concealables in heavy caliber...like the Kimber Ultra Carry in .45, or my Glock 27 in .40. the tradeoff to small gun with big caliber is a relative sacrifice in accuracy because they pop so hard....a 380 you can put rounds downrange nicely but make sure you hit them 2 or 3 times...
First time I took it to the range and shot a full mag, I only put one round into the target.
It has a very short grip, which cause's me to drop shots about a foot below where I'm aiming.
Once I realized what was going on, and adjusted for it, it was very accurate.
It was a good example for me of why it's important to go and practice with all your guns, had I not, I would have been aiming for center mass and hitting people in the legs/hips


Active member
i'm sorry to tell you that american friends, but if there were not this f***** amendment that permitts the NRA to do it's thing and all the fool people to be even more dangerous there would be less deads like this in your country. Guns should be forbidden everywhere simply...


Stay in :peek: France :whiteflag: and have your slap fights like women.

Here in America, if you fuck with one of us, you get fucked with in return. Whether it be from me, someone else, or the pigs.

I have my license to carry a concealed weapon and I use that right to my full advantage. :shooty: I carry a knife on my hip and my .38 special with hollow points (make them myself and reload my own ammo) in the holster on my side. If anyone wants to fuck with me, they're gonna have to get past those. I'll admit I don't like to fight with my fists... call me a pussy but whatever... a .38 hollow point is going to take your ass down in one well placed shot.

Someone tried to carjack me when I took a drive to LA to check out a car for sale. Guess what? I grabbed my .38 special, pointed it at him (the window was down) and said "Do you really want the car that bad?" and he dropped his pussy ass 1 inch 99cent knife and ran like the piece of shit thief he is.

:wave: :moon: :tiphat:
i'm sorry to tell you that american friends, but if there were not this f***** amendment that permitts the NRA to do it's thing and all the fool people to be even more dangerous there would be less deads like this in your country. Guns should be forbidden everywhere simply...

Guns are not the problem. People are. Fact

CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
My friend died recently. Shot over a zip of chronic... By his friend.

It's just so dumb...