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AN PH Perfect experiences?


cant re Member
no mate ive missed no point at all. your points, are not actually true. simple as that.

you dont need fifty bottles of AN for a grow.

you dont know the ingredients/essentials to most of their products.

i dont care for hype, they are replacing the old range with the ph perfect where i live, thats the only reason i bought ph perfect.

as you say, its better if that is your last post in this thread. please stop throwing around random made up facts about things anymore. dont knock it beore you have seen the results. that is ignorant.


cant re Member
That sort of makes your rant pointless to me in the sense that near EVERY product in the catalogs for assorted nutrients all have cartoon lables, all have outrageous claims right? I can say the AN line works, I can also say just about everything ive tried works... nearly the same as all the other products out there...they work, and work just fine, just because you WONT pay for it... dont mean it doesnt work. If that makes sense.

+1 agreed


That sort of makes your rant pointless to me in the sense that near EVERY product in the catalogs for assorted nutrients all have cartoon lables, all have outrageous claims right? I can say the AN line works, I can also say just about everything ive tried works... nearly the same as all the other products out there...they work, and work just fine, just because you WONT pay for it... dont mean it doesnt work. If that makes sense.

+1 agreed

no mate ive missed no point at all. your points, are not actually true. simple as that.

you dont need fifty bottles of AN for a grow.

you dont know the ingredients/essentials to most of their products.

i dont care for hype, they are replacing the old range with the ph perfect where i live, thats the only reason i bought ph perfect.

as you say, its better if that is your last post in this thread. please stop throwing around random made up facts about things anymore. dont knock it beore you have seen the results. that is ignorant.

Using everything but AN and not worrying about PH isnt good enough? Ok, I get... but you dont.


Active member
I give them credit for marketing to braindead potheads that need 50to bottles in a res and then a product like ph perfect starts to look apealing to them cuz their res has stupid buzzwords in there setting shit off.
What I said was RO makes it so simple its not even funny.

How does an RO unit make things simple. I own one and it just makes my water less concentrated of other contaminants, RO units dont adjust the ph of the water at all.

Lets get this back on track, simply put ill say it again, ive used the AN PH perfect line and just about every additive they made and shit my crop came out legit and was not hard at all to manage.

This is a 70g res that was changed out once every two weeks AT BEST and wow.. .no rot, no dmg, no ph problems no nothing.. only good clean burning soft white/grey non residue leaving marijuana ash.

I've used many other nutrient lines and have had SIMILAR results. I have also used only one nutrient for an entire grow start to finish. Florabloom from General Hydroponics. Granted I cant say the plant had EVERYTHING it needed but hell it came out great. No company is retarded for having alot of products, the basic fact is that if it works, why knock it sir.

Fuck even organic growers such as Tom Hill have about 10 different additives to their soil compounds. Sure the ratios in which he can produce with those additives are off the scale as far as casual consumer products go but I dont see ANYONE talking shit on his choice of things to put in. And if you do add it up, you are indeed shelling out a fuck ton of money buying his ingredients too. SO its a toss up, I believe you are greatly defending your nutrient line because it works for you.. be a little more open because there is always another way of getting the same results, why knock how another person getting those same results if he so chose to use more products than you.

AN works, anyone who says that their products DONT work.. well thats an opinion right. =)


How does an RO unit make things simple. I own one and it just makes my water less concentrated of other contaminants, RO units dont adjust the ph of the water at all.

Lets get this back on track, simply put ill say it again, ive used the AN PH perfect line and just about every additive they made and shit my crop came out legit and was not hard at all to manage.

This is a 70g res that was changed out once every two weeks AT BEST and wow.. .no rot, no dmg, no ph problems no nothing.. only good clean burning soft white/grey non residue leaving marijuana ash.

I've used many other nutrient lines and have had SIMILAR results. I have also used only one nutrient for an entire grow start to finish. Florabloom from General Hydroponics. Granted I cant say the plant had EVERYTHING it needed but hell it came out great. No company is retarded for having alot of products, the basic fact is that if it works, why knock it sir.

Fuck even organic growers such as Tom Hill have about 10 different additives to their soil compounds. Sure the ratios in which he can produce with those additives are off the scale as far as casual consumer products go but I dont see ANYONE talking shit on his choice of things to put in. And if you do add it up, you are indeed shelling out a fuck ton of money buying his ingredients too. SO its a toss up, I believe you are greatly defending your nutrient line because it works for you.. be a little more open because there is always another way of getting the same results, why knock how another person getting those same results if he so chose to use more products than you.

AN works, anyone who says that their products DONT work.. well thats an opinion right. =)

You have it backwards. RO doesnt do anything to the PH. Its that tap water will fluctuate. That wasnt even the point though. My nute choice is designed for my water source. It makes my life easier. The dude asked me how, I told him.
I switched from CNS17 to H&G a couple of weeks ago. Im not saying H&G is the shit(although it is), its just a comparison. I felt it would be ridiculously unfair to compare the price of the CNS17, PBP, Maxi, or GH 3 part that I have used against PH perfect. However I guess I should have made that so clear that a braindead pothead could understand, because thats the AN crowd.
Tom Hill doesnt think he needs PH perfect. Whats the point?


the ro machine doesnt even change the ph? thanks alamony. lol your a joke tribal you were making it seem like anyone that uses ro water is never gonna have to use ph adjusters. i cant believe i wasted my time talkin to this dude lol


the ro machine doesnt even change the ph? thanks alamony. lol your a joke tribal you were making it seem like anyone that uses ro water is never gonna have to use ph adjusters. i cant believe i wasted my time talkin to this dude lol

You're a fool!
Yes, the RO filter drops the PH because the tap water has all kinds of shit in it. All that shit makes it less stable. My tap is around 7-7.5 and my RO is 6.0 when I use it. Hope that was clear enough.
Also, I didnt say anyone using RO water. I said I use nutes designed for my source water(RO/Softwater) and I dont throw all kinds of shit in the res.


i dont know shit about ro water i was just goin by what alamony said


Active member
How does an RO unit make things simple. I own one and it just makes my water less concentrated of other contaminants, RO units dont adjust the ph of the water at all.

You have it backwards. RO doesnt do anything to the PH. Its that tap water will fluctuate. That wasnt even the point though. My nute choice is designed for my water source. It makes my life easier. The dude asked me how, I told him.
I switched from CNS17 to H&G a couple of weeks ago. Im not saying H&G is the shit(although it is), its just a comparison. I felt it would be ridiculously unfair to compare the price of the CNS17, PBP, Maxi, or GH 3 part that I have used against PH perfect. However I guess I should have made that so clear that a braindead pothead could understand, because thats the AN crowd.
Tom Hill doesnt think he needs PH perfect. Whats the point?

You're a fool!
Yes, the RO filter drops the PH because the tap water has all kinds of shit in it. All that shit makes it less stable. My tap is around 7-7.5 and my RO is 6.0 when I use it. Hope that was clear enough.
Also, I didnt say anyone using RO water. I said I use nutes designed for my source water(RO/Softwater) and I dont throw all kinds of shit in the res.

Lets take things back a step. First off are you sure your smoking Marijuana?

I said my RO unit does NOT change the ph of my water. How can pure water with a neutral ph of 7.0 get reduced to anything lower if it in theory does not contain anything at all? Sounds like you have a broken or contaminatied RO unit that is dropping your PH below the standard 7.0? Since RO membranes will reject dissolved ions but not dissolved gases, the RO permeate and RO feed will contain roughly the same amount of CO2. The HCO3 and CO3, however, are often reduced by 1-2 orders of magnitude. This upsets the CO2, HCO3, CO3 equilibrium that was established in the feed. In a series of equilibrium reactions, CO2 will combine with H2O driving reactions similar to that shown below, until a new equilibrium Is established.

CO2 + H2O --> HCO3 + H+ please follow....

The new equilibrium will always result in a lowering of permeate pH if there is CO2 gas present in the feed water.
The pH drop is usually largest for waters with high amounts of alkalinity or HCO3.
When there is very little CO2, HCO3, or CO3, there is a very small pH drop observed in the permeate.
Therefore it is not true that reverse osmosis filters will always reduce the pH level of water to a noticeable amount. The pH difference after the RO depends on the composition of your input water source; depending on whether you have large amounts of gases such as CO2 in your local water supply. If you are concerned with the pH of your drinking water, you should avoid guess work and get your water tested with an accurate pH tester meter (avoid those $10 paper testing strips, which are very inaccurate with pH readings). If you see that your pH is below 7 with a good amount, you can consider putting a pH increaser filter as a final stage of your reverse osmosis system and correct your acid water problem easily.

Some countries have regulations governing the pH of drinking water. Typically, the pH is recommended to be in the 6.5-9.0 range. It is our understanding that the purpose of these pH regulations are to minimize corrosion of piping materials so that metals like lead and copper do not dissolve into the drinking water supply.

So if MY water input is pure or neutral, the outcome is the same, im sorry your water supply is different.

I believe thats what my first post said correct.
I made reference to Tom Hill in reguards to you freaking out about not needing to add a bunch of additives and worrying about ph... like that AN post your freaking out on. You took something completely different and spun it around buddy..

LET ME SAY THIS MORE... AGGRESSIVELY.. How can your RO unit make your water more Acidic common to Urine and or Saliva vs Pure 7.0 neutral water sir?


Well written. But I guess I wasnt clear enough
My tap water is actually anywhere from 8-7ish. I filter it, it reduces the PH(6.5ish) and removes shit, I put my nutes in and it reduces the PH further(5.5-6ish). Now Im left with RO filtered water that I do not need to adjust (6ish) and wont fluctuate like my tap water will.
Its quite simple. Im using COCO nutes designed for my source water and that gets me exactly where I want it, instead of nutes being designed for adding another 50 bottles to. It makes life simpler.
I was only answering the question below. My point wasnt even the mix PH of nutes in the first place. It was about PH stability and TREE makes no sense.

and how do i get the ph to 5.2 wave a magic wand lol? and seems like your not understanding what im saying. my tap comes out in the high 7's and in order to start out where i need i need to use ph down. i tried dyna gro before too and i had to use ph adjusters with that. just because you personally dont need to use ph adjusters doesnt mean its the same for everyone else


Active member
Well written. But I guess I wasnt clear enough
My tap water is actually anywhere from 8-7ish. I filter it, it reduces the PH(6.5ish) and removes shit, I put my nutes in and it reduces the PH further(5.5-6ish). Now Im left with RO filtered water that I do not need to adjust (6ish) and wont fluctuate like my tap water will.
Its quite simple. Im using nutes designed for my source water and that gets me exactly where I want it, instead of nutes being designed for adding another 50 bottles to. It makes life simpler.

Thank you, im sorry you still cannot understand the basic chemistry and general understandings of the basics of relative pH+ measurements. Simply put, my main statement is still my main argument. Simply put: It is impossible to lower or raise the pH of pure water simply by filtering it. Your un-earthly R.O filter CAN NOT LOWER pH below the threshold of already being pure unless it is contaminated or you use an additional filter to affect it making it's pH lower than what is scientifically possible by removing all other molecules other than the hydrogen atoms tangled to an oxygen atom. They do sell additional add-on's for R.O. units to commonly raise pH once filtered but it is greatly unsed since that would mean you are intentionally making the water more Acidic like battery acid. If pure* and I use pure in a very vage sense* is neither Acidic or towards the Alkaline side. How can removing something that technically isnt there going to make it swing to one side of the scale.

You sir are now way off course.

You are a fucking great marketing TOOL, just like what you claimed AN to be, a RO unit that drops pH from 8's to 6's then your nutes to help *stabilize* that reading. Poor news for you, all additives that molest water WILL cause its pH to fluctuate simple based on the decay of other compounds contamination your mixture.

pH perfect AN based products work because of alot more technical reasons than I am able to half-ass explain here, essentially though.. a object in motion tends to stay in motion, a compound that resists chemical change to its acidity or alkalinity is what AN has put in their product. What that is..who knows. Become a chemist and break it down.


Thank you, im sorry you still cannot understand the basic chemistry and general understandings of the basics of relative pH+ measurements. Simply put, my main statement is still my main argument. Simply put: It is impossible to lower or raise the pH of pure water simply by filtering it. Your un-earthly R.O filter CAN NOT LOWER pH below the threshold of already being pure unless it is contaminated or you use an additional filter to affect it making it's pH lower than what is scientifically possible by removing all other molecules other than the hydrogen atoms tangled to an oxygen atom. They do sell additional add-on's for R.O. units to commonly raise pH once filtered but it is greatly unsed since that would mean you are intentionally making the water more Acidic like battery acid. If pure* and I use pure in a very vage sense* is neither Acidic or towards the Alkaline side. How can removing something that technically isnt there going to make it swing to one side of the scale.

You sir are now way off course.

You are a fucking great marketing TOOL, just like what you claimed AN to be, a RO unit that drops pH from 8's to 6's then your nutes to help *stabilize* that reading. Poor news for you, all additives that molest water WILL cause its pH to fluctuate simple based on the decay of other compounds contamination your mixture.

pH perfect AN based products work because of alot more technical reasons than I am able to half-ass explain here, essentially though.. a object in motion tends to stay in motion, a compound that resists chemical change to its acidity or alkalinity is what AN has put in their product. What that is..who knows. Become a chemist and break it down.

I did say I let mine swing between an acceptable range where it always stays. Its not like its locked and its not going to budge. It just doesnt swing drastically and I dont need to adjust it. Sorry if thats too hard for you to understand that PH isnt a big deal. Ive never had to do as much work with PH as explaining how simple it is in my system. Peace


Active member
I did say I let mine swing between an acceptable range where it always stays. Its not like its locked and its not going to budge. It just doesnt swing drastically and I dont need to adjust it. Sorry if thats too hard for you to understand that PH isnt a big deal. Ive never had to do as much work with PH as explaining how simple it is in my system. Peace

Im very happy that you are running out of false claims to state but to throw a little more water on your fire.. pun intended.

You say pH doesnt change drastically? Are you sure sir? Look at this and then just stop trying to beat the dead horse with your false sense of how things work.

A pH of 2 means the [H+] is 10^-2 M and a pH of 4 means the [H+] is 10^-4 M.

10^-2 is 100 times greater than 10^-4, shown as follows:
10^-2 / 10^-4 = 10^2 = 100

Every pH unit represents a ten-fold difference in the [H+] concentration.

2 pH units = 10 x 10 = 100 times ratio in the [H+] concentration.
5 pH units = 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 100,000 times ratio in the [H+] concentration.

Do you understand HOW BIG of a difference that is.. for instance. Make that formula suit your grow, a pH of 8 is 10!!! times greater than that of pH7. HOLY fucking shit... scale that to MPH which is easy to understand. If im going 10mph (7pH) and i scale that up 10x (8ph)... holy motherfucking shit im now doing 100mph. if I further scale that up to say (9pH) im now doing 1,000mph. Can you imagine the difference in speed more easily? and thats only 2pts on the ph scale. So if your going from 8pH in YOUR water and your taking it down to 6pH or so, that 1000x less acidic. Thats a HUGE MASSIVE SOLAR SYSTEM size difference in the chemists world... scale it down if you can like me with a precise pH meter that can determine a tenth of a difference.. thats 7.05x X being the little factor. if water is 7.00 thats still a major difference at the molecular level.

And to top it off.. AN might be able to resist a change of additional molecules trying to raise its own PH to over 1000x its normal state is pretty damn amazing if you ask me. The math simply boggles my brain and fries my eyes counting all those zero's.

How about it IC mag community.. I say alot of your claims are like swiss cheese, or a dairy farm. Full of shit.

Toke on my friends... !!! I sure as fuck will now.:dance013:


Hey dude, I dont give a shit what your google research turn up. Ive been growing for a couple of years and this isnt my first filter and pen.
My grows dont need PH + or - or PH perfect. End of story


it looks like tribal was right about the ro machine lowering the ph of alot of tap water but hes making the assumption that everyone in the world is gonna use that shit. you see how he didnt have an answer when i asked him what do you do if you have 5 70 gal reses to fill? 12 hours to fill a 70 gal tank lol he knows damn well thats i big fuckin hastle he just wants to hate on an so much that he cant admit they came up with a good product


it looks like tribal was right about the ro machine lowering the ph of alot of tap water but hes making the assumption that everyone in the world is gonna use that shit. you see how he didnt have an answer when i asked him what do you do if you have 5 70 gal reses to fill? 12 hours to fill a 70 gal tank lol he knows damn well thats i big fuckin hastle he just wants to hate on an so much that he cant admit they came up with a good product

You store the water. Do you just throw it in your res straight from the tap? Its gotta be even less stable that way!


You store the water. Do you just throw it in your res straight from the tap? Its gotta be even less stable that way!

you are a moron. you store the water where in another 5 70 reses in your house lol? do you have any common sense at all? so let me get this straight you want someone to get 10 70 gal reses than fill up 5 of them let them sit then pump that water to the other 5 reses lol. yeah thats real easy to do lol. i would still have to add ph down anyway so theres no point to it. how bout i just use ph perfect and i can pump the tap right into my grow reses and be done with it. your a hater and have no common sense. stick to your 30 gal reses and leave the big grows to the rest of us.
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you are a moron. you store the water where in another 5 70 reses in your house lol? do you have any common sense at all? so let me get this straight you want someone to get 10 70 gal reses than fill up 5 of them let them sit then pump that water to the other 5 reses lol. yeah thats real easy to do lol. i would still have to add ph down anyway. how bout i just use ph perfect and i can pump the tap right into my grow reses and be done with it. your a hater and have no common sense. stick to your 30 gal reses and leave the big grows to the rest of use.

Good luck big time rookie aero king! Apollo 3, TREES? Huh? My aero system cost me less than $100 dude!
You still dont get it, or what I said about it. So funny.
NO - I do not recommend running a commercial cash crop in your own house(walk-in closet in your case), rookie. I dont see how you have the need for 5 70 gal res in your pad. How many lights?
Since youre a rookie and dont even know how to protect against a leak, that could get out of hand in a hurry!


cant re Member
Good luck big time rookie aero king! Apollo 3, TREES? Huh? My aero system cost me less than $100 dude!
You still dont get it, or what I said about it. So funny.
NO - I do not recommend running a commercial cash crop in your own house(walk-in closet in your case), rookie. I dont see how you have the need for 5 70 gal res in your pad. How many lights?
Since youre a rookie and dont even know how to protect against a leak, that could get out of hand in a hurry!

funny how three people are trying to get some sense out of you but we are ''not understanding you'' perhaps its because your rambling on and on so much nonsense and slightly challanged in making yourself clear.

lets get this into perspective.

you dont think ph is important
you find RO water easier than running a tap
you hate AN with a passion but have never used them, nor know -anyone who does use them

you run an aeroponic system? we are all rookies yet you seem to have all the answers. hopefully by now you would read this and see how silly you are starting to look.

by the way i use canna, house and garden, AN and others so im not a AN freak. i just use what works. plus you say we are brain dead but your constantly rambling on not making sense.
theres nothing worse in this world that a person who will follow the sheep and be so arrogant/ignorant that they will hate on something they never even used or seen used. i feel sorry for you man


funny how three people are trying to get some sense out of you but we are ''not understanding you'' perhaps its because your rambling on and on so much nonsense and slightly challanged in making yourself clear.

lets get this into perspective.

you dont think ph is important
you find RO water easier than running a tap
you hate AN with a passion but have never used them, nor know -anyone who does use them

you run an areoponic system? so im guessing yolu dont run many plants at all. we are all rookies yet you seem to have all the answers. hopefully by now you would read this and see how silly you are starting to look. il post up some pics of some stuff ive grown with AN. prove your point and show us how its done.

PH is important. PH Perfect is not
All the nutes Ive used designed for my medium and water = hassle free stable PH.
End of story