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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
very true make sure to use products that hid the smell. They sale bags for this and they work very well


Game Bred
I think even then, that cops will want to search if they smell it, to make sure you are within limits-- There is no way cops will pass up any chance to arrest someone--
And yes, I think it will be found legal to do so, since smell is not an indication of volume possessed--
actually not how PC works..

right now smell is REASONABLE SUSPICION that a crime IS being committed since cannabis possession IS a crime.

after 19 smell would be reasonable suspicion that a crime MAY be being committed..
i realize cops break the law but any search conducted post 19 would not make it past arraignment.

i hope i communicated that properly...im high on sun, water, cookies and now the cold AC!
when you spend all day on the water at 90° the ac makes you stoopid in a good way...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Unc Is my Friend I trust his judgement and appreciate his concern about my safety. Some advice would be to not contact us again.


keep in mind...d.a.'s are like car salesman...load up the deal, peel some off as you go, and the customer still ends up spending more than they need to!
---had another bro got pulled over by city police here in cali...pounds in the trunk...got hit w over THIRTY charges on his sheet...couldnt flip...he didnt know anything...pled down and ended up getting first time boot camp instead of the possible 105 years...

Yeah, that's SOP(unless it's federal). I'm sure all Krunch willl get is some misdemeanor that gets wiped from the record in 2 yrs.


So do I understand this?

So do I understand this?

As of now, its only a crime to posses a firearm while commiting a felony at which time another felony is added for said possesion?

so i am allowed to keep a firearm at my residence where i have my personal medical cannabis grow, but if i get arrested and must prove myself compliant. i maybe charged with an addition felony for possesion of a firearm while commiting a felony until i have proven that i wasnt commiting a felony in the first place?



Freedom Fighter
actually not how PC works..

right now smell is REASONABLE SUSPICION that a crime IS being committed since cannabis possession IS a crime.

after 19 smell would be reasonable suspicion that a crime MAY be being committed..
i realize cops break the law but any search conducted post 19 would not make it past arraignment.

i hope i communicated that properly...im high on sun, water, cookies and now the cold AC!
when you spend all day on the water at 90° the ac makes you stoopid in a good way...

You know as well as I do how these fuckers work in reality--
Here, let me give you an example of what the Police Report might look like--
"I pulled over Mr Dagnabit, and upon questioning him, I noticed the extremely strong smell of fresh marijuana. I asked if he was in possession of marijuana, and he said yes, he had under an ounce in his trunk.
In my expert opinion, the smell was not consistent with an ounce or under, as Legally dictated by Prop 19, so I asked Mr Dagnabit if I may see it. He became extremely agitated, at which time I placed him in handcuffs, for his safety and my own.
I asked him again if I may look in his trunk, and he said he "didn't have anything."
Mr Dagnabit exhibited behavior and body language consistent with what I have been trained to recognize as probable lying.
I then proceeded to open the trunk, where I found 2 pounds of marijuana."

You may or may not have said any of that...but it is your word against his, and they know that--
I hate cops more than most...but after over 40 arrests, and 12 times in State Prison...I do know these fuckers don't, nor ever will...play by the "Rules"--:tiphat:


Freedom Fighter
As of now, its only a crime to posses a firearm while commiting a felony at which time another felony is added for said possesion?

so i am allowed to keep a firearm at my residence where i have my personal medical cannabis grow, but if i get arrested and must prove myself compliant. i maybe charged with an addition felony for possesion of a firearm while commiting a felony until i have proven that i wasnt commiting a felony in the first place?




Freedom Fighter
wow......thats hardcore

Not really...I was a heroin addict, and a thief for 18 years (Boosted from stores/Commercial Burg)...it was to be expected when you are a slow learner!! lol
But....even tho I deserved to be busted pretty much every time...the reports usually contained blatant lies...so they could pad their Case--
I have been off hard drugs since '95...and guess what??
I haven't needed to steal, nor have I went to jail since then-- Go figure!!:dance013:
Sounds like a combination of bad luck and doing something totally wrong. If he only had an ounce where is that cop going to come up with the extra 1lb. 15oz. to present as evidence. If I were legal under prop 19 residing in cali I'd be proud to show my sack to a LEO knowing my rights. All of this is perception based and can be argued in a court especially so if they just don't have the evidence. LEOs here are probably some of the worst around I think sometimes; I've been stopped by some in broad daylight walking in no particular fashion or what have you and still its easy to get off the hook with em. Not because they're lenient or stupid trust me I've tripped up before, because its easy to know your rights and get by with minimal hassle.


You know as well as I do how these fuckers work in reality--
Here, let me give you an example of what the Police Report might look like--
"I pulled over Mr Dagnabit, and upon questioning him, I noticed the extremely strong smell of fresh marijuana. I asked if he was in possession of marijuana, and he said yes, he had under an ounce in his trunk.
In my expert opinion, the smell was not consistent with an ounce or under, as Legally dictated by Prop 19, so I asked Mr Dagnabit if I may see it. He became extremely agitated, at which time I placed him in handcuffs, for his safety and my own.
I asked him again if I may look in his trunk, and he said he "didn't have anything."
Mr Dagnabit exhibited behavior and body language consistent with what I have been trained to recognize as probable lying.
I then proceeded to open the trunk, where I found 2 pounds of marijuana."

You may or may not have said any of that...but it is your word against his, and they know that--
I hate cops more than most...but after over 40 arrests, and 12 times in State Prison...I do know these fuckers don't, nor ever will...play by the "Rules"--:tiphat:


Freedom Fighter
Sounds like a combination of bad luck and doing something totally wrong. If he only had an ounce where is that cop going to come up with the extra 1lb. 15oz.


You misunderstood the convo--
I was answering Krunch, who got busted with 2 pounds in the trunk, because the cop smelled weed...and dagnabit said,
if we had prop 19 there would have been a good chance there would never have been an arrest...
....which I think he meant that they would not have been able to search him based on smell alone...and I was showing how cops manipulate Reports to give them a "Reason" to search anyways--
EDIT* The "Report" I wrote was NOT real...I made it up just to show how cops manipulate the truth...and mix in lies--
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....which I think he meant that they would not have been able to search him based on smell alone...and I was showing how cops manipulate Reports to give them a "Reason" to search anyways--

and that is why i now think it is a good idea to have a small hidden camera in your car to protect yourself against manipulated reports. the cops record you for their protection but have been known to "lose" tapes when it benefits them not being seen. but also recently this has become an issue, as police departments are charging individuals who record police officers in duty with felony wiretapping? its like your damned if you do, your damned if you dont

Arrested for filming himself get pulled over and posting it on youtube

there is no way this asshole cop pulls his gun like this if he knew he was being videotaped or if open carry was legal. for all this motorcyclist knew he was getting hijacked for his bike when this guy jumps out of an undercover car waving a gun. it happened a lil while ago have you guys seen this shit?



Active member
You misunderstood the convo--
I was answering Krunch, who got busted with 2 pounds in the trunk, because the cop smelled weed...and dagnabit said,

....which I think he meant that they would not have been able to search him based on smell alone...and I was showing how cops manipulate Reports to give them a "Reason" to search anyways--
EDIT* The "Report" I wrote was NOT real...I made it up just to show how cops manipulate the truth...and mix in lies--

I have been stopped by cops who have let me go simply because they believe Obama was going to be elected to office.

Every cop is different. Some cops are "just doing their job" which means going thru the motions.

Some cops are totally gung-ho to catch criminals, depends on which cops you deal with.

I'm pretty most "just doing their job" cops would not trip out on the smell of cannabis. They might ask to clarify you are within limits...

On paper the laws will still be their to enforce, but the spirit of prohibition and criminaliztion will be GREATLY diminished when prop 19 passes.

One could easily argue that people who are busted in the past few years because of 'smell' could easily had walked away with _no charges_ had the spirit of the laws changed.
and that is why i now think it is a good idea to have a small hidden camera in your car to protect yourself against manipulated reports. the cops record you for their protection but have been known to "lose" tapes when it benefits them not being seen. but also recently this has become an issue, as police departments are charging individuals who record police officers in duty with felony wiretapping? its like your damned if you do, your damned if you dont

Arrested for filming himself get pulled over and posting it on youtube

there is no way this asshole cop pulls his gun like this if he knew he was being videotaped or if open carry was legal. for all this motorcyclist knew he was getting hijacked for his bike when this guy jumps out of an undercover car waving a gun. it happened a lil while ago have you guys seen this shit?


i heard and i agree. That cop was mega wrong to even pull his weapon. Was he going to shoot the guy if he tried to run?

if the average "dude on rims" spent $500 dollars on a hidden cam with a mic, the world would be a different place, IMO.


if the average "dude on rims" spent $500 dollars on a hidden cam with a mic, the world would be a different place, IMO.

4 sure we need to start policing the police LOL. in reality they are no different than anyone else, they are just average citizens and are not impervious to being kept in check



KM, you have a little harder time with LEO than most because of your past. They run your plate through the SCMOD, and see your past and instantly are on the defensive. It is unfortunate, but reality as you know. Congrats on being clean for 16 years too brother... you beat the odds there! +R

As for the rest of us... I don't know what it is like in each of yall's hoods but by me, cops are no problem for simple possession or use. I have long hair with some gray highlights, somewhere in the middle of average life expectancy and don't wear trendy clothes or a suite all day/ every day. I'm pretty easily pegged as a smoker. I have been pulled over or talked to by police with weed in my pocket more times than I can remember. I have never been searched or asked if I had anything on me. I have been with friends of friends (acquaintances to me) that were cops and sparked up joints and passed them around the room/campfire. I even walked into an all but finished pool party the other night after midnight to find my friend and her guests were all gone but her brother and two of his friends were there. After being offered a beer and asked to stay for a bit I asked the guy next to me if he smoked, and he held up his cigarette and looked at me funny. I said, "no, not cigarettes". He said, I can't I'm 5-0. Then there was a bit of a pause on my part but I picked it up quick and apologized if I made him uncomfortable and he said he didn't really care what I did. If you have a pound in your car we have a problem but otherwise your fine. I stepped about 10 feet away into the garage, puffed a bowl, and came back and talked to the guy for the next hour about how he just got back from Iraq, and when I thanked him blankly for going there he got upset that I didn't even know that he was on the front lines and not everybody is pulling their weight over there and all sorts of cocky asshat gung-ho rookie cop stuff . Perfectly fit the profile of the bust-happy asshole! I told him I didn't care who did what because they all did more than me so I say thanks. he accepted that and we talked about other bs until I left. Shook hands and said nice to meet you and there were no problems! I think a lot of it is NOT being an asshole, or maybe we need to kiss a little bit of ass, or talk respectfully, or be more confident or use Jedi Mind tricks, or whatever! I have talked openly with many cops about smoking and have never had any say they gave a shit about it.

Maybe it is different by me, and maybe I just get lucky, but I absolutely don't see cops giving a shit about personal amounts of MJ. Commercial amounts yes, but personal use and possession arrests are reserved for people who are really pushing their buttons. as I said above, if you have priors it is probably a whole different thing, but to the average cop, the average person having and using a little bit of weed is NBD.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I used to belong to a few local gun clubs, so it was inevitable that we'd be shooting with LEOs and armed forces from time to time. I've had a few discussions pertaining to mj and mmj and most always seemed pretty cool about it. I never went as far to reveal myself as a smoker, as I just really don't trust what any of them say (what's the cliche....."you know a cop is lying.....")

Out of all my encounters with on duty only 1 was actually COOL with mj. Was telling us how they had relatives in humboldt and use to go up and get high when they were younger.

But for the most parts it's always assholes who equate mj use to beating up elderly church goers, I.e. Blown way out of proportion.

It's pretty pathetic a uniform can make someone go from an average Joe mindset, to a me and mine vs. the world attitude.

Vote yes on 19 so that I'm not treated like a foreign criminal in my own country (since my family has fought and died for many of the freedoms we claim to enjoy).
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