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Rubber Chicken

There has to be a line somewhere though doesn't there?

Like you can't say you are going to kill someone or threatening to do things.

Wasn't the deplorables thing directed at the Trump team? I really can't remember....


There is no line because that would mean a person of authority could arbitrarily draw lines, and that is how we get totalitarian censorship. The downfall and beauty of free speech is you have to put up with what the people you disagree with want to say.

Let me play devils advocate.

Trump might say we should deport illegal immigrants. Some people view that as economically sound and that following laws is important. Some people see it as un-humane and hateful of minorities. "hate speech".

Other folks might view calling police pigs, or country people "deplorables" or ignorant hicks as hate speech, while others view it as an accurate assessment.

If a leader was in power from either side and had the ability to silence the opinion he didn't share.... what kind of slippery slope would that bring us down?

Hey, I wouldn't call the 2 examples you mentioned hate speech
Imo, any country is free to have, or not have any immigration policy it wants.
I know we have a bit of a cultural divide here, but no one here in Oz has ever called people from the country any derogatory names. When people here shook their heads and agreed with the deplorable handle, I can guarantee nobody associated that with country people, just that some were behaving badly. Anyway, didn't they wear the “deplorable” thing like some badge of honour? I live in the country and I do know a couple of “deplorable” people, but most are good people and on the whole we tend to get on well. Calling someone deplorable for behaving in a deplorable manner isn't hate speech, it's just a statement of fact. For good or ill, we all belong to societies and have had certain codes of behaviour imprinted on us, and for good reason.
Here's the thing, do people like me, and there's a lot of us, have the right to be not be subjected to hate speech? By not subjected I mean not having to even hear that kind of talk and especially not have my children hear it. Might sound pie in the sky but life is so short.
Here in Oz we have anti-discrimination laws. Why anyone would want to vilify anyone based on race, sexual orientation, sex, etc, boggles my mind, but anyway.
IMO, free speech, like everything else, comes with obligations and conditions attached.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hate Speech?.....Since I was quite young, once some people heard that I was born in a caravan they would call me a 'Pikey'

noun (Brit, slang, derogatory)
a gypsy or vagrant
a member of the underclass

But ....I have never reacted to being called 'Pikey' in an aggressive or 'Butt-Hurt' fashion. I just laugh at it and say to people 'Oi'll fight ya for a caravan!'....and laugh it off. So many people like to play the victim just for being called some silly derogatory name. As my old deceased Mum used to say 'Sticks and stones will break your bones, but names will never hurt you'...

I guess that in Australia you have the word 'Bogan'...which is not so dissimilar to Pikey.

noun: AUSTRALIAN/NZinformal/derogatory
an uncouth or unsophisticated person regarded as being of low social status.
"some bogans yelled at us from their cars"

.....and in the USA you have, Trailer trash, Redneck, Hick, Hillbilly, Goat-roper etc...all these are just names/words, and if you get hurt by words as far as I am concerned you need to 'Man-Up!'.....and not be such a pussy......lol.


Hate Speech?.....Since I was quite young, once some people heard that I was born in a caravan they would call me a 'Pikey'

noun (Brit, slang, derogatory)
a gypsy or vagrant
a member of the underclass

But ....I have never reacted to being called 'Pikey' in an aggressive or 'Butt-Hurt' fashion. I just laugh at it and say to people 'Oi'll fight ya for a caravan!'....and laugh it off. So many people like to play the victim just for being called some silly derogatory name. As my old deceased Mum used to say 'Sticks and stones will break your bones, but names will never hurt you'...

I guess that in Australia you have the word 'Bogan'...which is not so dissimilar to Pikey.

an uncouth or unsophisticated person regarded as being of low social status.
"some bogans yelled at us from their cars"

.....and in the USA you have, Redneck, Hick, Hillbilly, Goat-roper etc...

Haha, fucken bogans, haven't heard that word for awhile. It is a derogatory word but as most Aussies carry bogan genes anyway, it's no big deal.
The "sticks and stones" is a different issue. Words can hurt, that's why people say them.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Haha, fucken bogans, haven't heard that word for awhile. It is a derogatory word but as most Aussies carry bogan genes anyway, it's no big deal.
The "sticks and stones" is a different issue. Words can hurt, that's why people say them.

I think that it says more about the person using derogatory words than the person they are directed at. Words can be wonderful things, and can only hurt if you let them hurt.....

Think about the 'N' word, now that's a real doozie...

Black people are always calling each other that word, and it runs rife thru much of Black-Rap music and culture. But if someone who is not black uses it then it is considered 'Hate Speech' and people actually get all violent and crazy over it.....I mean WTF!

Words are just words.....they can't really hurt you unless you are weak of mind and let them hurt you.

Sticks and stones man.....sticks and stones.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Lol.....Mark Dice....I have seen a few of his videos and he usually makes me laugh as a social commentator..

America, is a consumer society much like much of the rest of the world, and people seem to opt for what they can immediately consume. Still it makes me wonder how many might have gone for the silver bar rather than the Hersey bar.....I know that I would have gone silver.


I think that it says more about the person using derogatory words than the person they are directed at. Words can be wonderful things, and can only hurt if you let them hurt.....

Think about the 'N' word, now that's a real doozie...

Black people are always calling each other that word, and it runs rife thru much of Black-Rap music and culture. But if someone who is not black uses it then it is considered 'Hate Speech' and people actually get all violent and crazy over it.....I mean WTF!

Words are just words.....they can't really hurt you unless you are weak of mind and let them hurt you.

Sticks and stones man.....sticks and stones.

My mum used to tell all the kids that "sticks and stones........." too, and then burst into tears anytime my dad was mean to her. You can't tell sensitive people to man up and be your definition of strong, it's like telling someone with a bad memory not to forget. And I'm not convinced your defininition of being weak is a weakness at all. Most of my mates, men and women, are pretty sensitive, even my bogan biking mates. The days of the tough Aussie man who kept his feelings locked away in the vault are thankfully over, or at least fading.
Time to chow down on some awesome dahl and get high :tiphat:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
My mum used to tell all the kids that "sticks and stones........." too, and then burst into tears anytime my dad was mean to her. You can't tell sensitive people to man up and be your definition of strong, it's like telling someone with a bad memory not to forget. And I'm not convinced your defininition of being weak is a weakness at all. Most of my mates, men and women, are pretty sensitive, even my bogan biking mates. The days of the tough Aussie man who kept his feelings locked away in the vault are thankfully over, or at least fading.
Time to chow down on some awesome dahl and get high :tiphat:

I don't know how old you are Mick, but in my day and age we never seemed to have this 'Victim Culture'....whereby everyone seems to be getting so upset over just a few silly words, so nowadays there is a never ending stream of words that are considered PC or not PC....
All of this 'Oh I'm so sensitive' baloney just makes me laugh....

Take calling someone 'Fat'....who is fat.(or skinny)...That's just stating the obvious, but is considered un-PC, and people seem to get so 'butt-hurt' over it, they even call it 'Hate Speech'.......it gets ridiculous to the point of being totally stupid.


Active member
Most of my mates, men and women, are pretty sensitive, even my bogan biking mates. The days of the tough Aussie man who kept his feelings locked away in the vault are thankfully over, or at least fading.


From this...


To this...




3rd-Eye Jedi
If is is really free speech can I really tell you what I think when I see a bunch of "men" and I use the term loosely spend their time making an emotional issue out of politics?

Do you doubt that I posses a wherewithal with words that could draw far more emotion from you than trump himself?

amazing how any human being regardless of what good they do in one part of their life can lower themselves to be a complete callous asshole on the internet because they have no command of their minds or emotion and don't give a don't about others

it is a poverty of being and a complete abandonment of humanity the stuff of craven low lives who have no other card to play in the deck

this is an absolute self made construct of the mind, like school boys who refuse to grow up

sad and pathetic and it is reflected in the balance of membership that has remained

you reap what you sow kids

maybe you cats should focus on better pot because whatever your smoking now has made you all stupid

how is that for truth? tips of the iceberg and anyone who I have rubbed the wrong way knows this.

Can't spot a part of the human condition I haven't suffered from myself so instead of getting your short hairs in a bunch grow the fuck up already

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I dunno.....maybe I was raised in a place and time where most estrogen and progesterone around me was in my Mum and sister......(that's why they always cried a lot).....and not in the cows milk, or in soybeans/tofu/soy milk etc....

These days it looks like hormonally men are getting ever closer to being more like my Mum and sister....yes, we can laugh...but it is quite shocking.


I don't know how old you are Mick, but in my day and age we never seemed to have this 'Victim Culture'....whereby everyone seems to be getting so upset over just a few silly words, so nowadays there is a never ending stream of words that are considered PC or not PC....
All of this 'Oh I'm so sensitive' baloney just makes me laugh....

Take calling someone 'Fat'....who is fat.(or skinny)...That's just stating the obvious, but is considered un-PC, and people seem to get so 'butt-hurt' over it, they even call it 'Hate Speech'.......it gets ridiculous to the point of being totally stupid.

I don't know how you got "Victim Culture" out of what I wrote, but whatever. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree hey. You sound a little pissed off btw. Kinda ironic.


3rd-Eye Jedi
I dunno.....maybe I was raised in a place and time where most estrogen and progesterone around me was in my Mum and sister......(that's why they always cried a lot).....and not in the cows milk, or in soybeans/tofu/soy milk etc....

These days it looks like hormonally men are getting ever closer to being more like my Mum and sister....yes, we can laugh...but it is quite shocking.

lol or maybe your can't accept that your actions negatively effect people including yourself which accounts for your defective notion that making fun of religions and sexuality is any different from being racists

nfn not only did I spend years doing heavy construction but you where never in the shape I was unless you where 235 and under 10% body fat so the whole tough guy machismo thing is cute but weak as fuck imho

I used to hand shovel 100 yards of asphalt a day and watched plenty of tough guys fold like little girls

biggest sign of weakness is those who use that as a means to allow for poisoned mind to effect others

Amazing I spent my life as a lone grower working with members of gangs and 1% clubs and organized crime and yet here I am without having to play any of that bull shit dick swinging kids games

And seriously do you really think anyone here impresses me from a tough guy point of view when none of you have a fucking clue to as what I suffered and endured in this lifetime and how your machismo means shit to me

your words and mind, that is a different story

You never told me in your own words and evidences why you feel the way you do so as far as I am concerned your not brave enough to discuss the very thing on display here

your mind

imagine what your life would be like if it didn't get in your way because I can't imagine that mindset never costing you anything in the past either

but hey if you really want to see if i got tits just ask if that will sooth your mind at all
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