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If u were tryn to quit ciggs


Ok i'm tryn to quit smoking cigs . My lady puffs down on them . They are almost 6$ here . Im over it , It doesn't help with my sport (Jiujitsu **NOT MMA***) Cardio is everything in a real fight or even in sport match of jiujitsu. Im still young at heart. " Those lost on jiujitsu = Ground fighting submission style"

I sat her down and told her I was done smoking cigs . I asked her out of respect for her to not smoke around me for a month or 2 .This is until my body gets the the nicotine out of my system and get rid of the crave.

So after saying my piece .She gets all pissed off .I tell her she doesn't have to quit . Just don't smoke around me .Go outside or to another room. I pay all the bills or atleast 90% of them . I told her nicely that I see where we stand when it comes to respect for each other. This pissed her off more. She storms out the room and just tried to play the im a bad guy roll now .

15yr relationship .The answer isn't to find a new woman before its said " Must say it pissed me off .That she made this into a big deal"


Try the "we will be around for each other longer if we quit smoking now" approach. Tell her your quitting for her.......Good luck. I smoked those nasty fuckers for 22 years. Benn without them for nearly 4 years now.


15 year relationship... it'll pass, and be respected I'd think. Good for you to quit! Cigs ain't nothin' but a money sink ... don't do a damned thing for ya but spend your hard earned money. Cig companies make me sick ... the things they do to make sales, especially in upcoming countries is insane.


Active member
I too smoked a pack a day for 12+ years....

I tried to quit. It was hard as hell. I did the prescription inhaler bit..still tough. I would go out to the bar and fiend all night long until I was already close to half a pack...no better. Quitting was looking like it was going to be tough...

Then, I made the mental decision to truly quit. Like a light switch. On or off. I turned it off 2 years ago and I haven't craved cigarettes since...even when drinking...not one craving!

Turn that switch OFF!



Lol, ok, I now see this isn't a motivational how-to-quit smoking thread. I got excited! heh. Anyways, if it were me...I'd have a mature and thoughtful sit down with her. It's like she's puffing and crying because you're choosing to give up cancer and other deadly diseases. Sounds like she's being quite childish in her romp to continue with her poison. Let her know she would be poisoning you. I'd let the truth of the matter be spelled out clearly..then perhaps she'll see the foolishness of her ways?!


Active member
Hello all,

I gave 27 years to Phillip Morris...told them to phuque off 12 years ago this December.

After the first 10 days, it gets much easier.

The trick for me was that I made the decision to quit and stuck to it.

Good luck,

I quit like 7yrs ago the way I quit was you have to slowly quit smoking dont try the cold turkey method slowly reduce how many cigs you smoke then quit it was alot more easy that way and forget that patch and gum bullshit the next thing you know your hooked on them lol.


What were we talking about?
My wife quit years ago and I did not. She never asked me to stay away from her with my smoking, but I did out of respect for her. Or maybe it's just being polite. I even had an industrial exhaust fan installed in my den to suck out the smoke. I still limit my smoking to my den, outside, my car, and when I'm somewhere away from her.


Hello all,

I gave 27 years to Phillip Morris...told them to phuque off 12 years ago this December.

After the first 10 days, it gets much easier.

The trick for me was that I made the decision to quit and stuck to it.

Good luck,


i agree ,,wanting to quit made it easy ,,10 years clean for me :woohoo:


My wife quit years ago and I did not. She never asked me to stay away from her with my smoking, but I did out of respect for her. Or maybe it's just being polite. I even had an industrial exhaust fan installed in my den to suck out the smoke. I still limit my smoking to my den, outside, my car, and when I'm somewhere away from her.

Exactly my point .
Ok i'm tryn to quit smoking cigs . My lady puffs down on them . They are almost 6$ here . Im over it , It doesn't help with my sport (Jiujitsu **NOT MMA***) Cardio is everything in a real fight or even in sport match of jiujitsu. Im still young at heart.

I sat her down and told her I was done smoking cigs . I asked her out of respect for her to not smoke around me for a month or 2 .This is until my body gets the the nicotine out of my system and get rid of the crave.

So after saying my piece .She gets all pissed off .I tell her she doesn't have to quit . Just don't smoke around me .Go outside or to another room. I pay all the bills or atleast 90% of them . I told her nicely that I see where we stand when it comes to respect for each other. This pissed her off more. She storms out the room and just tried to play the im a bad guy roll now .

15yr relationship .The answer isn't to find a new woman before its said " Must say it pissed me off .That she made this into a big deal"

Ah, but was it her that made it a big deal?
I mean, you've made a BIG decision and in your excitement you've automatically assumed she would not feel threatened by that decision.

Smoking cigs is probably one of the things you two had in common when you first hooked up, and now you're quitting and now you two will have something very important that is NOT in common between the two of you.

She can probably already picture your disapproval of her smoking anywhere near you---and her smoker's breath...She may very well fear that you're gonna become a Smoking-Nazi...

You've kicked over a hornet's nest, brother.

If you want to smooth things over with her, then tell her calmly and politely that YOU want to leave the room when she smokes and that you hope she won't be offended. Tell her that you feel impelled from within to quit smoking cigs so it won't interfere with your martial arts. Tell her you're absolutely scared to death of getting emphysema and lung cancer. Tell her that your quitting is nothing personal against her and that you will respect her right to enjoy smoking cigs, and won't love her any less for doing so.

Quitting should be relatively easy---if it's what you truly want to do. You should be able to quit unconditionally if you have truly made your mind up to do it. But if you actually enjoy smoking, and that last ciggie of the day is as enjoyable as the first one, then you will not quit for long.

You have to make your mind up: Am I a smoker, or a non-smoker? Do I still enjoy it immensely, or do I hate myself every time I light up?

Myself, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my cigarettes. I smoke upstairs in the spare room, by the window---or I go outdoors. I've been used to stepping outside to smoke since 1987; that's when California passed a Law forbidding people to smoke indoors at their place of work.

I roll my own with filter tips. I smoke Winston Red. I break 'em up and re-roll them. I get 2 for 1. I smoke, on average, about 1 per hour. I prefer the size & feel of my roll-ups over the manufactured kind. I smoke about 1/2 pack a day of them Winston Reds. Been smoking since 1979. No cancer or emphysema in this man! And I plan to keep smoking & toking until I wake up from this temporary, physical world.

I was BORN to smoke. It's one of the main reasons I came into this temporary, physical life.

Ain't no smoking or toking or titties or music after death. Best get it whilst you can!

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
I found quitting very easy. Simply go on a big drinking binge, smoke lots of rolling tobacco over the weekend and believe me you won't want to even think of smoking after that. That's honestly how I did it and it was very easy.



Active member
I found quitting very easy. Simply go on a big drinking binge, smoke lots of rolling tobacco over the weekend and believe me you won't want to even think of smoking after that. That's honestly how I did it and it was very easy.


Of all the methods to quit...I like this one the most...:biggrin:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Dont put it on her .. if you dont want to smoke .. then just man up and dont smoke .. there are going to be temptations and others smoking around you ..just quit and get on more pot ... just quit ... it will be the best thing you ever did for yourself !!


Active member
You have to be able to quit even when others smoke. My wife still smokes. I quit and haven't smoked in 6 months. I used patches for the first month. The lowest dose for the first 2 weeks. Then I started leaving a patch on for 2 days instead of daily changes. When I did that until a month was done. I went cold turkey the rest of the way.

I wasn't sick. I didn't really think I needed to quit because of lung or stamina issues. I did enjoy smoking. I just thought I should quit and prove to myself I could quit. I was sick of rolling them too and I wasn't going back to $60 a carton Salem just so I didn't have to roll.

I actually think it solidifies the fact I quit because people can smoke in front of me all they want. I am not smoking again. If I ever did smoke a cig again it will be because I just want one not because I need one or can't stop the urge.

Tell yourself you can smoke but it has to be when you don't have an urge. You can't smoke because you are being driven to smoke by others smoking or stress.

Don't even tell anyone you quit. Just don't smoke. Way less pressure.


Thanks for all the great responses fellas . Im sure I wont mind after 2-3wks ,But as I let go . I don't want to smell them or even see them.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

oh brother, wait until you tell her that she tastes like an ashtray, I'd pay to be there for that one.......

best of luck quitting, but I wouldn't look for support from your lady, I may be overstating the obvious there.
