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Aliens, yay or nay?

Aliens, yay or nay?

  • Absolutely no

    Votes: 18 4.8%
  • Maybe, i'm not sure

    Votes: 43 11.5%
  • Of course, there are aliens out there!

    Votes: 312 83.6%

  • Total voters


tesla on non physical.jpg


Active member
nope, in all the vast infinity of space and among all the multitudes of seemingly endless stars and planets, in all that,

we are the only speck of life in all the cosmos. :)

actually, i think if it were to be discovered that we were actually the only life around, most anyone with a brain would go WTF? before their brains would melt for a moment.

the sheer size of the universe makes it impossible that there Isnt other life out there.

on aliens having come here, maybe.

if there are super advanced aliens out there, well, due to the exceeding largeness of the universe and how long a time evolution of life takes, think of how many millions of years life existed here before man and how long man is taking to become civilized.so its highly unlikely that there are many civilizations within reach. (and even with instantaneous travel the distance and numbers of planets involved is mindboggling.)

so undoubtedly if there were to be an advanced society within reach, they´d be all over us, though probably not coming too close (possibly after having accidentally started religion and not coming close again because of that lol.)

they´d probably, at best, view us as potentially sentient beings and study us like we do animals from afar, in disguises or hidden.

thats if they are nice. :)

but that is only If there is a super advanced civ within reach, all stories are Yet, Just that, Stories.

and if they are nice, we probably wont know till we are advanced enough to go look for them.

though, i doubt a super advanced society would not be nice. i dont think advancement beyond a certain point is possible without proper unity of the beings within it.


if there are super advanced aliens out there, well, due to the exceeding largeness of the universe and how long a time evolution of life takes, think of how many millions of years life existed here before man and how long man is taking to become civilized.so its highly unlikely that there are many civilizations within reach. (and even with instantaneous travel the distance and numbers of planets involved is mindboggling.)

Did you see the video I posted above? He talks about teleportation as something we do continually, instantly, without recognizing it. He's basically referring to the collapse of the wave form. He gives some exercises on how to practice making bigger choices from moment to moment as we choose, which, if large enough, become "teleportation."

so undoubtedly if there were to be an advanced society within reach, they´d be all over us, though probably not coming too close (possibly after having accidentally started religion and not coming close again because of that lol.)
In the video I posted above, someone who purports to be an alien says that basically earth has been off limits for them, based on what's called the Prime Directive in Star Trek. This because we haven't been developed enough to interact safely.

they´d probably, at best, view us as potentially sentient beings and study us like we do animals from afar, in disguises or hidden.
He says they are quasi-physical and their communication is almost entirely telepathic. So they observe, mostly.

though, i doubt a super advanced society would not be nice. i dont think advancement beyond a certain point is possible without proper unity of the beings within it.
That's the main point the entity Bashar discusses over and over; anything that appears to be non-unity is an illusion.

Nobody wants to talk about that in this thread, though, it's more a contest than an exchange of ideas.

<3 Tesla


Sorcerer's Apprentice
That's the main point the entity Bashar discusses over and over; anything that appears to be non-unity is an illusion.

Ok. I'll bite again. Even though you seem to have ignored my early questions about Bashar.

Of the seven Millennium Prize Problems set by the Clay Mathematics Institute, six have yet to be solved:

I think a reasonable test of whether Bashar is truly representative of an advanced alien race would be to ask him to solve these problems.

That would certainly give your "Bashar" argument a great deal of credibility.

What do you think?


Ok. I'll bite again. Even though you seem to have ignored my early questions about Bashar.

I didn't see your other questions, sorry. This thread has been very tedious IMO, I haven't read most of it.

Of the seven Millennium Prize Problems set by the Clay Mathematics Institute, six have yet to be solved:
I think a reasonable test of whether Bashar is truly representative of an advanced alien race would be to ask him to solve these problems.

Sure, ask him.

That would certainly give your "Bashar" argument a great deal of credibility.

See, here's the thing: I haven't made an "argument." I find that shit just incredibly tedious. It doesn't matter to me who "he" actually is, I'm only interested in considering the ideas to see if they have merit to benefit my life. I find that they do. Whether or not you find them credible is not important to me. No offense.

What do you think?

I think that a number of the ideas and meditations Bashar has presented have been surprisingly profound and have helped me refocus myself in a positive way. Maybe I should start a different thread where we can discuss that and leave all the bickering here.

<3 Tesla


Sorcerer's Apprentice
take wisdom where you find it.

That being said, I just checked out Bashar's web page.

Why do hyper-intelligent aliens need donations? Why are they selling mp3s/mp4s?

Couldn't he simply channel the information for new technologies and medical breakthroughs, which Darryl could then patent and license to the tune of billions of dollars?

Why does he need me to kick in on paypal?


Why does Bashar use photoshop to digitally manipulate his photos?


Active member
it because it reminds me of the old days of sitting around with friends getting high and talking about all sorts of unusual things like aliens and ghosts and bigfoot, etc.

Aaaah, the good old "ordinary minds talk about people, interesting minds talk about events, special/intelligent minds talk about ideas" :artist:


found this last night. quite interesting about theory of alien tech
why do you even care about neg rep. to hell with neg rep


The Michio Kaku link was interesting. It fits in with what Bashar says, especially about plundering resources and the potential age/evolutionary stage of civilization.

Bashar says that his race is quasi-physical, meaning that they do (or can) have a physical existence, but that they're primarily consciousness-based. But they don't have a need for minerals or other resources in the way we do.

What he describes is a society that exists almost like a giant art collaborative, rather than a joint effort to survive.

<3 Tesla


take wisdom where you find it.

That being said, I just checked out Bashar's web page.

Why do hyper-intelligent aliens need donations? Why are they selling mp3s/mp4s? Couldn't he simply channel the information for new technologies and medical breakthroughs, which Darryl could then patent and license to the tune of billions of dollars? Why does he need me to kick in on paypal? View Image Why does Bashar use photoshop to digitally manipulate his photos?

Yes, why doesn't everything work just exactly as you think it should? Why aren't you in ultimate control of the entire universe, come to mention it?

The thing is, the chip on your shoulder may fascinate you, but it seems to use up a disproportionate amount of oxygen. Like there's no way to have any conversation without answering your riddles or we get knocked off the bridge. You did notice that I was addressing someone else when you got in my face, right?

I don't know any other way to say how little interest I have in having the ego based discussion you insist on. I guess I can go back to ignoring this thread.

<3 Tesla


Active member
take wisdom where you find it.

That being said, I just checked out Bashar's web page.

Why do hyper-intelligent aliens need donations? Why are they selling mp3s/mp4s?

Couldn't he simply channel the information for new technologies and medical breakthroughs, which Darryl could then patent and license to the tune of billions of dollars?

Why does he need me to kick in on paypal?

Why does Bashar use photoshop to digitally manipulate his photos?

Moses is Moses, Business is Business. :laughing:
It's a shame spiritual things and teachings become business, a true lightworker never charges.


Invertebrata Inebriata

Yes, why doesn't everything work just exactly as you think it should? Why aren't you in ultimate control of the entire universe, come to mention it?

The thing is, the chip on your shoulder may fascinate you, but it seems to use up a disproportionate amount of oxygen. Like there's no way to have any conversation without answering your riddles or we get knocked off the bridge. You did notice that I was addressing someone else when you got in my face, right?

I don't know any other way to say how little interest I have in having the ego based discussion you insist on. I guess I can go back to ignoring this thread.

<3 Tesla

Man, I can't believe you're accusing Anti of having a chip on his shoulder. You come on here talking about a sock puppet named Bashir, and when Anti displays HEALTHY skepticism, you say you're gonna take your marbles and go home. Good idea, I say. Go smoke a joint with Bashar, lol!

"Ego-based"? Jesus, you must have the biggest ego on this thread if you're getting insulted because people don't want to believe in your sock puppet.


Active member
Hahah lmao, :laughing:
That is some good shit right there, it shouldn't hurt anyone, without an ego that is..


Man, I can't believe you're accusing Anti of having a chip on his shoulder. You come on here talking about a sock puppet named Bashir, and when Anti displays HEALTHY skepticism, you say you're gonna take your marbles and go home. Good idea, I say. Go smoke a joint with Bashar, lol!

"Ego-based"? Jesus, you must have the biggest ego on this thread if you're getting insulted because people don't want to believe in your sock puppet.
View Image

No, see, here's the distinction.

I'm not critiquing the idea or quality of skepticism. I'm saying I want to evaluate ideas on their own merits, without rolling in the mud about proof, or who verbalized the idea. Just the ideas, not the arm wrestling. That's what I mean by "ego based," it's not about the ideas, it's about winning.

I've not asked anyone to "believe in" anything at all. I've asked to discuss certain ideas and concepts, request declined until proof of something I'm not asserting is presented. Call it insulted if you want, I just find the whole thing really tedious.

If you want to call it taking my marbles and going home, fine. I have not really participated in this conversation, because it's been kept very strictly on one tone. If you want to belittle me for that, well, it won't surprise me, but fortunately I still won't care.

Believe or don't believe whatever you want, I really don't care. I'd like it if that same courtesy could be extended back to me. I suspect it won't be.


<3 Tesla


Moses is Moses, Business is Business. :laughing:
It's a shame spiritual things and teachings become business, a true lightworker never charges.

I have to disagree with that. Why should the pursuit of one sort of art be done only as a hobby? If I've benefited from the time and effort someone else, why would reciprocating ruin the whole thing?

<3 Tesla


Hahah lmao, :laughing:
That is some good shit right there, it shouldn't hurt anyone, without an ego that is..

You know, I've noticed that claiming someone is "hurt" or "offended" or "upset" or whatever is just on the low end of the ad hominem continuum. It's a way to put the other person on the defensive personally so you don't have to address their ideas.

<3 Tesla

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