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Alcohol and marihuana on weekends. Do you?


As of the best high ever! . Did this again last night, i was just so damn in clouds, i love it.

Can be harsh and head can spin.

But I do it only on weekends, more precisely : Saturdays.

Do you like doing this?
U know ,get drunk, and smoke a spliff or two over.

Both 'highs' that I love, and combined is the best high ever. Imo :/


Active member
I call myself guilty! I like to drink one or two beer with my pure joint, that is a good mix, always drinking slowly and than both together is nice for me. But the problem is, I start talking a lot when i mix and have company...

But I know it is better not to smoke after I had a few beer first and feel a bit drunk... than for me it is too late for both.


I quit drinking completely this January. Quit drinking "to get drunk" some time last year, maybe August.


I'll have a couple beers then smoke a joint. I am just careful so I don't smoke or drink too much and make the whole experience suck by getting sick!

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Beer and weed!

Brewed a new IPA yesterday!

Beer and weed indeed!
I love IPA's!
I have a history drinking WAAAAY too much beer. I love it.
My days of "drinking to get hammered," are also behind me.
I still love beer though! :friends:


What usually happens to me is, I drink too much beer the night before, and the weed comes into play the next morning for hang over relief. LOL!


Booze rarely - weed everyday (if I have it).

I don't miss hangovers (or the other 20 bad things that happen when I get pissed).


A couple beers and and a bowl ain't a bad combo. If I'm shit housed drunk and I decide to smoke that usually leads to spins then getting sick.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
on rare occasions...

a single malt scotch served neat with a side of water
and a main course of your finest homegrown smoke in a clean pipe.
Yep -- not when already plastered

Yep -- not when already plastered

A couple beers and and a bowl ain't a bad combo. If I'm shit housed drunk and I decide to smoke that usually leads to spins then getting sick.

Drinking a bit while smoking can be a good combo, but one has to be careful. I find one beer per every couple bong hits (or one vap bowl) works OK. One night I was drinking moderately heavily, and the wife came home with a girlfriend who brought some weed. I hadn't smoked for a while, one hit, I was flat on my back. Went to bed spaced out. Felt great, but my wife was worried and now she pressures me to not drink while smoking.

But in moderation its a great combo. But like the original poster mentioned, for health, weight control (weed is calorie free -- if you can resist munchies), etc. lately I am having a couple hits most evenings after work but saving the booze for weekends.

My wife only tolerates my grow cab because I replace booze with pot. We both agree pot is better for health, particularly when you use a vaporizer or just have a couple bong hits in the evening. She gets too paranoid so no longer partakes, and for her worry/paranoia she takes Dr. prescribed pills, and she agrees my pot smoking is likely as safe as her pills if not safer.

I have found booze can take the paranoid edge off pot as well. Usually this is not a problem with me unless I am in a stressed out, worried mode, in which case pot can backfire on me. But if I have a drink or two before or during smoking I usually have no issues with paranoia. I fear I harvested my last batch a bit too early as I had to tear things down for a home inspection/appraisal. Still turned out nice (8 weeks) but I think another week or two would have been better. I took a sample of one strain at 6 weeks, was worried about a few things, didn't drink anything, and had a panic attack it was so strong (I had just been smoking weak junk before the sample).


The Hopeful Protagonist
I like Tequila, preferably Patron`and a freshly rolled one. :joint:

Every weekend, not for the alcohol. I'm strictly a social drinker in most instances.


Every weekend for at least the last 2 months i've spent drunk+stoned. Best, most relaxing weekends ever.


Lammen Gorthaur
Never drink. I just don't. It's not that I don't want to, but I have to admit that I am a lush who can't control himself when he drinks.

All of the really stupid (and really regrettable) decisions I have made in my life can be traced to being loaded.

Not for this kid. Weed? Well, that goes without saying...