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Ur Favorite Beer?


Mickey's Big Mouths........until they chages the damn cap. It use to be fun to see who got drunk and cut thier finger first when trying to open it. I guess I'm showing my age on that, I doubt most will know what I'm talking about but, I'm sure there are a few guys out there that are laughing thier asses off remembering those old pull tabs.


beer is good

that's my motto too

I drink beer everyday....a litre at least ...or two, but rarely more

I'm an Aussie, but I've been away from there for such a long time that VB tastes weird now

I drink 3 or 4 different brands from different continents each week..

usually I buy Japanese Asahi (the silver can with black printing)...it's a strong beer, clean tasting and is available everywhere here ...and if you knock back too many, next day there's no hangover..I like that in a beer

regular Taiwan beer and most Thai beers give me a horrid hangover if I get drunk on them...it's like a chemical poisoning that's different from most hangovers.

yeah, most big brand US or Mex beers are soapy and or sugarey if you are used to real, full bodied beers...but I like a Bud with salty fast food..whereas a Carlsberg or Guiness would make me feel bloated

yeah...beer is good..but Corona, imho, is the worse tasting beer in the world....it reminds me a flat dishwashing water.....it's like every bottle is bad, flat and old


what is "IPA"

India Pale Ale-a type of ale originally devised for consumption in 18th century colonial India-being lighter, less alcoholic and thus more suitable for drinking in hot climates than the traditional C18 British ales.



Cannabrex Formulator
Maredsous 8
Maredsous 9
Maredsous 10

And although is is not beer, a very honorable mention goes out to all the Strongbow ciders, esp the 8% pale white.


EddieShoestring said:
India Pale Ale-a type of ale originally devised for consumption in 18th century colonial India-being lighter, less alcoholic and thus more suitable for drinking in hot climates than the traditional C18 British ales.


Actually IPA's were traditionally made with a much higher alchohol content then other beers to help with the journey to India. That way by the time they got there they were still drinkable as opposed to stouts, dark ales and porters.

CHAMBA said:
yeah...beer is good..but Corona, imho, is the worse tasting beer in the world....it reminds me a flat dishwashing water.....it's like every bottle is bad, flat and old

Im an aussie ex pat too! I still slurp down a VB now and again but man if you think Corona is bad, try "Brahma" its the brazilian equivalent and boy is that some shitty beer, couldnt even finish it!!

I love Ipa's, and Pale Ales.
I actually just finished a bottle of "Left Hand Brewing Company" Milk Stout, which is brewed in Colorado....realllllyy nice

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its a little more complicated then that eddie...what you describe is the classical "english" i.p.a...although it is not to style for an "english" i.p.a to be low in abv..it should always be at least 5%...an "english" i.p.a uses bready bisquit-like malts..and earthy english hops...the "american"...and imo the better version is much hoppier with fruity, piney american hops...its often a bigger beer but not over 7.5%....then theres the imperial or double i.p.a...the best of all...lol..these are bigger yet often totally out of ballence, over the top hoppy..full of fruity notes, like pineapples and citrus...
buy the mexican and south american beers in the box cases...the clear bottles in a six pack doesnt stand a chance of being fresh...to me they often smell like good weed...kinda skunky..


Registered Cannabis User
anyone ever had a darkside of the moon? blue moon with guiness? SLAMMIN


MrGrowmez and Dale-
thanks for the IPA info-the only one that i drink regularly is Greene King IPA which is 3.5%-but i understand that this may not be an old style English IPA.
I prefer the malt/barley taste spectrum rather than the fruity/hoppy tastes-in beers.



Man, I drink it all, well in moderation....... I live in the land of microbrews and we get all the treats but I just like Pyramid IPA which is 6.75%.


genkisan said:
And although is is not beer, a very honorable mention goes out to all the Strongbow ciders, esp the 8% pale white.

Amen to that! Strongbow is very, very good. I'm a sucker for micro's too. I have a special place in my heart for NB's Mothership Whit, Bell's Oberon and Winter White, and am diggin' on some New Holland Mad Hatter IPA right now. Good stuff!


I love the Czech 10% extract beers. Silver Gambrinus mhmm! I love them. They are weak beers, only about 3% alcohol but so tasty :) and you can drink 10 at a time :D can't do that with the german pils beers... all too bitter after the 3rd or 4th.
***long time lurker...FIRST TIME POSTER!!!***

ToKEN said:
anyone ever had a darkside of the moon? blue moon with guiness? SLAMMIN

Ive also heard that one called a "black-n-blue"

Im a giunness man myself, but when it comes time for beer pong it really doesnt matter whats in the cups....someones goin down! Anyone here have any beer pong skills?

anyway...killer forum you guys get here. ive been reading for about 2 months and have barely scratched the surface of all the info out here

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