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Alcohol and marihuana on weekends. Do you?

If I feel like drinking while smoking...and I mean if. I break out my bottle of Green Dragon (made with Haze) and spark up some of my sativa strain smoke!


Active member
yea usually its weed first, then when im high i get the bright idea to drink. other times its, i want to get really drunk before i smoke, so the weed kicks my ass harder than usual.

damn i didnt even realize its st pattys day, i got work today too. i want to go to san francisco and get drunk during the day in the streets, run around downtown with the possee hopping buses and getting into hooliganism.


Active member
back in the day people use to drink and drive like its nothing, cruisin and boozin, seriously, what better feeling is there than driving your car with your music loud and windows down, with a nice buzz going.

its a good fuckin feeling il tell you that.

as long as your not 8 shots deep barely able to grip the steering it should be ok. people who cause drunk wrecks are the ones thinking that they are race car drivers. Smart drunks drive normally (or try to) and try to avoid being pulled over.

i used to love drinking and driving, then i got caught and did the time.

i dont do it anymore because the cops are real crazy about this now, but there are times i wish i could pound a 40 and take my car for a cruise.


New member
All the time. I live in a great beer and weed city. I like to mix the two because I find I can drink more when I am smoking. I get full off of beer after about the 6th one, smoke a bong and I'm good to go. I tend to not go overboard and the nice thing is I'm not chugging beer to get wasted cause I'm high and that puts me in a good mood. I do tend to get chatty and just say stupid things though.

In my few posts on this forum I've said it a few times: I could never choose between beer and jane. Love them both

Edit: As I write this I'm enjoying a nice Rock Art Extreme Barley Wine (8% beer mmmm) and some nice rips off of my Illadelph :) Cheers!


stoned agin ...
been gettin into the wine as a change recently, been drinkin a big goblet of bordeaux with a bit of stilton cheese and a fat one ... niiiiice :D

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