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agents of the Illuminati - Mind Control and World Domination

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Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Money is printed, this is true. The fractional reserve system that we have adopted here in the USA makes it so that the banks can borrow from the Fed (which is actually not a governmental agency, by the way) and they only have to have a small percentage of their reserves on hand to back whatever loans they have made to consumers and businesses.

This, however, wasn't my point. It's not so much where the money comes from, as we all know this already. My question has more to do with where it's going and who it is going to, not where it came from.

The easy part is saying where it came from and extrapolating a theory based on that. The hard part is knowing where it is going, to whom, and why. Until you know this, then I say you haven't really uncovered anything of significance.

By the way, Greece went down because it produces almost nothing as a nation and has some of the most generous benefits of any EU partner. They simply couldn't afford to keep paying out more than they were taking in. Socialism does that to a country. Look at the bang up job Hugo Chavez has done to his nation's economy if you don't believe me.

It's not a conspiracy, it's called fiscal mis-management.


Just what kind of "control" are you folks talking about here? When someone speaks of mind control and world domination i get the feeling that if theres any control, itll be in physical form such as chains, handcuffs, propaganda etc. But i dont think thats the type in question here?
Just what kind of "control" are you folks talking about here? When someone speaks of mind control and world domination i get the feeling that if theres any control, itll be in physical form such as chains, handcuffs, propaganda etc. But i dont think thats the type in question here?


It's a search for trauma-based mind control.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
Guys, the "NWO" has been doing their shit for over hundred years. Nobody knows! LOL!
All that popstar with symbol bullshit is pretty smallscale compared to a conspiracy that you are part of without knowing it...

this is going on since the time of solomon

no, there is nothing you can do about it - except tell people they are slaves and prisoners of this system

awareness is what matters and that is why people will ridicule. some just ridicule because 'yes' it is preposterous. some ridicule because it is a very effective way to get people to second guess or disbelieve

i believe the time will come when these things come to a head - but i dont feel it is our fight


So is that like how after 9/11, americans were afraid of terrorists so they allowed bush to go to war? I dont see how that type of control can be used practically to control the world...


Active member
They've been doing this since before the pyramids. What sense does building a giant stone structure serve? Why did they used to enslave jews or africans? They have been taking steps toward domination for centuries. They are almost there. They don't need to keep men in bondage the same way they used to. We are stuck in their system neck deep.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
lockehead, the general idea is that we are already in a form of control - controls such as how our currency is apportioned or what kind of things we are legally allowed to do

the reason we see so much info regarding this in this forum is the illegal nature of weed - if you think about it, it really makes little sense for it to be illegal. consider how many people might be able to rise from poverty (or even from middle class) were it more accessible to us.

this is just an example - and quite possibly a poor one since those in power would find ways to tax/regulate it and minimize the small guy's potential to really gain from it

a better example is how a person can do everything right, graduate from school, serve their country, find a job, and still end up in poverty by the time they should retire

similarly, how a person working full time can have such a difficult time meeting all the bills - how many people work just to pay off their debts on big items such as cars and homes?

how many people never will repay these debts?

it's easy to defray these examples based on perspective

i.e. any individual has the potential to be a "success"

of course, who defines what success really is?

hard rain

Nice post. Sorry I was being an asshole. I felt like I was being pissed on a little bit and that's an easy defensive mechanism to breakout. I try to be humble, but this is something I'm quite passionate about. They are taking us to war over lies and fabrication.
I think I've been a bit of an asshole with some of my posts too and apologise. I'm also quite passionate about this.

I actually agree with a lot that you say about the way government, big business, military, big pharma e.t.c. operate. What I disagree about is the extent to which it is a conspiracy run by a shady elite.

Anyway, we'll have to agree to disagree.:tiphat:

hard rain

Its the comments of the non believers that truly open my eyes to how tightly they have control. There is still time to stop them, but the time is running out.

You make it sound like a religion! I'm a non believer.

The rich and powerful act out of self interest. There is no conspiracy.


Active member
Thr belief in the illuminati is a religion. You nailed it. Reason does not matter.

Is my failure due to the Astors or Gates, or to the mere fact that I never studied hard or applied myself?

Please answer me those that fear the illuminati.


Active member
You make it sound like a religion! I'm a non believer.

The rich and powerful act out of self interest. There is no conspiracy.

You don't want to accept the truth because it would rock your world to the core. It is a religion. It is satanic worship. Luciferian is just a disguise. Truly, deep down, it is a cult of satanic rituals which govern these elite bodies. They must make blood sacrifices and those who join into their ranks must make blood sacrifices. Look at Michael Jordan's father's death. Bill Cosby's son. Jennifer Hudson's whole family. Tupac for Suge Knight. Biggie for Puff. Aaliyah. Man, its crazy how obvious everything is once someone opens your mind properly. This just isn't the best place to accomplish this.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
Im guessing your aware of the angles that taught men magic in the days of Solomon (A.S.)...?

i m familiar w/ that angle - but not details (since the details are basically lore anyway) this is occult-type stuff and i do avoid the occult proper but not "the hidden" as it would seem there are things we don't necessarily see


Active member
When Obama came into office, one of the first things he did was declare all gay/lesbian members of the armed forces could openly be so and still serve in the army.

The book of Ezekiel, written 8700 years before Christ walked earth, declares that this whole continent is consumed in a great fire because the land had become inhabitted with demons.

Russia has 3 nuclear weapons capable of completing this task. Why do they have three? Because after the first one burns 1/3 of the earth at the same temperature of the surface of the sun, some survivors will emerge. This is when they will use the second one. A few years laters, when the last of the resistance has begun to rebuild, the third nuke does its job. Complete annihilation.

Ras Mason

Active member
The clavicula solomonis, or the lemegetton.
Not for the neophyte, if you believe in that perticular stuff...
Even if you don't, the mind altering that comes from deeply understanding these principles can be dangerous to certain minds....


lockehead, the general idea is that we are already in a form of control - controls such as how our currency is apportioned or what kind of things we are legally allowed to do

the reason we see so much info regarding this in this forum is the illegal nature of weed - if you think about it, it really makes little sense for it to be illegal. consider how many people might be able to rise from poverty (or even from middle class) were it more accessible to us.

this is just an example - and quite possibly a poor one since those in power would find ways to tax/regulate it and minimize the small guy's potential to really gain from it

a better example is how a person can do everything right, graduate from school, serve their country, find a job, and still end up in poverty by the time they should retire

similarly, how a person working full time can have such a difficult time meeting all the bills - how many people work just to pay off their debts on big items such as cars and homes?

how many people never will repay these debts?

it's easy to defray these examples based on perspective

i.e. any individual has the potential to be a "success"

of course, who defines what success really is?

well yeah, if you live in society, then there needs to be forms of control. This keeps our budgets, spendings, crimes, representation, and a lot of things accounted for. What is life without control? You guys are saying there is a big conspiracy to control us. The reality is that we need control if our society wants to function correctly and have accountability for what we do. It actually gives those at the bottom the possibility to climb the socio/economic ladder as there is indeed a ladder to climb.

And the thing about legality of weed - its not a conspiracy to keep the little guy down. It was because of greedy rich people who had control over popular industries like timber, petrol, and medicine, who publicized propaganda and false news about cannabis through their vast network of media outlets to the racist constituency, that wanted to see hemp/cannabis banned so that it would tighten their holds in their respective industries to deepen their pockets. It was all about money - as i said earlier in the thread.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Money is printed, this is true. The fractional reserve system that we have adopted here in the USA makes it so that the banks can borrow from the Fed (which is actually not a governmental agency, by the way) and they only have to have a small percentage of their reserves on hand to back whatever loans they have made to consumers and businesses.

This, however, wasn't my point. It's not so much where the money comes from, as we all know this already. My question has more to do with where it's going and who it is going to, not where it came from.

The easy part is saying where it came from and extrapolating a theory based on that. The hard part is knowing where it is going, to whom, and why. Until you know this, then I say you haven't really uncovered anything of significance.

By the way, Greece went down because it produces almost nothing as a nation and has some of the most generous benefits of any EU partner. They simply couldn't afford to keep paying out more than they were taking in. Socialism does that to a country. Look at the bang up job Hugo Chavez has done to his nation's economy if you don't believe me.

It's not a conspiracy, it's called fiscal mis-management.

good post man.


fiscal mis-management and bureaucracy...

"human, too human"



ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
well yeah, if you live in society, then there needs to be forms of control. This keeps our budgets, spendings, crimes, representation, and a lot of things accounted for. What is life without control? You guys are saying there is a big conspiracy to control us. The reality is that we need control if our society wants to function correctly and have accountability for what we do. It actually gives those at the bottom the possibility to climb the socio/economic ladder as there is indeed a ladder to climb.

it's difficult to define because there are so many degrees of success that a person can aspire to and certainly be content w/

in that respect, i dont intend to argue so much as make points -becaus it is subtle (might as well keep the "theory" in "conspiracy theory" right?)

i sincerely doubt that someone not born into it has the real potential to become uber-rich as: control rich -let's say billionaire - successful per se? yes! even wealthy - but not enough so that they could get away w/ something like dumping oil into the gulf at an extreme level

And the thing about legality of weed - its not a conspiracy to keep the little guy down. It was because of greedy rich people who had control over popular industries like timber, petrol, and medicine, who publicized propaganda and false news about cannabis through their vast network of media outlets to the racist constituency, that wanted to see hemp/cannabis banned so that it would tighten their holds in their respective industries to deepen their pockets. It was all about money - as i said earlier in the thread.

not the best example maybe but the relevant one for the environment we are discussing in - then again, maybe the best

i understand the dupont scheming and such - in fact, it's an incredible example of how people's minds were actually controlled. the power not only lobbied and made it happen - they actually got the majority of people to "buy in" and embrace the removal of their right. compare that to times previous when it was commonly grown (or even illegal not to) *hemp though

i wonder who lived lavish and luxuriant lifestyles during the great depression? i theorize that the depression was used to impress the great "work ethic" on american minds -w/ unemployment at the level of high it is now, how many people are uncomfortable in social situations to say they are unemployed? why?
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