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agents of the Illuminati - Mind Control and World Domination

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i keep finding better pics which i cant copy. these will have to do for now...





Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I know I said I wasn't going to make this a big weeny contest lol. That's not what this mental exercise is all about. But, ;) since I've completely shut down my grow for a the foreseeable future I don't have to be so secretive.

Here's a little insight into my perspective.

Forbes ('09) #1 University in the USA. The United States Military Academy at West Point. The War College. The year books to the right are from my IB Program Highschool. United World College of South East Asia.

In 2009 UWCSEA students who sat for the IB Diploma achieved an average points' score of 36 with a 98% pass rate: the worldwide average for the last five years has been 30 points and 80% respectively. Three students achieved the maximum 45 points, an extraordinary feat, whilst another six scored 44 points.

In all, 23% achieved more than 40 points and 90% were above 30 points. Most importantly, the vast majority were accepted into their first choice university.
It's one of the best IB schools in the world. My bonehead classmates went to Harvard and Yale :biglaugh: ;)

The green binder was my acceptance to USMA the blue was the Navy Academy. And I was recruited by my LA Congressman to go to both. I was actually thinking about Uni of Miami to be honest haha.

Unfortunately, I was a bit of a party animal even in Singapore. I got big into the rave, electronic culture in NYC and tested hot for coke right before I signed my commitment form coming out of Cadet Sgt. duty at Camp Buckner. I was lucky, if I had signed the commitment form and got booted I would have been a E2 unpromotable for 4 years. :frown: Don't be that guy.

So I finally got my act straight and finished up and finished at LSU.

Well at least we were #1 in sports. I had to throw my Who Dat! in there. :dance013:

If I sometimes come off as militant. That's why. I go put on my little war hat and start thinking like they taught us how to think. But at the same time I can pull back and look at the United States from an international perspective. Regardless of what you believe we are a nation at war right now and there two sides to every war.

It's the duty of the people to question why our nation is at war beyond what "official" stories are propagated through the media. Media is a tool. The US MIC is a very sophisticated machine and civilians are either collateral damage or pawns to achieve the overall mission. That's just how it goes. Sound offensive? It should. Especially when when our wars are for nothing but control and profit. I was booted in August of '01. I and others have dead friends in the sand over there. I know what it's like to really be lied to by your country.

So, that's a tibit of story. I'm not saying I'm some sort of super brainiac. I only left LSU with a 3.1 lol. All I know is from what I've been taught in history and what I've recently found out. I believe there to be some credence to the jist of it.

You can take it or leave it. Call me a moron. Loser. Liar. Jackass. Loony Tune. Whatever. You bank on what you have and I'll bank what I got.

It's all gravy baby. :biglaugh:

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

Mahatma Gandhi


Active member
What can I do about it?
What can hunt4genetics do?
I have the life I have because of my own choices.
From K-12th grade I had great teachers that would have given me all the extra help I needed. I never took advantage of it. In College I never applied myself. I have a low paying job because I never obtained a level of proficiency in a crucially needed skill. I never invented a product or service that became popular with the masses.
The Duponts didn't prevent me from working hard and applying myself. I did, in my youth and stupidity I choose to enjoy the now. Deferred gratification was deferred, and for that I am paying for it.
I blame no one but myself.
The good news is, the second time around is fullfilling. When you know what is at stake, pulling an all nighter to study for an exam can be so empowering.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Here is the old DARPA logo. They had to pull it because it's intentions were a little bit too obvious lol.


What can you do? Not a whole lot except educate yourself with something other than mainstream media and become politically active. If they up and decide to take all our asses into WWIII you'd better get out in the street and protest otherwise it's going to be nasty for everyone.

EDIT: BTW, these Trilateral's, Bildergberg's, CFR, Internationwhatever Banker Gangsters, whatever, don't control the whole world, but that doesn't mean they aren't trying to and haven't been consolidating power for a long time.
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i didnt read your thread but i made this point before ill make it again

there are huge gaps in relativity and I just want to add some relative factors to shape your evolving model of wealth

A) humans have built in black swan white swan variables, and based on our limited perspectives most people regardless of wealth or stature do not have the werewihtall to understand or control them. Some do.

B) there is too much new money wealth that is too easily generated to say that existing old money has that much of a bearing on capital wealth of new generations. This in my opinion undermines the incumbent wealthy have total control theory. Gates, Buffet, Mitchell, Jobs, Google, Facebook, many new emerging Russian and central american wealth and thats just a hair

C) greed is self limiting, so is our mortality. Add the black swan variable that many kids don't want to follow in the same direction of their elders so they decide to take it in another direction. I live very very close to a Vanderbilt estate and know the curator. One Vanderbilt squandered a world fortune gallivanting and living in extravagance, pretty well known.

that is just an example, look at the hiltons as another. Paris? lol

D) the danger is not the families with wealth its the veil of liability that they create using it and law and purposely manipulating those factors, mostly though corporate law, that they are destroying hte world

the rights of a business entity should never trump individual rights and its for a reason

1 greedy man, say hitler who used politics or jim jones who used religion, can sway a people to disaster and destruction

now its fucking assholes with money doing the same thing but like robber barrens cause money and wealth are all about the swinging dick

thankfully greed evokes parasitic business models which are not self sustaining = built in failure

these factors added together make it hard to show how a man who lived 200 years ago still keeps the exact same agenda alive today but like hitler's nazi beliefs it still exists in a form but the agenda of old money wealth is not all encompassing and does not last forever

many wealthy families have come and gone

money may make you rich and look good in Babylon but the road to Zion requires a whole different currency

don't conform to the wicked and the wealthy unless you want to fall prey to their treachery


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
After reading the "Terra Papers Book One " this system of control makes perfect sense. Im not going to go into details about the book, thats is up to you to decide.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Secretive Bilderberg Club ready for protests

Normally, every minute of their working lives is accounted for but, each year, a couple of hundred of the world’s financial elite and the more business-friendly members of the political class disappear from view; supposedly to save the planet from the dangers of parochialism, the nationalist genie.

It is all terribly confidential — breathe a word about it and you’re out of the club — but the Bilderberg watcher Daniel Estulin claims to have a copy of the agenda. The big question this time around is whether the euro will survive. “They are afraid that the countries in trouble will leave and the euro will fall apart,” said Mr Estulin. “The biggest nightmare is if EU members return to nationally orientated policies.”

Anyone want to guess what these fuckers are up to? It's illegal for the American government to send envoy's to discuss policy in secret meetings outside the eye of We The People. It's illegal for a reason.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The Nation: Conspiracy Theorists Unite; A Secret Conference Thought to Rule the World New York Times

SINCE its first meeting 50 years ago, the Bilderberg conference, a secretive gathering of global power brokers, has inspired layer upon layer of conspiracy theories, which it has done little to dispute. Over the years, the deeds laid at the conference's devious door have included the creation of the European Union, the invasion of Iraq and the bombing of Serbia -- all to service its most cherished goal: the creation of a world government.

They don't even have to hide the fact that they are trying and succeeding in destroying all national sovereignty. They go in there and scratch each others backs and worship their bombs and money while laughing at all the suckers on the outside looking in. All this over some, no doubt, fabulous fine wine and cuisine.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I'm a big fan of CBS's all seeing eye myself. Absolutely fantastic source for propaganda drivel :biglaugh:



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I blame no one but myself.

That's great. You shouldn't blame anyone, but yourself. Just because Oligarch's control the system doesn't mean that's an excuse to blame your personal failures on anyone else. At the end of the day we and only ourselves are responsible for our own lives and the political system that we chose to live in. At the end of the day it's always our own choice.

You still have to wake up everyday and do the best you can. If somebody doesn't do that then even if I gave that person a bunch of money they'd still end up failing at life.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
These threads are embarrassing (but quite funny too).

I'm glad you find the commentary amusing. I'm sure you are smarter than Jefferson, Eisenhower, JFK, J Edgar Hoover, Woodrow Wilson, and the multitude of other leaders who have warned us about this throughout history.

I know! You must Cambridge educated. No wait, I know, I know Oxford surely or maybe you just visited there with your Rhodes Scholarship.

It's funny you know. Here you are being embarrassed by this thread and here I am embarrassed to have you as my countryman. Perhaps you don't deserve freedom. Perhaps your apathy makes you deserving of the police state and war machine that's being slowly shoved down you and families throats.

hard rain

I'm glad you find the commentary amusing. I'm sure you are smarter than Jefferson, Eisenhower, JFK, J Edgar Hoover, Woodrow Wilson, and the multitude of other leaders who have warned us about this throughout history.

I know! You must Cambridge educated. No wait, I know, I know Oxford surely or maybe you just visited there with your Rhodes Scholarship.

It's funny you know. Here you are being embarrassed by this thread and here I am embarrassed to have you as my countryman. Perhaps you don't deserve freedom. Perhaps your apathy makes you deserving of the police state and war machine that's being slowly shoved down you and families throats.
Well you can put your mind at rest. I am not one of your countrymen so you don't have to be embarrassed. Funny how on this international site it is assumed that everyone is American! I can also assure you that far from being apathetic I take a keen interest in political and social issues in my country and indeed the rest of the world.

As for your dig at my education, I thought it was you who said you didn't want to make this a pissing contest (before trotting out your own qualifications). Pathetic. I've read a lot of your stuff on here and frankly I'm a bit surprised by that. Our qualifications are completely irrelevant to this argument, unless of course you are one of these elite.

I am embarrassed by these threads as they often appear on cannabis forums and quite frankly make us look like idiots imo.

It's no secret that the rich and elite hang out together in clubs, have meetings, attend the same schools, colleges, universities e.t.c. This is basic sociology. However you and others here are suggesting that they conspire secretly for world domination and that they have done so for a long time (centuries even; depending on who you talk to). It has even been suggested that they worship owls and/or Satan! They also apparently leave 'symbols" of this everywhere from the one dollar note to the way someone is standing in a photograph (see the first post in this thread). Some of you (not you SG) are surely making it up as you go.

I wish you conspiracy theorists would stop wasting your time on this and instead put your efforts into tackling real social issues of which there are many.:tiphat:


I think the people who believe in this kind of junk are the ones who gives these secret societies their so called power. I can say that if there is an illuminati or other group pulling these strings they are not influencing my daily life in the least. I can't believe people have nothing better to worry about. I'm not saying that there isn't a lot of influential people with a lot of money but only you can decided whether to buy-in or rise above.


yaaargh, are you guys serious?! The secret to success is no easy path, its hard fucking work and talent for your given profession. Im not gonna be mentioning names but i know people(family) who have reached far, and its nothing evil involved but pure and mad dedication, hard but not evil hard.

However i have a story about the devil i heard today, my girlfriend works at a mental ward where this old lady arrived, she had struggled with a terminal disease for a long time and had prayed to the lord for help, no help arrived so she turned to the devil; and she actually got cured. And now she claims she has seen the devil on many occations and slowly he is taking away bits from her as payment, first was her affliction for her children and now, well she's in a mental ward. Makes you wonder, doesnt it? I have no more info on how she got cured or what the hell happened but that is the unmoderated story nontheless.

Aside from beeing a true and wicked story(as she's sees it atleast) there is a point to it, the devil is in the details not as a real actual presence or manifistation but how you choose to perceive it.


look what ever the NWO decide is final and their is no esccape in the end you will all lose out to masons they will be sucsessful who else can summand so much power and commit such elegant crimes?? The devil pays well,,,


Andinismo Hierbatero
Anyone really cares to state clearly what will the precise effects be of this so-called NWO and/or World Government?

Wouldn't the dissolution of National Boarders be a positive thing?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Richard (Tricky Dick) Nixon said:
* "The Bohemian Grove, that I attend from time to time—the Easterners and the others come there—but it is the most faggy goddamn thing you could ever imagine, that San Francisco crowd that goes in there; it's just terrible! I mean I won't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco."
President Richard M. Nixon on the Watergate tapes,
Bohemian Club member starting in 1953.

well said mr president.......



Andinismo Hierbatero
Alan Russo talks about when he met with Nicholas Rockefeller I thought this may be relevant to your question especially the part when he was told about 911 before it actually happened...


man... this Aaron Russo dude claims Rockefeller told him this or that; because he has a picture with a Rockefeller dude...

come on now...

Aaron Russo is the same dude who told his public that his Freedom To Fascism video was actually shown at Cannes Film Festival, when in fact, he showed it himself on a side-walk at Cannes using a portable screen and projector...

and his dvd is sold at infowars site...

when you have serious information, then share it, but enough of this alex jones nonsense.

you guys need to grow out of that stage soon.
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