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agents of the Illuminati - Mind Control and World Domination

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ICMag Donor
Lol, a secret elite who worship Satan/Owls who are plotting world domination in league with aliens. Apparently they leave "symbols" everywhere. :laughing:

The little Owl (Athene noctua) belonged to the Greek Goddess Athena. The little owl was a common emblem on coins throughout history - especially in Athens. Introduced into the UK in 1840s these Little Owls were made popular by Illuminati members at the time. Even Queen Victoria kept one as a pet.


The "owl god" quoted in the Bohemian Grove video however has been confused with Moloch, who is usually represented as a bull / horned beast in ritual connected to Mithraic cults,, not the owl-god that Alex Jones suggests.


Still not sure where the aliens fit in to all this .. lol

peace n flowers


Active member
This thread is full of fail. So let me get this straight, the illuminati is a hugely powerful cult set on world domination. They are so powerful and wealthy that Bill Gates is nothing more than a peasant to them yet you guys routinely post pictures of Beyonce and Jay-Z claiming they are illuminati and their hand gestures are the hard evidence that proves it? It seems to me that you guys don't really understand how the world works. Everyone, regardless of their position in life, has leveraged some power they have. For example, a bartender may give his friends free drinks when they're partying at his bar thereby using the power he has to benefit his friends and himself. Cheney et al giving government contracts to their friends is no different than this it just happens to occur on a much more visible and significant scale.

THIS JUST IN, people are self serving, and they act accordingly. Maybe the downtrodden use the illuminati as a way to diffuse responsibility for the failures and inadequacies they experience in their life.

i don't understand where opponents to this information come from the "i don't see how you can blame the illuminati for your inadequacies or failures" ideology.

nowhere in this thread do you find me saying "i can't get a job, a wife, a life, a bite to eat because the illuminati."

on contrare... you can thank the illuminati for many of the things you enjoy today.

look at gas stations which push their black gold. inside you find candies and chips and sodas and ice creams to attract us from the earliest age. don't forget your cigs and beer and chewing tobacco right behind the counter to kill us along with the condoms to keep you from reproducing in the first place. enjoy your SUV while you still can. the polution over major cities isn't THAT bad yet, right?

just wait til they come out with the ipod brain implant and we can see where things go from there.
i don't understand where opponents to this information come from the "i don't see how you can blame the illuminati for your inadequacies or failures" ideology.

nowhere in this thread do you find me saying "i can't get a job, a wife, a life, a bite to eat because the illuminati."

on contrare... you can thank the illuminati for many of the things you enjoy today.

look at gas stations which push their black gold. inside you find candies and chips and sodas and ice creams to attract us from the earliest age. don't forget your cigs and beer and chewing tobacco right behind the counter to kill us along with the condoms to keep you from reproducing in the first place. enjoy your SUV while you still can. the polution over major cities isn't THAT bad yet, right?

just wait til they come out with the ipod brain implant and we can see where things go from there.

Maybe my generalization was unfair, but I can't believe that one single group is actively controlling all of these industries simultaneously. The illuminati is selling us candy and ice cream? C'mon, man. I've read and watched damn near everything mentioned in this thread and I have yet to encounter any real evidence that isn't purely speculation, and often times, those presenting the "facts" have very questionable credibility. I just don't see the logic. I do, however, think that it is important that people question the system in which we live, and whether we think the illuminati and the NWO is real or not is almost irrelevant. The important thing is we ask questions, and hold people accountable for their answers. This will inevitably lead to change.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
The little Owl (Athene noctua) belonged to the Greek Goddess Athena. The little owl was a common emblem on coins throughout history - especially in Athens. Introduced into the UK in 1840s these Little Owls were made popular by Illuminati members at the time. Even Queen Victoria kept one as a pet.


The "owl god" quoted in the Bohemian Grove video however has been confused with Moloch, who is usually represented as a bull / horned beast in ritual connected to Mithraic cults,, not the owl-god that Alex Jones suggests.


Still not sure where the aliens fit in to all this .. lol

peace n flowers

The Owl represents MARDUK aka Ra(The Sun God). Who was the grandson of EA(the creator), who of which was the son of The King ANU.MARDUK was accused of assassinating his brother so he could ascend to the thrown.He was sealed in his pyramid fortress where his loyal followers helped him escape,where he fled to the heavens. MARDUK then went to SSS-TA Queens(Reptilians) to form an alliance and seize control of the thrown. Once MARDUK had control he appointed himself " Lord God and creator of the universe," henceforth the sun god RRA .


craziest shit you've ever read huh


Andinismo Hierbatero

When you sign for a bank loan or govt loan/grant.... it devalues the dollar bills in my pocket. That doesn't happen in a gold society.... where banks actually have to have the money to lend you... not create it out of thin air when you sign a piece of paper.

Your education is lacking... but it isn't as poor as your attitude.

Stay Safe! :tree:

devaluation was as much of a fact as it is today when gold was supposed to back-up currency, devaluation is not related to whether or not gold backs up currencies. rather, exchange-rates which set the standard of value are related to devaluations, due to fluctuations.



St. Elsewhere
I wonder why it is that JFK put $4 billion worth of silver-backed notes in circulation during his presidency.

Just kidding. I don't really wonder why. :joint:
devaluation was as much of a fact as it is today when gold was supposed to back-up currency, devaluation is not related to whether or not gold backs up currencies. rather, exchange-rates which set the standard of value are related to devaluations, due to fluctuations.


But was it so much of a reality before 1913 when the Federal Reserve era quietly began?


Old School Cottonmouth
Threads like these are what make me to embarrassed to be called a pot head.

The world is an extremely complex place, and people sure cook up some crazy shit to try to make it all make sense to themselves.


Active member
The funny thing I just realized is, you CANT believe it because then you would realize how much of a moron and "pot head" you have been to have completely missed it all this time.

It's cool, though. I'm embarrassed you're embarrassed so tit for tat.


Andinismo Hierbatero
But was it so much of a reality before 1913 when the Federal Reserve era quietly began?

it is irrelevant to the point; the point is that gold was able to back-up currency simply because of the collective agreement that gold has real-value; in the same way today money not backed-up by gold has value, because of the collective agreement that says that it has.

that is it, that's the magic of currency, any currency.

like I said, in many parts of the world during different times of history, even if gold was abundant, it had lots less value than other things, say cocoa beans for example. so you could have tons of gold and still not be wealthy; however, your buddy who had tons of cocoa beans was very wealthy.

and again, how do you value gold today? an ounce of gold has value because it has a price-tag in currency not backed-up by gold; do you understand this?

this means that value is simply agreed upon by the collective, as a standard to measure a exchange rate so people can work out what services and values cost and so that there can be an economical game. it is done for the sake of convenience.


St. Elsewhere
It's true that while gold is a resource, a large part of it's value is based on demand in jewelery and the like. However, it is still a resource, and as far as I know it is finite. This is surely preferable to money only limited by the amount of paper and ink it takes to print it, by a private group, without the consent or oversight of congress. (In the case of America)

It's a common assumption that JFK issued Silver-backed notes through Executive Order 11110 as a way to eliminate demand for Federal Reserve Notes. $4.3 billion in $2 and $5 increments were issued by the Treasury, without the oversight or consent of the Federal Reserve. (Being a non-government, private entity) Executive Order 11110 was signed just over 5 months before JFK's assassination.
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Active member
The idea is that gold is finite, so whoever goes out and gets the most of it is wealthiest. This is an imperialistic model of function.

Just because gold is considered finite, the discovery of the gold deposits is incomplete. The only thing that can be measured is discovered gold, if all parties participate. One party could say they have $100 billion in gold reserves when in reality they have $1000 billion (a trillion) in gold reserves. This would greatly affect inflation as the lying party flooded the market with more gold than was thought to be in existence.

I can only imagine what would happen if they discovered there were asteroids and meteors made of gold, or if they figured out a way to mine another planet with robots for its gold reserves. This would make gold practically worthless.

Gold does have an actual function due to its properties of eletroconductivity but I'm no expert on all that.
The idea is that gold is finite, so whoever goes out and gets the most of it is wealthiest. This is an imperialistic model of function.

Just because gold is considered finite, the discovery of the gold deposits is incomplete. The only thing that can be measured is discovered gold, if all parties participate. One party could say they have $100 billion in gold reserves when in reality they have $1000 billion (a trillion) in gold reserves. This would greatly affect inflation as the lying party flooded the market with more gold than was thought to be in existence.

I can only imagine what would happen if they discovered there were asteroids and meteors made of gold, or if they figured out a way to mine another planet with robots for its gold reserves. This would make gold practically worthless.

Gold does have an actual function due to its properties of eletroconductivity but I'm no expert on all that.

Ernest Rutherford used very thin pieces of gold foil to test and detect the structure of atoms. I'll have to crack open my chem for details if anyone wants them, which is what I don't want to do right now. :)[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular][/FONT]


Active member
I think the biggest roadblock to understanding is time. We see time in our lifespan. What came before us and what will come after us has little to no importance to our personal lifestyles. When someone tries to tell you that there is an organization of individuals that have been conspiring to enslave you for hundreds of years before your birth, the initially response is utter disbelief.

Things take time. Those with the power and control understand this.

First they gave us the printing press so that we could read their books.
Then they gave us the radio so we could listen to their messages.
Next we had the television so we could see their truth.
After television came the computer so we could do their work.
And now, we have "smart phones."

How convenient each generation gains such a blessing. How convenient these blessings can be used to lie to us and trick us. How convenient these blessings make us lazy, complacent, unwilling to do the work we once did in exchange for a new "lifestyle" which eventually leads us to a style of civilization where we can never return to the lifestyle we once had.

They make it so I can't see the stars at night... do you have any idea how important the stars used to be in our lives?


I must say that was a pantload indeed,if you honestly feel this way thats too bad for you.I feel pretty lucky to have lived in a generation with many technologies,I would not feel that way 100 or 200 years ago I bet.Life was just hard.Now its relatively easy compared to the past.Who wants to live a hard life and die at 60 anyway?I love it when we light off a big rocket and bullet trains though I've never rode in one would be a blast too I bet.I'm going to miss the shuttle program.I'm a modern man and proud of it


Cautiously Optimistic
I think the biggest roadblock to understanding is time. We see time in our lifespan. What came before us and what will come after us has little to no importance to our personal lifestyles. When someone tries to tell you that there is an organization of individuals that have been conspiring to enslave you for hundreds of years before your birth, the initially response is utter disbelief.

Things take time. Those with the power and control understand this.

First they gave us the printing press so that we could read their books.
Then they gave us the radio so we could listen to their messages.
Next we had the television so we could see their truth.
After television came the computer so we could do their work.
And now, we have "smart phones."

How convenient each generation gains such a blessing. How convenient these blessings can be used to lie to us and trick us. How convenient these blessings make us lazy, complacent, unwilling to do the work we once did in exchange for a new "lifestyle" which eventually leads us to a style of civilization where we can never return to the lifestyle we once had.

They make it so I can't see the stars at night... do you have any idea how important the stars used to be in our lives?

That's not the initial response. The initial response is interest then the ultimate response (once you've sifted through the rhetoric, hyperbole, half-truths/outright falsehoods) is disbelief.
I saw the documentary about the Bohemian Grove (that you all keep suggesting that others watch) a few years ago. Señor Blowhard was talking about how all of these nefarious shenanigans go down in this clearing in the woods and how this was ground-zero for all of the ne'er-do-wellers. He was exaggerating and making up scenarios the whole time but the actual video showed none of that. LOL! All it showed was a bunch of rich white guys hanging out at an exclusive lodge in the woods, presumably, to get away from their wives and to get drunk.
As for all of the gay stuff that, allegedly takes place, not only was there no evidence of that on the video but would you really be surprised that there are gay people in Northern California? Really?
Finally, the "Luciferian Ceremony and sacrifice" was nothing more than a bunch of men watching some corny "theater." I didn't see any "worship" taking place.
Despite the lack of anything substantial, Captain Hyperbole still found a way to add narration and graphics and used his black belt in rhetoric to put out a completely sensational and slanderous "documentary." The guy does have a gift. He shows you nothing but tells you everything and gets droves of new fans (short for "fanatics") every-single-day.
So anyways, yeah. That's not the initial reaction, at all. The "illuminati" is the boogeyman for paranoid adults.
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