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agents of the Illuminati - Mind Control and World Domination

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Yeah, I just post shit I find relevent to the topic at hand. I gave up trying to convince these morons we're in for a shitstorm like we've never seen.

I actually can't wait. I WANT the shit to hit the fan, just so these stupid stoned fucks realize that smoking weed all day, sitting on ICMAG and watching CNN aren't the true ways to gather and decipher information on a given topic. The day the shit hits the fan, so many threads on so many forums are going to be started and just run on forever....and these dummies will be shaking there heads like "HOW DID WE KNOW THIS WAS GONNA HAPPEN?" you stupid fuck, use the internet and READ!

oh okay so what do you say we do about it? violence? yeah i dont think so count me out.. ill continue getting high, growing weed, listening to music, etc... good luck to you.

i dont think you know as much as you think you know.


oh okay so what do you say we do about it? violence? yeah i dont think so count me out.. ill continue getting high, growing weed, listening to music, etc... good luck to you.

i dont think you know as much as you think you know.

No, I plan on living my life as I've always have...grow my own weed, fuck being a wage slave, and just get high as hell and enjoy my freedoms while they last.

I know a lot about a little, and a little about a lot. I don't claim to know everything, but when you hear the term "Shit hitting the fan", it's not specific, so for you to say "i don't know as much as i think i know"....uh, you're right. I don't. There are many possibilities to what will happen to us as a nation, and as humans...that we can't predict. All we can do is accept the information we get, research, and form an opinion.

Sadly many people consider CNN, Fox, MSNBC or some off-shoot conspiracy site as their MAIN source of information. Just because Alex Jones says something or some guy on the internet posts his opinion doesn't mean i jump the gun and support that agenda entirely. I do independent research on an issue, a prime example being the BP oil spill.

This is clearly a planned incident. This wasn't mother nature, or an accident. It was done intentionally. We will soon see in the coming weeks why it was done.


St. Elsewhere
NewWorldOrder, I know how you feel, but there really is no point in alienating yourself over this issue. I've been there, I've done that. Trust me, it ain't worth it, bro.


ICMag Donor
Can anyone list one valid example of how the Illuminati has prevented YOU(yes YOU!) from reaching your potentional?

If so, I would love to hear.

Besides Taxation and Import/Export Duty!

Daily harassment and detention on the street,, taking ppl to jail to conduct strip searches over prohibitive plant materials ,, sure doesnt help much when ppl are just trying to make food to eat :no:

Where do you think all the imported drugs and guns in the UK come from ? Santa Claus?

"You don't know you're being controlled by a fat bastard,
He's smoking cigars up in his flat laughing,
Watching a brother kill a brother over the hard sniff" [Remus]

It's all about social engineering and conditioning..

Ultimately a system of population control...

"How on earth should the world be,
if there weren't certain places on the planet where people go thirsty?
Let me tell you how I feel,
how can Africa be starving, when under their floor is heavy minerals?
That's the real irony!!" [KRS 1]

This is a satirical example of how the system works :


... "you don't vote for kings" :D

Laugan Gaucher

600 W HPS or illuminati system for my grow room ? Am I in the good section ? I don't understand !

so I think illuminati is the human corporation in contact with the grey conspiration....bullshitt ah ah ah ah ah !....but they aren't all grey...

Alien are back in town ! we are the seekers of space, we've seen our masters faces....marc boland

for the others....nothing to report


I'm not sure what you mean by your response, if it was aimed at me. Please expand so as I may respond :)

From what I see, their ultimate goal's are not to stop each and every one of us from individually reaching success. I think it lies more in keeping mankind under their watch as a whole. They probably don't keep tabs on every single person. It is more likely observation on GROUPS of people, and when particular groups start getting too much of whatever - they step in...tweak things.

this is like how surveys are done on consumers. once the company knows what the consumer wants, they know what to predict and expect, and know what to produce, how much of it and where to allocate them.

Something that has existed for such a long period of time surely can't be TOO naive in and of itself. Surely they understand just how hard it is to control everything and everyone. Surely at least some of them get the same thoughts as some of us do. Things like "Controlling everything in the whole world" or "Keeping a conspiracy of such great proportions secret" must seem impossible to them as well?

whats your point?

So they don't control everything in the whole world - they only control things that are necessary to keep their power intact, things that threaten their secrets, certain things they want, etc...

hence corporations and rich peoples connections to politicians. lobbying for certain bills to be accepted or rejected. this will maintain their power in their respective markets and ward off the competition.

And they don't keep it secret - they make it visible enough for conspiracy theories to be formed, but hidden enough so they can't be proven.

keep what secret?

Ya dig?

my point is that it is just capitalism taking place. just people with money who want to maintain and increase their profits.

i know, im not the most educated on these things, but thats not gonna stop me from giving my opinion.

hard rain

Besides Taxation and Import/Export Duty!

Daily harassment and detention on the street,, taking ppl to jail to conduct strip searches over prohibitive plant materials ,, sure doesnt help much when ppl are just trying to make food to eat :no:

Where do you think all the imported drugs and guns in the UK come from ? Santa Claus?

"You don't know you're being controlled by a fat bastard,
He's smoking cigars up in his flat laughing,
Watching a brother kill a brother over the hard sniff" [Remus]

It's all about social engineering and conditioning..

Ultimately a system of population control...

"How on earth should the world be,
if there weren't certain places on the planet where people go thirsty?
Let me tell you how I feel,
how can Africa be starving, when under their floor is heavy minerals?
That's the real irony!!" [KRS 1]

This is a satirical example of how the system works :


... "you don't vote for kings" :D

What on earth has any of the above got to do with the illuminati?

This is as lockehead said simply capitalism at work. Even your quotes and Python clip simply suggest that.

You lot are mostly making this up as you go along. Show some evidence that there are a shady group that are conspiring for world domination or don't post anything. This whole thread is ridiculous.

Evidence does not consist of youtube clips and pics of people in various poses that some mistake for "symbols".


ICMag Donor
Show some evidence that there are a shady group that are conspiring for world domination or don't post anything. This whole thread is ridiculous.

Evidence does not consist of youtube clips and pics of people in various poses that some mistake for "symbols".

You are correct. Evidence is still being compiled,, (much of which is subjective or speculative in nature),, by conspiratorialists and ppl in tin-foil hats. However this doesn't mean that global systems of governance are not controlled (in the majority) by a small group of people with shared dynastic links and the same monastic/masonic-economic outlook,, like the Bilderberg Group for example.

Traditionally symbolism has played a major role within the 'devices' (runes, logos, standards, flags, emblems, and motifs) that this small group of aristocratic families and ruling elites wield; many of whom control the worlds merchant-economy, and influence both political and religious indoctrination.

A common collective name for this 'group' is the 'Illuminati'... and 'evidence' of its/their existence is all about us. It's just a question of unravelling their devices in order to understand it we guess.

Btw.. i'm not in the tin-foil hat brigade.. lol :D

peace n flowers
This thread is full of fail. So let me get this straight, the illuminati is a hugely powerful cult set on world domination. They are so powerful and wealthy that Bill Gates is nothing more than a peasant to them yet you guys routinely post pictures of Beyonce and Jay-Z claiming they are illuminati and their hand gestures are the hard evidence that proves it? It seems to me that you guys don't really understand how the world works. Everyone, regardless of their position in life, has leveraged some power they have. For example, a bartender may give his friends free drinks when they're partying at his bar thereby using the power he has to benefit his friends and himself. Cheney et al giving government contracts to their friends is no different than this it just happens to occur on a much more visible and significant scale.

THIS JUST IN, people are self serving, and they act accordingly. Maybe the downtrodden use the illuminati as a way to diffuse responsibility for the failures and inadequacies they experience in their life.
Please research the Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderburg Group, the United Nations, IMF and World Bank and Such... All of these organizations have globalist agendas, to unite the entire world in a similar fashion to the European Union, eventually eliminating all national soveignty and creating one world, one government, and one religion. Understand who people like Cecil Rodes were and what type of lasting impact he has left on the world, mainly after he died... Also the globalist agenda may appear as capitalistic but it is actually more of a socialist agenda... These dudes have all the money that they will ever need, but they realize that true power comes from a socialistic society where a citizen survives only to serve the state and the ruling class.

I don't like the term illuminati ( who were a real group) because I feel the term is miss used by most... The illuminati were a sect out of Bavaria designed to spread there globalist/ anacist agenda by infiltrating the most powerful organisations, all of its members were all the BRIGHTEST of the area and era and were as such said to be illuminated... Because of political pressure they were forced underground, where they have been ever sense, but they are a very specific group, and not a catch all term...

A very good doc to watch is "Invisable empire" it is made by the same dudes as loose change.


Andinismo Hierbatero
I'm pretty sure Alex Jones had nothing to do with Zeitgeist. That's what I take issue with, taking every bit of conspiracy theory and attributing it to Alex Jones. And then attributing those beliefs to anyone you see as "conspiracy-minded".

As far as gold goes, it does have more real worth than paper money, because it is a rare element that has limitless uses. This wasn't true until recently, but in our technological society, gold is.. Well.. Like gold.

my bad, I meant to say End Game... which I watched, as well as Loose Change... also watched Zeitgeist, which was the worst of them all...still, all of them had major misinformation items that were key to their theses.

anyway, gold is fiat currency because the value of gold is set by currency not-back-up by gold, this is the fact.

the value of gold in today's world is arbitrary; compare pre-colombian american cultures, who had plenty of gold, but was not used as currency... in central america, cacao was used as the main currency even though they had plenty of gold... etc...

wasn't alex jones the dude with a loud-speaker yelling inanities to some dudes in a limo on their way to a private business meeting? :biglaugh: and he is the dude to listen to, right? ok...

it is troubling that people actually buy into his plot...


Andinismo Hierbatero
This thread is full of fail. So let me get this straight, the illuminati is a hugely powerful cult set on world domination. They are so powerful and wealthy that Bill Gates is nothing more than a peasant to them yet you guys routinely post pictures of Beyonce and Jay-Z claiming they are illuminati and their hand gestures are the hard evidence that proves it? It seems to me that you guys don't really understand how the world works. Everyone, regardless of their position in life, has leveraged some power they have. For example, a bartender may give his friends free drinks when they're partying at his bar thereby using the power he has to benefit his friends and himself. Cheney et al giving government contracts to their friends is no different than this it just happens to occur on a much more visible and significant scale.

THIS JUST IN, people are self serving, and they act accordingly. Maybe the downtrodden use the illuminati as a way to diffuse responsibility for the failures and inadequacies they experience in their life.

quoted for truth.

also, the so-called "satanic" hand-sign, you know, the one the guys from AC/DC used to make, along with every other rock/metal band, was created by rock/metal musicians to mock everyone who claimed that such was "satanic" music... it then became the sign of "rocking", and why politicians who want to appear 'hip and in' use it...

if you actually think people go around 'flashing' that hand-sing like tupac flashed the wesssssiiideee hand-sing, you got some harddrive formatting to do, hopefully to clean all the junk out of the system...


Active member
yes... you could take the conspiracy one step further and say the illuminati are in league with malevolent alien races to enslave the population... but then you really get over people's heads


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
yes... you could take the conspiracy one step further and say the illuminati are in league with malevolent alien races to enslave the population... but then you really get over people's heads

whoa whoa whoa you've gone too far.


ICMag Donor
yes... you could take the conspiracy one step further and say the illuminati are in league with malevolent alien races to enslave the population... but then you really get over people's heads

Like 'What about the Queen is she a lizard?' ..lol


Sorry for dropping these links ,,, but it's all relevant if you listen to the lyrics.

Aim to help your own community first,, then others far away,, and the rest in the middle will fall into their place... otherwise we see these conspiracy videos as a new media propaganda ,, to beguile folk into thinking they know what is happening,, when in reality we probably dont much at all about much :canabis:

It's often an advantage to play dumb and act stupid... otherwise rebel :bandit:

Peace n positive changes
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hard rain

yes... you could take the conspiracy one step further and say the illuminati are in league with malevolent alien races to enslave the population... but then you really get over people's heads

If you really want to lose all credibility you could bring this up. :laughing:

Lol, a secret elite who worship Satan/Owls who are plotting world domination in league with aliens. Apparently they leave "symbols" everywhere. :laughing:

I think I have spent too long in this thread.:wave:


Active member
gold is just a shiny metal, and the value it has is as arbitrary as the value we give to numbers on a bank account not backed up by gold...

When you sign for a bank loan or govt loan/grant.... it devalues the dollar bills in my pocket. That doesn't happen in a gold society.... where banks actually have to have the money to lend you... not create it out of thin air when you sign a piece of paper.

Your education is lacking... but it isn't as poor as your attitude.

Stay Safe! :tree:
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