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agents of the Illuminati - Mind Control and World Domination

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Can anyone list one valid example of how the Illuminati has prevented YOU(yes YOU!) from reaching your potentional?

If so, I would love to hear.

Naysayers of secret society's and NWO and such always seem to dwell on this "They don't stop me from reaching my potential so who fucking cares" attitude...This is quite naive and kinda goes against a lot of our personalities as pot lovers, in my book.

From what I see, their ultimate goal's are not to stop each and every one of us from individually reaching success. I think it lies more in keeping mankind under their watch as a whole. They probably don't keep tabs on every single person. It is more likely observation on GROUPS of people, and when particular groups start getting too much of whatever - they step in...tweak things.

Something that has existed for such a long period of time surely can't be TOO naive in and of itself. Surely they understand just how hard it is to control everything and everyone. Surely at least some of them get the same thoughts as some of us do. Things like "Controlling everything in the whole world" or "Keeping a conspiracy of such great proportions secret" must seem impossible to them as well?

So they don't control everything in the whole world - they only control things that are necessary to keep their power intact, things that threaten their secrets, certain things they want, etc...

And they don't keep it secret - they make it visible enough for conspiracy theories to be formed, but hidden enough so they can't be proven.

Ya dig?

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
I listen 2 everything I can from everyone, and I believe the haarp and d.o.d too close to special interests.


Andinismo Hierbatero
I understand why people dislike Alex, but at the same time, I find their need to discount him troubling.

why is it troubling?

not only is his delivery method intrinsically unlikeable, but the message itself is also simply not true.

who doesn't know in the academia for example, that all money is fiat money? even when money was backed-up by gold, it still was fiat money, because the value of gold is simply arbitrary, it only has value because of the collective arbitrary agreement made to assign value to a metal called gold...

money, by definition, is always 'fiat'... but now, alex jones comes along and says that no, back then money had value because it was backed-up by gold and now it doesn't because it ain't backed-up by gold... does that make any sense? not really... he is only playing the fools without a proper education on the subject.

he of course throws the classic anti-semitic remarks here and there, disbelieves climate change, and of course gains an audience made up of a demographics usually termed as -insert proper adjective here-...

why give the guy attention when he had nothing to offer besides hyped-up lies mixed with half-truths? the world is big and full of wonderful information far and wide, why focus on this guy that offers nothing of worth? don't you respect your mind enough to choose quality sources?


St. Elsewhere
why is it troubling?

not only is his delivery method intrinsically unlikeable, but the message itself is also simply not true.

who doesn't know in the academia for example, that all money is fiat money? even when money was backed-up by gold, it still was fiat money, because the value of gold is simply arbitrary, it only has value because of the collective arbitrary agreement made to assign value to a metal called gold...

money, by definition, is always 'fiat'... but now, alex jones comes along and says that no, back then money had value because it was backed-up by gold and now it doesn't because it ain't backed-up by gold... does that make any sense? not really... he is only playing the fools without a proper education on the subject.

he of course throws the classic anti-semitic remarks here and there, disbelieves climate change, and of course gains an audience made up of a demographics usually termed as -insert proper adjective here-...

why give the guy attention when he had nothing to offer besides hyped-up lies mixed with half-truths? the world is big and full of wonderful information far and wide, why focus on this guy that offers nothing of worth? don't you respect your mind enough to choose quality sources?

I'm not trying to get into a flame war over this, especially not with you. However, to say that gold is essentially fiat is BS. (Based on what I know) Gold is a resource, more useful today than it has ever been, and while part of it's value is derived from supply (like everything), a new Gold mine in Africa or Russia isn't going to instantly drop the value, at least not at the rate possible in a fiat system. (See: Hyper-inflation.)

I respect my mind enough to not discount what anyone tells me completely. What are these quality sources you have access to that I do not?

I don't appreciate being condescended as though I'm another black T-shirt wearing Alex Jones fan.


You know what, I give up on trying to "convince" these numbskulls who think the world is fine, minus a few "idiots" we elected. They "think" and "know" the government lies, but in their false reality they believe it's such a small lie or only done to "protect" us. The lie is so large on scale that most people will call people "screw balls" for simply THINKING that the government lies about major things (9/11 for war profiteering, how Raytheon and such made millions if not billions in military contracts, etc.)

Maintaining a state of fear and panic in society keeps these guys in power and keeps their profits flowing. They throw their messages in our face, we are oblivious until it happens.

Prime Examples:

"Lone Gunman" TV show aired 6 months before 9/11. I suggest you watch the episode if you want to talk about real, modern-day FORESHADOWING of the government assassinating close to 3k+ Americans.

Here's the episode:


Or how about "The Final Jihad" written BEFOREHAND depicting a bombing of a federal building by a guy named McVeigh?

Or how about the Simpsons episode airing in 1997?


Alex Jones sensationalizes.

Nothing wrong with that, especially when his messages are normally simply "Question Everything"

Yes he's been wrong, if he has never been wrong...I'd question his authenticity. Yes he has his own belief systems, but his job is to spread the word that we are lied to, on a scale like no-other. Psychological Operations fought against the world's people, especially in the US and Europe, to the point where we feel sacrificing freedoms and liberties for so-called "safety" is the right thing to do.

The NWO won't take over.

Society will ask it to.

Nukes go off, chaos everywhere...people will beg for the government's help. Simple as that. Then those who fight against the NWO, or NAU, or whatever fucking name they wanna call it will be called "Domestic Terrorists" or "insurgents", and treated as such.


St. Elsewhere
Nukes go off, chaos everywhere...people will beg for the government's help. Simple as that. Then those who fight against the NWO, or NAU, or whatever fucking name they wanna call it will be called "Domestic Terrorists" or "insurgents", and treated as such.

Molon Labe


Andinismo Hierbatero
I'm not trying to get into a flame war over this, especially not with you. However, to say that gold is essentially fiat is BS. (Based on what I know) Gold is a resource, more useful today than it has ever been, and while part of it's value is derived from supply (like everything), a new Gold mine in Africa or Russia isn't going to instantly drop the value, at least not at the rate possible in a fiat system. (See: Hyper-inflation.)

I respect my mind enough to not discount what anyone tells me completely. What are these quality sources you have access to that I do not?

I don't appreciate being condescended as though I'm another black T-shirt wearing Alex Jones fan.

gold is just a shiny metal, and the value it has is as arbitrary as the value we give to numbers on a bank account not backed up by gold... although both things are 'fiat', it will still buy you food etc... just because a currency is 'fiat', it does not mean it cannot be used to exchange one valuable for another, or does it? whether gold or just numbers on a screen, inflation is inevitable due to the current economic paradigm, and whether the currency is fiat or not has not much relevance...

btw, people buy gold and sell gold using currency not backed-up by gold :yoinks:

also, I never claimed I have access to sources of info you do not; what I said was the complete opposite, you and everyone have access to a shit-ton of info that is more reliable and accurate than this alex jones clown.

also, remember it was you who started with the "I find their need to discount him troubling"... that was pretty condescending.

what about that zeitgeist video of his? just the intro has like ten items of hardcore misinformation... all of which you can check and verify for yourself.

be good man



gold is just a shiny metal, and the value it has is as arbitrary as the value we give to numbers on a bank account not backed up by gold... although both things are 'fiat', it will still buy you food etc... just because a currency is 'fiat', it does not mean it cannot be used to exchange one valuable for another, or does it? whether gold or just numbers on a screen, inflation is inevitable due to the current economic paradigm, and whether the currency is fiat or not has not much relevance...

btw, people buy gold and sell gold using currency not backed-up by gold :yoinks:

also, I never claimed I have access to sources of info you do not; what I said was the complete opposite, you and everyone have access to a shit-ton of info that is more reliable and accurate than this alex jones clown.

also, remember it was you who started with the "I find their need to discount him troubling"... that was pretty condescending.

what about that zeitgeist video of his? just the intro has like ten items of hardcore misinformation... all of which you can check and verify for yourself.

be good man


LOL, funny how you quote people for providing "misinformation" when, in fact, Zeitgeist wasn't made by Alex Jones.

There's a site that "debunks" the zeitgeist videos, but all it really says is that the quotes were taken out of context...but the guy who debunked it rarely has any evidence to prove it. Zeitgeist films have an agenda, but I focus on Addendum because it provides facts about the Federal Reserve, a fractional reserve system & how debt and interest are used to literally enslave NATIONS.

GOOGLE: John Perkins & watch the interview of him in the Addendum movie.


St. Elsewhere
I'm pretty sure Alex Jones had nothing to do with Zeitgeist. That's what I take issue with, taking every bit of conspiracy theory and attributing it to Alex Jones. And then attributing those beliefs to anyone you see as "conspiracy-minded".

As far as gold goes, it does have more real worth than paper money, because it is a rare element that has limitless uses. This wasn't true until recently, but in our technological society, gold is.. Well.. Like gold.


I'm pretty sure Alex Jones had nothing to do with Zeitgeist. That's what I take issue with, taking every bit of conspiracy theory and attributing it to Alex Jones. And then attributing those beliefs to anyone you see as "conspiracy-minded".

As far as gold goes, it does have more real worth than paper money, because it is a rare element that has limitless uses. This wasn't true until recently, but in our technological society, gold is.. Well.. Like gold.

Exactly. And this is EXACTLY what the men in power (whomever they truly are...rockefellers, rothschilds...etc) want. They want "conspiracy theorists" to be labeled as "Nutjobs", "Lone Wolfs", etc...to demonize them so the majority of society continue to side with the governments lies and evil agendas.

I really don't care anymore. I'm going to continue smoking copious amounts of weed, growing copious amounts of it...doing some pills here and there, enjoy my last few years in what seems to be a "calm" society....we aren't rioting and murders and anarchy isn't here....yet. There are a lot of twists and turns ahead of us, and people like Alex Jones just take information and try to decipher it.

I love how people like to swing on his nuts and criticize him, yet they can never, ever EVER provide any evidence to counter AJ's articles, thoughts or opinions.

I'm sorry, there are members here who are law enforcement and fake their online-accounts using fake weed profiles, fake weed pictures...and will build a reputation all to gather information to provide to law enforcement. I'm not naming any names. It's pretty apparent when they start posting paragraphs about how the government never lies to us, there are no real conspiracies, and that we're all headed for gumdrop and candyland.


Active member
You can't convince someone. That's the whole lunacy of the situation. You can only see the truth if you want to.

They say there are 10% of the population who control the wealth and the knowledge of civilization. Then there are 5% who know just about as much as the 10% but they have hardly any of the wealth... and then there is the other 85% that just goes along with whatever. An audience of sheep watching the world turn.


You can't convince someone. That's the whole lunacy of the situation. You can only see the truth if you want to.

They say there are 10% of the population who control the wealth and the knowledge of civilization. Then there are 5% who know just about as much as the 10% but they have hardly any of the wealth... and then there is the other 85% that just goes along with whatever. An audience of sheep watching the world turn.

Yeah, I just post shit I find relevent to the topic at hand. I gave up trying to convince these morons we're in for a shitstorm like we've never seen.

I actually can't wait. I WANT the shit to hit the fan, just so these stupid stoned fucks realize that smoking weed all day, sitting on ICMAG and watching CNN aren't the true ways to gather and decipher information on a given topic. The day the shit hits the fan, so many threads on so many forums are going to be started and just run on forever....and these dummies will be shaking there heads like "HOW DID WE KNOW THIS WAS GONNA HAPPEN?" you stupid fuck, use the internet and READ!


Active member
I'm still wondering how the illuminati is controlling me.
I recently lost 65 pounds.
I choose to eat a different way.
I started to exercise.
I enrolled in a local community college.
I feel like my life is changing for the good, because I just got sick of living below my potential.
What does 13 families have to do with my life?
We live in a world of cause and effect.
You have the life you have, because of the choices you have made.
Yes random stuff does happen...
but that's life.

The true power the illuminati has is the power that "YOU" give them.


so forget what happened to races that have been enslaved for others' profiteering. forget the native americans which once lived a much different lifestyle than the one offered today on their land.



the wealth of the world is accumulated in the hands of a few.

just simply IMAGINE a world where scarcity doesn't exist...technology is improved, and everyone has a top-of-the-line car, house, organic foods, the best electronics, etc....for rock-bottom prices. This COULD exist in a society that didn't have a fractional reserve system, a society where the government FEARS the populace (not the other way around) and in a society in which people are willing to sacrifice their way of life for a better way of life for all.

Sadly, this would take decades to accomplish and too many people wouldn't want to give up their social status, power & wealth to allow for a much better world.
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