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Advanced Nutrients, Love it or Hate it, State your claim!


For the record, ive used voodoo juice, scorpion juice, and jumpstart before, and noticed no difference.

I did like Sensizym a few years ago, i pretty sure it worked, but hygrozym is basically the same price, and says its has a stable shelf life.

Worth noting, when i switched sensi to hygro, no pH problems; when i switched back from hygro to sensi, my pH kept dropping to 5.2 for 4-6 days. Not terribly outta whack (or showing visible problems), and maybe it proves the sensi getting at something the hyzm isnt, but I prefer stability.

I too was going to start experimenting with them, anyone whos seen the nutreint list thread knows ive been analize things for months, but the more i read, the more i look at the data, it seems AN is just a watered down copy cat.

Technaflora looks like the best company that ive seen, they use low P levels in their base, they put most of the micros in the second bottle of the 'two part', they list expected EC levels at a given application rate.


Well-known member
I'm about to do a side by side if Erik ever gets me the line to test.
It will be against maxi bloom powder, calmg, home depot fulvic, molasses & koolbloom powder.
Or the dynabloom 1 part w calmg and protekt & molasses.

I been offered the yellow bottle line to test... Should I do that Against AN or one of my own modified H3AD recipes with all my favorite adds? I still have some oooold ass big bud and barricade as well as revive...


ppl ppl ppl we all agree that light and the set up is the way to go .. from this there is no doubt ..but if I was rich and had endless money to spend would I try this shit?? probably.. lol.. Do I think they are full of shit ,,OH YEAH.. It's always the grower and what he knows and what he does..But a good fertilizer always helps when used at the right time we all know this aswell ,don't have to be a rocket scientist to know this crap.. I think it would be nice to line them all up (all popular nutes)with just one bud. and see Urban Gardener does this with surprising results.. Find out who really comes out ontop and if they really are worth the money they ask lol..peace out Headband707

Wait. So you sit here and talk all this shit yet you have never even ran AN products?? Hahaha wow. You just lost all your credibility there bud.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Have I run Budfactor X no have I run BIG Bud yes am I all good with you now can we play LOL Not looking for your approval BRO lol peace out Headband707

Clackamas Coot

Active member
I'm about to do a side by side if Erik ever gets me the line to test.
It will be against maxi bloom powder, calmg, home depot fulvic, molasses & koolbloom powder.
Or the dynabloom 1 part w calmg and protekt & molasses.

I been offered the yellow bottle line to test... Should I do that Against AN or one of my own modified H3AD recipes with all my favorite adds? I still have some oooold ass big bud and barricade as well as revive...

Am I the only one who knows how to read a f*cking label? What am I missing?


Clack, they don't put whats in the bottles on the bottle. I would love to be able to read the bottle and see soluble potash and such, but that info doesn't exist. I can read bottles perfectly fine, problem is, all AN's bottle say is "Buddy" and, puts the big in your bud. LOL, funny yes, informational, no.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Clack, they don't put whats in the bottles on the bottle. I would love to be able to read the bottle and see soluble potash and such, but that info doesn't exist. I can read bottles perfectly fine, problem is, all AN's bottle say is "Buddy" and, puts the big in your bud. LOL, funny yes, informational, no.

One thing that's interesting when hitting the AN site is that they pull up the products that are available in the specific state that you live in and because Oregon is very anal about labeling and such, the availability of their products is far less than if you lived in another state/country.

When I look at the products listed for this state, there is a link to the label which lists the agents used and from what specific source.

I'm just curious about how many friggin' bottles of '3% Soluble Potash' one needs to buy - wouldn't just a single source be practical/cost effective?

Or am I missing something?

Kinda like Humboldt County's Own Gravity Flower Hardener and their Bush Master products - both contain Available Phosphoric Acid (P2O5) @ 0.1% - identical labels.



Im such a stoner, Ive also used Bud Blood, and VHO. I liked Bud Blood, but again its a copycat, and as for foliar spraying, ive gotten better results from FL+, LK, and ThriveAlive (individually) vs VHO.
LOL, this thread makes me laugh. Clack, thanks for the heads up, didn't know about that part of their website. Thats the way the whole website should be if you ask me, the way it is when you pull up the Oregon specific products. Any ideas why connoisseur isn't available in Oregon?


Well-known member
I could be wrong, but No AN product is registered in OR due to imProper labling, and not mentioning certain non foods...


I bought the whole AN line up, ran it one cycle and moved on to better things... I was at the hydro store the other day and just clowning on them and said "That guy has 100% guntareeeeee I think I'm going bring back all those over priced bottles and get me a chiller"

Mule please don't do that to us.... :laughing: I was just playing with em gave most of it away to my homies already... Bought a Ford pinto once also, wont do that again... Peace and puffs

headband 707

Plant whisperer
No they don't put what is in the bottles lol lol.. if they did we would all be rich wouldn't we lol.. Can't go too far out of the box??? or can you lol... it's a big family secret.. lol ..Headband707
No they don't put what is in the bottles lol lol.. if they did we would all be rich wouldn't we lol.. Can't go too far out of the box??? or can you lol... it's a big family secret.. lol ..Headband707

HUH? Didn't really understand that.

Tohigh, I think you can buy some of their products in Oregon. You can choose to look at only the products available in Oregon, Illinois, and worldwide.

I was curious, so I did the math, what it would actually cost to run AN and the more common additives, in a 55 gallon res, changing the res once a week as they suggest, overkill if you ask me.

The prices are below retail, got them off a decent online grow shop, and the amounts are right off the old AN feed chart, on moderate light feeding.

Connoisseur, 2800ml of each A and B, B-52 3300ml, Big Bud 324grams, Overdrive 900ml, voodoo juice 1200ml

So lets call it 4 liters of coni, 4 liters B-52, liter of doodoo juice, liter of OD, and 500 grams of big bud. 170 for the coni, 115 for b-52, 100 for the doodoo, 90 for big bud, 35 for OD. Around 505 dollars for one run, ouch, and thats only 4 of their additives, they make around 13.

I spent 220 on 6 gallon jugs of gh, and a gallon of pure flowers for 70 dollars, still going after 6 runs, thats some easy math right there.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Here's a link to Advanced Nutrient's registration site at the Washington State Department of Agriculture. The reason that I didn't post the link to the Oregon & California registration databases is that they're much more challenging to navigate.

At any rate check out 'Bud Candy' and if anyone can explain how a 1% soluble potash qualifies as a 'sweetner' I'd love to be educated.

As usual.

And why are they based in Brandenburg, Kentucky?


headband 707

Plant whisperer
Here's a link to Advanced Nutrient's registration site at the Washington State Department of Agriculture. The reason that I didn't post the link to the Oregon & California registration databases is that they're much more challenging to navigate.

At any rate check out 'Bud Candy' and if anyone can explain how a 1% soluble potash qualifies as a 'sweetner' I'd love to be educated.

As usual.

And why are they based in Brandenburg, Kentucky?


Very interesting as I picked up a Budfactor bottle the other day and it had none of this on it lol but I don't see Budfactor X on this list? You have that anywhere? peace out Headband707:)
What do you guys think, run it for a run, then return the last 1200ml, and claim my 100% satisfaction guarantee? LOL, not going to lie, kind of thinking about it.

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