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Advance Nutrients is an amazing brand

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New member
AN reminds me of the crap they sell you at the pool store. All you need to properly maintain a pool is chlorine, ph up or down and maybe a stabilizer, but they will sell you 1000 different overpriced products that are only really good at fixing the problems you created from using too many products in the first place.

Pool stores can't stay in business unless you slack on routine maintenance and come in for help. Of course they'll sell you 2 or 3 bottles of magic and you'll go home and dump it into your pool. A few weeks later, you have a different problem with your pool chemistry and you take a water sample to the store so it can be analyzed. Guess what? The have 3 or 4 bottles of a different kind of magic all bottled up and ready to go to fix your new problems. Wash, rinse and repeat.

I'm not saying AN doesn't grow plants, I'm sure it does, but it's no secret what plants need to grow at peak efficiency and it sure isn't a bottle of magic sauce.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Just started using AN love em so far but still a newb,picked up gro/micro/bloom,nirvana,bud candy,bud blood,big bud and overdrive. Have used big bud since starting growing, also since I'm a newb can any AN pros give me any tips on the line up I chose? Oh and speaking of marketing anyone notice the 5gallon jugs of AN nutes in that last action scene in the underground grow dream?? All over the place must of been 20g's worth


I heard AN is coming out with a new product to add to their "PH/PPM perfect" line. It's called snake oil and it's just BC tapwater & blue food coloring and it improves your yields up to 8%! 33% when used w the whole line! Omg! I'm so excited I could just shit all over this thread.

Now i can see your full of shit, maybe just when your stoned ?? ;)


I believe Ganja D asked for a little more respect, you can follow up the shit that comes out of your mouths in the other thread. Are you guys that addicted in disrespecting someones wishes or have no morals, you guys sound like babies that didnt get its milk on time.
If your saying all nutes can do the same, then wtf is the problem with this one? the price? well sorry your broke and it pisses you off other people can afford it and grow with it if you think it makes a difference or not! Do you mix your own nutes? probably not, so lay off and rag on your nutes which "do the same thing" correct?

People claiming stupid stoners and potheads, buying nutrients because of fancy labels, but continue to purchase them through all there flaws. please it works for us, we can afford it, become large ryields, tastier buds, more resin and finished. but all you haters, buy this and that from An, well just say you cant afford the whole line. I claim you guys are stupid stoners whos mind got fucked by weed and you become obsessed with negativity, get a girl friend or a dog to neglect, but please quit jumping all over the place when you really arent proving shit, just being a knucklehead.
getting kind of sick of it, this is more of a thread for fellow AN users to compare and chat, not for you bums to diss the brand, leave it in the other thread please, because we all read them both


Advanced Nutrients has to advertise like that, they are mostly excluded from advertising in the biggest publications by the influence of the big 3 nutrient companies. If someone wants to hammer a company for advertising, GH gets way more face time in all publications. Humboldt, Dutch Masters, etc...., etc.... all have just as extensive of line ups now with a zillion products to add to your regimen. Most of the big three have lines with the same comical names like Advanced uses. The price has been shown time and again not to be all that different either, due to different concentrations and usage schedules, just looking at price is a crude apples to oranges comparison.

I am using Advanced for now and it is working as well if not a little better than all the others I have tried. I am not a huge fan of the BS hype that our entire nutrient supply industry takes part in (Advanced is worst about that aspect)

If all the other nute companies were truly secure in the dominance of their product, they would take Big Mike's Million dollar challenge and beat him soundly if that is what their product was truly capable of.

Dutch Master doesn't have 1/4 the amount of products that AN has. Also I rarely see them advertise, and they don't have obnoxious claims or ridiculous marketing. Please next time make an intelligent comparison.


Well-known member
I'm full of shit and the ppm/ph perfect line isnt. LOL!! Kushie kush grows bigger better kush too I suppose. I joke, where AN just lies... Big difference being full of shit like AN, and being cynical as I have been. They make a couple products I like to use, but I don't need em & I don't start threads about how I joined the AN fan club like yourself

Ganja D

I'm full of shit and the ppm/ph perfect line isnt. LOL!! Kushie kush grows bigger better kush too I suppose. I joke, where AN just lies... Big difference being full of shit like AN, and being cynical as I have been. They make a couple products I like to use, but I don't need em & I don't start threads about how I joined the AN fan club like yourself

I grow in organic soil mixes and haven't tested my ph in 2 years. I'm as loyal of a person as you will find if you've done me right. AN has done me right. I'm not some retard jumping on a bandwagon. You got to see something to believe it, and I've seen that AN is the best thing for me compared to many other solid products I've used successfully in the past. AN is an absolute game changer. I don't know their politics or any personal info about their owners, but I do know that growing is and has been the most important thing in my life for as long as I can remember and AN has blown me away. That is why I use it.
Try it before you slander it. I wouldn't care if they raised their prices because my quality and yield is that much better! So keep being disrespectful, that's cool. I go to bed at night with the most integrity and clear conscious possible and dream of bigger gardens and freedom in my sleep.

Ganja D

I believe Ganja D asked for a little more respect, you can follow up the shit that comes out of your mouths in the other thread. Are you guys that addicted in disrespecting someones wishes or have no morals, you guys sound like babies that didnt get its milk on time.
If your saying all nutes can do the same, then wtf is the problem with this one? the price? well sorry your broke and it pisses you off other people can afford it and grow with it if you think it makes a difference or not! Do you mix your own nutes? probably not, so lay off and rag on your nutes which "do the same thing" correct?

People claiming stupid stoners and potheads, buying nutrients because of fancy labels, but continue to purchase them through all there flaws. please it works for us, we can afford it, become large ryields, tastier buds, more resin and finished. but all you haters, buy this and that from An, well just say you cant afford the whole line. I claim you guys are stupid stoners whos mind got fucked by weed and you become obsessed with negativity, get a girl friend or a dog to neglect, but please quit jumping all over the place when you really arent proving shit, just being a knucklehead.
getting kind of sick of it, this is more of a thread for fellow AN users to compare and chat, not for you bums to diss the brand, leave it in the other thread please, because we all read them both
I really appreciate you saying that. Although to tell the truth I expected worse. As far as Morals like you said, it's a name I go by in some places.
Another thing. Why would successful growers care so mush about a few extra hundred dollars or a g at most, maybe two. It's only money. Shouldn't you be more concerned with quality and yield? If your a successful grower you can afford experimenting and spending extra doe to find the best quality. My love for cannabis may make me a pot snob, but I desire the best and have keen senses compared to my cigarette smoking days. I can smell the difference in buds grown with gh, foxfarm, age old, ect. I know my shit. No joke. And I haven't even gotten started. Give me 10 years and and I'll show you perfect. I tell people all the time, if it was up to me I would talk about growing weed all day for days without stopping, I love it that much. Growing more than smoking. Now that I'm on ICM, i've been on here honestly between 8-16 hours a day and haven't gotten board once. If you love weed as much as me and devote your entire life to it, and you have detailed info of why AN is not the best nutrient products on the market for quality, flavor and yield please let me know. Until then keep your unfounded negativity on the subject to your self.
Morals the Ganja Man.


Try it before you slander it.

Most people on here aren't saying AN makes bad nutes. Indeed, this is what I said on page one:

Jawnroot said:
Advanced Nutrients makes some great product.

The major gripe people have with AN is the brand image and all the absurd claims they make. For example, someone new to growing might read all the crap on AN's website, and determine they're doomed to failure unless they buy AN's overpriced products. In fact, I bet a good deal of their revenue comes directly from folks who don't know any better.

Speaking from personal experience, I've used a number of AN's products. I like their Mother Earth Tea for what it is, and in particular find the Mother Earth Grow good for mother plants, as it's a very gentle solution. I also like their CarboLoad, which was their first and, in my opinion, their best product.

But the exact same carb formula can be had at half the price through DNF (carbologic). And I'll use Pure Blend Pro any day versus Mother Earth, at over 25% less money per equal volume...not to mention that Advanced Nutrients veils the fact that Mother Earth is primarily designed as a booster, not as a standalone nutrient.

What people are responding to on here isn't that Advanced Nutrients makes bad nutrients. They're saying they don't like the image, the inflated price, the half-truths, and the downright misleading claims they make.

If AN works for you, then more power, but if someone doesn't like ANs prices or propaganda, they have just as much right to post that info as all the others saying how great AN is. As long as we keep it civil and stop the name calling and finger pointing, I see no reason not to have an educated debate on the subject.

Ganja D

Most people on here aren't saying AN makes bad nutes. Indeed, this is what I said on page one:

The major gripe people have with AN is the brand image and all the absurd claims they make. For example, someone new to growing might read all the crap on AN's website, and determine they're doomed to failure unless they buy AN's overpriced products. In fact, I bet a good deal of their revenue comes directly from folks who don't know any better.

Speaking from personal experience, I've used a number of AN's products. I like their Mother Earth Tea for what it is, and in particular find the Mother Earth Grow good for mother plants, as it's a very gentle solution. I also like their CarboLoad, which was their first and, in my opinion, their best product.

But the exact same carb formula can be had at half the price through DNF (carbologic). And I'll use Pure Blend Pro any day versus Mother Earth, at over 25% less money per equal volume...not to mention that Advanced Nutrients thinly veils the fact that Mother Earth is primarily designed as a booster, not as a standalone nutrient.

What people are responding to on here isn't that Advanced Nutrients makes bad nutrients. They're saying they don't like the image, the inflated price, the half-truths, and the downright misleading claims they make.

If AN works for you, then more power, but if someone doesn't like ANs prices or propaganda, they have just as much right to post that info as all the others saying how great AN is. As long as we keep it civil and stop the name calling and finger pointing, I see no reason not to have an educated debate on the subject.

Cool, I agree with much of what you said. I don't think beginners should use AN unless they keep it basic.
Although intelligent people should research and educate them selves before making important decisions. My comments weren't directed at you. I just get the feeling that some people who won't and don't try the products and trash them with no experience or people call AN users stupid for falling for their "scams".
I wish we could all smoke each other out and compare.
AN marketing basically says were the best try it and you'll agree. If they are right, why is that bad marketing? Also why wouldn't they charge more?
Over the next year or so I will have the ability to conduct some tests with nutes. It will be multiple growers with the same cuts. I'll let everyone know what I find. The first test will be H&G vs AN, hopefully starting sometime in march.


Well-known member
For 5 years my life revolved around AN. Who do you think coordinated their events in SF? Who designed mondos feeding schedule/calc & special mixing instructions & growing tips? Who helped mod & troubleshoot the old AN medical forums? Who visited over 500 stores to help retailers better understand the line & how to use it? Who broke down the PPm/ml of EVERY product in the line to design feed charts? Who handled dist in socal and bought $100k in AN at distributor pricing to sell in their retail store and stock socal? Who was the national distributors tech rep? Who sold AN at the absolute lowest prices? Just take a guess.. LOL!
I grow in organic soil mixes and haven't tested my ph in 2 years. I'm as loyal of a person as you will find if you've done me right. AN has done me right. I'm not some retard jumping on a bandwagon. You got to see something to believe it, and I've seen that AN is the best thing for me compared to many other solid products I've used successfully in the past. AN is an absolute game changer. I don't know their politics or any personal info about their owners, but I do know that growing is and has been the most important thing in my life for as long as I can remember and AN has blown me away. That is why I use it.
Try it before you slander it. I wouldn't care if they raised their prices because my quality and yield is that much better! So keep being disrespectful, that's cool. I go to bed at night with the most integrity and clear conscious possible and dream of bigger gardens and freedom in my sleep.
I agree AN is over priced with way too many additives. I used them for a while and grew some dank herb with it. I even purchased from Toohighmf on several occasions.

I say if it works for YOU then use it, but I don't think they have anything over any other company. I do like their Big Bud and Overdrive and will continue to use it. I also agree that their PH up and Ph Down are more concentrated then the GH I was using before.

I was not happy with the change from Barricade to rhino skin. I used Barricade as my Ph up and find the Rhino Skin isn't near as effective with raising the PH

Here is a shot of my bubba I grew with all An nutes


Well-known member
& I appreciate your business MM! You know I likes the bubba! I like big b & od too, but I'm actually over it. Simplicity has never dissapointed.
Dutch Master doesn't have 1/4 the amount of products that AN has. Also I rarely see them advertise, and they don't have obnoxious claims or ridiculous marketing. Please next time make an intelligent comparison.

Very forum like statement. Dutch Masters has amazing products. Dutch Masters also doubles some of their products into a Gold Line, etc........ I love Dutch Master products! Plenty of companies have extensive lines and funny names. Take your own advice.:whistling:

Ganja D

For 5 years my life revolved around AN. Who do you think coordinated their events in SF? Who designed mondos feeding schedule/calc & special mixing instructions & growing tips? Who helped mod & troubleshoot the old AN medical forums? Who visited over 500 stores to help retailers better understand the line & how to use it? Who broke down the PPm/ml of EVERY product in the line to design feed charts? Who handled dist in socal and bought $100k in AN at distributor pricing to sell in their retail store and stock socal? Who was the national distributors tech rep? Who sold AN at the absolute lowest prices? Just take a guess.. LOL!

All that is real interesting to me. How long ago did you stop working for them. Honestly now I'd love to pick your brain a little. What AN products do you still use? What do you use in place of the ones you don't use anymore?

I've really had amazing results with AN, but if you have secrets or ideas of better, or honestly just as good but cheaper methods I'd love to know. If you have the time, you could post em here or pm me some info. If not cool.

But, didn't you claim bud candy equals molasses, cause that just ridiculous. It may have been someone else. I've deff used both and bud candy with carbo load is unbelievable what it does, compared to molasses.
One last question. If you were a AN rep for a while, do they honestly flat out lie? For instance, they claim sensizyme has the most active enzymes on the market with the longest shelf life compared to all competitors. I once ran out at the beginning of flowering and used hygrozme. Big difference in the end. Since then I always make sure to stock up. So am I imagining things or do their products really do amazing things?
I'd love to hear any honest info and first hand experience about AN from you. I'd be happy to hear as much as you have to say if your willing.


For 5 years my life revolved around AN. Who do you think coordinated their events in SF? Who designed mondos feeding schedule/calc & special mixing instructions & growing tips? Who helped mod & troubleshoot the old AN medical forums? Who visited over 500 stores to help retailers better understand the line & how to use it? Who broke down the PPm/ml of EVERY product in the line to design feed charts? Who handled dist in socal and bought $100k in AN at distributor pricing to sell in their retail store and stock socal? Who was the national distributors tech rep? Who sold AN at the absolute lowest prices? Just take a guess.. LOL!

Yea sounds like you would know so im interested to know too


New member
Another thread about AN? Sometimes these just seem like pissing contests to see who is the better grower. I mean, I get it and all that you want to be the best and you want to know that everyone ELSE knows you're the best, but unless they're giving out a cash prize for the best pot, I just don't care what anyone else uses in their grows.

True, I go on boards and talk about what I use, but heck if I care whether they listen. Just seems sometimes that people get really bent out of shape when someone doesn't agree with them.

It's like the Democrats vs. the Republicans...only dirtier. LOL

I just say good luck to everyone and to whatever regiment works for them. I'll say that I love Advanced Nutrients, even if they don't live up to every single promise they tout in their ads.

The fact that my harvests are bigger on these nutes, that's enough for me.

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