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ACMPR(Medical use and production) info and links.


when BC hydro shows up on your property, they ONLY have access to your meter. If they show up with two RC's in the car. Demand a search warrant, call your lawyer and the human rights commissioner. That's the little fishing scam they like to try and pull.
If you let them walk into your house without an actual search warrant in hand.... sorry to say, that's just plain stupid in this day and age.
I know many folks up here who have had that little black suv pull up their driveway and most have told them to fuck off or get sued for harassment and trespass. These are people who have never grown a plant in their lives.
BC hydro has access to the meter area of your property and that's it. The specifics of your use of power is none of their business unless you aren't paying your bill. Lastly, the presence of an rcmp member with a hydro employee does not give the hydro employee any more rights of trespass under the law. Nor does the mere presence of a police officer mean you have to let ANY of them on your property.

people who fall for this scam are just not using their heads.

In the case of the individual I mentioned, it was a city created bylaw allowing their EFSI inspectors, accompanied by two RC officers "for protection" (not in an investigative capacity; no criminal charges could be laid), to enter a dwelling within 48-hours to inspect any electrical system pulling more than 93-kwh's daily. No conspiracy theories, or black SUV's. I believe they've since discontinued the use of the RC inside the property line, but I think they still run the program. BC Hydro is obligated to give usage data to any municipality with a bylaw such as that in place.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
I'm well aware of the program and aware that it's not a conspiracy. However, you have every right to refuse access except to the meter. You refuse access and call a lawyer. Refusal to do so is simply allowing the trampling of your rights.
A great many people I know personally in the BC interior have had that same SUV and the individuals you mention come knocking and have told them to fuck right off without a warrant. The local butcher who runs his thriving business from home was one such individual. No one shut off his power and he stopped them in the driveway. Another friend has a big shop and works on custom cars and offroaders for a hobby. Same thing at his place. He saw the two cops and said "got a warrant to be on this property" , if not , read the smart meter from the road and get lost. They've never been back as far as I know and never got to even look in his buildings.
So I guess it boils down to how fervently one sticks up for their rights and privacy. Not everyone can stick 25K away in the sock drawer to keep a lawyer a phonecall away but I do and thankfully have not needed it yet. This is the kinda shit guys like me "enjoy" spending our money on LOL


Active member
I haven't read through the regs completely, but if I want to start growing.

Do I need to pay some g-ball doctor again or find one willing to sign the paperwork like I did with my MMAR?


I haven't read through the regs completely, but if I want to start growing.

Do I need to pay some g-ball doctor again or find one willing to sign the paperwork like I did with my MMAR?

1. Get new medical document from any doctor. (1g/day = 5 plants)
2. Fill out Health Canada personal production forms (on HC website)
3. Send both to Health Canada registration (address is on the form)
4. Wait for Health Canada's slow ass to send you your production license


So has anyone confirmed that you do not need your landlords consent if the place your going to grow at is your regular residence?


Active member
you don't need their consent for the paperwork, but it doesn't mean that growing won't violate your rental agreement in some way leading to eviction.

Kinda like the no pets, rule....

I expect it to get challenged depending what the rental rules are by province...


Active member
Oh and medicalmarijuana.ca will no longer sign grow forms....Just LP forms...

Dr. Shaw has retired, shame I liked her.


Well-known member
Am i mistaken in thinking that once you have a license to posess from the doctor that is good to go to dispensaries etc, you just submit that with the application to produce or do the dr have to sign off on grow forms as well?


Active member
are mmar licences grandfathered?

I'm not sure. But I imagine having one will help you get back into production.
Since you've already established that you were allowed to grow before.

So that's what I'm guessing.

Jonny Lan

Well-known member
I've read a few times that you can't grow for others with a criminal record. I'd like to say that I've been told differently by someone from health Canada. as lon as it's not certain types of drug related convictions your good to go.


Just to clear up the landlord issue.

I called health Canada and confirmed that you do not need to notify your landlord of your grow as long as where your growing is your normal place of residence.

That is the way it should be, can you imagine having your landlord know and then telling his buddies that he has a renter growing weed, not a good situation.

Also I confirmed that you can grow for 1 other person of you have a record you just cannot have any designated cannibis offences, which means if you were allowed to grow under the old system and were charged with growing more plants that you were allowed or trafficking cannibis from your legal grow.

Other than that you do need a police record check but you will still be allowed to grow for someone else with a criminal record.

Hope that helps. So nice to be able to grow without the fear of having your door kicked in and all your stuff stolen by the cops.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
so did you ask health Canada what protections will be in place for folks who don't tell their landlords and get evicted for growing pot or because it's licensed and legal.... the tenancy act/landlord can't touch a renter in that situation? I wonder..... I know that in BC, if a grow is found in a home, licensed or not, if the homeowner discloses this info or if the rcmp have filed a report on the address..... no one is getting a mortgage on that house under current rules until all kind of time and expensive hoops get jumped thru.
I was just talking with a friend who is trying to buy a house that is for sale near me that had a legal grow. It's got restrictions on it and no one will give him a mortgage , even with killer credit, zero debt and 20% down.

Trudeau is creating this problem, it's my opinion that everyone who voted for him based on his legalization promises, should be demanding a non confidence motion by their MP's. you all got shammed. I voted for harper.... because he isn't a liar.... I didn't like his message, but at least he was straight up about it.

half of me wants to just move and say fuck them and their "legalized" medical marijuana LOL

sorry, I just finished watching Jody Emory on Youtube in the ctv interview and I'm awfully pissed off.
I'm now convinced her and marc are nothing more than puppets for big marijuana. promoting LP's and a two tier marijuana system. I agreed with the parts about the government fucking us over and about opening the market for the little guy but there was zero mention of Freeing the weed for the at home growers. I would think with all the fucking seeds marc has peddled over the years.... his wife's loudest message shouldn't supporting LP's and dispensaries but true legalization that frees the weed.
I'm not impressed with our Canadian marijuana spokespersons.... not impressed at all.


Active member
so did you ask health Canada what protections will be in place for folks who don't tell their landlords and get evicted for growing pot or because it's licensed and legal.... the tenancy act/landlord can't touch a renter in that situation? I wonder..... I know that in BC, if a grow is found in a home, licensed or not, if the homeowner discloses this info or if the rcmp have filed a report on the address..... no one is getting a mortgage on that house under current rules until all kind of time and expensive hoops get jumped thru.
I was just talking with a friend who is trying to buy a house that is for sale near me that had a legal grow. It's got restrictions on it and no one will give him a mortgage , even with killer credit, zero debt and 20% down.

So I guess if you already growing. Then your landlord better sign the Ok now.
Or if you get busted he can't sell the property? Sound like a win win for the gower.

Sign now before you phucked Mr. Landlord. :laughing:

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
I own my place but thinking of listing it soon as we want to buy a larger property/smaller house LOL but we all know plenty of folks who will want to grow and are renters.
and like phuck I'm going to disclose a grow to the real estate people, it's none of their business as long as the house I put up for sale isn't damaged.... and it isn't.

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