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Ace Malawi and Cycloptics Greenbeams: caught in the Under Current!


Thanks timmur:)

The plusnuts look good - like you said before ... same principle as a rivet, but looks stronger. Looking at your project planning ... I'm pretty sure that you've checked the loads on the nuts and also the steel in the ceiling panel.

I'm a liitle confused about the use of a screw or a bolt. It looks like the inside of the exposed part of the plusnuts has a thread, which you could screw a threaded bolt into. Does plusnut also sell a bolt or screw to fit into the nut or do they have recommendations - it would be great if they had tested a range and know which ones work best with their system?

In any case ... the above is just micro stuff ...the rivnuts will be a nice clean install. Really looking forward to seeing the lights hung - I like the look of the GBs and reckon you have designed a very functional and beautiful grow environment, that should put a smile on your dial everytime you enter it .... nice.:)

The plusnut takes an 8-32 screw and it can hold a lot. :)


Well-known member
Hey Bro....Gotta admire someone that makes the time , investment , and extra effort it really takes ta do something right the first time....now....IME....

A ton and 1/2 mini-split borders on insufficient with all the guaranteed heatgain from 12 light fixtures and commercial dehuey once employed in late flower , although hopefully will be enough until you can upgrade down the road as budget permits , and I strongly suggest it....

Rule of thumb on bare bulbs has always been 4000 btu`s of heat to be removed from each bulb in the grow area , and with horizontal fixtures in sealed rooms , the needs up themselves to 5 and almost 6000 btu`s of A/C need per 1 KW depending if propane/natural gas CO2 generators are used on top of all the other heatgain sources , but I digress.....and really....I`m just tryin ta help...

Setup is to drool over my buddy , believe me I`m not easily impressed.....now....plusnuts...

Not sure how much 12 light fixtures and ballasts weigh , but hopefully the ceiling panels are ribbed internally for vertical support/shear , and I`m sure you`ve researched how much dead weight/shear the panels will hold on the inside without being "thru-bolted" and secured on the top side....

I found a sweet spot of 69 degrees with my big ass rez`s and aqua-logic drop in probe chillers back in the day with my Krusty "SWC" buckets , cuz as much as RDWC setups contradict it , roots like warmth for explosive growth , and it`s pretty much evident from the results of the seasoned PPK`ers in the last few yrs , but that`s another thread....you know.....

I`m really not qualified to consult on this new DE technology with Umols , Par , and all that other scientific shit I never knew about.....but....

My old ass got by with 34 watts per sq ft with big plants over a decade , and another decade + with 50 watts for more dense and improved taste/overall quality , but no yield increase per se...that said.....

To be honest , I just got lucky growing inside cuz I found Krusty and Heath Robinson back in the day and did what I was told , and it worked....why ?...

I was fortunate enough or cursed whichever way you choose to view it as being brought up in the asshole of the dirty south /gulf coast region where RH stays 80-90% yr round , so when Krusty preached 70% RH till end of cycle , I had no problem.....

Plant growth exploded exponentially , and almost from the first -3rd grow , 2 1/2 lb`ers came consistently from doin my homework and following the rules....and never changed....anyways....

I`m in awe of your crib Bro....get ta work and dial that bitch in....you can do it....learnin`s in the doin....runs under yer belt ....that`s wassup....

Would`ve never seen it without the pm cuz I mostly come here for pm`s from old friends....regardless...

Holler if I can help.....and....



Some. The mini split is installed, the ballasts are mounted, and the sub panel is wired up. Lights will go up on Thursday or Friday. Hopefully finish by the weekend. Not real happy with the slow progress. :cry:

Ez Rider

Active member
Some. The mini split is installed, the ballasts are mounted, and the sub panel is wired up. Lights will go up on Thursday or Friday. Hopefully finish by the weekend. Not real happy with the slow progress. :cry:

Sounds like you're getting there. My setup is quite a bit smaller/simpler and it still took me a solid week of 8-10hr days to get everything set up an installed, and I'm reasonably competent in these matters. That was all the downtime I could afford though. Considering the amount of capital you've already invested, and the complexity of the setup, it's probably better to take your time, and be sure it's all set up properly. I'm just hoping it's up and running soon. Good luck to you:tiphat:


Hey Bro....Gotta admire someone that makes the time , investment , and extra effort it really takes ta do something right the first time....now....IME....

A ton and 1/2 mini-split borders on insufficient with all the guaranteed heatgain from 12 light fixtures and commercial dehuey once employed in late flower , although hopefully will be enough until you can upgrade down the road as budget permits , and I strongly suggest it....

Rule of thumb on bare bulbs has always been 4000 btu`s of heat to be removed from each bulb in the grow area , and with horizontal fixtures in sealed rooms , the needs up themselves to 5 and almost 6000 btu`s of A/C need per 1 KW depending if propane/natural gas CO2 generators are used on top of all the other heatgain sources , but I digress.....and really....I`m just tryin ta help...

Setup is to drool over my buddy , believe me I`m not easily impressed.....now....plusnuts...

Not sure how much 12 light fixtures and ballasts weigh , but hopefully the ceiling panels are ribbed internally for vertical support/shear , and I`m sure you`ve researched how much dead weight/shear the panels will hold on the inside without being "thru-bolted" and secured on the top side....

I found a sweet spot of 69 degrees with my big ass rez`s and aqua-logic drop in probe chillers back in the day with my Krusty "SWC" buckets , cuz as much as RDWC setups contradict it , roots like warmth for explosive growth , and it`s pretty much evident from the results of the seasoned PPK`ers in the last few yrs , but that`s another thread....you know.....

I`m really not qualified to consult on this new DE technology with Umols , Par , and all that other scientific shit I never knew about.....but....

My old ass got by with 34 watts per sq ft with big plants over a decade , and another decade + with 50 watts for more dense and improved taste/overall quality , but no yield increase per se...that said.....

To be honest , I just got lucky growing inside cuz I found Krusty and Heath Robinson back in the day and did what I was told , and it worked....why ?...

I was fortunate enough or cursed whichever way you choose to view it as being brought up in the asshole of the dirty south /gulf coast region where RH stays 80-90% yr round , so when Krusty preached 70% RH till end of cycle , I had no problem.....

Plant growth exploded exponentially , and almost from the first -3rd grow , 2 1/2 lb`ers came consistently from doin my homework and following the rules....and never changed....anyways....

I`m in awe of your crib Bro....get ta work and dial that bitch in....you can do it....learnin`s in the doin....runs under yer belt ....that`s wassup....

Would`ve never seen it without the pm cuz I mostly come here for pm`s from old friends....regardless...

Holler if I can help.....and....


Hey DHF, thanks for stopping by! I really appreciate the advice. I guess I should clarify a few things as the equipment changed slightly from what I originally outlined.

The heat pump is a two ton unit, not the 1 1/2 I originally specified. Regarding heat load I increased the lighting to 16 Greenbeams from the original 12. The heat load per light is 700 BTU, which puts the load from the lights at 11,200. Hopefully the dehumidifier doesn't push me over the top on heat. You're right though, I may have cut it too close.

Regarding humidity, I've read many of your posts talking about the importance of high humidity to really create explosive growth and I plan on maintaining 70% in veg. I bought two small humidifiers even when I was told I wouldn't need them. I just figured it was the only way to completely control humidity in a sealed room. What do recommend for humidity during flower?

BTW, the lights weigh about 3 lbs each so I think the plusnuts are going to work very well. You should check out some info on the Greenbeams, they are the shit!

I'm really hoping that the O2 Grow unit keeps the DO saturated cause it sounds like that was one of the things krusty and Heath had going on in their systems.

Thanks for all of the kind words! The system in place is great, but like you said, ya gotta do the work of getting it dialed in! :biggrin:


Well-known member
Proud ta see you`ve done your homework , I suppose 50 lbs.+/- hanging from the ceiling will be ok with each individual reflector unit being plusnutted in right ?....are the ballasts remote ?...anyways.....

I read the whole thread , but went back to the first page on room wattage and minisplit info before my post , so my bad on havin `Ol Timers disease cuz I don`t recall seeing yas talkin bout upgrading to 16 lights and uppin the tonnage on the A/C.....could`ve been the bongs and beers before dinner last nite now that I reflect back though....that said..

Hydrofoggers do well increasing RH in grow areas without spewin out bigger droplets like whole house/room humidifiers , not sure what you`ve got , but the ultrasonic units work well although the discs clog easily and will need replaced down the road...now.....

The most important thing to remember in sealed rooms is RH and CO2 spike dramatically during lights off mid-late flower depending on how many or rather how big plants are in the grow area , so if you put wall fans up high and down low all blowing toward the opposite wall , it keeps a "vortex "of air "around" the plants and helps the dehuey remove as much water vapor as it`s able to do , and.....

As long as you run lower CO2 ppms across the board in the 900 range where category 3 and 4 plants thrive during lights on , you should be ok.....

Err on the side of caution with your beans and build a good strong solid rootmass before plunkin em down in a fast hydro setup cuz lumenshock can ruin the first run and it`s start-overs-ville , or will you try and veg in the bloomroom as well.....if so take it easy with the babies as veglings....especially finicky ass sativas....

Anxious to see the techniques with science behind it to control stretch so it helps you keep plant height down and out of the lights , cuz knowledge is power and needs to be spread.....aight....nuff outta me this day....

GF`s hollerin at me ta crank up the grill and do the speckled trout we caught last night out on the pier.....emptied the crab trap and now I gotta fire up da pot and boil them damn things too.....life could be worse....

Good luck Bro....I`ll be over here on my bucket watchin and learnin....



Yep, each light gets two plusnuts and the ballasts stay outside the room. The humidifiers are centrifugal types that produce larger 20 micron droplets. I plan on using RO water with them to hopefully avoid issues. I understand that they can be a source of contamination too so I'll be using water that is UV as well as RO treated.

I've got four oscillating wall fans to keep the air in motion and a recirculating carbon scrubber and fan combo. I'll limit humidity in mid to late flower to maintain the effectiveness of the scrubber.

I'm really banking on the science of stretch control and am fairly confident that it will make a big difference. Just the spectrum alone is going to really keep them compact. On top of that the cold air dump (aka morning dip), very high light levels, and mechanically induced stress should keep them very compact. EZ Rider has reported 50% reduction in stretch with just the spectrum change so I'm sure it will make a huge difference.

What's your take on topping/training? I planned on mainlining (manifolding) and wondered what your thoughts were on it. Thanks again!

Smoke that trout, lol! :biggrin:

Ez Rider

Active member
Yep, each light gets two plusnuts and the ballasts stay outside the room. The humidifiers are centrifugal types that produce larger 20 micron droplets. I plan on using RO water with them to hopefully avoid issues. I understand that they can be a source of contamination too so I'll be using water that is UV as well as RO treated.

I've got four oscillating wall fans to keep the air in motion and a recirculating carbon scrubber and fan combo. I'll limit humidity in mid to late flower to maintain the effectiveness of the scrubber.

I'm really banking on the science of stretch control and am fairly confident that it will make a big difference. Just the spectrum alone is going to really keep them compact. On top of that the cold air dump (aka morning dip), very high light levels, and mechanically induced stress should keep them very compact. EZ Rider has reported 50% reduction in stretch with just the spectrum change so I'm sure it will make a huge difference.

What's your take on topping/training? I planned on mainlining (manifolding) and wondered what your thoughts were on it. Thanks again!

Smoke that trout, lol! :biggrin:

Sorry I can't remember exactly who it was, but I remember someone reporting that his hybrids were still stretching quite a bit under cmh. I'll go thru my recent posts this evening, and see if I can find it. I want to say it was a Malawi x SourBubble cross.


Active member
I think that was me Ez Rider, and it was Oldtimer1 "Smile" a sat/indica hybrid and a cut I have ran a few times as I am very fond of it.

It stayed very short under HPS barely double the stretch over a 6 week period in flower, it did more than that in the first 2 weeks of flower under the CMH it went totally crazy!

Ez Rider

Active member
I think that was me Ez Rider, and it was Oldtimer1 "Smile" a sat/indica hybrid and a cut I have ran a few times as I am very fond of it.

It stayed very short under HPS barely double the stretch over a 6 week period in flower, it did more than that in the first 2 weeks of flower under the CMH it went totally crazy!

That's the 1:tiphat:


I think that was me Ez Rider, and it was Oldtimer1 "Smile" a sat/indica hybrid and a cut I have ran a few times as I am very fond of it.

It stayed very short under HPS barely double the stretch over a 6 week period in flower, it did more than that in the first 2 weeks of flower under the CMH it went totally crazy!

Exception to the rule? :biggrin:


Active member
Exception to the rule? :biggrin:

lol maybe, I am running two cuts I haven't ran before and one I have - the two plants from the cut I have ran before haven't really done anything out of the orindary - perhaps the buds aren't as long as I remember them being the last time I did it, but they are a lot more stacked.

The other two are a cookie cross, one of which looks to be leaning heavily towards the cookie mother used in the cross and this one has stretched very heavily I had to use some yoyos to bend them out the way of the lamps as I couldn't raise them anymore. The cut of the other cookie cross pheno (ugorg disco biscuit if anyone is bothered) stretched rather a lot too but not as bad.

I think the fuller spectrum just allows plants to express their genetics a bit more - so a plant under the bland spectrum of sodiums that is 60/40 sativa/indica would maybe express the more repressed growth characteristics of indica due to insufficient specturm.

I can get some pictures uploaded but I do not want to derail your thread too much!


lol maybe, I am running two cuts I haven't ran before and one I have - the two plants from the cut I have ran before haven't really done anything out of the orindary - perhaps the buds aren't as long as I remember them being the last time I did it, but they are a lot more stacked.

The other two are a cookie cross, one of which looks to be leaning heavily towards the cookie mother used in the cross and this one has stretched very heavily I had to use some yoyos to bend them out the way of the lamps as I couldn't raise them anymore. The cut of the other cookie cross pheno (ugorg disco biscuit if anyone is bothered) stretched rather a lot too but not as bad.

I think the fuller spectrum just allows plants to express their genetics a bit more - so a plant under the bland spectrum of sodiums that is 60/40 sativa/indica would maybe express the more repressed growth characteristics of indica due to insufficient specturm.

I can get some pictures uploaded but I do not want to derail your thread too much!

No worries and thanks for the explanation!


Finally getting closer!

Finally getting closer!

So the electric is done and lights are hung. Time for some cable management! :biggrin:


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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
This will be worth watching for sure. 1st full GB room I have seen. I lov that room that's tits. You went all out on this.


Nothing like great expectations!

I really do think it is going to kill it though. Or maybe I shoulda mounted 5 gavitas and called it a day as someone half jokingly suggested on another forum. Wouldn't have looked as pretty now would it?! :biggrin: