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A World On A String



Trimmed further along

Trimmed further along

Few of The Fuck Show selections 1 and 3 flowers...pretty much trimmed down to jar size

Sticky flowers...goo(ed) up the scissors real quick. Got up before sunrise this morning to finish up the session that started last evening (as I prefer and am more productive in the early hrs). All the trim has been collected from The Fuck Show harvests...filling 1/2 a 5 gallon bucket with primo sugar leaves and assorted air buds. I'll make a few bubble runs...sometime when the notion becomes great....and officially call the grow complete.

The Fuck Show = Hell Hound X Bubba G

Bubba G = Katsu Bubba Kush X Ghost OG Kush

Hell Hound = Odessa IX1 X OG Jam (or OG Jam X Odessa IX1...I used this version in Fuck Show)

OG Jam = SFV OG Kush x Ghost OG Kush X Ghost OG Kush

Odessa = Casey Jones X Cindy Jones

Cindy Jones = Casey Jones X C99BX

* Bubba G and OG Jam were created by ClearBarbedFunk

** Casey Jones and the C99BX were created by H3ad

*** The Fuck Show, Hell Hound, Cindy Jones, and Odessa were created by yours truly

"If it's in the Show....it's been Fucked"
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Fuck man....it just hit me...as I was typing out the route I took to get to The Fuck Show: It's a lot of time and effort that went into getting this cross made. Quite a journey...

There is no comparison...growing out stuff you've had your hand in...trumps all else. It adds the creative dimensions that can not be had...growing out nothing...but other people's work. That's the truth and the juice...as far as...I'm able to see


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Nice work, dude. :respect: Colas look killer!

OD will throw everything @ you, it's always a victory to bring anything home. Glad the mold didn't get a hold, good eye.

I just updated the HM x BB thread, boy, I'd love to finish them OD, but seems destined they'll be brought indoors for the full finish.

Good luck staying undefeated this wk. oughta be a good one! :wave:


Fuck man....it just hit me...as I was typing out the route I took to get to The Fuck Show: It's a lot of time and effort that went into getting this cross made. Quite a journey...

There is no comparison...growing out stuff you've had your hand in...trumps all else. It adds the creative dimensions that can not be had...growing out nothing...but other people's work. That's the truth and the juice...as far as...I'm able to see

Quite a journey indeed. Pretty soon I will get to experience a bit of what you speak of, as my first flowered out cross is getting ready to finish. Will have some big sur holy bud x herijuana to try out. Take care dude, and as always, it's been a good read.:tiphat:


The Great Manipulators

The Great Manipulators

I can not claim to know how it all works. You get onto a good thing...mash it up with good things...and let go of numerical figures, proven sciences, and man created competitions/labels. That leaves a cultivator alone with the muse. Complications are not a plant reality...they arise only in us (the cultivators)...to become the chaotic condition our species dwells in. Driven to make a mark above all the other marks...fulfilling less than original ideas with less than original thought processes...to be a part of a less than original design.

Growing along with plants...acknowledging their reality...is..I consider...a pathway to presence. When one spends time in the presence..understands when they are in the presence...nothing much else matters. It ends the slur of a self created mad world...where we think only of self status...our self serving judgements.

I've come to believe that nothing is above or below nothing. Though born into lies covered with conceit...we are not the great manipulators. Shit either comes our way...or it doesn't..in a sense. When I'm clear...I can see and understand. When I'm unclear...I fight the nothing...selfishly wanting it to be something.


Active member
There is no comparison...growing out stuff you've had your hand in...trumps all else. It adds the creative dimensions that can not be had...growing out nothing...but other people's work. That's the truth and the juice...as far as...I'm able to see

Brother P3,

You have a way of summing up what matters most and I truly appreciate that.

You have a great heart. May you live long and prosper.



Active member
Perpetual Pathways to Presence

Perpetual Pathways to Presence

I can not claim to know how it all works. You get onto a good thing...mash it up with good things...and let go of numerical figures, proven sciences, and man created competitions/labels.

That leaves a cultivator alone with the muse.

Growing along with plants...acknowledging their reality...is..I consider...a pathway to presence. When one spends time in the presence..understands when they are in the presence...nothing much else matters.

You've described the path through the eyes of a farmer....a cultivator....a friend of the green world. Nice to feel the oneness.

Nice to slow down enough to be in the only true time, the moment, dirt in the fingers, watching the endless cycle of birth and death through planting and harvesting.

I hang out with chilis, garlics, shade trees, sunflowers, and herb and always come back....no matter what the question is, with answers...after just spending time. Buddha meditated for years at the base of a Banyan tree. He didn't choose a wall, rock, or mountain.



Hell Hound Hash

Hell Hound Hash

I've had to make room in my freezer. You dudes probably know..but I keep my trim frozen in a 2gal bucket (an indoor run usually provides about 2/3 of that bucket with well chopped up material...then I just add water...put a lid on and freeze until I'm ready).....do all my stirring/mixing in the 2gal then pour it through screens in a 5gal...

it's real simple...and extremely efficient. I only used the 220, 45, and 25 micron bags to make up the batch of Hell Hound hash I'm showing today. The bucket of trim had been in the freezer ever since June. Hell Hound makes great hash...high quality awesomeness...primo rocket ship to oblivion. I'll guess there will be around 8-10 grams of retard mud...when dry

* Now that this is made up....I have room to freeze a bucket of Fuck Show trim. There is a good deal of Fuck Show trim...so I'll have to do separate hash making rounds.

This is my favorite kind of Beet to cultivate...Golden. I've been eating these fresh out of the garden...for the last few months. I grow 5 6...maybe 7 strains of Beets. Though big...this one is very tender and sweet. I like them raw. The greens on these are great too.

Took this picture the other day...showing a butterfly resting amongst some cherry style Tomatoes. Liked the contrast...as well as...the blending of color

EDIT: We've got a couple thousand acre fire rampaging around here...lost a bunch of structures...hopefully they pick it up before anymore mayhem comes this way. Pretty sure there was at least one fatality. Wind driven dragon
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Pushing screened Tomatoes

Pushing screened Tomatoes

So far so good....night temps have dipped down...but no frost yet. I've cut all the top growth off of the Tomato plants. All flowers and young fruit were pruned away. I'm an advocate of consistently pruning maters...especially here..and on most varieties.Withholding water until they are parched..stressing to tell the plants..."hey all...we really need to finish up"

Don't get me wrong...just off these screens (some were trained into a horizontal screen..others into the vertical fence) I've harvested a good amount of fruit...but as you can see...I've still lots of greenies...left to finish. So pray...I do...for warm nights.

* I pruned to let sun in when the plants started fruiting. Think I pruned them 3X during that phase. I pruned for finish 4 days ago...but have been cutting back on their water for about a month...so they've been a bit abused. Tomatoes need to be abused.

** Not my only garden of Tomatoes (and I can't even get all the plants in this one..in a single frame. There's more behind these). I have a whole other garden of them...on a different aspect. I mean...I have shit everywhere. I grow a lot of plants.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
bring on the zombie apocalypse! P is prepared up on perpetual mountain!

do you do lots of canning and sun drying and such?


^I do all I can to avoid it. Much happier when my wife takes all that on. Been juicing then freezing apples..dehydrating all kinds of stuff...she'll can and pickle etc. I grow it...she processes.

Because we juice...stuff gets used quickly. We eat a lot of salads as well. I so much more prefer...just walking out picking and eating fresh. My goal is to rely on the gardens a bit more than 1/2 the year...and harvest wild game in the other 1/2...we'll see how that works out.

I won't eat farmed meats...very rare that I do..maybe an egg here and there...but eating wild game appeals to me. In no way do I believe in the American agriculture system...or its ethics (lack of). I just don't see how it's healthy. Not preaching


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
hmmmm? whaat? i was chewing on some steak...j/k i try and stay away from the beef,no matter how delicious it may be,just cause it tends to slow me down on the bike..
i was in the local coop looking at some free range organic chicken and it looked like total ass,like it looked bad as in spoiled,maybe it was sposed to look like that...


1st run of Fuck Show Hash

1st run of Fuck Show Hash

Getting my hash making out of the way. I thawed this run out...overnight...outdoors...in 40 degree temps. It had only been in the freezer for 5 or 6 hrs before I pulled it out....so not completely frozen solid. This morning I stirred it up...added some ice...put it back in the freezer for an hr while I watered some gardens.

Here's what it looked like before being screened through 220...45...and 25 micron Bubble Bags

And here is the mud cookie it produced after being screened

Took me about an hr total....including cleanup. I find it a very simple way of making bubble. I really do not see a need for more screens...as I don't keep the different screen size runs separate anyway. No reason to do the stirring in the netted bucket either...much easier and better to stir in a separate bucket. Adding the extra ice is usually optional as well...the freezer does most the work. If you freeze it in water...thaw...then add cold water as you screen it (just to add more liquid volume and actively wash through the green)...it's less hassle...more efficient...and O so simple

* I'd guess that the run will produce 8-10 grams of clean/high grade hashish. It's a bit darker than that produced yesterday...from the Hell Hound trim.

** I now have an equal amount of trim...freezing in the 2gal bucket..so expecting another 8-10 grams of finished product. I hope to have that all screened tomorrow morning. Not a bad little score of high grade.

*** When I want to be...I can be a very productive and efficient machine
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Drying Hell Hound Hash

Drying Hell Hound Hash

The same cookie from yesterday....broken down to powder for a consistent drying. One good thing about living in a dry climate...it's easy and quick to dry out bubble hash. I could smoke this by the end of the day...if I were so inclined

After it dries...it will be covered and placed in the sun....to heat up..make soft/pliable and then rolled into a ball. I don't keep it in a powder form.