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A World On A String


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Good having you checking in, P.
Saw the movie 'Savages' last night, made me think of you for the general locale & thinking that the two main characters/best friends were a 50/50 composite of you. Was smoking the Scream'n Dog too. :)

I'm escaping the breeding madness that's consumed me for the last few yrs. and just growing out a few crosses for fun myself.
I'll flower out no more than 8 plants. Have Scream'n Dog x Honey White and Deep Chunk x Honey White seedlings going now, keep 1-2 of the DC x HW and the rest the Screamer's. :D

The HM x BB's are both still alive OD, booted out of the tent for PM.
This A.M. I woke to see frost all over my truck, but they looked no worse for wear. Hope to get them to Dec. ~CRAZY!~

Best wishes, HL


Yeah...these last few years of bean making have been awesome. I didn't really start to understand the depths of gardening...until I got in over my head in the deep end. Christ....it sure isn't about money.

Indoor growing weighs on me as well. I don't really believe in it...but again...I'd not be in this position (have gotten so much breeding done) if I didn't have indoor gardens. Obviously...I'm continuing to use my studio gardens....but have cut back on the amount of energy I am consuming...and popping my head out of the bean piles...to look at what has been done.

* I'm flowering a few Hell Hound IX1 presently. Had to deal with some root aphids....but other than that...it's real simple to encircle bare bulbs with plants. So glad to be off light skimming...and the movers. I was stoked to take them down

** Still use GH products for feed...but have also been making my own teas (molasses/worm castings make up the base) and feeding with those about 50% of the time. I learned from my pit plants this past season....and just love the use of molasses. I think it brings something to the flavor....plus I use molasses daily on myself. I'd like to just make my own nutrients...so easing back into teas. I don't want measure or PH anything either..just eyeball it all

*** I'm growing in 3 gal smart pots now. Again...last season's pit plants worked well in those (7gal)...so I decided to make the change indoors. I really think highly of smart pots

I'm glad to see all (friends) still around on IC.....I've no plans of leaving this site.
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I come from the land where the oceans freeze
Hey homie. Glad you're back. I love the Querkle so let me tell you, I'm fucking pumped up!!!!


Glad to hear you're back in the saddle, P. I run that same vert bulb configuration, but still cram too many plants around em. Can't wait to see the Prune Juice.


Dawn of a new Prune Juice generation

Dawn of a new Prune Juice generation

Excellent strike rate. When did I make these beans? It's all in here somewhere...a year...a year and a 1/2 ago? It must have been a few yrs ago...when I made the original cross (F1)

Should I go back over the Grape Krush males? The males that fathered so much of the Blue incorporated crosses...of that era..in my studio. Pollen was spread liberally (are people afraid of that word?)...pollen from a mutated male and an undeformed male. It's all documented...every cross made...all the females pollinated...and much of their offspring

* For the $ 150some paid for the Grape Krush seeds...the lone female was rather junk...but the males payed the bill. The purchase justified through staminate flowers...and their explosions

Where is Grape Krush now days? The parents (or the dads at least) have changed? It's not the same? I can attest to the low germinations of the originals...but probably blessed to have gotten into that Blue vein when I did.

** The Prune Juice mom (1st generation) was very much like the Querkle mom that was used to make her. Purple flowered....grape/berry...funky...coated in resin. I expect to see her again...here in the IX1s.

This Prune Juice IX1 run: I predict lots of purple/blue coloring...many will be thick branched indica framed structured plants...not expecting too much in the ways of Blue line mutations. I don't foresee any hardships in flowering them out.
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
im lucky to have a bunch of retardo's grape krush f2's to play with,plus an equal amount of f-13,really need to get into those soon...
^ya you do unc. Knock up your DTC99's with some blue males

Looking forward to watching the prunes grow up,P. Especially cause I'm smoking some of it's progeny ATM. Those GK boys have great looking daughters and grand daughters. Gearing up to make them some great grand kids...


Active member


Do you think you can just waltz in here, after such an absence, without answering a few questions?

Ginger or Mary Anne?



^ I've dwelled on that before...farm girl or glitter girl. Which ever way the wind blows I guess
some blatant self-promotion

some blatant self-promotion

Hey P and crew. I've squatted around here for a few years now. So tonight I plucked up the courage to start my own thread. I'm running lots of stuff you guys should be familiar with.
Just posted up some pics of some highland mex crosses and flowering Accidentals and the second run of the Ice cross I posted pics of back in June.

More pics and genetics coming up.I'd be honored if you'd drop by.



Out of all the Prune Juice sprouts I showed yesterday..

Out of all the Prune Juice sprouts I showed yesterday..

....here's the only Blue Line influenced "crinkle leaf" of the population

* kind of in reference to theory that using Blues as the male side of a cross...seems to lessen the occurrences of mutants (crinkle leafs...deforms...whatever)

** as this run of Prune Juice is in the IX1 (F2) generation...I expect some Blue dominant expressions to appear..though not many mutants

*** Looking at the mutants S is getting in his thread...I'm remembering...exactly...why I believe more mutants and more Blue Line dominances show...in crosses where the Blue comes from the female side. That Flo mom never stops showing herself.

**** I'm not implying any science in my thought process. strictly gut feeling +++++++lots of personal observations

All the rest are undeformed....the Prune Juice IX1 sprouts I mean
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I think you're right. I'm witnessing as much. I also remember elevator man asserting something along those lines too. DJ made some observations about which parent contributes what traits in his book IIRC. Time for a re-read...


ICMag Donor
Hey Pablos - glad to see ya back at it...I've got a new thread to lurk around...lol.

I agree with you as well about the stability of males in the blue lines. However, I'll say that it is harder to ascertain if you will be passing the berry/blue line taste to the next filial generation or not...it took me three years to find a male that breed true for terepene profile across all it's outcrosses...however, I found that the consistency of the offspring was much higher than when outcrossing various females from the blue lines. I find more unwanted traits in the lines based on female progeny. Putting two blue lines together is a completely different trick in and of itself....

So, long way of saying from my own experiences that I concur...



couple different expressions

couple different expressions

These are Hell Hound IX1 expressions coming out...

* You can easily see the Odessa in one of them...one of the squat Odessa expressions (makes sense..as I did use the more squat/solidly branched Odessa expressions to mother Hell Hound)

** The other expression is a straight up and down...solidly branched expression...taller and with a more triangle shaped flower

*** these plants were the 1st put into the vertical flowering studio...and were heavily experimented on..as far as..their feeding regiment. Plants coming up behind these...will essentially dwarf them

Turkey Day run....gagging down the molasses and flax oil....the honey and the tea....the apple vinegar and the coconut water...and out onto the trails I'll be
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
woe betide to any wild turkey you see on the trail! snick snick went the k-bar!

are you going to do any vert scrogging?


woe betide to any wild turkey you see on the trail! snick snick went the k-bar!

are you going to do any vert scrogging?

Nah....no vert scrogging. I'm just growing them (topped) on a single bamboo pole (some don't even have a pole) for basic stability...and super cropping them to stay in the best light. I rotate them around the bulbs every few days....and spin them in place every day.

No cages...no screens...some ties and lots of bending (which to me is a relaxing activity...very much a part of my gardening)....but anyways...I'm thinking vert is extremely efficient and very easy. I won't..however...be able to remove plants from the flowering studio for photos. Only these first few plants are small enough to do that....all the others will have to stay in the flowering studio until finish. They'll have to pieced out at harvest.

* There are wild turkeys running all around/on my property...but I've yet to take one. Just haven't felt the urge

** I've almost totally committed to a vegan diet. Gave up ice cream once again...keep some in the freezer just to tempt me..but aside from some fish...I'm all veggie. Still plan to take some wild game...but only when I feel the desire
may I suggest you try not spinning/turning one or two just for comparison? Competent folks say it makes the plant use energy re-aligning itself towards the light. Better to prune out the back apparently. Dunno,just makes sense to me...

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