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A World On A String


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
chacos for me..

just got back from two killer phish shows. what up pablos! i love this thread. i enjoy the heck out of talk about your passions


Views of the last stand

Views of the last stand

I pulled out the remaining flowers....Hell Hound selections 1, 7, 8, and 9 to have their coco mediums drown with straight RO water...power flushing with an over abundance of water.

Selection #1 is at day 70....about 3 wks into flush...this was her last flooding. When she dries out her medium...she will be capitulated to the harvesting shears. A beautiful expression...the OG Jam shining heavy in her...

* If the #1 smokes as good as I believe she will...I'm fairly sure I will use beans from her pollinated branch to run parallel the beans from a Pineapple C99 IX1....and dose the females with Cindy pollen...so it would be Hell Hound IX1 X C99BX IX1

** The same old boring genetics right? Casey Jones, C99, Ghost OG and SFV OG...with even more of the C99 added. I'm breeding objectively when making this move...I don't care if it's the same old stuff reworked or not...I'm adding my own lick and mixing them up in different ways..to different degrees...on different courses. That's how things go DEVO

*** Objectively...with integrity and honesty....use the stuff that works for you and makes you happy. Fuck everything else...and all the hearsay. grow what you love....don't bang your head against walls you never should have been up against...in the 1st place




Hell Hound expressions 7, 8, and 9 are at day 64...flushing just 10 days

Heavy duty expressions...drenched in all things good as far as I'm concerned.

A pinch of Hell Hound beans...in the 1st generation....have produced very consistent and favorable results. A very easy place to stalk trophy expressions...doesn't require a guide or special permits

* OK....run time. Nice heat of the dayer. I'll again test out the flight of the Hell Hound over the PCT this time around


Indeed. Hell Hounds look great dude, consistently appealing flowers across the different expressions. A testament to the quality of the pool from which they came.

It is a solid pool. That's the whole key right there. Some genetics blend a whole lot better than others. That simple.

* I don't think it should take a cultivator a 100 plants to pick out a desirable one. Stand out expressions can be readily accessible in under 10 females...if the pool was built well. That's how I see things.

Anyway...I'm sure someone could argue that...but all I'm saying..is that I don't have any problems finding hot plant expressions. Seems real easy actually...or maybe my standards are sub par..whatever

** Had me a really swell run...full sun...nice breezes...solid climbs...covered 14 miles or so of trail. Saw a few hikers and a fat Pacific rattler...mostly had it all to myself

I've taken to thinking of my waist down as something my top 1/2 must balance on and ride. Total off road style suspension....mowing over the terrain...bouncing off rocks...blasting bursts of speed...holding the top 1/2 over the bottom 1/2 through core strength and form...keeps me going...balance is everything


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
hmmmm....all this time on the bike has led me to the conclusion that all actions are initiated in the core muscles and your arms and legs are just the tools that put your core where you want it....was it Archimedes who said give me a long enough lever and a place to stand and i will move the world....

dont you think however that the success you have had in your quest is in part due to the people who came before you that did select from hundreds of plants? i mean those are pretty bitchin ingredients you drew from and someone had to lead a pig around to find those truffles!
wow,really wacked from some 3 month cured retardo apollomist x f13....


hmmmm....all this time on the bike has led me to the conclusion that all actions are initiated in the core muscles and your arms and legs are just the tools that put your core where you want it....was it Archimedes who said give me a long enough lever and a place to stand and i will move the world....

dont you think however that the success you have had in your quest is in part due to the people who came before you that did select from hundreds of plants? i mean those are pretty bitchin ingredients you drew from and someone had to lead a pig around to find those truffles!
wow,really wacked from some 3 month cured retardo apollomist x f13....

Yes...of course I'm totally at an advantage...though I don't think a lot of the genetics I'm using were selected out of large populations. I do have faith in the dudes that made the stuff I use....the H3ads...the CBFs...because they seem to hit on stuff that I prefer...and I respect their selecting abilities.

I'm far away from any landrace type plants or big lot breeding....purely deeply dropped in layered hybrids. To me: hybrids are where it's at...like coatings of paint...layer after layer...until new expression is exposed. I surely do not snub my nose at today's herb.

* I wonder how many more different expressions you see when using 1000 plant population as opposed to a 25 plant population? I can tell you that there are repeat expressions in most F1 populations...even in a 10 plant run (look at this run of Hell Hound...most were replicas)....

I'm not really sold on big populations....or how much more efficient they actually are

** I try to see my plants as they are presented. I don't think of them as this or that...just as they are. If I didn't know what a hybrid was...or what an indica or sativa was...my plants wouldn't notice

***Core.....yup...the motor...the power. I model my motor off a chevy small block....stroked motor...lots of uphill torque...geared to extend the power band. I lean back...put my balance over my power train...leaning back while going uphill is pure core building

EDIT: I'm stoned retarded on a yoga mat...so whatever I said...you know...a grain of salt
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i dunno,i work around large groups of plants all the time now,at least lots of 100 or so,i can see all out basil plants are not created equal,theres a few i would pick if i were to want to breed them....but that said,you need to be super anal about it if you are doing large lot breeding,your selection might be based on notes rather than the plant itself,or some combination of traits you want to pass on...no different than what untold generations of farmers have been doing,no different than your approach really...im learning that even in the cactus and succulent breeders and sellers there are unique hobbyist hybrids on the market,just people with greenhouses coming up with some of the craziest looking stuff...


Not all plants are created equal. Very true.

I learned a lot about selection from working in veggie gardens. Most veggies are so uniformly bred...that it takes a super duper expression or a mutant freak to stand out. 95 percent of the time I see uniformity though. When I do not see it....it's usually because of an environmental factor...not the plant subject.

I wear selection down. Keep geminating seeds....keep using ONLY seeds from my preferred expressions...eventually it comes down to building the percentages in favor of the desired traits sought.

I would guess that...if you had a population of 10,000 F1 plants....a very small percentage would be "stand out" different in some way...with even a smaller percentage of those stand outs being desirable. And how much more desirable would they be?

I rely on compatibility within the genetics rather than #s. That's kind of the art to it all...in the underground/hobby fields. It's all about making the marinades...the sugars...the spices....the cook down

Off to smoke a fatty of Hell Hound...and off to water veggies...then off for another trail sesh


1st of July Pit Progression

1st of July Pit Progression

3 Fuck Show sisters sitting in a row....sun not yet on them....fed them their mix...misted the pit....raise the RH as much as possible before the dry heat of the high desert draws it down

About 3 wks of veg left? Something like that...around the end of the month...flowering should be induced. For now...not much work

* So Hell Hound pollinated with Bubba G males creates The Fuck Show transition. Again...I'm confident that I will find...at a minimum...routine keepers. I should be able to do this consistently... and at ease. Some will be better than others...and there will be need to select in the direction best suited to fulfill my vision of the cross. All and all...basic stuff....but it's beneficial to be able to decipher expression desirability on the fly...and early on

** Note the use of ClearBarbedFunk's work....the OG Jam in Hell Hound is his work...and the Bubba G is also his. Example of a dude blending genetics in a way....I deem favorable and progressive. I've added in the Odessa (to make Hell Hound)...and selected the "Premium" expression to mother Fuck Show

*** A positive about this and many of my other crosses is: I can make them in multiple generations. So Fuck Show...this is for all practical applications...is F1 X F1...but I could also make it F2 X F2 (which is actually more preferable as I have had more selection say)....this is a total advantage...you can carry it on so many different ways..F1 X F2...etc etc...as long as you keep inlines rolling in the marinade ingredients....it has no end...the pathway is infinite
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my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
it seams to me that when working with high quality genes your always going to find something good... but even in a ten pack there is a stand out winner as compared to the rest of the population. So i would guess that a the stand out from a 100-200 plant grow would be just that much more exceptional as compared to the keeper from the ten grow.

I guess it boils down to how picky are you about having the absolute best individual from the family... or if you can make do with using the above average female out of the bunch... but again with super high quality hybrids even the average female is usually pretty darn good.

one of the big factors are, if your making the seeds for yourself or for market... if your making them for the market, i would expect only the very best individuals to be used to further generations... but it all depends on your goals.

keep up the good work pablos,


it seams to me that when working with high quality genes your always going to find something good... but even in a ten pack there is a stand out winner as compared to the rest of the population. So i would guess that a the stand out from a 100-200 plant grow would be just that much more exceptional as compared to the keeper from the ten grow.

I guess it boils down to how picky are you about having the absolute best individual from the family... or if you can make do with using the above average female out of the bunch... but again with super high quality hybrids even the average female is usually pretty darn good.

one of the big factors are, if your making the seeds for yourself or for market... if your making them for the market, i would expect only the very best individuals to be used to further generations... but it all depends on your goals.

keep up the good work pablos,

No argument from me. Grow/Use the best you can...objectively kill anything that does not measure up to your vision. Sub par plant expressions are exterminated. Sub par beans are disposed of. You must kill. There should never come a time when you must involve plants in projects that do not measure up...or that you do not like. It's pointless cultivating/breeding plant expressions that don't move you. Attraction is important.

It is unlikely that I ever will work with large #s (or market beans)....to be honest...it's not something I would be dedicated enough to do. In a world on a string....I'm allowed only small populations...so I focus on what is presented...not so much...on how it may have come to be. Starting with great genetics is paramount.

Each run is its own thing...but man...I'm happy with most my stuff. I'm not a perfectionist...in the sense...well I mean...how much better does the herb need to be? Even the average expressions get me sailing pretty good....and the great ones are better...but not out of this world better. Just notches better.

A large population...in a controlled...university level facility...run by university level botanists...love to see it. How much better would the herb be though?


Some Balls

Some Balls

Found a dash of intersex on one (she'll be known as Selection #2 from here out) of the Fuck Show pit plants

These present no problem to me. They appeared in this set and one other set on different branch. In each case...they appeared a few crotches down from the lead growth. Removed them with my fingers..on we go

* the #2 selection is the most aggressive grower...biggest...probably going to be the most difficult to work with. I like her


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
does anyone know if CBF is still around the boards or still making beans?

No argument from me. Grow/Use the best you can...objectively kill anything that does not measure up to your vision. Sub par plant expressions are exterminated. Sub par beans are disposed of. You must kill. There should never come a time when you must involve plants in projects that do not measure up...or that you do not like. It's pointless cultivating/breeding plant expressions that don't move you. Attraction is important.

It is unlikely that I ever will work with large #s (or market beans)....to be honest...it's not something I would be dedicated enough to do. In a world on a string....I'm allowed only small populations...so I focus on what is presented...not so much...on how it may have come to be. Starting with great genetics is paramount.

Each run is its own thing...but man...I'm happy with most my stuff. I'm not a perfectionist...in the sense...well I mean...how much better does the herb need to be? Even the average expressions get me sailing pretty good....and the great ones are better...but not out of this world better. Just notches better.

A large population...in a controlled...university level facility...run by university level botanists...love to see it. How much better would the herb be though?

agreed! you sir are an artist...:artist:

for sure, if one is working with varieties created by professionals that used large numbers and did all the stabilizing creating a line that is true breeding for traits like smell/taste, potency, trichome production, resin production and high type (which I know you are). then most of the work has already been done, finding true breeding individuals becomes easier and running high numbers is less important... especially when they are just for yourself, friends and family.

all of the strains I like are about $100 plus for a ten pack, and are high quality and stable enough to where Im usually pretty comfortable making selections from 30-50 plants. Still though... I know that with those numbers there are some phenotypes and some individuals that are going to slip through my fingers... so to speak.

and just to be clear, I love the way you do things and I have the utmost respect for your breeding journey. I know that you probably grow as many plants as you can and run the numbers you do for a reason, but for the sake of the topic, I do believe if you were able to run larger numbers... that your stand out plants would be proportionately more impressive and the mean quality of your overall crop would undoubtedly rise as the frequency of deleterious(undesirable) alleles goes down. But I think this just separates your intuitive, by feel, traditional/artistic style of breeding from; a more scientific, observe, record and test style of breeding... both of which I enjoy and believe hold their own special place in the cannabis world

how much better could the herb be in large populations done by professional botanists in controlled environments with great attention paid to record keeping and test crossing? Well beauty is in the eyes of the beholder but In my opinion... over several generations with these types of pressures guided by knowledgable people, I believe varieties could be a great deal better than today (not that there are not a lot of killer varieties today... but i don't think we've reached the end of the rabbit hole). Such as Ive read that some highly recessive individuals have the potential to reach cannabinoid levels of 50% THC... frequency of this trait could be increased in a given line. Also I believe that the smells and tastes of cannabis expressions to be virtually unlimited, so no telling what kinds of unique things are out there to be found within the recombinant genetics of the cannabis plant

just imagine, where cannabis evolution could have been at this moment in time if it were not for prohibition.

peeps could have been running thousands of plants per generation and selecting the utmost spectacular individuals each time, who knows what varieties and recessive alleles could have been teased into expression... the varietal possibilities seems nearly limitless, especially if some of the old classic 60's & 70's varieties where never pushed to the brink of extinction.

I myself am a firm believer in my gut and selecting plants based on the overall nature of an individual instead of trying to focus on just one or two traits... that being said though; through studying Ive learned that in order to breed for 4 or 5 specific traits the odds of a plant, Male or Female, being homozygous for all the desirable traits are 1 out of 256 (or something along those lines).

And even then it may be a female, so if your goal was to find a male that would for sure pass on the desirable traits to all of its offspring one would need to grow at least 500 plus plants, select, isolate and test cross several different male individuals with identical clone mothers then grow large amounts of the progeny to determine which male passed on the desirable traits and use that individual to further the genome... if one is lucky enough to find the right plant out of that small a population.

that however is assuming you are not working with a line that is already homozygous for the traits you are looking for, which your parent strains I'm sure are already stabilized for many desirable traits

sorry for the long winded rambling... I like talking genetics and don't know how to keep it short LOL

Found a dash of intersex on one (she'll be known as Selection #2 from here out) of the Fuck Show pit plants

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=32929&pictureid=907841&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

These present no problem to me. They appeared in this set and one other set on different branch. In each case...they appeared a few crotches down from the lead growth. Removed them with my fingers..on we go

* the #2 selection is the most aggressive grower...biggest...probably going to be the most difficult to work with. I like her

I've found some of my best cuttings from plants that threw sacks in pre flower during the Veg stage... after that initial intersex stage they never threw balls again. I never worry about a little ball plucking early on either.

later man,


Absolutely CBF is around on the boards. He has been posting in his OG Jam thread for sure. Once in a while he pops in this thread...good dude...I'll grow anything he makes...no questions

Yeah man....prohibition is crazy. I agree the resin profiles that could be found...we probably have not even hit but the tip of the iceberg. I also admit that resin profiles are what I mostly look for in a plant. Pretty much trumps all else...flavor and high...when you make hash the reality of profile comes under the light. At that point....growth habits...finish Xs...and structure are swept under the rug

* I've found myself in the same boat when it comes to early showing intersex plants. When I saw the signs this morning...the stock in selection #2 went up. It has been my observation...that these sort of intersex plants are: aggressive growers....have a lust for life and lust for flower making...often produce interesting and desirable resin profiles.

** Would I breed with such a plant? If she does what I think she is going to do...and keeps me attracted...yes I would.

*** I love genetics....I love making beans....I love digging into expression. I keep myself in check with the numbers...do what I can...under no illusions though....my garden is but a speck. As far as creating high grade homegrown...it works for me and mine...but I'm sure lots of ICers can say the same thing. With all the available genetics (well bred or not) in this age of internet networking...there really is no excuse for not growing the high grade. It is a much simpler time...in some ways.

**** Sometimes I need to come back full circle....remind myself that I'm growing flowers. Growing flowers is one of the most creative...natural....and beautiful things you can do. Breeding/Creating your own flowers....is beyond the horizon...over the damn rainbow....fucking basically....very very awesome. It's so simple...I do my best not to muck it up


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
I'd really like to try a hybrid, F2/3, or Bx etc. made with CBF's S'creme cutting!

Yeah man....prohibition is crazy. I agree the resin profiles that could be found...we probably have not even hit but the tip of the iceberg. I also admit that resin profiles are what I mostly look for in a plant. Pretty much trumps all else...flavor and high...when you make hash the reality of profile comes under the light. At that point....growth habits...finish Xs...and structure are swept under the rug

hell yeah... fuck yield, flowering time, bud structure etc. how good does it smell/taste... is it potent... are the effects pleasant? those are my main three criteria when judging herb or hash there are others o'course but a little less important than those 3

**** Sometimes I need to come back full circle....remind myself that I'm growing flowers. Growing flowers is one of the most creative...natural....and beautiful things you can do. Breeding/Creating your own flowers....is beyond the horizon...over the damn rainbow....fucking basically....very very awesome. It's so simple...I do my best not to muck it up

for sure, simple is best... as far as growing I feel thats the best way to do it. When ever people compliment my buds or ask me how i get such nice flowers, I always tell them "that its the plant variety and its genetics that makes for high quality shit." "For the most part outside of providing the plant with the basics, there is not much more a grower can do except fuck it up... so just let the genetics do their thing and produce to their potential instead of trying to add this or that to make their product better, only to screw it up in the process."

Though I like to keep it simple; I also love defoliation and I think there are quite a bit of things that can be done to indoor rooms to better reproduce a larger spectrum of the natural environments, that many indoor grows either can't or simply don't implement.


that technical talk made my head spin. it sounds like it would require military organisation and an army of people.

i like the idea of a networking community. everyone breeding their best overall plants, their personal favourites. and sharing them. sure i wanna see what chimera will come up with or big business, but i still expect the jems to come from hobbiests, personal growers. or specialised boutique producers, catering to the big money snob? whatever.

As far as creating high grade homegrown...it works for me and mine...but I'm sure lots of ICers can say the same thing. With all the available genetics (well bred or not) in this age of internet networking...there really is no excuse for not growing the high grade. It is a much simpler time...in some ways.
yeah man. lots of good grass around. lots of info. easy to find. couple years max. i gave some beans to my indoor friend. shrom x c99 f2, shrom x c99 x alpha diesel, bangi gloria. all turned out top shelf. the whole package. smell, look, high/stone. i've been smoking the schrom x c99 last couple of days and love it! yield and growth have to be checked in the second run, but they all make the second run.

you can shop for good things and mash them up. look and find. fuck i don't need all uniform plants. i don't mind 10% shit ones either. i'm outdoors and i start with 50 or 100 or more and end up 3 or 5 picks from that for the next round and for my smoke. I wouldn't say fuck yield or flowering time. these are very important for me. the whole package is what i look for. i wonder when I will have all 100% bomb plants? I kept adding new shit each year so far. and still have a fridge full of untested beans, so probably never :D especially since the testees multiply. but. the big bucket idea is something attractive. to forget the names and just pick the flowers.

Sometimes I need to come back full circle....remind myself that I'm growing flowers. Growing flowers is one of the most creative...natural....and beautiful things you can do. Breeding/Creating your own flowers....is beyond the horizon...over the damn rainbow....fucking basically....very very awesome. It's so simple...I do my best not to muck it up
flowers. grandma, sage, sublime, posh he he. thank you for the reminder. flowers. magical flowers. that makes us shamans, isn't it?

gardening is fun.


that technical talk made my head spin. it sounds like it would require military organisation and an army of people.

i like the idea of a networking community. everyone breeding their best overall plants, their personal favourites. and sharing them. sure i wanna see what chimera will come up with or big business, but i still expect the jems to come from hobbiests, personal growers. or specialised boutique producers, catering to the big money snob? whatever.

yeah man. lots of good grass around. lots of info. easy to find. couple years max. i gave some beans to my indoor friend. shrom x c99 f2, shrom x c99 x alpha diesel, bangi gloria. all turned out top shelf. the whole package. smell, look, high/stone. i've been smoking the schrom x c99 last couple of days and love it! yield and growth have to be checked in the second run, but they all make the second run.

you can shop for good things and mash them up. look and find. fuck i don't need all uniform plants. i don't mind 10% shit ones either. i'm outdoors and i start with 50 or 100 or more and end up 3 or 5 picks from that for the next round and for my smoke. I wouldn't say fuck yield or flowering time. these are very important for me. the whole package is what i look for. i wonder when I will have all 100% bomb plants? I kept adding new shit each year so far. and still have a fridge full of untested beans, so probably never :D especially since the testees multiply. but. the big bucket idea is something attractive. to forget the names and just pick the flowers.

flowers. grandma, sage, sublime, posh he he. thank you for the reminder. flowers. magical flowers. that makes us shamans, isn't it?

gardening is fun.

Keep things simple.

I went kayak fishing this morning...predawn off the coast of La Jolla. Never been before...but my friend is a heavy duty kayak fisherman (also a heavy duty stoner) with all the equipment/know how and wanted to turn me on to catching Yellow Tail Tuna off a kayak.

Besides the all important fish finders...kayak fishing is pretty damn simple. Paddle out through the surf....about a mile or so...find where the squid are popping....drop your line...paddle to stay in position...and hold the fuck on when/and if a school of Tuna comes through.

We smoked joints of Hell Hound....so I did catch a buzz...but my friend was on fire...landed 3 Yellow Tail between 25-30lbs on top of his buzz. Crazy fishing...fun stuff...great fixings at the dinner table. I'm already set up to go again.

* In the same area...they had the beaches closed yesterday due to a large White Shark swimming in the surf line. White Sharks and Mountain Lions are the same thing to me...they are both always about...and if they want you...there is not much you can do. I can't decide which would be worse to face off

Anyways....ocean kayak fishing is fucking so awesome. So simple it's silly

** I have not much interest in uniformity of any sort


Active member
Keep things simple.

I went kayak fishing this morning...predawn off the coast of La Jolla. Never been before...but my friend is a heavy duty kayak fisherman (also a heavy duty stoner) with all the equipment/know how and wanted to turn me on to catching Yellow Tail Tuna off a kayak.

Besides the all important fish finders...kayak fishing is pretty damn simple. Paddle out through the surf....about a mile or so...find where the squid are popping....drop your line...paddle to stay in position...and hold the fuck on when/and if a school of Tuna comes through.

We smoked joints of Hell Hound....so I did catch a buzz...but my friend was on fire...landed 3 Yellow Tail between 25-30lbs on top of his buzz. Crazy fishing...fun stuff...great fixings at the dinner table. I'm already set up to go again.

* In the same area...they had the beaches closed yesterday due to a large White Shark swimming in the surf line. White Sharks and Mountain Lions are the same thing to me...they are both always about...and if they want you...there is not much you can do. I can't decide which would be worse to face off

Anyways....ocean kayak fishing is fucking so awesome. So simple it's silly

** I have not much interest in uniformity of any sort

Hi ThePablos.Very nice thread and great fishing story.I myself like to salt water fish.Sounds like the tuna tasted great.How did you guys cook it?.

Thanks for sharing your grow!!


Hi ThePablos.Very nice thread and great fishing story.I myself like to salt water fish.Sounds like the tuna tasted great.How did you guys cook it?.

Thanks for sharing your grow!!

The stuff caught today...keeping it on ice overnight...but then some of it gets smoked...and the rest will be pieced up. We sometimes make sushi...but mostly it's marinaded in whatever flavorings...and cooked on a grill.

Often I have a freezer full of the fish caught by this dude. To this point...we've had a barter system implemented....fish for herb. The fish varies...depending on what is hitting...the herb varies...depending on what I'm growing. This evening I'll finish eating what was caught over the weekend....and he has a fat sack of Hell Hound.

* I've decided to take up kayak fishing and bow/black powder rifle hunting. I don't eat farm raised meats any longer...but have no issue with eating small allowances of fresh fish or harvesting rabbit, pig, deer, and turkey. I'm making an effort to not have to barter for these meats any longer...I'm becoming my own source (what motivated me to grow herb in the 1st place).

I'm interested in becoming more full circle...a hybrid between a hunter gatherer and a farmer. I'm trying to maximize living off the land/sea...in a modern Southern California. It's really fucking cool...opens me up to a bunch of new experiences. I'm getting my hunting licenses this week...took my course (hunter safety) already. I have met some really cool folks that are helping me along.

So...you may be able to see....my ideas/pathways are being expanded in many different directions. To me: gardening, hunting, fishing, and trail running are all a part of an overall way of life.

To keep myself entrenched in the mechanical-nonorganic disciplines (the ying to the yang?).....I continue to build a hot rod. Seemingly...life must have balance....so the passion for hot rodding is excused from hypocrisy in search of that balance. Or so I say.

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