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Obama Wants a Bush Crony...



Crazy & Sad, Yet I still have HOPE. ;( May Peace come swiftly to all cannabis consumers and supporters. Wake up America!


Well-known member
"think about healthcare. he played that like a fiddle. Looked so bad then ba-bam. Passage."
i have-its a big payday for the insurance industry
mandatory coverage? so that right there is an additional 40-60 million americans that will need coverage.
barry is a one trick pony-furthering the agenda of his corporate masters
don't even get me started on rangels mandatory army service bill-WTF?!?
we need to get less blazed and more active-the last thing i wanna see is sick americans tax money perpetuating the empire
I don't think I could agree more on some levels but there are numerous states already trying to repeal this. Also I'd like to add my original problem with it entirely was that it's simply unconstitutional. The only thing our government is allowed to make you pay for is taxes, and mind you this would only raise taxes and then make you pay for the rest on your own. Ultimately this seems like a corporate plan to eliminate any and all employee benfits. In turn becoming SOCIALIST. Dissolve the D.E.A., Electoral college, and a few other federal organizations and things might start to turn up again in this country.


"think about healthcare. he played that like a fiddle. Looked so bad then ba-bam. Passage."
i have-its a big payday for the insurance industry
mandatory coverage? so that right there is an additional 40-60 million americans that will need coverage.
barry is a one trick pony-furthering the agenda of his corporate masters
don't even get me started on rangels mandatory army service bill-WTF?!?
we need to get less blazed and more active-the last thing i wanna see is sick americans tax money perpetuating the empire
He'll get elected again, if he can keep the Hispanic vote.

The organizations that support him will go get all the black people who wouldn't normally vote, get them registered, and get them out to vote. They will vote b/c it is their chance to vote for a black president, again. They may not be as pro-Obama as they were, since nobody got reparations, and there weren't all the freebies that seemed to be promised in people's minds, but having a "black" man as a possible president is historic, and if voting is made easy for those who don't normally vote, well then, why not?

The hispanics, he's trying to court them by saying the Arizona law is racist, even though all it does is say that if someone is caught committing a crime and the officer suspects they are illegal, that the officer should ask what their status is. Nothing racist about the law, but it's a hot button topic that Obama can use to seem "pro-hispanic" since minorities are now the majority in this country and he can get a second term by getting them all out to vote. This may not happen, though, b/c hispanics are supposedly really upset with him. Maybe b/c they thought he'd just legalize all the illegal immigrants and allow anyone to just come here from Mexico, even though people from other countries wait 20 years to get into this country. Somehow, he gave hispanics the idea that the rules could be broken for all their family members, friends, and countrymen if they backed Obama. Sound familiar?

On the white vote, this is why the black lady in the department of agriculture had her speech doctored so SHE seemed racist, so he could get her fired and then say "See, white people, I'm against black on white racism, too." "Vote for me." He knows that all the white lefty-liberals have realized that although he acted like he was a lefty-liberal, he really isn't, and they are the ones who are really upset with Obama. Just like us on icmag. We though he was liberal enough to work on legalization or at least not spending billions to lock up 800,000 people per year over pot when murderers and rapists are being paroled early for lack of space. Silly us!

Of course, the organizations that got all the blacks out to vote in the last election probably won't be able to convince them to vote in the elections this November, b/c there isn't a black candidate for each position, so probably he'll lose the House and Senate, although he'll probably keep the White House two years from now. This means he'll essentially become a lame duck president with 6 years or so left to being President.

The terrible thing is that people are finally becoming really angry at the two-party system, but we've all been brain-washed into thinking that we HAVE to vote for a dem or a rep. Add to this a lot of people who have NEVER voted other than in the last election and obviously know nothing about politics, and although we should be having a political revolution, we won't. Too many organizations getting our tax money to convince people to vote, without actually educating them about anything. Scary.

Still, American anger is the only way things change around here, so maybe when the inevitable drop off in voters occurs, the people who are left will be people who care and who educate themselves about politics and they might be willing to revolt and not vote two party.

One can hope. . . . .


I love my life
hahaha....now there are two village idiots....

Funny he said.....



I love my life
crony/corporate puppet, look at the monsanto people he has in place...

It wasn't until I watched "Food Inc." (very scary about our gvt.) that I learned that Supreme Court Justice Clarance Thomas spent a nice chunk of his career as an in house lawyer for Monsanto.

Then Mr. Thomas ruled that farmers who's crops get pollinated by Monsanto pollen which trespasses onto their fields must pay Monsanto and may not keep and re-use their own seeds.

That is correct the US Government will now allow Monsanto to bankrupt any farmer who tries to use their own soybean seeds, it is pay Monsanto or don't grow.

Sad really but all of you should watch "Food Inc."



Sheeple!!! all of you Sheeple, you fucked it all up for us. nuff said. Obama sucks. Obama is a
RepConLibAsshatkissasscocksuckingPresident. Who cares if he fixed the USA road infrastructure with all the new paint and polish. What a joke, "I fixed the Nations road while running the USA into deeper debt and causing untold thousands to lose their jobs and homes, all while getting a paid vacation."

yeah its a worthless post, but Obama pisses me off, and the USA had no better choice.

You are all fucking Sheeple.


I love my life
You are all fucking Sheeple.

Not nice to name call, especially in this community. This is a group of MJ smokers and growers. If we were sheeple we would not focus a great deal of time and effort violating schedule one drug laws.



what the fuk difference does it make....really...get real folks...ya think john mccain and sarah palin would be legalizing pot for you? get a clue...they all suck. the only person with half a brain and conscience is ron paul! otherwise its gonna be the same old same old shyt.

Neo 420

Active member
OK.. Would our situation be any better if McCain/Palin was in office? Grass always look greener on the other side and when you get to the other side, you find out it is mexican bammer........


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
but Obama pisses me off, and the USA had no better choice.

That's the whole problem here. We the people don't have a choice. We haven't had a choice for a long time. We simply have the illusion of choice. For decades and decades our President's have sold us one thing and then done another. They are superficially different, but over the course of history have carried out the same corporatist agenda in the long run. They are nothing more than faces and names for us to blame when things go to shit.

The bankers, the FED, the real authority and power stays behind the curtain and continues on with the fascist agenda unabated because we are too busy yelling at Presidents who are nothing more than puppets. The two party false paradigm will go down in history as the ultimate divide and conquer propaganda technique IMO. If we are too busy fighting with each other our anger will never be directed at the real culprit of our enslavement.
How can anyone fight a post/point like this? This is something I've believed and known for quite some time and I'm scoffed and scolded at called crazy, paranoid, and a conspiracy theorist. Thank you for being at least a little enlightened and helping to enlighten. Sure could use more of this in the world.


That's the whole problem here. We the people don't have a choice. We haven't had a choice for a long time. We simply have the illusion of choice. For decades and decades our President's have sold us one thing and then done another. They are superficially different, but over the course of history have carried out the same corporatist agenda in the long run. They are nothing more than faces and names for us to blame when things go to shit.

The bankers, the FED, the real authority and power stays behind the curtain and continues on with the fascist agenda unabated because we are too busy yelling at Presidents who are nothing more than puppets. The two party false paradigm will go down in history as the ultimate divide and conquer propaganda technique IMO. If we are too busy fighting with each other our anger will never be directed at the real culprit of our enslavement.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
How can anyone fight a post/point like this? This is something I've believed and known for quite some time and I'm scoffed and scolded at called crazy, paranoid, and a conspiracy theorist. Thank you for being at least a little enlightened and helping to enlighten. Sure could use more of this in the world.


Truth is treason in the empire of lies brother. There is a reason propaganda exists. It's incredibly effective at controlling people, but it's human nature to think we are too smart to be controlled. Especially in America where American Exceptionalism is preached vigorously.
George Washington told us not to have a two-party system in his speech upon leaving the White House. Eisenhower told us we needed to ramp down from war or we would have a military/industrial complex that would push us to always be at war.

In a better nation/world I would roll a fatty just to spend time with folks like you. I wish I had more life of intellect around me. The more ignorance I see the more I die a little inside.


Truth is treason in the empire of lies brother. There is a reason propaganda exists. It's incredibly effective at controlling people, but it's human nature to think we are too smart to be controlled. Especially in America where American Exceptionalism is preached vigorously.

George Washington told us not to have a two-party system in his speech upon leaving the White House. Eisenhower told us we needed to ramp down from war or we would have a military/industrial complex that would push us to always be at war.
