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A World On A String



Salvation male enters exile

Salvation male enters exile

All this shit is coming at me fast now. Playing a dangerous game in the flower studio....undocumented moments/phases I can not allow myself to show. I think: I'm not supposed to exploit every run the way I have. Some runs require solace, solitude, and privacy....not all rabbits allow roaming cameras and their documenters into the hole

It is not that I am unsure of myself. It is the exact opposite. Maybe things have not slipped past me....or if they did...it was to make me work out direction...compass bearings...to find isolation...to keep me on the path. If it becomes routine...if it becomes regular/run of the mill....you might as well label it...call it all good...and forget about pulling out anything worth a shit

The young male I spoke of before....the Salvation plant for an outcrossing salvage of a line. He was rushed into flower...had his # called up....what will he do?

Confessions (though I ask for no forgiveness)

* I think intersex plants are progressive and absolutely necessary

* I think breeding a line to have non intersex plants is regressive overall. I do understand why growers do not want intersex plants...but I myself....think it is not the correct way Cannabis should be bred.

* I truly believe the best expressions in Cannabis (drug) will come from lines with frequent intersex

* I believe more growers need to wake up to what cultivating high grade herb actually involves....rather than falling back into the comforts of stability and proven "safe" lines. Old Skool is dated.

* growers who promote hardline "No Intersex" plants are confused by the nature of Cannabis. It is a control issue with many of them...flat ignorance in others...but regurgitation by most.

* I believe if everyone was stuck with an inside the box mentality....nothing would ever get done

* Shunning intersex plants is careless

I could never market beans....due to these confessions. That's cool with the Jeep


I am...it is true....a total hack.

My name is Pablos....I am a hack. It has been a couple months since I last hacked a line.

I wake up...I hack. I have no idea where this hacking will take me.

There is no shame in the art of hacking.

* I would never advise anyone to grow out any beans that I've made...and if you did...never bother me about all the ruin they caused. I'm terrible at customer service....empathy and sympathy seem to elude me. I don't understand money very well either.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
speaking of closet hackery...i chopped down the cindy99 male after another pollen gathering and having his way with the ladies one last time,they are all very very pregnant,and i got about 2 tablespoons of boy joy from him so he will do further duty at some point..


speaking of closet hackery...i chopped down the cindy99 male after another pollen gathering and having his way with the ladies one last time,they are all very very pregnant,and i got about 2 tablespoons of boy joy from him so he will do further duty at some point..

Righty O....right on dude. How shameless of you. Damn beans are just pure joy. I am never not at a marvel with the entire bean process. The grand design.


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
i second that. the thing about beans is indescribable. the life, the love, the nature.

i love poppin beans. its a real delight. constantly in awe


Yo Pablos, can you please elaborate on what leads you to believe in the first 4 * of your confession? :tiphat:

I will try.

First....I want to state that I'm coming from an indoor growing perspective. Let's say that....I am an your average suburbanite grower. It still will relate to outdoor growing...but I'm talking more a controlled garden setting.

If I tossed every strain that showed intersex indoors...I'd be tossing some favorites....the Chems/Diesels/Blues/Hazes/Congo/Casey/on and on. If I'm running plants with equator origins in their bloodlines...I'm going to expect intersex traits to show. In fact...if I'm running any plant in my gardening discipline...it is necessary to pay extra attention to fleeting expressions...as I never know exactly what they will do.

I feel that the best herbs I smoke...take routine maintenance to grow. One of those chores is going over the plants with tweezers looking for nanners. My garden is controlled...I don't usually find that I freak out many plants...and if I do?.....should I fault the plants that are being deprived of reproduction in an artificial environment?

Pushing plants in flower is...by nature...a stressful event. To me...a plant that shows the willingness to continue its genetics forward...by selfing....shows some heart. I can't fault a plant for that...and if the smoke is great...I'm willing to put in the extra time to pick off nanners. All part of the grow experience.

As I've been working with genetics lately....that are derived from intersex bred plants....I'm finding the reality between male and female Cannabis plants not cut and dry. I'm learning about "true" males and "true" females vs "non true" males/female....and all I can say...is that in my observations...I can't tell the difference. It would be difficult to by just looking at a plant. Guess the proof comes in prodigy.

I've had nothing but good results from plants bred from selfed material. I've observed very little intersex in the prodigy of such plants. I still get what I deem male and female plants...though in study...they may not be "true".

Though I'm generally an observer...I have been reading posts made by CBF, Tom Hill, Chimera and a few others on the subjects of intersex and breeding them...and I can't say I understand all the science....but...my instincts tell me...we shouldn't be eliminating intersex plants from the pools.

I felt like that before...and now I'm educating myself to understand why I felt that way. I'd say it's because I've found intersex plants not at all intimidating to work with...and the final results (smoke) from some of those plants...highly desirable. I also believe it is not a great idea to breed out a line's desire to carry on...if the shit hits the fan (to self).

* I am not saying....stable plants should be eliminated or have no purpose. Guerrilla growers want stable lines I understand....as would many low key home growers...or commercial cash croppers.

My point is that there are many misconceptions about intersex in Cannabis...and much prejudice against those plants. I think we need to educate ourselves before we rampage over genetics. From my experience....I'd say let's not fuck ourselves out of some killer expressions...just because they are sensitive. I'd say...let's look at this different. Maybe the plants are showing us something?
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Well the Casey Jones I just grew nannered all over right at the end.I hear the nanners are slightly fertile but I'd grow this thing again in a second.A nanner is not a failure on anybodys part mostly unless you're just plain confused and can't run a timer or use yourself as a timer...I reckon indoors we've weeded out much of those plants that hate lamps and now in only 40 yrs we have strains that thrive.Its cool, we've come a long way for an underground culture in 40yrs.:)


Bubba G (Katsu Bubba X Ghost OG) Tops

Bubba G (Katsu Bubba X Ghost OG) Tops

This was harvested on day 67.....the Superior expression

Very nice packages.....bells and whistles...soups and salads.....butter up that toast

* flushed/flooded for 20some days


* Fucking yum
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I come from the land where the oceans freeze
i agree with just about everything you just said brother. im not scared of a few nanners and some of the best smoke i have had threw some nanners very late. only a few, it wasnt an issue. KILLER smoke.

i also like the natural senescence to take place. i like my plants thirsty and ripe when i pick em. flushing for 15days or more is common place in my garden


Bubba G (Katsu Bubba X Ghost OG) flowers

Bubba G (Katsu Bubba X Ghost OG) flowers

The pix show flowers from the "Shim" expression of Bubba G. Harvested on day 65

* Flushed 20some days


* Shim was like a squat/solid branching OG....a very nice blend of the Bubba and the Ghost

* ...and yet again: Fucking Yum


Album of the Day: Bleach

Album of the Day: Bleach

Haven't heard it in a while...it's on now though. Shows how potent Cobain and the band was. At least he didn't get a chance to tarnish his legacy.

I can hear the influence of Public Image Limited's "Flowers of Romance" album. There is no way Kurt wasn't influenced by that one. Bleach is a fucking great album.

harvested this Bubba G yesterday at day 65

And her look alike sister this morning at day 66

I'm a Negative Creep I'm a Negative Creep I'm a Negative Creep

These expressions are so easy to trim....you see how that can be...each one is a solid branch of the most offensive smelling funk you can dream up. Look at them....standing or floating.....NO INTERSEX on either....flushed 20some days...simple to grow...about as simple as it gets really.

I don't find them as attractive as the Superior or Shim expressions (faded yet didn't color up much)...but they override those expressions with this funky stench...kind of rotten smelling. It's so stringent/pungent...reeking up my whole house....you don't realize until you get them away from the filter. Fantastic shit.

* The dude that posted above me is the maker of Bubba G...his creation


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
Haven't heard it in a while...it's on now though. Shows how potent Cobain and the band was. At least he didn't get a chance to tarnish his legacy.

I can hear the influence of Public Image Limited's "Flowers of Romance" album. There is no way Kurt wasn't influenced by that one. Bleach is a fucking great album.

harvested this Bubba G yesterday at day 65

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=32929&pictureid=847331&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=32929&pictureid=847330&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

And her look alike sister this morning at day 66

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=32929&pictureid=847326&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=32929&pictureid=847325&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

I'm a Negative Creep I'm a Negative Creep I'm a Negative Creep

These expressions are so easy to trim....you see how that can be...each one is a solid branch of the most offensive smelling funk you can dream up. Look at them....standing or floating.....NO INTERSEX on either....flushed 20some days...simple to grow...about as simple as it gets really.

I don't find them as attractive as the Superior or Shim expressions (faded yet didn't color up much)...but they override those expressions with this funky stench...kind of rotten smelling. It's so stringent/pungent...reeking up my whole house....you don't realize until you get them away from the filter. Fantastic shit.

* The dude that posted above me is the maker of Bubba G...his creation

some people got into nirvana through "nevermind'

i loved bleach and incesticide (not a true album)

i can sit and watch old nirvana youtube vids for hours. RIP kurt d cobain...

still on topic, his little girl francis bean is a CUTIE...amazing to think she is 20yrs old or more. there is a great vid of the band doing an interview in europe around 91. the band is OBVISOULY stoned to the bone. kris starts talking nonsense and kurt is just giggling

Guest 88950


its been a while since ive stopped by n posted but im always checkin up on yr thread........i love it.

i think im ready to start a small perpetual pathway with a few new strains im getting. i cant commit fully to never looking back so im keeping a few cuts until im comfortable enough to ditch them or pollen-chuck with them.

im going to start working with some 100% sativas, starting with ACE 's gear. im excited to convert most of my garden over to various sativas, 4 month flowering will be taken instride. im sure ill even try some equatorial sativas that go up to 6 mo........crazy i know but pure sativas is where my gut is telling me to move toward so time will tell.

anyway, thx for letting us all watch you travel down your perpetual pathway bro. inspiring in many ways.


Stepping Off the Edge

Stepping Off the Edge

To duly note: I did my first ever deliberate pollination of a plant showing both sexes (lots of male parts...but mostly female) in its first 2wks of flower. This subject IS NOT a lazy intersex plant....meaning...it was sexed as a male in veg...but showed more female from the start of bud set. A freak to begin with in other words.

It is a marvelous plant....vigorous...fast to build flowers...the aroma off young flowers is deliciously berried funk.

*Can you control this thing?

"Yes. I am an everyday diligent indoor gardener. In my own way...I meditate with my plants....and again in my own way...I try to fulfill their destinies. The path is not always easy or obvious."

This plant is part of Salvation. This is where I am now. Holding up torch light to the walls of my population foundations. The horror

Looking stellar as always.
Been going over your PetProject thread for the last couple of days. Lovin' it. Really nice to have your experiments with the blues available for my perusal and to see the roots of the perpetual pathway. I'm getting a real hard-on for my two week old tfluxes. :headbange

Ass kissing aside, happened upon a pic of a mutilated stem,I know you've been doing that for a while...always been interested in the whole girdling thing especially for sativas. It seems proper. Consider implementing it on the CJs and the tfluxes. I might just do it to a girl or two for kicks,maybe go all out and actually drive a toothpick through the base of a stem or two...
What are your thoughts on the practice? Do ya still do it? Any differences in finish time/aroma/resin?

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