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CPC (Chronic Pain Club)



hey guys,
was hoping to join the group but it looks like ive got a bit of work to do!
first off ,hope your all well.
i'm 24 and have RA,depression PCOS and a couple of more minor aliments.
i use cannabis to help with all three.
currently using codeine for pain,cant use steroids because i've had stomach ulcers.
i've finally got my appointment to see a specialist next week,hoping to be on disease-modifying drugs ASAP!
i think i'll be hanging around here till i can join the group.

catch ye!


hey guys,
was hoping to join the group but it looks like ive got a bit of work to do!
first off ,hope your all well.
i'm 24 and have RA,depression PCOS and a couple of more minor aliments.
i use cannabis to help with all three.
currently using codeine for pain,cant use steroids because i've had stomach ulcers.
i've finally got my appointment to see a specialist next week,hoping to be on disease-modifying drugs ASAP!
i think i'll be hanging around here till i can join the group.

catch ye!
:comfort: Welcome to "the yellow brick road""marmoset" by the way each persons hell is there own. Your suffering is just as bad as everyone else. :tiphat:
---------------- Now playing: Eagles - Learn To Be Still via FoxyTunes


I know how you guys feel today .here in indiana it was very humid and raining ,i went to visit my mom today and by the time i got to her house i was almost in tears from the pain and had to have help getting out of the car.And she only lives about 12 miles away.I hate the hot humid weather.I also find that my pain meds and heat doesn't mix either.When it gets real hot and humid i have to stay indoors where it is cool or i get very nausous(spelling?).Hopefully we get some relief from this humid weather soon.
We had it two days earlier :tiphat:


You guys will be able to join soon. I won't forget to send you invites! marmoset I am on Humira now along with Methotrexate. MW:wave:
My Mother was on Methotrexate for some time and she had to have liver biopsy's but now she no longer takes the Metho and is healed.

G-Wiz :shucks: I sure do hope I get my Invite!!


yeah it only took me 2 days to figure it out.......for my addled brain thats pretty good.


hey herbwarts thanks for the welcome.hope you hit your 50 post mark soon!

hey marywanna,i havent got a clue about any of the drugs for RA.are the one's your taking working well for ya?

My papa had lupus,and as bad as the lupus was,the side-effects from the meds were worse for him.
this (and the fact ive only got two brain cells and their both lonely!!)
made me terrified of treatment.
so i'm finally getting this sorted after 6months.i'm really putting this out there so anyone reading this in a position like mine DOES NOT DELAY TREATMENT!ive done alot of irreversable damage to myself.i didn't know RA could damage as bad and as quickly.


Well,the TNF blockers are supposed to stop more damage. My sister has RA and Lupus. She is on Plaquenel but says it isn't working. I was going to start first on Remicade but was worried about the infusion thing. First the Dr. puts you on Methtrexate for a couple months. If it does not improve your condition then the drugs like Humira,Embrel,Simponi,and others are suggested. Google these drugs and find out about them before you decide treatment. Have you already been on steroids? They also help,and have pretty big side effects too. Either way you go,when you are on the drugs you must have your blood drawn monthly to make sure your liver is okay. I know that sometimes the treatment seems worse than the disease. But if you are getting bad that fast,I don't know what choice you really have. go look up the drugs so you have all the info you need to make an informed decision with your Dr. MW:)
Hello Everyone,

Well after drinking down 2 huge containers of dye and having a main line *IV* Inserted in my shoulder and pumped with contrast and it made me feel super hot and laying down for an hour performing CT Scans then performing a series of MRI Images for my enlarged Liver I pray my test results come back with a clean bill of health praise the Lord.

The deep IV was like a massive sting when it was being Inserted deep into my artery and that stining was felt even after they gave me to shots of Novocain to knumb the area but besides my shoulder area hurting and a nice little hole in my chest top right area I just feel a bit weak from not eating other then that I'm fine :)


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
DR - glad to hear you made it through the gauntlet! Hope everything comes out well.
Thank You rives, My chest is a little tender and the needle hole was bleeding a bit but that's nothing compaired to my head on collision pain I went through when I had my back broke, 14 stiches across my left eye brow, stomach ripped raw from the seat belt & air bag & concussion suffered not counting the 3 back surgeries within 10 days apart.

I'm blessed to be alive or even walking with a cain for that matter but all's good Thank You so Much ;)
Hiya Sweety :wave:

Feeling ok tonight Mary?? Another night for me up until the sun comes up the pain in my knee's is becoming to much to bare.
redneck Damn I think my hair hurts.

Excuse me for sounding rude but are you trying to be funny?? I really think this isn't the place for humor like that in here and the Tokers Den might be a better fit for your comments.

If I'm wrong please do explain your comment because I'm all ears!!

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