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a wicked pulse

"Would your uneven screen coverage be strain related ?"

while it could be the clone donors i have picked are very close to each other in size and shape right now.

but really, even or uneven, large or small, won't make much of a difference in total yield here as long as the screen is full.

i knew i would be getting different plants.

True dat. I was just curious to see which of your strains were within 4" of the upper edge of the screen. I'm waiting to pull the trigger on buying two strains to try in a side by side. I know I threw a lot of detail at you in an earlier post and I'm trying to learn an internet program to draw a schematic of what I want to try. On the other hand I could post pictures of the PVC frames when built but need help with the radius dimensions.
Am I a pervert if I say I like your little girls?

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You're onto something there Ichabod. When this shit is finally legal there will be a need to fill for the home hobbyist. Cue the commercial-----D9s room is panned in slow motion while a Maurice Chevalier sound-alike sings "Thank Heaven, for leetle girls. For leetle girls get bigger every day, in a PPK."


No Jive Productions
True dat. I was just curious to see which of your strains were within 4" of the upper edge of the screen. I'm waiting to pull the trigger on buying two strains to try in a side by side. I know I threw a lot of detail at you in an earlier post and I'm trying to learn an internet program to draw a schematic of what I want to try. On the other hand I could post pictures of the PVC frames when built but need help with the radius dimensions.

the sour13, dope, and good dog all got there about the same time but these were individuals and not all of the same strain made it at the same time. some individuals of the chemdawg13 and the bubba og are close behind and the c99 is right there too.

i have a couple of very short bubba og's and a runt chemdawg13 too, i think.

but the six i took cuttings from were the best plants stature wise. next time i will have a much faster veg period with clones.

what radius dimensions?

high life 45

Seen your Member?
D9, I have a vision of you designing a trim machine in about two months... or MrsD9 must really love you...

My old lady bailed on me for the past four days after the festival.... she finally came and helped my trim the last half of the last plant and told me that she likes trimming...:woohoo:.....we will see in a few harvests..


No Jive Productions
"Those plants are fucking healthy"


"Your ladies look elegant, graceful, and perfectly fed.

You must be proud".



No Jive Productions
D9, I have a vision of you designing a trim machine in about two months... or MrsD9 must really love you...

My old lady bailed on me for the past four days after the festival.... she finally came and helped my trim the last half of the last plant and told me that she likes trimming...:woohoo:.....we will see in a few harvests..

"after the festival" this was your mistake! get the work out of them first and then reward. and remember to do 20 repetitions.

i talk tough on the internet, but in reality i might be the one doing the repetitions.

"likes trimming" she's a keeper!

mine doesn't "like" trimming but she's very fast and does a great job.

but she's a two row defoliator too.

in the last few days, starting with the largest going to the smallest, i've been radically defoliating and thinning. as of today i've got a week to the flip. basically i'm leaving nothing but the branch ends of the larger branches. any shoots that have not made it to the outside of the canopy are removed.

by staggering the plants in groups according to size and doing the bigger ones first the smaller ones are catching up.

i'm doing 4-5 plants a day and am about halfway through them all now.

but back to trimming, i think this whole trimming thing has gotten out of hand. who started this shit anyway? i would like to smack him in the funny bone with a ball peen hammer. peening end.

i can understand the need to remove the larger stems and the big fan leaves. but really, removing bud leaves that are absolutely covered in trichs is kind of silly.

most of the cali bud i see here has been totally anal-lised.

so, i don't think i'll be doing any more trimming in the regular sense. i'm just going to de-stem the bud and whack fan leaves with petioles.

as it is handled most of the bud leaves will fall off anyway and i'll keep separating the bud from it

we don't have the dispensary scene here and i have the best smoke around so i don't have the competitive pressure you west coasters do.

i ran a few lb's out that had been treated like this just before i tore down the other show and no one complained.

i called it an artisanal trim and told them it was a sign of higher quality.

they bought it and then they bought it.


Active member
Where I'm from, a tighter trim means more than the quality of the smoke. A bud can be of lesser quality if it's trimmed naked, and I'll still get full price. It makes a significant difference in final weight too. I never realized how much leaf I used to sell.

For my personal stash... I do leave it roughly trimmed... Cause I like snapping the protective leaves off the buds before I grind it up.


No Jive Productions
Where I'm from, a tighter trim means more than the quality of the smoke. A bud can be of lesser quality if it's trimmed naked, and I'll still get full price. It makes a significant difference in final weight too. I never realized how much leaf I used to sell.

For my personal stash... I do leave it roughly trimmed... Cause I like snapping the protective leaves off the buds before I grind it up.

hey, where i live there is no "trim scene" to make solutions for.

and there is very little quality indoor around.

most of the cali bud is outdoor.

honestly, they save up money and wait for mine here.

when i flip i'll notify a couple of people on the timing and they'll be ready.
but back to trimming, i think this whole trimming thing has gotten out of hand. who started this shit anyway? i would like to smack him in the funny bone with a ball peen hammer. peening end.

I remember that guy. While most of us were collapsing with laughter out of smoke filled cars and couldn't have given you our zip code with a gun to our heads, he was the one who maintained. The more he smoked the tighter he became...his apartment was spotless and he was always showing and trimming the bud.

As in all endeavors, to the OCD go the spoils.
the sour13, dope, and good dog all got there about the same time but these were individuals and not all of the same strain made it at the same time. some individuals of the chemdawg13 and the bubba og are close behind and the c99 is right there too.

i have a couple of very short bubba og's and a runt chemdawg13 too, i think.

but the six i took cuttings from were the best plants stature wise. next time i will have a much faster veg period with clones.

what radius dimensions?

Let's see.....imagine a clock with one side missing. The clock has five hands at 12:00....1:30...3:00...4:30.....6:00

I'm assuming a distance of 16" from a bare bulb 1000...so 34" from the far end of the 12:00 hand to the far end of the 6:00 hand? If I can figure out how long to cut each hand there will be a vertical appendage on each end. I will also extend each hand another foot or so past the appendage to allow a second appendage. This will allow two screens per unit.

Having trouble seeing how this radius can be achieved with PVC due to an inability to find couplers with at least five openings and the needed angles. Can anyone offer suggestions? I may have to go with wood.


Active member
hey, where i live there is no "trim scene" to make solutions for.

and there is very little quality indoor around.

most of the cali bud is outdoor.

honestly, they save up money and wait for mine here.

when i flip i'll notify a couple of people on the timing and they'll be ready.

Just think... You could invent the trim scene in your area... Hype the shit out of it... Be the first on your block to have girls trimming topless... Something tells me that Snoop and Larry will agree with me.
Just think... You could invent the trim scene in your area... Hype the shit out of it... Be the first on your block to have girls trimming topless... Something tells me that Snoop and Larry will agree with me.

If you say trim scene around here everybody thinks you're asking about the chances for getting laid...but it sounds like you've got that covered.