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a touch of jungle fever !!!!!!



sure id have no problems doing that ,, i found a couple that didnt seem to have hermies , which seems to be their main problem ..
see what i can do after the harvest ....
ohh gypsy also sent me a bunch of those mullumbimby madness seeds , hpefully theyll do better here than they did for otheres ,, guess is they will feel at home ,, lol ... ill pop some in mid december and see what they do....


whatup doc! call me mowgli if that's the jungle!

lookin good man great to hear things are going well :D keep up the good work

stay safe


yeah wally, so good to see things develop and fill up. wish you all the best luck down under!


Old School Cottonmouth
yeah I was always interested in that mullumbimby madness too. being from oz I'm sure you've seen him but I was really amazed at KOG. His grow video is up for free at pot tv. its about a half hour I think. In four months he had some crazy wild lookin sativas growing. more than 8ft tall I figure if I remember right. Boy he handles his weed terribly though. Horrific dry and storage procedures.

That MM would do real well here because our summer is miserable. its when all the insects, diseases, droughts, humidity, etc all stack up on top one another. So alot of people grow near pure sats and just wait until sept to put them out. they stay smaller and only yield a few ounces but the quality is MUCH nicer than the plants that had to flower through all that rough weather. If you go north just a few hundred miles and it isn't like that. But along the actual coast its crazy hot and humid. Indicas and hybrids usually finish right at around sept. Right as the weather is getting pretty. So they flower through the worst weather you can imagine and miss the pretty season. Results aren't usually stellar like indoor.

If you had something like MM that got to those size proportions and could do it between late august and early january there would definitely be a market for it if people were aware of its potential in the south. But I bet if you marketed it as late season commercial sativa for the south you'd sell quite a bit (lol I think anyway! lol I never sold seeds so I can't honestly say if you know what I mean). Assuming the MM you have is the same one KOG had. I know they call several things MM out there.

I remember I think it was mullum madman having problems with germ rates and hermis when he was trying to sell it. Or it might've been kog himself. Its been so long since early OG I can hardly remember. almost a decade. isn't that crazy?

I'm glad some of you guys are still around I learned alot off OG.
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hey there ,, guess id best update this thing before i shoot off on a mission ...
well as i said earlier the season hasnt been kind ,,

a mix of the wrong sort of seeds (too indica or too sativa) , a bit of a late start ,, and not enough water and nutes ...

a lazy partener hasnt helped thats for sure , the guys got good spirits , but goes out there for a sleep more than anything that i can tell ,, hehehe (thats not really a humorous laugh there lol)

so now the monsoon is approaching , heavy rain daily ... has meant a complete turn around from techniques i was using just a few weeks ago .. and more than likely a bunch of mould and reveging plants ..

heres a shot of the smaller patch , with the tropical sativas to the right , they have been cut back to a nub once , and wait till u see what i did to them today ,, lol ..
i just cant keep a big plant supple out there ,, they will just fall over and rot ,, the long stems wont produce much bud , rather they will get woody and spindly buds .. best to have fresh canes ..
these will be back to that size in a matter of weeks ,, probably less than 2 the rate of growth out there at the moment


heres a closer shot and a shot from behind aswell ,, apologies no good cam , just the phone cam ...



and again from behind after the cut ,, lol ....
i also pulled half of t hem out ,, wayyy too many for that small space ... something that bothered me a little as i was yanking them out ,, they were all females ... mmmm possible hermie candidates .. ill have to keep a close eye on them i think ,, unknown seed ,, probably local ...


thanks for the update wally, give them lazy helpers a spank please!

have a happy mission bro!


masterlow37 said:
:wave: wally we have to go thru these lousy valleys in order to morely appreciate the better years...

Peace M8
yea thats true masterlow , and i certainly agree ,, i guess its assuring it dont happen again really ,, well telling me id betting make sure it dont .. hehehe
i know the exact causes ,, ,,

lets see what we can get out of this wet season ,, having seen a few ,, im sure i m well able to make something happen .. well in fact it will be the plants doing their own thing that time of year ,, ill just watch and maintain .. make the most of the year thats come my way ,, and try to grin and bear it ,,
hey esbe ,, dont worry ,, ill try to use a bit of tact in order not to upset ,, its a bit tricky with the old herb and parteners at times , easy easy and slowly and careful is best way to tread .. mind u ,, other things have sprung to mind on several occasions now ,, hehehhehe lucky im a peaceful plant loving kinda guy ,, lol ....


wally your a true bushman..jus like me...diffrent bush same problems...hope everything works out and you harvest heavy bro


thanks brad ,, yep i do enjoy the jungle , its nice and peaceful apart from the birds , good place to think ... i often find i can go there feeling a bit down and with a few probs on my mind ,, and come out feeling great ..

heres a couple of pix of how the middle patch is looking at the moment ,, finally starting to show some form there now ..

the top patch is also looking quite well , we had nearly written them off with the continual chewing they were getting , but they have come back with amazing vigour ...

the small patch is all but done apart from a few late girls ,, we will begin to plant some tropical sativas in the empty spaces now and to refill any holes of harvested plants aswell .. no point leaving a hole empty we figure , hehe ...

so maybe we can pick up the lost ground , i hope so , its been a hard year for not much return so far ...



ohh apologies with the crap phone pix , they really lack depth with those phone cams ...


Active member
hey Wally long time no hear.
I am a huge fan of your Duckfoot.
how has their development been?
Have you developed an auto-flowering variety?


hi med breeder , thanks for the compliments , and everything is fine down here . ..
as for auto flowering , it doesnt really suit my purposes ,, is more the opposite for my situation , need long legged ladies , hehe ...


budluver said:
Very nice as usual Wally...Hope the weather improves soon for ya..BL
and indeed it has ... had some really sunny weather lately and all is better for it for sure ..
i guess i can let the pics tell the story .... lets see what we got ..
ohh sorry didnt have my cam , is jusst pics from one of them compax .. some came out ok though ...



Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Great spot Wallyduck!

So you can flower only 6 months of year?

Can you veg during the wet season??

Cheers and happy growing :D

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