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a touch of jungle fever !!!!!!


Active member
Wally, we also got red soil, lots of clay and silt. It's not very good though, compacts too much and not very good texture in general. Not volcanic, I think the red color in ours may just come from high iron content
Areas of dense vegetation add organic material that adds up and over time break down the clay and you can actually find really good,rich,fertile soil but mainly in small pockets. Gotta try to look for indicator plants to find the right soil. Might find beautiful soil, then 10 yards away it's straight clay,silt,and sand.

The straight red clay soil though, that looks like your soil does, is about worthless on it's own. If you ammend with 50% organic material like compost, and add a bunch of lime it's actually not bad though, holds moisture alright too.
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Well-known member
Great thread and grow. Everything looks A ok from here.

I really enjoyed you thread on striking seeds in the patch is that how these were started out this year? Keep passing on the knowledge and hope to try some of your C99 F5 seeds for next season.


looking good wally bro! here late harvest is in a few days, rain is coming and we had several nights with frost down to -5 hehe


Ganico said:
Wally, we also got red soil, lots of clay and silt. It's not very good though, compacts too much and not very good texture in general. Not volcanic, I think the red color in ours may just come from high iron content
Areas of dense vegetation add organic material that adds up and over time break down the clay and you can actually find really good,rich,fertile soil but mainly in small pockets. Gotta try to look for indicator plants to find the right soil. Might find beautiful soil, then 10 yards away it's straight clay,silt,and sand.

The straight red clay soil though, that looks like your soil does, is about worthless on it's own. If you ammend with 50% organic material like compost, and add a bunch of lime it's actually not bad though, holds moisture alright too.
hey mate ,, yes we have similar soil here too ,, bakes hard as a rock and id agree must be void of much organic material ...
where i am however theres been a rainforest growing for the odd 100 million years , so plenty of mulch in that soil ,,, is almost silky soft ,, so fine and rich ..
t he area is also surrounded by lantana , which im told adds nitrogen to the soil .. i use as much mulch from that in the patch too ..
but the red clay soil isnt that bad of a start ,, it holds the nutes really good , and with some oraganic material as u said itd really come on good ,, i found ash is a real great additive to loosen it up ,, well could have been the fire aswell we had there .. lol ...


hey hamstring yes thats how i did the seeds this year aswell , seems to be the best way for me out there anyhow ... heres some i did yesterday , just moved from the striking boxes where they had been a week ...
they will sit in the tubes for around 2 weeks , and then into the ground , plenty of water and liquid ferts to get them growing as fast as they can .... the sun will do the rest ...



hey esbe ,, wow now we are at the other end of the spectrum , having our first really warm nights ,, im kinda glad im not at your place now , hehehehe ..
we are just beginning to pick a few buds here and there ,, ill drag the nice camera out next week sometime and take a few shots of some ,, they are mostly golden skush (pog) and sweet tooth #3 , and looking really nice , just a bit small though ...
anyhow heres another pic of the solar panel and batteries , bit of a mish mash there but it works and keeps my batteries charged enough to run my pump ...


Active member
Yeah I'm just figuring out the value of mulch, especially with this type of soil. Our red-clay soil looks a lot less rich and fertile in comparison to yours though.

You know, your grow pics never cease to amaze me. Big ol tents, battery banks, electric fences, FIELDS of plants. Y'all are doing it real big down there. Wouldn't even think of such a thing here. PLUS, it never gets cold there
I should check into the cost of living in Oz, haha

Would you even do jailtime if you got caught running such an op in Oz?
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yes jailtime could be an option id say ,,, lol ... though they would have to catch me at the site ,, and given how well i know the surrounding country , thatd be pretty hard to do ...


Wow! 4me it's a tropical heaven :D Awesome! I'm waiting for more photos ;]


ok its time for a bit of an update ,,,, boy its hot out there , my skin is changing colour with each visit , hehehe
but so long as i keep the water up to them , that is every 3-4 days a very heavy soaking ,, all is fine ....
so heres a pic to begin ....


i am having to do a second planting , some have come off very fast and quite small ,, too much indica for where i grow , not enough of that stretching with nice long sativery arms .. but that s ok ,, because we are lucky enough to have a second chance ,, fingers crossed on the weather ..
but i am replacing all the plants i have harvested with new seedlings of early stock ,, in t he hope they will come out before the rain really hits ..
plan b is to put in local stock ,, tropical sativas ,, and i think we will have to resort to plan b as plan a is not as good as usual ,, but we have a little bit of time before we can truely write it off ....


high wally .. please forgive my ignorance .. are you running any C99 for your outdoor endeavours? how about some C99 outdoor pics if you have them? thx



star crash said:
high wally .. please forgive my ignorance .. are you running any C99 for your outdoor endeavours? how about some C99 outdoor pics if you have them? thx


yes i do ,, ill show a few in bud in a moment once i get them loaded ....
heres a few while i get em sorted ...



Old School Cottonmouth
sorry to hear about the short seasoners.

you said you're going to put in some local stock? are those the old thai dominant sativas from oz I used to hear about?


hey motaco , yes they are probably thai sativa , or veitnam , indian , one of them , or several ,, who really knows exactly ..
b ut they are tough , easy to grow , big yeilds and can handle buckets of rain ...


its amazing what a difference a month will make ..
im still planting , but almost done ,, looking pretty full now , and another month u will barely see any soil ,, there will be a sea of green by then ...
so heres a couple of more pix ,, some long shots also ...



Old School Cottonmouth
damn you oughta offer them beans for sale. GC growers are always lookin for them hearty heat and rain resistant strains. You might sell more than you think. If the flower is 100 days or less that is.

and if it can handle humidity. Sometimes the humidity here just drives me insane. Like when you're tryin to read and your glasses fog up. or when you gotta drive around with the windshield wipers on and it ain't raining.
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