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A peak inside PotHeads Cab



MysterX said:
so you scroggin them ogks or what. i think if you do that you will blow everyones mind with yeilding with ogk.. lol my sfv cut will yeild like crazy under a scrog setup.. i wish the orignal would ahve pulled through would ahve been cool to see. oh and that purplek bombdigity ..

Don't know yet on the SFV scrogg, I'll decide when I get it in the big cab and see what it looks like, the other 2 cuts won't be scrogged.
Yea I would of loved for that original to make it too, but due to the way it was packaged it didnt have a chance in hell and was a total waste of an elite cut :badday:

70s :joint:


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
hey wow i bet things are getting a bit stinky over there. its cool the purple takes some getting used to its not your normal strain. and im sure its a lot different in hydro. gotta keep in mind ive always been a organic soil guy. and i feed em heavy with my teas. still though i bet it smokes hella dank! enjoy!!!!!


hello brotha jay :wave: naw dude you know I have an old saying, I dont smoke the leaves so at some point in flower they dont matter to me, the bud does. I havent tasted it yet at all so I cant comment about that, buts its a good producer of some nice tight nugs that have like a rotton purple/fruit type smell. got some light purpleing on the top of the budz that get hit with direct light and all green bud below that. should be smoken some in a couple of daze, hopfully it has the knock out punch all the hype says it has.

70s :joint:


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
blaaah who smokes the leaves. there for hash! the rotten fruity smell is a good sign. give it a good cure, itl get more fruity and more rotten like until about a month -2 months damn it gets hella kushy and some of the best tasting weed ive ever hit.




I finally got the buckets set up and transplanted the sfv ogk, I discovered It had several dead growth tips when I pryed it out of the little cab. It looks a little fucked up and stressed, but i'm sure it will perk up and spread out in the next couple of daze.

and some Purple kush nuggies starting to cure :yummy:

70s :joint:


hello pothead :joint:
well brother you wiped the floor with my ASS once again :badday: , all your buds look super solid and ready to burn......

as usual mine are a bit airy but smokeable and very tasty, i would give you a guess on my yield but i dont want the group to belly laugh ther ass off so i'll keep that shit to myself :yoinks: :yoinks: .........

ya also in that pic of the Pkush theres a bud pretty much right in the middle thats purple with lots of red hairs surounding it SEE IT ya thats the one i want could you please set that one aside for me my old bestest friend :bat: :yoinks: :yummy: :chin: :joint: .......

as always brother very very nicely done..
sweeeet :joint:


ya also in that pic of the Pkush theres a bud pretty much right in the middle thats purple with lots of red hairs surounding it SEE IT ya thats the one i want could you please set that one aside for me my old bestest friend

you got it bro, I'll dig it out and put it aside for you. I kinda figured you would go for some of that purple bubba myself, personally and i've said it all along, the PKxSD is the prettiest of them all :yummy: :yummy:

70s :joint:


hello pothead :joint:
and YES you would be correct, thing is though i did manage to get some nice PKXSD but i got NO Pkush like what you pulled in......bubba ya i got some not as pretty as yours but i'm most posative it will kick ass....
beautifly done brother :joint:

P.S. thank you much buddy!!!..........


Brotha jaws, I know you didnt get much but try save me a nice nuggie of your SFV so I can see what I have to look forward to :yummy:

70s :joint:


Active member
that PKxSD is beautifull stuff broham, excellent!!!!!!!!

peace my brotha

bonz :D

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
damn pothead. those are some bags of goodness. cant wait too see some dry shots and smoke reports.

jaws i see that nug haha looks extra yummy


serious 70's dam them bags look nic eand full. who won on yeildign the pkush,pksd, or bubba. prob smells so dank over there. so what you running next to the massive sfv bush you ahve?


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
70s pot
Howzit? man what a thread i went thru it all too.. pheew.. thanx for sharing. Man some of the colors wow i likey. Man the buckets kick ass i must say.. Also what do you cure your nugsz in? Enjoy the smokes brother.. And a belated happy birthday 70s pot.. bbl see what new selections are cooking up.. peace..
