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A peak inside PotHeads Cab



yeah brother id say everything is done thats fact. now to chop trim dry and test....


Chop Chop Trim!!!! :woohoo: Those are some nice looking buds :yummy:

Way to go Raising Kahne!!!!! :woohoo:



you are the man 70s_PotHead :yes: :woohoo:

that looks like some tasty bud :joint:

i really enjoyed smoking OGKush sfv cut, that baccas had along at the 420 before last. but i think i liked the taste of the BabbaKush a tad more even. but that could have been due to differences in how it was grown rather then genetics.

all the best for the trimming session :D :biglaugh: :bongsmi:


Good job 70's!!! Enjoy my man, I know you will. Can't wait to hear your smoke report on all of the strains. Mr Sticky Fingers now huh??? lol... :wave:

... S R... :canabis:


Well thats put a smile on my face, i bet theres a complex aroma coming from that room!
Nice Harvest 70's :D :respect:


Active member
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yoinks: :yoinks: :yoinks:

Wooooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo:

Awesome 70's!!!!! :wave: Just beautifull bro and i agree i bet the aroma is awesome comin' outa there! :yummy:

Killer job as usuall my brotha!!!! Major Respect!!!!

peace and enjoy!!!

bonz :wave:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Hey Pothead....looking delicious as usual! :yummy: A harvest is always a reason for celebration! :joint:


Active member
Is that miss Cherry front and center? You must tell me all about her. HE HE HE!!!!



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Active member
ICMag Donor
Hang Time!

Hang Time!

Ah!!!! There's light at the end of the tunnel! Nothing like having those trimmed and hanging! Now alittle dry and cure time and your on cloud nine! Only thang now is that
dreaded cleaning and setting back up, but that may not be too bad if your growing in a cab. That is if your REALLY growing in a cab my friend! :chin:

Congrats 70! Enjoy!!!! :wave:


dude you ahve by far the best consistant most solid yielding cab i think i ahve ever seen.. cant wait to see the ogs go nuts in there


Wow big thanks to all my friends for the kind words and hanging with me on this one, for a while early on I didnt think it was even going to happen. that pic up there is only showing 1/2 the cab, if I opened the left side door its a duplicate of the right, plus I got 3 full freezer bags of trim and lower buds for a hash run, I pretty much send the bottom 1/3 of all the plant to the hash bags so theres quite a bit of buds in there.

To answer a few questions, no sorry Bonzo thats the purple kush up front, the AK is not showing in that pic. BonsaiGrower I'm going to run 3 differant cuts of OGK in buckets, only 3 plants but it should be fun. dc105 yea brother everything needs to be cleaned plus I'm changing set ups to buckets but since "I really do" grow in a cab your right its pretty painless haha.
The humity is insane right now where i'm at, but i've got the exhust fan plus 2 small fans keeping the air flowing around the buds to prevent any mold from forming, on last check no sign of any including on the AK cola so, so far so good.
I'm thinking i'll be switching the set up by wed so keep an eye out for updates

70s :joint:
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
:jawdrop: .......:yummy:

Congratz 70s ....you smoke'm bro!!


so you scroggin them ogks or what. i think if you do that you will blow everyones mind with yeilding with ogk.. lol my sfv cut will yeild like crazy under a scrog setup.. i wish the orignal would ahve pulled through would ahve been cool to see. oh and that purplek bombdigity ..

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