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A lot of anger inside me


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
sounds like you're in the 'George McFly' role against this 'Biff Tannen' dude.......

get godly and smite the mofo
lots of good advice in here, i wanna add my two cents.

in middle school i was the bully, or really i was down with the popular group and we picked on all the "inferior" kids.

then i showed up in high school, reverted to the bottom of the totem poll and without my possee.

I had it pretty tough in high school, some how i always found myself in trouble with jocks and the older kids. I had alot of inner rage in me from getting "punked" in high school by football players and such. I remember when two 6'5+ meathead f*ckers rolled up on me because i was friends with someone they didnt like, embassassing me in front of a girl i was dating.

I had visions in my head of columbine, etc. I had such a desire to come back and shoot these kids i could have probably been put under watch by the police or something.

Instead of that, i found other ways to channel my rage, albiet not good ones either. I relieved myself through graffiti art in high school, it filled back my courage meter after a day of depletion. i dont recommend doing this, but find something that makes you happy and will ease that tension away. Some kids choose to learn Muay Thai or Boxing, stuff like that.

Instead of trying to fight them, i found a new crowd at other schools to hang out with.

I still harbor lots of resentment towards certain jocks that got into problems with me in high school, i can still seee their faces, and i still feel a sense of hatred within me.

Who knows what would happen if i ever ran into one of these meatheads again, i am a much different person now than i was in high school, im sure they would be in for a surprise if they wanted to "relive" their bullying memories.

No offense man but Karma bit you in the ass for bein a prick in middle school plain and simple. What about the visions the "inferior" kids you picked on in middle school may have had? Or the pain and anger you caused them, much like the resentment and anger you have towards jocks. What goes around comes around and you shouldn't harbor any anger towards that. Glad to see you got out of that tho.


Active member
so I have an appointment saturday

we never know, I might become a crazy fighter

I can see a lot of benefits coming from this

I just gotta take the plunge

it's not cheap at least 100$ a month, twice a week for a 6month thing


Freedom Fighter
so I have an appointment saturday

we never know, I might become a crazy fighter

I can see a lot of benefits coming from this

I just gotta take the plunge

it's not cheap at least 100$ a month, twice a week for a 6month thing

You are either a fighter...or not-- If not, don't try to be...as you will just get beat up a lot--
Just get someone to hit you a few times-- Once you get over being afraid of getting hit, you are there--
Hope ya get paid for all this pain--:dueling::yoinks:
I beg to differ. You can always learn to fight. there are quite a few pro MMA fighters that got into martial arts to boost confidence due to being picked on.(not to mention knowing how to handle yourself also helps.) Even if he never has to fight, it's a great confidence and morale booster. I say try it for awhile man, don't expect to become a wicked fighter in a short time though. it takes years of training and dedication and practice, but you took that first step so you're already closer to your goal.
Yep! The only time it's too late to learn something is when you give up! When I first started going to college I thought it was funny to see 80 year-olds in school, thinking why are they wasting their time? If you think about it though, why ever stop learning or trying to improve yourself (and your plants!) because once you stop doing that you go into a rutt and start withering away.....


Freedom Fighter
My bad...I didn't mean that if you don't know how to fight, you can't learn--
I meant that some have a fighting "Heart"...and some don't--
For instance, I know how to fight, but I am not a "Fighter"-- I can fight if I have to, for protection....but I can't go in cold, and fight someone-- I could never do it as a "Sport"...nor do I enjoy a friendly bar room brawl--
But I know many that do enjoy it-- Different Strokes--:yeahthats


The Hopeful Protagonist
It is possible to both a lover and a fighter.... :D

Nasty business that fighting is, but if you must partake...Fight to win. :dueling:

Yes, that means fight dirty if need be...


I skipped alot of post, but I let all this kind of shit go. I used to fight alot when I was younger and now I never have any problems, just carry around a baseball bat or something and if someone gives you trouble step out of your car like you don't give a shit. Ive never had someone not stop fucking with me when I acted like I was ready to go, they are banking on you being afraid. Im not saying hit someone with a bat(I wouldn't anyway) but you just need to let people know you aren't gonna take any shit.

Its really not that big of a deal either way, I guess Im not the same as everyone else but I find it pretty easy to let petty shit go.

But seriously if someone was to start fucking with you, and you step out of your car baseball bat in tow and youre like you got a fucking problem...Im pretty sure theyre gonna shit. If youre asian just pretend to be a ninja, thats what Id do.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
It is possible to both a lover and a fighter.... :D...

Indeed Transactional Analysis tells us that love flows from the Natural Child, which has little to do with being able to defend oneself.

Relaxed people do ostensibly make better lovers because their attention on their lover.

Nasty business that fighting is, but if you must partake...Fight to win. :dueling:

Yes, that means fight dirty if need be...

Define dirty. If we are defending ourselves or those under our aegis instead of competing in a sport, there are no rules to break and fight dirty.

Fighting spirit was mentioned above and if I might add a comment on that, everything in life is a matter of degrees and everyone’s fighting spirit falls somewhere on a continuum of 0 to 10, or some other scale. You do not have to be at 10 to take care of business when the need arises, and in fact a cornered rat can go from 0 to 10 in a heartbeat.

Everyone reacts somehow when someone throws a punch at them, even if it is only to blink. The repetition of training trains your body to automatically do something to block the blow, instead of just blinking.

Through repetitious training you can add to the automatic list, and from a strategy standpoint, an opponent is most vulnerable to counter attack at the moment that you deflect their blow, so typically you therefore program your body to instantly deliver a riposte with the parry in the same or next tempo.

Being a good fighter is what your body knows, not what is in your mind.

What is your heart determines the extreme to which you injure the other person, and your mind plays with strategies during intermission, but it is the lizard (dragon?) brain that handles survival and your autonomic response.

A look at our teeth and digestive tract gives us a clue of our predator ancestry and I personally have a mental switch that coldly changes my opponent to a thing status once the threshold has been passed. It is very similar to the mental switch that I used when the gorgeous animal that I had been photographing and marveling at all year came into season and started to look like food.

There is no such thing as dirty survival fighting and if you find yourself in a fair fight, you need to work on your strategy.

Gray Wolf


The Hopeful Protagonist
Dirty fighting defined:

Since most peoples first exposure to some sort of confrontation/fight falls outside of the realm of sports, I was referring to street fighting.

Biting of the nose,ear,fingers...ball crunchers, eye-gouge.....whatever it might take to win a fight.

It's all fair in love and war. :dueling:


Active member
So i got a message from him, from some girl studying social service's account

he says, what is your problem, you never told me anything about it
(i saw the fear in his eyes last time I saw him, he knows whats up, he is playing games)
he is mad because I blocked him and he can't try to talk his way out

so I told him whats up, I will poke out his eyes if he tries his shit again

I told him, he should be asking himself what's his problem,
to go get help for his inferiority complexes

he wants to talk about it now, no way.
he can stay with this shit with him

I blocked the girl too.

I am going to write him a letter with a lawyer, so he can't approach me again
(it's good measures, good intentions, if he ever comes close, I teach him that lesson)

I have good plans to better myself.

I just need some peace... hard to get when your living with parents and a young sister.
and in a crazy world

I am not going to smoke today, and am taking a little break.


working out at the gym works out alot of regression and makes you look better and feel better about yourself. others will notice also. but you need to be dedicated. it worked for me.