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A lot of anger inside me


Active member

So I am starting a thread right now because, as a young kid i've been bullied a lot

ive lived with intimidation from my dad as kid, he would go easily mad, and his anger would lash out at me, so i was the fearful kid

later on in school, i had it pretty bad, im a smart guy, i just have some kind of soft side, or just something that makes people pick at me, im more of a loner, I have friends, I am just a wolf

so now there was this guy in school, who was pretty bad, it was violent psychologically, having to deal with this shit, constant picking, and now Im 21, and this guy recently picked on me, I was driving my car delivering some chinese, and he tryed to make a dent on my car, and he does it when theres others only

but I have problems with revenge, the other day I saw him, he is studying to become a paramedic, trying to help people when he wont let some people live

he was scared of me, i saw the fear in his eyes

I guess I wouldn't be out trying to get back/teach him a lesson if I was happy in my life dunno ?

I just feel like going back to him and breaking his head open

how do you deal with your anger ?

any advice ? once you beat up someone, it's more violence coming
and criminal record leads to some good places

i have enough shit to deal with
to me its unacceptable that this fucker (there were a couple of others)
but he was really into bugging me

i know life is an unjust place
and you cant make justice for yourself, or can you?

lots of guys go to prison for paybacks

please keep your negativity outside



Find strength in yourself, become confident that you are worth more than their petty nonsense, and be the bigger man and walk away.

There's no need to lash out when you have a solid grasp of who you are. You can see the undesirable actions of these idiots as petty and insignificant; not worth risking your freedom (or even your state of mind).

In short: Fuck em, move on.

Good luck; I know people that have ended up in jail for lacking the strength to do this.
I'd give him a swift downward plow to the knee.
Some people need to be grounded.

When I get wound up, I go to a lookout point on a hill/cliffside or a place I can get a larger view then I have at the moment, and I put on my favorite CD and I lose myself.
oops, left out the lighting of a bowl.

I am going to toss out one of my FAVORITE places to get some serious humbling, go to a cemetery. VERY peaceful, always well keep and NOBODY bothers you are even pays attention your there.
I have sat and watched A LOT of services, some have 4 cars and 12 seats and some have 200 cars in the party.
Kind of makes you think of what and who you have in your life and what the impression your leaving on the people you meet in life.

If that doesn't work, get a hand gun or shot gun. Buy 300 or 400 rounds and find a gun range or private land and SHOOT the shit out of something. example.. cans, bottle, etc.. Jack rabbits are a blast to shoot, but I use my AR-15 for that. .223 and rabbits great mix.


cant stop wont stop
i hear Colombian Neck Ties are in style this year.

but then again why deal with that mess.. like that other thread "what would you consider a loser", this guy sounds like a piece of shit and its guaranteed that this he's gonna get his.
let that shit go..
smoke up a fattie and be the bigger man :joint:
I would like to invite you to the darkside as my apprentice.

No but seriously, don't get eaten up by anger, cause it will consume you. There's an old saying that goes something like, "Only the very rich can afford the luxury of anger." And it's true too. Moreso if you're a little older than you are now though.

I'm older than you but I come from a similar background of being picked on, anger, etc. Martial arts has helped my confidence a lot. But as far as revenge? I can tell you first hand that it's more harmful than helpful.

I mean, if you beat his ass in the heat of the moment thats no problem. But if you carry the burden of anger around with you.... well not only is it bad for you're health and lowering the quality of your life, it doesn't improve anything.

Workout more, smoke more weed. You gotta get the stress out of you. Take up a quality martial art, or pump iron...that will effectively kill two birds with one stone. It will make you more prepared to kick ass, but more importantly you'll feel better as a whole.

Next time you see the dude and he messes with you, throw down on him if you feel like it (you might lose, but it's just an ass beating right? everyone has to take their licks at some point). If you don't feel like throwing down on him, don't worry about it, just don't even think about it... and just repeat that process.

You could always sit down with him man to man and ask him what his deal is.

I guess I wouldn't be out trying to get back/teach him a lesson if I was happy in my life dunno ?

Yeah probably, you'd just label him a hater and a loser who is going nowhere and be content letting him get in his little barbs. You're free to make it whatever you want to though.

Everyone has an obligation to themselves first and foremost. That means defend yourself physically and mentally. Even if you think you had it coming and are inviting the problems on yourself.

Hope some of that helps


everyone heard about that kid who got bullied and hung himself? theres so many better options.

my answer: assert your alpha male by 1 upping him on everything he says. make him hit you first by teasing him back to prove hes weaker. dont just hold in your anger. if you cant face the kid, avoid em like swine flu.

RooR HeaD

yo man who cares if this dude picked on u in highschool shit happens man people r jerks and they always will b but that doesnt mean u should b too.

think about it if u beat this kid up what does that make u THE SAME THING U HATE AND HAVE ALLL THIS ANGER TOWARDS. bro a;nd what will beatin this kid up do for u make u fell better? is that really worth it felling better. u were bullied u got to move on man and stop livin in the past if i dwelled on my past i would b the most depressed person in the world when i was 13 years old i could pitch a baseball 85 mphs and had schools lookin at me the whole ten yards and then started dealin coke and became a coke head and flushed it all down the drain couldnt throw a baseball hard anymore. my point is i could of had my life set free college degree from a top school and a million dollor contract but i ruined it all but i dont look back at cause their s nothin i could do now it happen and its over. just like these kids bein mean to u.

the sayin the only reason bullys pick on people is to make them selfs fell better about their situation in life is so true. all the dorks and losers in my highschool r all graduatein form top colleges now and they r the popular kids in town startin 100000 dollor jobs why the bullys r workin at mcdonalds so u will end up on top but till then dont lower yourself to the level of what u hate so much.


you have a "problem" with revenge? who said it was a problem? the same society that buys clothes made by child labor? the same self righteous dickheads that break all their own rules? Nobody has any right to tell you how to respond as a victim of bullying. Step out of the matrix and do what you want, whether that be nothing or something, just think it through

1) dont get caught what ever you do, and dont do anything extreme, this piece of shit aint worth it, if you wish, you can fuck him up without risking large amounts of jail time, if ou are here on a canna site you are familiar with risk managemnent and it sounds like a fuck like this needs some schooling, but if you dont, dont worry, someone else will take pleasure in it

2) dont beat yourself up for being picked on by these types, they did it, not you, they are disgusting, not you ---what i am saying is its nothing to take personal, if you were a blade of grass instead of a person, the pieces of shit would be picking on someone else

3) you watch richard kuklinski on you tube, richy will cheer you right up

don't be a victim my friend, if you have to choose between being the hammer or the anvil, you be the hammer, but be intelligent about it

get involved & dedicated in an effective martial art by a resposible, qualified teacher that will not damage your body or teach you bs, you'll feel better & this will give back the self esteem these fucks took from you and also themindset, tools, confidence & calm you need in this world... welcome to the animal kingdom

only you need to know it was you, tell nobody (this will be hard, but DONT, you'll see why in 5 years) and dont leave cryptic clues it was you, it will fuck him up more wondering who and when / if its going to happen again; not just because of the law, but the very real possibility of retaliation by him accompanied by his buddies

and... the best revenge is living well, after not getting caught, teeee heee heeee

RooR HeaD

oh yea i forgot to say one thing who gives a fuck about this kid pickin on u hes the loser if he has to pick on people just to look cool in front of people. as for your car thing call the cops fines r alot worst then beatin him up one time and thats it.


get involved & dedicated in an effective martial art by a resposible, qualified teacher that will not damage your body or teach you bs, you'll feel better & this will give back the self esteem these fucks took from you and also themindset, tools, confidence & calm you need in this world... welcome to the animal kingdom

good advice........seek a trainer (either boxing or martial) that teaches actual fighting and in 6 ~12 months of daily sparring you will be able to walk through or over or around every bully w/o raising a sweat.....99% of the time they will see the look in your eye and back down..it's that look that beats bullies, they can see the lack of fear and the "let's get it on now" attitude and it scares them..or in some cases they see the delight of being served up as live target practice in the eyes of their intended victim and that scares them weven more..(but then again some bullies actually know how to fight..alas, you can't win them all.)

One time I was working at a car dealership..the business next door was a scrap metal depot, The guy who ran it was a bully, every old guy that brought a trailer or truck load of cans was bad mouthed by this piece of shit...this used to happen 5 times per day! One day he decided to push around the old guy who was the car washer, "get your fucking cars off my drive way" and attempte dto move the cars with his fork lift...I wasn't there at time but arrived soon after, the old guy was really shaken up by it. By the time I was there the cops were already called but the bully was still uppity and walked up to me and tried his bully shit on me....well...it's had been a decade since I'd throw a punch in anger and I just told the wanker that cops are coming and to behave himself....but the fact of the matter was he stood up and stared me down with his nose in my face and a clenched right hand down low ready to fly, I used the fact that the cops were on the way as an excuse to not fight this peice of shit..and a big angry strong mo-fo he was who too who tossed scrap metal all day long...well it ate on me all day, that night i did a few push ups, a little skipping, strectches, a bit of shadow boxing, worked the floor to ceiling ball and more than a little thinking about tomorrow's bout with the bully.

Next day, first thing in the morning I parked a car, half blocking his driveway on purpose...well...here comes the big bully, jumps off his forklift all confident now that he had it over me and starts mouthing off " move your fucking car or I will with this forklift" I said "No, ask politely and I will", he "said " you're a pussy, you had your chance yesterday to fight and you backed down and pussied out, move the car now or you will get a kicking!" At that moment I threw off my shirt and said quietly " there's no coppers coming now tough guy, there's a paddock over, lets go over there and sort this out, come on"

he blew some more hot air, I said "stop mouthing off, let's go now, come on" and he backed down.....and from that second he was my pussy....next day he came over all polite and nice and asked me if I could please move that car, "Sure" and did..... end of problem.

and that scrap metal bastard had two guard dogs, that he treated poorly, these were trained "killers" that were locked up all day and let out at night, being a car yard we worked late each night and I used to take great pleasure hand feeding the dogs and scratching their heads.


stone fool
You have gotten good advise so far here, so I will give you a story. Hazing was common in the 60's, when I was in high school, I was beaten and fucked with for most of the days my first year and a half, many others were too. It is oppressive and dark, but many times in life are such, you learn, grow and become harder, and survive, or not.

Fast forward twenty years, I am smoking a joint late at night in a park in Phoenix, a bad area, by myself. A bad group comes into the park, and starts messing around with each other, and coming closer to where I was. I recognized the pattern of cowards working up the energy to attack as a group, I had seen it many times. I took a large butterfly utility knife out of my pocket, opened it up, cleaned my fingernails, and started laughing. Toked up my roach, got up took a step towards them, laughing, then turned and walked off, the blade in my hand pointing back at them. They simply did not know what to do, but they knew I did.

I think we are at our best when we take our darkness and pain, and turn it into armour and ordinance, to help us walk our paths.



Let it go...your blood pressure will thank you.

Also, if you dwell over and plan revenge for every single person that wrongs you....you will never have a free peaceful moment.

The person that lets this shit go, lets other people live their lives, and tries to help others every now again if they can is the real winner. He/She is one that is happy and has a rewarding life with some meaning to it. There are much bigger and more productive things to devote your time to.

What type of personal growth, spiritual reward, inner peace, or individual contentment is going to come from kicking some guys as that wronged you years ago. You shouldn't even waste your time thinking bout it, and you'll have the last laugh.


Active member
next time he fucks with you,

turn around real quick and give him a good ol' Hadōken,


he'll know you mean bizzz:joint:


Active member
I've been talking to an anger specialist recently for explosive anger... it's necessary to have some kind of emotional release so shit doesn't build up to the point of exploding... go flip the guy off and tell him he is a huge douche and to leave you the fuck alone... emotions released and you win :) You can't let everything go or people will end up walking all over you... it's about picking and choosing battles and knowing the consequences of your actions before reacting... I wouldn't let this shit slide though... that guy sounds like a huge tool that needs to be put in his place.


Next time you see him away from public, pull the fucker.

Let your anger out verbally, if he tries any shit just beat the living shit outta him. Things tend to sort themselves out once you've had a fight with somebody, a feeling of mutual respect.

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