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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:dunno: money is fine and all,i've just never thought it was something worth spending a bunch of time chasing after...

used to hang out with a millionaire back east,one day he wanted to go sofa shopping so me,my girlfriend and him loaded up in his range rover and went to boston....and not to furniture factory warehouse either...anyway...we got to several stores,he finds one he like,orders one,and an extra set of pillows and slipcovers...like 7000 total...never batted an eye...

one of those times you realize they live in a different world...


Active member
Used to visit a girlfriend on Balboa Island. Huge house full of antiques. Dads yacht docked out back. I told her, “ I can take you away from all this.”


This was why I've been suggesting over the past weeks to stock up. We are about 20 days behind italy, and we see what is happening there .

I'm still not fully convinced it is as bad as they tell us in the news, but it is always best to be prepared beforehand, so you dont have to hassle with the last minute tweekers.
I stay mostly prepared for things like earthquakes, civil unrest, and storms. All I had to do recently was get 5 cases of modelo. At 3 beers a night, I should be able to weather this storm for awhile comfortably.
I wonder what meth heads, junkies, and junk food junkies are going to do.... they best stay away from my place, or they will get a "hot lunch" :D

Well, it's been a great sell (profit) for these retail stores. Even better then black Friday! I mean how often do they sell out of stuff like this. Besides the item here and there that walmart didn't have on the shelves from time to time.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Used to visit a girlfriend on Balboa Island. Huge house full of antiques. Dads yacht docked out back. I told her, “ I can take you away from all this.”

I hope, for her sake, she respectfully declined your offer.

I mean, there is not a thing inherently wrong with having money.


Active member
I hope, for her sake, she respectfully declined your offer.

I mean, there is not a thing inherently wrong with having money.

I married a poor girl that fed me the same line. Ended up supporting half her family for the next 20 years.
What the hell was I thinking?

Bud Green

I dig dirt
We've had a few warm days, but it's still March and still raining 2 days outta 3... Right now it's 43 degrees outside, heavy overcast and damp..

I need to do some work to my shop...need to put in a real ceiling so I can start thinking about heating it in the winter...
I need to move a lot of the shit outta there so I can have more room for all my woodworking tools and have more space for building projects...

I bought 2 sheets of Baltic Birch plywood this past Tuesday, to build the air scrubber I want to put in my house...
That Baltic Birch is such a nice product and a real pleasure to work with...

I've got the design down pat and have cut all the pieces..
I cut dadoes and rabbet joints to build it strong and am starting to glue all the pieces together...

It's gonna be 17 x 18 inches and 40 inches tall..about the size of a nice speaker cabinet.
It will be capable of 5 or 6 complete air changes per hour of my living room and kitchen and dining areas... (about 700 sq. ft.)

Here's a few pics of the cabinet going together in my workshop and the fan that's gonna power it...

I built that woodworker's bench in the last photo, 30 years ago and it has been great..It's very sturdy and very heavy...
A lot of projects have been built on it over the years...



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Active member
Awesome Bud, another fellow woodworker! I love that bench, I still need to build one myself. I just made a little box for my girlfriend just using hand tools and firewood logs. The hardest part was prepping the stock. It's my first attempt at cutting dovetails and it shows, lol. I did leave the pins proud about 3/32" on purpose, though. I'll probably glue it up and clamp it today. I'm really digging the Japanese style pull saws. I've always hated using the western ones, always binding and blowing out the backside. Which, of course as we all know, is what she said :) Now I have a garbage bag full of plane shavings to start the coals up in the mornings, I win twice.:woohoo:


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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...

i used my workbench to build the led room! the whole structure is recycled wood except for a half a sheet of plywood and four 2x4's...

garden day again...pretty much just a normal amount of work,just a bit of cleanup in the potting area...gotta remember to take cuts tonight...and do a little cleaning since i found some precious,precious bleach:)

oh yeah,gotta fix a bike today too...and wash it...not mine,but it used to be...my old ice cream truck...at least it's been getting ridden...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:bigeye: power tools are useful,but there's nothing like pulling curlies with hand tools...which i also believe is what she said!

those japanese style saws are the business though,makes so much more sense than push saws...

i used to do quite a bit of woodcarving,sold a bunch when i was working in alaska...still have most of the tools,just my hands not working so well anymore...and i don't have a good spot to set up a carving bench which doesn't need to be very big,just somewhere i can make a giant mess of wood shavings...


Bug Scissor Hand
i like working with wood also,but my work bench is full of automotive tools, i gues i must do more auto work.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Yeah Bug, I know what you mean...

I hate having to work on my cars, but it's a necessary evil...
Cars cost too damn much to not maintain 'em...
(Notice I have the required girly pictures in there!)

Gotta go... A good friend just called and told me he needs some weed...

Oh boy.... Beer money;... for the good stuff...like "Old Rasputin Imperial Stout"



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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:time to go ride...

i like working on bikes...obviously...aside from the occasional flat tire i rarely have any mechanical issues while riding...and i have almost always been able to fix it when things do go wrong...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Having a buddy that knows how to work on cars is def worth having. All the old perverts I know cant even pull a spark plug.

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
I did apartment maintenance and rental house maintenance for 20 years and I hate fixing stuff. I just got back from my buddies house who had me put in a light fixture for him in his kitchen. Then he wanted me to look at the wall sconces in his stairwell. I hate it. Lol. Although he did buy some smoke so I figure 700 for 2 zips is worth it! Hahaha