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A Guide to Fishsticks

moses wellfleet

Well-known member


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...

nice here...sunny and no wind so far...too bad i just got up a half hour ago!

should be a good day for a long bike ride...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
oh yeah...i took a cherry cookies plant out of the 4x4 and put it in with the relentless testers to fill in the empty spot...and reduce the crowding in the 4x4...

pics from yesterday...the 5x5 veg tent with the ickyled...
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and the 4x4...glad i have these flowering in this tent since they would have gotten way too big waiting on the 4x8 to open up...leds make tent setup a breeze..
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
bleh..i hate snow when it's light and fluffy but wet,heavy snow really sucks!

the only thing worse is old snow...snow is pretty when it's falling and still fresh,after that it's just a pita...

:tumbleweed: better get moving here...gotta grab some stuff at the store before i head out to ride...tough to choose where to go since i need to keep in mind it's an even worse time to get injured than usual so it's got to be a low risk ride...no ripping up the trails...luckily i'm slow...and already willing to get off and push the bike through dicey sections...of course i did that the other day and gouged my leg up when the ground collapsed under me...

but it could turn out with less traffic the roads will be better to ride on...road riding is way more fun without cars around!


Active member
Rainy and high winds here, but it's like 58 out! My driveway is half pudding and half ice rink. Getting more and more grass patches, but still at least a foot of snow everywhere else.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:time to head out...hopefully there's still food at wallyworld...looks like it's gotten breezy out too,just have to see....still going for some sort of ride however...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Peyote I need some of those..

I got the new Milwaukee probes. Both do not read right on Bluelab meters. Both are getting returned. I will get what I always get. Saving a few $ doesn't always workout.
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Active member
I just raked all the ruts in the driveway, like 300' worth. My buddy has a duelly and put foot deep trenches halfway up. He beat me to putting the sawhorse down at the bottom, pretty much my own fault to assume he wasn't retarded. From now on though, you rut it you take it fuckface! :)
I was thinking of building a birdhouse just into the woods, off the drive, for socially distant transactions. It doesn't do much good preparing when people come here from all over, and want to smoke joints with you. I was thinking the mailbox, but I have neighbors across the road that aren't cool.
No cases in our county yet, thank God, but my mother is out of work sick in Detroit. She's going to call the hotline and make sure what it is before she goes to get tested. She's supposed to let me know today.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed: got out for 20 miles anyway...got windy...and i have chores to do...only out of one thing i needed at the store...hoping to get some woolite so i could do some hand wash laundry to avoid the laundromat...

but i did find some goats and sheep for you guys!

and for some reason there's water in the river bed...weird spot to keep it!

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I have had good luck with Extech instruments....very reliable for the price. If my pH pen were to go out...probably would order the same one again.

I see bugman is busy as usual popping seeds....and the F91 looks good, how is the smell? Mine never made it that far


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Had some Steroids shot into my hand today by my Dr. My hand feels better but she said she wants to operate on it but cant until the ban on elective surgeries is over.