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600w co2 scrog grow, help me dial it in ;)



Here are a couple of pics of the Aurora mom. It looks strange as hell with all those 1 fingered leafs lol. The days were still getting longer when I put her outside ;)




I had a northern light mom do that once. I flowered her to see sex.... and when I put her back in veg, she went all one leaf on me.

I was able to get normal cuttings, but it looked like a freak show :wink:

Those look like nice decorative plants Kindman... :joint:


5 days 12/12
Co2 is running at 1400-1800ppms
nutes are at 5ml/g aqua flakes + some additives / EC 1.2-1.7 / res change 10-14 days / 30sec on/ 1 min off / 24h
Exhausting 3 min every 3 hours during day & night cycle
Temps 80 lights on / 76 lights off

Fucking great looking grow! :joint:

I am starting up a 4x8 sealed room (i think) med scrog and have a few questions.

In the pics above, it looks like you have a door that seals the room where your scrog is, can you give some info on how your did the door, is it hard to remove and replace? My 4x8 will be open like yours on one side and I need a way to seal it.

Do you use tanked CO2 or a generator?

Does the AC not take care of the humidity?

You say you exhaust 3 minutes every 3 hours, how large is your fan (ie how many times does your room turnover in that 3 minutes)?

thanks and your grow looks great.


Thanks HippyJ & Albireo for stoppin in :smile:

Albireo, my space is also designed for a 3.5 x 8 but I'm only using 50% until my space is dialed in. I do not have a successful grow in this space yet, maybe this time.
The door is easy, I went to Home Depot, got my self a 4x8x2 insulation sheet (not sure on the name, but it looks like Styrofoam). The frame is just a inner frame and an outer frame. The inner frame is like 2 inches tighter then the outer frame, kind a like a door frame. Then I just cut the Styro sheet to size, that's it. It has to be blacked out with something, I used astro foil/silver bubble wrap. I have no light leeks doing it this way, just keep in mind that the inner frame needs to have a good overlay. I'll take some pics of it tonight, much better then all the bla bla.... :smile:

I use tanked, 20 pound tank lasts me about 3-5 weeks depending on how big the plants are.

Nope, for me AC does NOT take care of de-humidification. Maybe because my space is very well insulated and the ac does not kick on often enough to dehumidify adequately or maybe other ac units have build in dehumidifiers. My dehumidifier pulls about a gallon of water out of my grow space per day.

My space is about 210 cubic feet, my extraction fan is rated at 260 cfm (fantech), my intake fan is rated at about 160cfm, which should leave me with about 3 complete exchanges in 3 min. Keep in mind that I only do this cause I'm so freaked out about my 'outgassing' issue lol, theoretically no venting is required. I would advise to use a HEPA/UV air purifier once there is absolutley no ventilation going on, I know I will ;)



It may start like: man I got this cool Mylar, how should I put it up, hmmm, spray adhesive sounds pretty good.... Don't do it lol, especially not in a sealed room!!!

This was taken from my personal 'Pot growing follies'



They are 13 days 12/12 and developing nicely. The last training session was a struggle, I may have to do 1 or 2 more depending on how much longer they stretch. It goes completely against my instincts to keep putting these little tops under the screen, but experience has taught me that I do not want leggy plants above the screen. What do you guys think, what has your scrog experience been?

Here are a couple of canopy shoots:





There are still some holes in there, but overall I'm pretty happy with it :smile:


Here are some early budshoots at 13 days 12/12 :smile:

I have noticed a little bit of necrosis on the very leaf tips of some of the new growth. I have my eyes on it:yoinks:
I don't think that I'm running my res hot, but to be on the safe side I'm going to stop draining my dehumidifier into my res, so I get a more accurate picture of were my reservoir balance is.
Simplicity does not always pay off:joint:






Wanted to mention that as expected my ph started to drop a bit with the onset of flowers. What do you guys think, should one try to combat this or should we let the plants do their thing?! I know some people like to let their ph drift and some are on it like tick on a dog lol. Any opinions?!



Hey Kindman... looking good.

Newb question here? Distilled water and RO water are different right? or are they the same? Cause the de-humidifier water is distilled and I always thought that was not good to use.



Hey Kindman... looking good.

Newb question here? Distilled water and RO water are different right? or are they the same? Cause the de-humidifier water is distilled and I always thought that was not good to use.


That was a great question Hippy J, to my dismay I found out that it is not a good idea to drink or irrigate plants with it. Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia:

"General dehumidifier water is considered a rather clean kind of greywater: not suitable for drinking, but acceptable for watering plants, though not garden vegetables.[2][4] The concerns are:[4]

  • the water may contain trace metal from the solder, most significantly lead (which is quite damaging), but also copper, aluminium, and zinc;
  • various pathogens accumulate in the water, particularly due to its stagnancy, including fungal spores; unlike in distilled water, the water is not boiled, which would kill pathogens (including bacteria);
  • as with distilled water, minerals are largely absent, hence it is somewhat flat tasting.
The trace metal poses a danger if used on edible plants, as they can accumulate; however, the water is otherwise usable for irrigation.
One can make food-grade dehumidifiers (avoiding toxic metal and keeping the collection tank clean), which are called atmospheric water generators."

:fsu: I'll do a res change today, hopefully no damage was done.

Thanks again Hippy J :joint:



I have been using the water from my dehumidifer with know seen problems. The ppms of the water is 0 and ph is 5.0. I guess I will see if anything happens after the cure.
Wanted to mention that as expected my ph started to drop a bit with the onset of flowers. What do you guys think, should one try to combat this or should we let the plants do their thing?! I know some people like to let their ph drift and some are on it like tick on a dog lol. Any opinions?!


Not sure if I am correct, but mine was doing the same thing. I raised it back to the 5.8 - 5.9 drifting to 6.0 when adding 35% peroxide to the res. My temps have been a little high due to the weather, so lots of add backs to keep things stable. Kinda chasing the dog here even with the 6" Vortex going full blast 24/7.

All seems fine although I have had a little heat stress issues that need to be resolved by adding more fresh air intakes I see, and something that I really should be doing right now rather than sitting here on-line. :noway:


So here is an interesting observation. In my sealed room, when I use a dehumidifier and drain it directly back into the res I have virtually no water loss. Makes perfect sense, I just never thought about it before. I' have however isolated the dehumidifier water from my res, I do not want to take a chance ;)


I switched nutes to AN flower nutes yesterday, we will see how they work out :smile:


Ganja brothers, I fucked up, I was adjusting my ph last night before the lights came on and I forgot to turn the feed pump back on :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:.
I'm in 100% perlite, which does not hold a lot of water, and I have a shitload of roots in the bottom container.
Nothing was drooping this morning, but my root ends did not look happy.
I hope they are going to get through this, it is a critical time right now :fsu:
Send me good Karma :joint:



17 days 12/12
It looks like they are going to be ok after my fuck up:joint:
I'm trying to decide if I should put them down one more time or not?!
Here are the pics:






19 days 12/12
Due to lack of general input lol, I have decided to put them down (train them) one more time. Ganja brothers, that was not easy, especially man handling all these delicate little tops :yoinks:. But I think I made the right choice, I do not want them to get leggy on me. What do you guys think?!

I think the switch to AN went ok, but I'm not sure if they are eating as well as they should. They suck up about 1.5 gallons a day, and reduce ppms by about 25-35ppm. The ph is still dropping a bit overnight, but nothing crazy.
I'm only adding water back each day, since my res. is running a bit hot (rich in nutes), I notice minor tip burn.






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