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400w Vertical Organic Satori x c99



Jungle time!

Jungle time!

Here are a few pics from today, about 5 days into flower.... so far they have blown up if you compare to the tent pic from a week ago! Ive had to do a lot of bending and tying, probably vegged a bit too long, but oh well! Hope they dont stretch too much more! I'll get some pics individually when they start to bud a little.






thanks guys! yeah Im doing a combo of lst and supercropping, but not a whole lot, just enough to get each plant to grow like a mini stadium (my goal anyway, some plants are doing it better than others.) This round I'm trying not to defoliate too much (leafs here and there), rather Im just tucking, and actually using the bigger leaves to help train other branches. If people were branches, and arms were leaves.........nevermind I lost my train of thought lol! Thanks!

heady blunts

prescription blunts
wow k things are looking really good! i love your style.

also that second photo from post #61 is especially nice.


thanks heady, the style this round is 'crowded and unruly'! This is my first vertical grow, and also my plants seem to be the healthiest Ive had in a while, so I think I definately underestimated the stretch and over vegged... oh well! Just going to have to wing it and bend away untill things stop. Was thinking about defoliating some of the leaves to open things up a bit, read somewhere that it might slow the stretch down a little, by getting light further in and basically telling the plants to chill the fuck out for a bit... any thoughts on that? Was going to not defoliate this round, but things are getting a wee bit crowded already...


Looking real nice. should be a nice cross that you have there.
can't wait to see how it turns out for you.

I did the same cross as you...had a satori female and used some pollen from my pineapple pheno C99. I have yet to pop any of the seeds yet though.


I would defoliate, take some leaves now, then in two weeks take some more. Things that packed could give you mold and rot issues down the road

heady blunts

prescription blunts
thanks heady, the style this round is 'crowded and unruly'! This is my first vertical grow, and also my plants seem to be the healthiest Ive had in a while, so I think I definately underestimated the stretch and over vegged... oh well! Just going to have to wing it and bend away untill things stop. Was thinking about defoliating some of the leaves to open things up a bit, read somewhere that it might slow the stretch down a little, by getting light further in and basically telling the plants to chill the fuck out for a bit... any thoughts on that? Was going to not defoliate this round, but things are getting a wee bit crowded already...

well defoliating causes stress which redirects the plant's energy temporarily.

sounds like we're on the same boat! it's a nice boat :D

plus i'm a bunch of weeks ahead of you. although i went into flower afraid that i had grossly overvegged, i've started thinking it was perfect. it's really maxing out my space.

also i think there's a big diff between taking out a bit of foliage and the "defoliation technique."

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Looking good man. We're almost on the same schedule, I have almost a week on you. Same wattage too, will be interesting to see how yours turns out.


Thanks guys!
dieselbyrd- from the time they popped above soil, about 33 days give or take a day or two. I know what you mean! I look in there now and they look nothing like the babies they were a month ago!

I cleaned out a lot of leaves that were blocking things in there, I think it will help a lot... I think the plants were all just being super agressive trying for prime sunlight and stretching like crazy... by opening things up in there my intention is to give them something to do, and to let them know there is plenty o light for all! I also took a few branches and tied them in loops, worked fuckin awesome, and I didnt break one! I will take some pics of those when I get pics next, they should look pretty cool once they start to bud up. Today (day 9 of 12/12) all the pistils on most plants that I can see are opening up, and the tops are getting that agressive ready to bud look? haha you know what I mean! Anyway, thanks for all the kind words, and pics in a few days once they start to make lil bud tops!


Well-known member
They are in 1 gallon pots. I'll grab pictures later today, but for now I feel bad for not havin any bud shots up in here, so here are some pics of my FLT c-99 from last round, done under a 400w. If anybody wants a cheap smartpotish type pot those are in those cheap reusable shopping bags you can get at stores for a dollar now. For $35 these seeds were a steal as you can see.





Thats all for now! :wave:

wow very nice there krshna


Thanks guys, I try! It hasnt been easy this round, making a lot of mistakes along the way, and this ever constant taming of the jungle is wearing down my soul... ok maybe not that bad, but I'll be a happy man when things settle down in there and start to bud up nice. My newest problem is a magnesium def. Makes sense, Ive been watering with r/o water, and the past few waterings I didnt add molasses to.... so hopfully I can get things back under control, I sprayed them with some epsom salts last night to try to get a quick fix going. Well, Im off to go tie down the jungle.... again! :wave:


Ok! Here are a few pics from almost 2 weeks of 12/12 (day 13).
(satori x c-99)



Still dealing with a slight mg deficiency, but gave needy plants one last epsom spray to catch them up, think that should take care of it. Stretch should be pretty much over, next two weeks they should start to get their bud on good!

c-99 (actually a bit behind the satori x c-99 as far as budding goes, wouldnt have expected that)

**the yellow lookin tips are light green, i hate this camera! or probably its just me taking these pics in a dark room with a bright flash... either way I'll get more true pics once the buds get more interesting! :wave: **


thanks man, yeah there is a lot of different training going on, lst, bamboo holding stuff down, tied more than a few branches in knots, supercropping, the list goes on! Only thing I think I didnt do was top anything. Im use to having less girls in at a time, so this round I couldnt spread these ones out as much as Im use to, had to build more bottom to top mini stadiums instead... I think they will work pretty good!


thanks man! yeah they stretched more than I expected for sure... I think transplanting right before 12/12 really made them go crazy. temps and humidity are better than they ever have been temps bout 70-80 and humidity ~50%, just have a battle of keeping all the plants out of the light, only ~ 3 or 4 inches between the light and the plants, so I have to watch they dont dive into the light like shit hawks!

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