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400w Vertical Organic Satori x c99



Tagged. I've thought real hard about changing my homebox XL to going vert lately,this might help me make a decision. Not to mention the fact that the girls look awesome and I like the cross.
thanks man, this is my first vert, out of necessity because my space was not tall enough, but i'm liking it a lot, you should try it! so far i'm very happy with this cross, seems like it will be better than either parent.

Mmmm. How do the satori smell?
so far they smell very good, generally fruity, the one reminds me of cantalope a lot, two of them smell like fruity good weed, and the other one, which seems to be leaning a lot more to the satori side, has a strange chemical smell, cant put my finger on it exactly....not bad, but different.

thanks for checkin them out... if they turn out well i have like 10 more seeds in the fridge, i might pop some more and cross a good male and female to make some seeds for freebies! Ive always loved satori, but felt it could use a little something else to make it a little more comercially appealing. :thank you:


Keep up the good work dude:) What are the dimensions of your cab?

thanks man, im tryin! the cab is aprox 3' x 3' x 30" high... you can see in the earlier pics there was plenty of room, but i waited to flower way too long, so things are very tight! can't wait till this round / summer is over so i can work in a bigger space! :jump:


:wave: hey guys, got a quick day 53 update today.. things are truckin along pretty good. One of the c99 plants looks like it will be ready soon, within a week... either way its coming out soon because I need some smoke, and I could use a bit more room in there for the others to finish up. The other c-99, i think its a c99, doesnt even look close, infact it appears to be the least done lol, its still chuckin out tons of white hairs... who knows, maybe its a mix up, but I think its just a little behind because it hasnt recieved equal treatment. Fungus gnats are almost totally gone, thankfully, because they were starting to piss me off for a while there... humidity seems to be in check, I dont think I will have a problem with that this run ::fingers crossed::! One slight bummer is I think somebody grew some balls somewhere along the line... I cant find any (check for a long time) but it looks like a couple branches on the outskirts of the light are growing tiny seeds :wallbash: buuut it seems pretty contained, doesnt look like any of my good buds are seeded. I think some branch in the back just had to be a dick because he wasnt getting enough light and decided to grow a couple balls.... whatever, my wife can have those buds lol. Thats about it. Sorry about the lack of pictures, I keep trying to take pictures, but most of them turn out like shiiiit, so they get canned. I will get some better pictures around harvest time when they can see some real light! :jump:

Here's one shot I got of the tent with the front two plants removed so you can see the jungle inside. I facepalm myself every time i have to work in there now!

Take care guys! :greenstars:


hey guys! here is the first c-99 plant down at day 60. Looks pretty good, Im sure it will do the trick, but def not a keeper from the smell and yield. I dont think it smells very much, but my wife says it does smell strong like berries, so maybe my nose is just shot. Anyway, my jars were empty, so Im not going to be too picky! Im not sure when the other plants are going to come down, but Im very excited about the satori x c99, they are looking waaay better than this girl!





thanks guys, there are 8 more in there to come down, so stay tuned haha! jgrow- that plant there is just a c99, the other satori x c99 have a much more 'grapecluster' calyx formation goin on, probably will start taking those down in a week or so?! Next down will be the other c99 in a couple few days.


Here is the other c99 (fractal genetics). Got chopped today day 63. I wish this plant would have gotten prime treatment (has always gotten second rate treatment due to high numbers in the beginning) because from what I can tell so far the bud sctructure, bag appeal, and yield are way better than the other pheno. It was also a breeze to trim, almost fun to trim haha! :laughing: I didnt get nearly as much light as the big light hoggin satori crosses.
Next up will be a satori cross, when ever Im feelin like choppin (they are at the point that i could chop, 90% cloudy, but Im going to try to let some go and see what happens).

edit: oh yeah, the first c99 gets up high as fuck and is very tasty for being barely dry!

heady blunts

prescription blunts
yumm that looks great krsh!

must be fun doin a staggered harvest like that.

btw i love that jungle shot. is everyone enjoying the extra room as you're takin stuff down?





hope you take more pics than i did when you pull the rest down.

cant wait!


thanks guys!
heady- yeah, its fun cutting a plant when you are bored! the jungle closed in on the space like it was a living beast. I looked back and it was as if there was never a plant there haha.
nameless man, yeah im tryin to but my camera skills are somewhere around ricky's level so a lot of them are blurry.... but these next plants Im gonna try to get some plant shots... these ones I had to cut before I even took them out of the tent.

Karma is fuckin with me today, Im getting a new car wednesday. But yesterday I was fillin the tires on the current shit mobile and noticed that my two from tires were super unevenly worn, and on one side the steel belting was showing....fuckkkk (did you ever notice things always work fine when youre oblivious to them, but as soon as you notice something is fucked, and dont do something about it, it breaks?) happens to me all the time. Anyway woke up today with a flat tire, and Im probably gonna have to get some new tires on a car I was planning on scrapping... and all the tire places near me are closed today....time to smoke a bowl and gorilla glue the tires lol

one Q

i want to see how the S99 turns out. Dont take her too early tho, (most phenos of) satori should let go past 70days unless youre getting amber. She'll hold on to the cloudy trichs for a while, in this time she is just adjusting her chemical ratios for a strong high...

I cant imagine the outcome of the cross, as Satori has a little edge if over done and Cindy has an edge if you puff her at all... What are you looking for from that cross?

good job too!!!!!!!!!!!! :tiphat:

heady blunts

prescription blunts
haha holy shit man! careful with gorilla glued tire patches lol.

one time i let mine get down to the metal belt. then i had a blow out on the highway going 70mph. stay safe!


One Q- here ya go man, i chopped 2 s99 today at 65 days 12/12 (solid 65 days, they were sexed before 12/12). Anyway I could have let them go another week or so, but on some of the less important branches i spotted some seeds forming, and i wanted to try to pull it before they formed into a problem (hopfully they arent noticed much, they are very very small, well see how that goes haha) I think the c99 had a great influence, havent smoked it yet, but all phenos are looking like they are yielding great like satori (my satori have always out performed the c99), better calyx to leaf ratio, and big calyxs (my satori were always on the big side and these c99 had very small ones). Oh, it also smells much much stronger than the c99.... my wife had no problems with me trimming c99 in the living room, but the satori was a different story.... she was scared lol. But no disrespect to the c99, fairlight has a legit c99, I dont really have any pineapple in the first one im smoking now, but fresh barely dried it tastes like great weed, maybe the best Ive grown yet, and the high, well I wrote all this in like 2 seconds, its like speed. uhhhh I forget, but yeah, check out the pics, oh yeah, I have 2 more big s99 and 3 neglected s99, that Im going to let go as long as possible. These ones I pulled had a mix of amber, cloudy, and clear, I would say 5%/80%/15% just guessin.

heady, man, I bit the bullet today and bought 2 new tires, I dont know wtf, lifes always fuckin with me haha.... maybe Ill take them off before I scrap it.... Maybe Ill sell it.........fuck it, I dont really care, its a shit mobile.
Anyway, enough c99 induced rambling...pics!
s99 plant shot, first tiime I have taken it out of the cab since it was little.


Same plant close up (the most light exposted buds turned purple , sometimes just half a bud, I had some bud parts too close, but the buds that had premo light look like they came from a different plant than the most shaded buds.)


Trimmed, same plant

Different s99 pheno, suprisingly despite looks had some amber, although it looks more sativish.

Thats it for now, so far so good! :wave:

one Q

wow. Im interested in who and how you choose your keeper(s).
you already know what smell profiles you have, but what effect profiles are you interested in? Obviously you are looking for "go go go" weed and both have that edge, tho C99 more so than Satori.

I am very interested in reports and all that superfluous info that goes into your selection.

Also are you still trying to run those strange bags as growing containers? Get at me about an efficient way to grow with hempys with your current vert setup. Assuming your still in the market for "new container" ideas.


wow. Im interested in who and how you choose your keeper(s).
you already know what smell profiles you have, but what effect profiles are you interested in? Obviously you are looking for "go go go" weed and both have that edge, tho C99 more so than Satori.

I am very interested in reports and all that superfluous info that goes into your selection.

Also are you still trying to run those strange bags as growing containers? Get at me about an efficient way to grow with hempys with your current vert setup. Assuming your still in the market for "new container" ideas.

one q- well this cross just started out with me growing c99 and satori at the same time, so it wasnt well thought out or planned, I just took the best c99 male out of 5 (biggest, and healthiest, didnt even see it flower at that point) and tried to pollinate everything. It mostly failed, except for 15 or so seeds on one satori. The initial reason I grew these out was it was a totally new setup, and I wanted to test some plants in it just incase it failed. Turns out Im ending up with a good amount of bud (lookin like 8-10oz to me) so its all bumper crop in my opinion. Of course I do love satori, so Im sure I will like this pot, I just cant smoke a lot of it, which I guess is a good thing. I cant comment on the high yet, but it looks like crossing the satori with c99 yields more commercially viable buds (quicker, look better).... we will see in a week or so I the high is.
The bags worked, I used a normal shopping bag inside just to be safe, but they held up very well....actually just got done busting up some root balls and I was very happy with the root growth, and smell/texture of the soil....def gonna reuse it. Something was goin right this round.

one Q

Good. Nothing like trying a bunch of new shit all in one grow and it ALL turning out great. Im happy for you.


My dear friend, i'm verry happy to feel the vibes bubbling from the under-table of yours.

Here's a riddle

Shrubery Greenery with Sun for a Heart
Swellery Bloomery in Krshnas Hut

...I just wondered right now (like Great Lee Perry sometime ago), does meself induce creative outbursts or is it Jamaican Collie Weed?