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400w CMH V-scrog cab! Tube of Green anyone?

hey man i have to say this is on of the most interesting set ups i have ever seen...i'm new to icmag but not to other cannabis sites but i have to say that i have never seen a grow quite like that...nice work
thanks cman! glad you like it and welcome to IC! and thanks for joining the thread, it's really starting to heat up in here.

glad to see lots of views you lurkers! i was one too, so i'm not hating.

changed out the nutes tonight and have noticed that the growth is through the roof when i change the res.. so i kicked up the ppm to full strength and they are doing great. all the bud sites are really filling up with some beautiful trich's and calyx's. looks like i'm going to have more than just popcorn on this screen. i'll post pics tomorrow.

humidity is still out of wack, so i put the fan to run 45 min out of the hour. i hope i'm not wasting the Co2, but i'm sure the 15 min of enrichment is doing some good. good news is that the only time that the problem arises is during the day and for short periods of time, my humidity at night is rather low do to the great desert climate. :jump:

see you guys tomorrow with pictures you don't wanna miss! i need to go do some training before bed tonight. :spank:
Obviously quite a bit of thought went into the design of your enclosure. Excellent thread, excellent design, excellent pictures and documentation. If I could give more than one rep point I would. Kudos, Kudos. :wave:
thanks for stopping by! ha ha you gotta check out what propoline is doing!

thanks for the kind words sir!

i tried to take some pictures last night, but due to rule #1 i was forced to hurry and pictures were on the bottom of my to do list. but not much has changed that would be noticeable just a lot of bud sites popping up.

the only good pic that i got. this is really 20 days of growth, taken on the morning of the 21st day of bloom.

these are side branches that would usually be cut off forming some nice colas.

i'll make time tonight for a proper update.
heya fella's :wave:

today is day 24 of flowering almost half way there! everything is filling out nice. i gave them a serious trim tonight to help with the light penetration. all the inside buds are looking really good and some of the ones that are in the back could use a little more light. this is the best i could do with the screen open.

i bumped up the nutes to 100% last res change and they laughed at me. so i changed out the res with aggressive nutes. i no longer have a ppm meter so i got no clue what i'm running. going on what the ladies tell me.

hope you like!


for me its kind of hard to visualize how the plants are wrapping around the screen. could you take a picture a little farther away so we can see the whole set up? i cant wait to see what kind of a yield you might get. vertical set ups just seem to make more since, using almost every bit of light possible.
thanks for stopping by, i'll try to show how they are trained. plants always grow up, they may lean to the light but still grow like normal.

welcome back nightcrawler!

this is what i started with...

i trained the plants to separate the main branches as soon as they were big enough to reach the screen.

my goal was to pull the veg growth horizontal and let the stretch go vertical and fill the screen.

with the light so close and the CMH spectrum they were little balls of leaf so the pics might be hard to see whats going on.

this is day 8 veg. i should have switched to flower then.

this is day 8 as well. the pic above is the bottom right.

this is day5 of bloom. i vegged for 12 days, 24hr dark period before flower.

the training from this point on was done to try and keep the branches off each other. paper clips were perfect for this.
this is how it ended up. they have stopped stretching and have put their energy towards flowering.

all the serious training happened in early veg and not much after. a lot less work than a typical scrog.

i hope this helps clear that up.

as for yield.... i don't expect to break any records for g/w, i'd be happy with .5g/w. but for the space that i'm using <6.5cubic feet, i think it'll be nice. my next cab is in the design stage and have a good feeling about the set up. i've had a couple design flaws that i want to fix before doing another run. not to mention the cab i have now is falling apart from the humidity problems i had early on.

koolbloom is going in the next res change so get ready for some crazy bud production!

Tony Danza

Have you ever driven by a hayfield filled with those big round bales? That's what I think about when I see your grow, I'm with nightcrawler in that this is the only diary I make a point to check in on.

nice work.
heya tony!
thanks for stopping by buddy, umm... i'm pretty sure i know what your talking about but never seen it in person. we got sand though... some tumble weeds. lol

i'm glad you guys dig the TOG! it's all down hill from here! haven't had any bubba in a while and can't wait.


Well Stke-Fingus, You get your sh_T together my man!
I've marked this so I can come back to see your BUDS!
I don't know if anybody's posted this but i've calculated the size of your screen to be 13.4 square feet. you said earlier in the thread that you didn't think all of that was actually usable? is that because it's hard to fill up every hole?
boevo, thanks for the kind words... i think?... lol

thanks for stopping by! i got a good laugh when i seen your thread. i was like, hell yeah!

um.. where to start...

you said earlier in the thread that you didn't think all of that was actually usable?
i didn't want anyone to think that because i have that much screen it was at all in comparison to a flat scrog.
the screen is pretty freakin big but the amount of growing tips in v-scrog are not like flat scrog. the canopy can be 4-8'' deep on a flat scrog but in my crammed space (2-3") the first layer is blowing up like crazy, while the back seem to not be doing much. it's still early to tell and it could just be the plants natural way of things, it's been some hardcore lst. (i think, don't quote me on this) bending the "top" confuses the plant and each branch thinks it's a top. anyway, what i'm trying to say is that i hope i have 20 kickass nugs backed up by many decent one's. i'll give my opinion when it's weighed.

is that because it's hard to fill up every hole?

you would give up after the first week. they grow so fast it's silly. i didn't think they were going to stretch as much but they did me dirty. real dirty. lol training every 3 hours is required to keep up. but thats hydro and Co2.

i got 6 3-4 foot plants and two runts, they drink about 2 gallons of water a day now. every 3 days i have been changing the res. still flushing every two weeks.

i'll be back with some pics...


stke_fingas said:
i think?... lol(i think, don't quote me on this) bending the "top" confuses the plant and each branch thinks it's a top.

I am by no means an expert on this topic but as I understand LST physiologically affects the plants apical dominance.
A plant with no training has one apical bud or growth tip that produces a growth hormone called auxin. The hormone ensures the main bud receives the most nutrients and sun light.
The theory(it may not be theory) behind LST is that is causes the plant to have more than one apical bud. Therefore, instead of one main bud you can produce several apical buds without topping.

As I understand the maximum yield has a genetic ceiling; however, because of the limited amount of light exposure and plant size available within a cabinet the benefits(increased yield) of LST increasing light exposure far outweigh the redistribution of nutes resulting from multiple apical(main) buds.

Maybe someone with more experience and knowledge can speak up?

Here are some links

this link is especially informative

Your grow method is really ingenious. Great job...I can't wait until harvest.