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24 Bucket RDWC 4000 watt by PK


Active member
Technique-Not really sure how fast my buckets are recirculating, since I have controlled pressure to each bucket and also no clue to exactly how much water is in the system. I can tell you however that my PH balances out really fast compared to my 12 bucket. 1200gph pump on the system.

How long do I normally veg for?

Hard to say because really I am trying to find a balance. I used to always overveg lol, and my last run I had to rush in flower so i didnt put on a real good veg. Seriously what I normally watch is the stalks, I like a nice heavy stalk, one that looks like it would hold a qp. If I had to through a number at you I would say 21-28 days for a HUGE bush. The first 7-10 days is pretty uneventful without any real preveg.

Yer sweet no sweat :) get a measuring cup and time how long it takes to fill it, on one of the buckets fill lines, i figure yours is running just as quick as mine! no complaints :)

all good i enjoy your grows! and cant wait to trim pro too :)


Active member
Kinda late, but I'm gonna take a seat on the couch, fire one up & watch the remainder of your show..........

BTW didn't see this mentioned, but 5 gallon black buckets are really cheap when you buy 20 or more.......... www.usplastics.com

Bunz :D


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
After elbow dropping all the plants under the screen tonight, it looks like I better click over to flower VERY soon. The schnazzleberrys are LOVING life, there veg area was so cold. Thanks everyone for tagging along, its fun sharing with you guys.

Biggreen- Might even need to work on my war cry before I dive into those gilrs with a machette. Also a gps incase I get lost!

Thisbudsforyou- Thanks

George-nice man wil be fun to see that one grown out, I love anything with a widow in it. Widow makes everything better :)

Technique- Think I am sitting on right around 110-120 gallons in the system.

Bunz-Your not to late, this show is really just getting started. I will be around for a lonnnng time


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Ok its offcial, my future mother chamber will be housing a nice round of pro-mix BX 3 gallon ladies. It is going to be VERY exciting for me, all three strains will be from seed and are fast flowering tasty ladies.

Bog- Bogglegum x 10
Bog- Sour Bubble x 10
Moscas- C99 BX1 x 10

Going to be some tasty ladies in there, its like a dream run lol Except for the hand watering, water lugging, and mess part. The sour bubble is already cracked, and both orders are out for the other seeds. It is a good thing that sour bubble is getting a head start since it don't stretch.

Rolling one up and going to the kitchen IC, time to make some "Green Dragon", muhahaha
how can you upload images so big? its 150 kb limit... the site used to upload big pics now there crappy little ones .... but yours are bigger ... how?


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
George I have no idea. I just upload the pictures, then go to my album, copy the image code, not the URL, and paste it into my post.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Looks tasty dude, yum. I am sittin here staring at "killer queen redux" and "LUI 13". Both have g-13 in them. So many freeakin c99 releases I want them all. If I order any more seeds this week my gf might flip out lmao (jokin I will order as many seeds as I want)


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
FYI tomorrow is Day 1 flower :) I will update in a week or so when I start letting them above the screen. Its a mess in there already, its not a scrog, its a woven quilt


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Ok seriosuly I never win shit, luck normally is not my friend. So a while back in the thread you will hear about me ordering a spin pro trimmer, and the shipper messing up and sending me two for the price of one :) That was incredible, and now something simliar has happened.

I ordered a 385watt 300 L/min air pump, it arrived busted up from the delivery service I am assuming. I contacted the seller and was leaning towards just returning it since I was pissed at the potiential to have to pay return shipping. After recieving a nice email from the seller, he was willing to exchange it and pay for return shipping, so I took him up on his offer.

Well today my new pump arrived, in pristine condition. I got it all out and checked her over, was very happy with it. They even through in a different air distributor piece with 28 outlets rather then 20 outlets like I had asked. I had her out for an hour or more before I noticed the label on the pump. It read:

"520 watt 450 L/min"

OMG! so I got 50% more air output then what I had payed for!!! This pump cost $70 more then the other pump!!!

Well my room right now recieves 80 L/min of air, if that since outlets on the pumps junk out. I am now adding 450 L/min!!! thats 5.625 times more air then before, my rate of growth is going to skyrocket, this is going to be SICK!!!


I love my life
520W WOW!!!!!!!!!! that can easily push 28 hoses! I just upgraded my veg room so we'll see if recirculation is as cool as O2 in the H2O.

Peace, :joint:


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
so frustrating , want to show my babies in there full unadulterated glory .. but cant with crappy little pics

I have found it's easier to create an album,doing so will enable you to upload without having to resize. Now once uploaded and you want to post to a thread select insert as always on the lower right,now I will give you examples of the additional options:

on the top right you will see AS: the picture above is the thumbnail linked to original.


Now this same picture has the AS: setting to original only.

With your garden my friend I fell I have done the group a HUGE service so that we may see such a fine room in it's all out GLORY.

TY For Sharing