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24 Bucket RDWC 4000 watt by PK


I've been working on the same system, I've run a 1/2 inch feed line into each bucket with a 1/4 inch reducing barb spraying down into the bucket. It works very well, the problem is with the 3/4 return lines. I had 6 buckets hooked together draining back to the control res through one line, the control res would run dry. So I ripped it all apart to have another go at it. Now I've got 9 buckets with 3 return lines, 3 buckets per 3/4 inch return. I haven't tested it yet, I'm starting to think maybe I should have just run one return line for each bucket and stop screwing around. I'm using a 500gph pump and it's giving a good aeration effect with the water shooting into the bucket. Any input greatly appreciated. One other issue I'm trying to sort out is the airpump, I've tested a rena 400 with a 6 inch stone in one bucket and I'm not impressed ($50 pump). Is there a formula like 1 lpm of air per gallon or something? My buckets hold approx 30 gals, one big airpump would be great but it needs to be fairly quiet. I've spent every minute of my spare time trying to get this together for the last couple months. With lighting, venting etc. I'm starting to feel overwhelmed. Thanks for any help
looks good pk : ) .am still jealous about your space , but i'll get there one day.

my sharksbreath is on its 6th week out of 9 will try and post some pics soon , they just had a wack of pk 13/14 so when they burst i'll snap some shots. cant wait to ditch the sharks and flower BLZ bud ... cloning blz from my monster mums in a couple of days 8 ) . :pie:


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Technique-Not really sure how fast my buckets are recirculating, since I have controlled pressure to each bucket and also no clue to exactly how much water is in the system. I can tell you however that my PH balances out really fast compared to my 12 bucket. 1200gph pump on the system.

How long do I normally veg for?

Hard to say because really I am trying to find a balance. I used to always overveg lol, and my last run I had to rush in flower so i didnt put on a real good veg. Seriously what I normally watch is the stalks, I like a nice heavy stalk, one that looks like it would hold a qp. If I had to through a number at you I would say 21-28 days for a HUGE bush. The first 7-10 days is pretty uneventful without any real preveg.

BlueNorth-3 buckets per return line is very good, I have 8 buckets per return line. I actually will recieve my new air pump tomorrow :) I currently am running 80L/min to the whole system, my new pump is 300L/min :) I am not sure on how mnay Liter/min is required, but the more oxygen the better.

Ohana Farms-Thanks, and will do!

George J-wazzzupppppppp...lol Hell yeah man would like to see some pics, what is BLZ? Is that the tree house strain? lol Nice seeing you around man

And Now:

A snap shot of the baby sour bubbles, awwwww how cute


Update coming soon on the big room, screen is filling out nicely, open seasme will be started soon to get them ready to spring into flower.

wazzzuppp , na dude the tree house strain was the sharks breath which im flowering now , and holy fuck is it nice : ) on the sad note i killed the mum because i thought it was a dud : (. but i still got 4 seeds left so could do a future mum if needed. It's so dam resinous , i flowered the breath from clones coz its the tree house strain lol ,from 3 inche clone to 2/2.5ft crystal monster in 6 weeks. It stretches a bit much for my liking have just taken some shots with a crap cam , so need to get a tripod like last time but heres some pics for the moment.

Yer the BLZ bud ,


its a super silver x G13 x trainwreck .... resin bomb , thats the one that ive just cloned that the baby seedlings grew 4 weeks worth growth in just 10 days. !!! yer i know !!!

thats the one that doesnt stretch so can grow em a bit bigger and get more yeild without hitting thew lights

anyway heres sharks breath at 6 weeks ... will take some better shots soon at around 8 weeks


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Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
looks tasty man, lots of ice! You should just clone a flowering plant. When I shut down almost a year ago, I gifted my genetics to a friends garden. I helped him harvest/trim the crop, and took a cutting off a fully flowered white lightning. I had roots in 5 DAYS! Now she is in a 3 gallon pot and a little bush :)
is ok was thinking of re-vegging a plant after a few buds has been cut off at harvest time.

atm its like the kind of crystals you cant touche , otherwise your be stinking after 10 hand washes. and have run out of latex gloves ... its real dense aswell.

:xmastree: harvest january 1st : )


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
know what you mean man, end up chewing off your skin like you had a superglue accident. I always keep latex around, I trimmed once without gloves, learned my lesson about handling nugs lol. I was on house lock down for days.


Well-known member
Hey man try the vinyl gloves they actually work better than the latex because they dont get all sticky.
yer i know that feeling not wanting to go out after a bare skin harvest lol.... oh no officer thats not cannabis you smell , thats my new aftershave . its called pleasedontarrestme , think its french?

last one i harvested without gloves and the resin was sooo thick i pealed it off my fingers in coin size ammounts . yer the superglue comment is the same , not matter what you do it does not shift.

actually something i found last time is this:

wash your hands with soap, and then again wash with soap larther it right up but dont rinse with water then dry your hands. it will mask the stink for at least one car trip , the key is to get the blackness off your hands first though and it will last longer : ) :tree:


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
that goo be gone works instantly, recently discovered that. also leaves you with a nice fresh orange smell lol

Just got my new airpump, 385 watt 300 liter/min non lubricated piston pump. Dude sent it in is MFG packaging, fuckin 15 pound air pump sittin on my porch. Thanks! Also the air tubing attachment had a one inch hole in it, and the air filter cover was cracked, and its mounting screw was so bent sideways from whatever impact that occured, the screw will not budge. Needless to say I am either exchanging or returning the item, and I requested he use more discreet packaging along with something that protects the prodcut. Here is ther product, its pretty loud, I am going to build a double wall sound box for it. Oh actually I got it for 179$, not 199 in the link.

i got the 90 watt version of that one . never used it as its too loud cant imagine using a 385watt one lmao
my mate had a 45 watt version and even he thought it was to loud . thats why i never went into DWC ,drip system is quiet : )

im sure a pair of pliers on the bent screw will shift it ....
oh yer that pump , i built a small MDF box that had the pump suspended inside with rubber wrist bands to remove some of the vibrations . it works but your one would be like trying to get the big bang to be more quiet. might be worth linking up all that is needed to run it and dropping it into a mdf box full of duvet foam lol


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
George- it is pretty freaking loud, I will do/build whatever it takes to pump that air to the girls! lol I will be exchanging this busted up pump for another. I have 4 inline fans blasting full speed in there, 8 fans in total, chiller, 2 water pumps, 4 ballast all just humming away as it is. The pump won't seem so loud. I plugged it in in my kitchen, scared the shit out of me lol.

Working on my mother cabinent today, won't be long and I will have my ak-47 mom selected. So far #10 I think is the winner but maybe another will impress me, but it will be hard. #10 is blowing everyone out of the water in veg, and in my smoke jar. Also will be establishing a white lightning mom soon.

The mom room may get a round popped off in it before it is being used exclusivley for mothers. It will be 6ft long x 4 ft wide. 1400 watts switchable total in air cooled sun system hoods. I will run seed plants in there, trying to get through these packs and get to mono cropping! I will be running 10 BOG Sour Bubble seedlings, 10 Mosca C99 bx#1, and 4 TNT freebie mix beans. They are random as they come it sounds like, could literally be ANYTHING lol. It would be nice to find a sweet indica in there.

The beans will be ran in pro-mix BX with foxfarm chunky perlite + lime. Will be using same nutrients and flowering females in 3 gallon pots.

Here is an update on the RDWC, these pics were taken yesturday. Some are before me shoving them under the net and some are after :) Oops, I accidentially scrogged 24 5 gallon RDWC plants. Shame on me, shit is already out of control, just delaying a few more days for a couple laggers. Also will be 23 buckets, one clone is just frozen in time lol and I am guessing will eventually thaw out and die!


Frozen Clone

Serious AK #10 rockin in front middle

I think its going to get messy when they stretch! No worries though I have a machette!


4 of the Schnazzleberry#2's

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