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220w pl-l coco scrog cupboard

mad librettist

Active member
oh no, it's already in the worm bin. No, I meant CS for my females! I could do the mazar with the blue burmese.

spinosad looks neat. don't go killing harmless stuff or beneficials!


Grow like nobody is watching
Well I moved everything into the tent under the t-8s last night. It's 10,000k and 6500k bulbs.



And the PK at 15 days since sprouting. It's doing pretty well for the conditions it's under.


Top o' the mornin' guv'nah :tiphat:

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey Scrub!! Is that the pk???? wow! I can't wait to watch her grow...Nice ..green and happy..are you using just vermiculite( if thats what it is!)?
Take care

Paranoid one

Everything is looking good mate!

How's the problem with that infestation you had going on?

Sad news here :(
I killed my seedlings.
There was a snow storm here and my power went out. House was at 45-50 degrees... spent most of my time down at the bar after work... slept with like 10 blankets on top of me. 2 days later, power is back on. On the 3rd day, stem just fell over( it was like the stem became saggy and tipped over). 4th day went like this, i went to transplant the little fellow (had little silver flies in the previous cup). 5th day, leaves are stiff and almost dry.6th day... burnt the little fucker and started to germ 2 more seeds.
So here i am again, waiting for them to pop their tails...
Sucks but its funny.
Hope everything goes well for you.



~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Like the look of that PK seedling bro, very green and healthy looking bugger, things are plodding along down here, maybe a week left for most of the Dutch Indoor Mix girls, the other 2 sativa DIM girls are only tipping and starting to tip, going to be a long haul on those two. Having trouble deciding which strain to pop next, damn never had that problem before.


Grow like nobody is watching
Hey guys!

BC, yup this is the second attempt at PK because the fungus gnats finished the first one off. It's in straight coco but there's diatomaceous earth on the surface, makes it look weird.

Para, things are going pretty good. The spinosad did have a decent effect on the fungus gnats. I have to do follow up treatments for the thrips so I'm hoping that will knock the gnats right out. I'm also thinking of trying this. It looks too good to be true!

Sorry to hear about your attempt but yes, it often goes like that :) My first serious attempt, I planted hundreds in this big box and treated them like queens, but had my back turned for a second and my roomy's cat was in there taking a shit and digging around :( lol. I harvested one plant.

B00m, yeah it's rocking along. I'm over that danger patch where I usually f*ck something up or it gets eaten. Got a Leda Uno popped it's head out too. Glad to hear all is well. Check out that link in the previous paragraph. I found there's an ice factory close by to me.

Peace :plant grow:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Thats a great idea, going to keep that one in mind, cheers bro good link.
D x PD male is dying a slow death, shit, have to be better prepared for keepers.

mad librettist

Active member
heya scrub,

you got me reading about spinosad and it looks neat. Apparently there is even a spinosad pill dogs can take for fleas.

that seedling does look very healthy. but those other ones look like someone flowered them, chopped them down mostly, and now is trying to get them to go back into vegetative growth. :dunno:


Grow like nobody is watching
lol! Yeah, I wonder what is up with that, madlib! :biglaugh:

But yeah, spinosad seems cool. I've been trying to research using at as a soil drench. I dig the story about it being found in an abandoned rum factory or whatever it was.

B00m, what's up with the male? Take some pics, we can fix it :)


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Thanks bruz, but I've fucked up and left the male outside too long(have no room inside), :bashhead: the mini heatwave action we've got going on down here has cooked all the reveg leaves and the main ones too :toohot: he's fucked. :badday: Just not setup enough to have a spare cupboard only for mum and dad keepers, but upgrades and customizing are happening bit by bit, might be getting a 250w hps just for the Dutchgrown seeds :plant grow: so till then I'm going to concentrate on the D x PD f2s and Marlo's Double Strawberry Diesel f2s :jump: :smoke out:


Grow like nobody is watching
Ahhh shame. Yeah it's been hot here as well. Growroom temps get close to 90 on the hottest days at the moment. Glad I'm not flowering.

Here is a good thread to read if ya haven't seen it :tiphat:


I love my life
I find the PKs love warm temps. My veg room is 90 (with a res chiller so the water is 72) and they are growing like WEEDS!!!!!!!!!

This is a pix of my first clone from my first PK seed. The pictures are Jan 7 and Feb 14.


What a difference 38 days makes.

Peace, :joint:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Here's some of the Dutch Indoor Mix getting the chop this week coming up:-

Peace and Gardening Y'All


Grow like nobody is watching
Wikkid! Nice work once again my man. :yes: That big'un would rock a sog in clone form.

My plants are boosting since I put them under the t8s. I gave them a spray and drench of spinosad to hopefully end my worst gnatmare. :covereyes: