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2019 New Zealand 30lb Backyard Attempt


Cheers mate!!

So it's January 20 and a lot of the plants are starting the transition to flower. The big monster crops are still vegging hard and there's a spattering of plants here and there that are still 100% veg - but regardless, it would seem we've crossed over into flowering territory.

Some pics from today. First one is a plant just starting to show its flowering, second pic is another plant a bit further along. Doesn't smell too bad at the moment but I know the worst is yet to come haha




Active member
Hello again Pahut, they really explouded! U have good weather? Here in South Finland we have record breaking January, no snow, no ice in a lakes and no minus temperatures...Last time 2008-2009 so warm. Have nice day Pahut!


Hey Kief, yeah mate they've taken off alright. Weathers been pretty good to us lately, and having the cover helps with breaking the wind.

Good to hear the weathers good in Finland. I don't know what cold is like, have only seen snow once or twice in my life lol
Oh yeah these are some nice pictures I am on :). Looking forward for more.
By the way NZ is high up on my travel list have been to Australia but next up must be NZ.

Have a great grow. I keep watching and cherring!

Noonin NorCal

Active member
Looks good! you might think about throwing a fan or two out there for circulation...Some look spaced close to each other....


Oh yeah these are some nice pictures I am on :). Looking forward for more.
By the way NZ is high up on my travel list have been to Australia but next up must be NZ.

Have a great grow. I keep watching and cherring!

Cheers mate! Drop us a line if you do make it over here!

Looks good! you might think about throwing a fan or two out there for circulation...Some look spaced close to each other....

Do you have a plastic roof? If so id watch out for condensation on the inside

Haven't had condensation issues as of yet as it's still quite open. It's only a top cover really. It trips the bugs out though, they dance along the plastic trying to get out making all sorts of noises. We're doing a big thin out these next cpl days so that should help with airflow too hopefully.

Thats getting to be a nice little jungle
Haha yeah man she's certainly a handful

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
was just thinking that 30lb dry-weight must be around 120lb wet manicured buds - that's heavier than the Mrs - strewth!

Grow On Compadre'


Haha yeah Gypsy it's a pretty daunting job ahead! Here's hoping a few of the strains have that easy to manicure nug


Haha we will be doing a fair bit of concentrates. Still deciding on a butane or iso based system, we'll probably try both and see what works best for our purposes


Active member


This is a very promising start down in Kiwiland where the seasons are reversed, Pahut.

Pulling up a chair for this one. I counted close to 30 plants, so it looks like you are going for one pound weight of harvest per plant.

Gotta share an open soil amendment secret that I only just tried under a month ago. Bought about 30 kilos of fresh frozen mackerel sea fish, and buried a couple of them cut in halves, under each of my newly transplanted outdoor plants.

The impact of those buried whole fish, was nothing short of astounding. The plants absorbed up that extra nitrogen fast, and now all new growth is a very dark green, compared to the earlier vegetative growth that was a more faded pale color.

The improvement is so dramatic that my plants are actually two-tone in appearance now, with the lower half of old growth a faded green, topped by the upper foliage that has become a deep emerald green, all thanks to the sea fish and its payload of minerals.

It it is not too late in the proceedings, I recommend that you bury a fish under, or alongside each plant, for some growth on steroids that will amaze all who see the change in that garden. I will always include fresh whole sea fish in my soil amendment recipe, henceforth, given the results I have seen here.

Haven’t seen many people who know this😉
King Country fertiliser 😂😂😂


New member
Very nice man. I myself have a few plants going, still in veg. latitude is about 15degrees north and it's about 12h from sunrise til sunset. how long is the day there right now?


Well-known member
I'd be wary of burying fish, I tried it in my tomatoes one time. The next day the tomatoes were gone except for a couple leaves and there was dirt everywhere. Nothing a varmint loves more then a rotten stinky treat to roll in and eat. I'm a believer in fish emulsion and fish meal and I haven't had problems with it getting dug up, yet. There's a type the local stores sell that's high in P, I've been feeding my plants with it at the start of flowering. I don't want to go late with it, don't want smoked salmon buds but now could be a good time for you. I'm wary of feeding high N fish emulsion near the start of flowering because it's so potent. When you've got a jungle of overgrown green leaf and stem you don't need it. It's a different story if your plants are yellowing or lagging, then I'd consider it.

I notice your problems with Autoflowering, it may not be a problem because you'll have early buds to harvest. I'm guessing next year you'll know which ones will produce the big buds and which ones won't. I always grow from seed, very rarely put out clones because they don't have the same vigor. I'm sure you're noticing this, if you want a big crop seeds are the way to go. Outdoors you can start seedlings two months before you can put clones out. It's not just the seedling vigor, it's also getting them out in the sun two months earlier.

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