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2012- The Emergence of Higher Intelligence Beings



Some of these people are so frickin talented.I think you would refer to that as a "gray".Is it grays or greys?Are there any gay grays?So much to consider..



The zero date of any calendar is completely and totally arbitrary. The only true zero date with any significance is the date of the big bang and the error in the estimate of how far back that was is about a billion years.

Therefore anyone who believes 2012 is significant for any reason ranging from the Mayans to a movie release needs a good, square kick in the balls to set them straight.

Honestly people, how gullible are you? Jesus I can't even believe that in this day and age people still believe in fairy tales.


this is the first i have ever heard about this but in a way all of these things i have read somewhat tie into alot of the prophecies that i have heard about and researched.. can anyone point me to any videos or information as to why they believe these things and where their ideas came from? honestly its just hard to have structure for an argument without a reason why or how they came about this


Well-known member
i thought the "2012 thing" was based on repeating cycles. so start date isn't necessary, just enough history to see the repeats.


Active member

the same thing gonna happen....

when nothing happens

"we got it wrong!! it twassss 2021!!!!! ahhhh fuck"



The zero date of any calendar is completely and totally arbitrary. The only true zero date with any significance is the date of the big bang and the error in the estimate of how far back that was is about a billion years.

Therefore anyone who believes 2012 is significant for any reason ranging from the Mayans to a movie release needs a good, square kick in the balls to set them straight.

Honestly people, how gullible are you? Jesus I can't even believe that in this day and age people still believe in fairy tales.

I completely agree.

This whole 2012 thing seems to be more of a money-maker for people like David Icke and other fraudsters/psychotics that make a living off of hysteria, paranoia, and lies. They're even making a movie out of it. In the 21st century you'd think that people wouldn't be so keen to believe (although I think that if people honestly thought a catastrophic event or a total world/galactic transformation were to take place, they'd be living their life a lot differently).

If anything significant happens in 2012, I very much doubt that aliens or the apocalypse will have anything to do with it.


Devil's Advocate
Same here!

NOTHING will happen. This thread has a load of information that someone just pulled out their ass to sell books...

So any gambling men here ? And 57 aliean races ? :D WTF WTF ? We have not found one single shred of evidence of even microscopic life outside of our own planet. Maybe mars..just maybe..

Please stop believing this nonsense and read a few science books or get a degree in natural sciences. Im thinking people are just filling a void of stupidity in their heads with this garbage. NO PUN INTENDED! Just saying..

This thread is full of many unsubstantiated claims.
57 alien races? Give me proof of... I don't know... just one would suffice. I'd love to hear it. I believe that it is likely (although not proven) that other intelligent life forms exist, but I don't believe that anyone on earth knows shit about them. And crop circles? Psssshhh!

And the moment someone tries to sell me a story about knowing worldwide future events, I just shrug. It's silly. 2012 is just a number denoting a time a while from now. To say you know anything about humans becoming enlightened and chakras and alien races is silliness.

If you are offended because you have a real reason to believe these things, please provide me with information that will prove your position. As usual, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Peace out folks. Let's all work to create a better world for tomorrow instead of prophesying supernatural events. (is that a proper use of the word? I don't use that word much so I don't know. Auto spell check says prophesizing is wrong.)


dont be so vein to beleave were the only life, the universe is infinate, existance is infinate.

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
I will have to read these seven pages...gosh...it's only been 24hrs!

Guys, I do not want to believe in aliens if I can just keep along my merry way.
-Though you need to be aware that if there is/was a gov. coverup...then you have NOOO security. And the approaching new world secret order is birthing at this moment(last month).

We need to put our heads together and nail down 'who' the players are in the big game. So far America is under a depopulation regime and they are serious. They are covert to the point that anyone is an agent...like the matrix. they have had a long time to take us by surprise in every way.

AND, the last thing I want is to fall for a blonde joke that aliens exist. What if the gov. planned the alien stories to distract us from the final bloom stage of the new world order. Though there are still dinosaurs among us. Have you guys watched cyrptozoology on youtube?...it's all the stuff that people have been able to take pictures of over the century.

DO NOT discount youtube as a source of info, because it is a pooling of info...which, the new world order desires to take from you. Hell, they are freezing the odometers on some videos and playing around with the structure of youtube categorizations. AND, there is that famous meeting with the ftc dec 1st to talk more about taking youtube away from the people.

Youtube is an internet. The internet is an internet. ANd we the people are a cognitive internet, not bound by wires or distance. And the mind operates with light, and this light can jump through wormholes and wake people up from comas on the opposite side of the world. So, we are everywhere, and we are nowhere. As are aliens everywhere and nowhere. This whole galaxy is an internet with wormholes and distortions....or crap guys...oprah's on, I gotta go before I miss it,...or should I just play videogames all night.
Actually, I'm a very silent person. I'm a silent witness of reality. And I hate watching tv. I read books about cancer from authors who are dying. And I read threads from members who are witnessers of light.

I'm looking for light, higher light. Oh btw, I'll not make a joke of anyone.
You guys...everyone has my respect....just for being a being of light.
-Even are cells are luminous by nature. We even eat light....and this is why microwaves are bad.
Oh yeah, Don't forget that every city in usa has police with microwave cannons. Because a terrorist is anyone other than the new world order agenda. And they want to zap and nuke us, mutate our cells and dumb us down....lowering our life frequency, and exploiting our bodies and this earth for their undeserved-yet-shallow rewards.:noway:


Devil's Advocate

Man, I don't know who you are responding to, but I never said that. I was clear about the likelihood that other intelligent life forms exist.

And as far as:
"Don't be so vain to believe we're the only life, the universe in infinite, existence is infinite."

You may well be right about all three of those claims above. But I'm not sure you really know that. There is just too much hearsay going on to know anything, IMO. (regarding the other life forms claim, the others I won't touch) Again, please provide access to other verifiable info please. I have watched the Disclosure Project. It didn't add to the veracity of any claims to me.
I have a high standard of evidence (IMO) because I think it's important to really know something before I make any claims to its truth.



nobody can understand an infinity dude, the comment wasnt aimed at anyone, just a post..


Devil's Advocate
Ok so we can move on to you maybe helping me in my quest to understand the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrials?


Active member
ive seen the most crazy shit in the skies one night..cant explaine the dots flying around, but definately intelligent..

you gotta be an ignorant if one believes theres nothing out there..


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
ahh Mr. A , another fine topic of discussion. If I may,

2012, being my assumption, I see the mayan calendar circular. what is circular? never ending to me, so I see them saying this phase it at an end, and it will start all over once again.

aliens, well the government walks with a stick, so anything that is unknown belongs to them some how, so I don't see us living with aliens anytime soon, let along people can't even get along with "gay" people.. who knows.

chakras, well why add 5 more when most aren't open to there even being chakras, and even having them "open" or shall I say in "good order". I sure hope people can start changing quickly, if were adding 5 more if that is the case.

2012, who knows, but I do feel if there is any shift of any sort, there will always be good, and bad, balance is how things stay, well, balanced. my thoughts anyways.. change is in the air..

good to hear your thoughts once again Mr. A , carry on, be calm, keep an open heart


dont be so vein to beleave were the only life, the universe is infinate, existance is infinate.

The universe has not been shown to be infinite. It could very well be a finite closed three dimensional space in the same sense that the surface of a sphere (like the earth's surface) is a closed finite two dimensional space. Also Carl Sagan used to say there are two and only two possibilities regarding extra terrestrial life.

1) We are utterly alone in the Universe.
2) We are not alone. However interstallar distances being what they are, it would take longer than civilization has existed to travel to or communicate with the nearest star that has even the slightest chance of having inhabitable planets.

So all the ET lovers out there, you are out of luck.

It's probably better that way. Because if we were to meet a more primitive civilization, we would probably slaughter them and take their land and resources.

And if we met a more advanced civilization, they would probably do the same to us. At least they would if self preservation is an instinct they possess.


Oh yeah... check it out:

Oh yeah... check it out:

never heard of that

I thought for sure you would know about this!

Taken from Jason Kings "The Cannabible III:

Take a look at the word cannabis. Ever wonder what it means? Cannabis is a Greek word, though its root is African. In Greek, canna means 'canine' or 'dog' and bis or bi is the number two. So cannabis is the 'two dog plant'! That in itself is interesting to me. But the pot thickens.

There is a cannabis-loving tribe in Mali, West Africa called the Dogon tribe. A fairly well-documented group, the Dogons were visited by Herodotus, a Greek traveler and chronicler, around 300 BC. He was fortunate enough to have visited the Dogons during a year-long celebration that took place every 50 years. Explaining their celebration, the Dogons pointed to the brightest star in the Winter sky, Sirius, and said it was the 'Two-Dog Star' and that it was the home of the 'two-dog plant', cannabis. The two-dog plant, they said, was brought to our planet from the Goddess from the Two Dog Star. Their yearlong celebration was in honor of that star.

All of this would be easy to dismiss if not for the fact the Dogons possessed specific knowledge about the Sirian system for thousands of years before scientists with modern telescopes and equipment could catch up and prove them right. The Dogons had specific knowledge about Sirius B, a white dwarf star, which they call Po Tolo. They knew that it was white, that it was extremely small, and that its the heaviest star in its grouping. They were able to describe its elliptical orbit with Sirius A, its 50 year orbital period, and the fact that the star rotated on its own axis. Sirius B is invisible to the naked eye abd is so difficult to observe, even through a telescope, no pictures were taken until 1970.

They also described a third star in the Sirius system, which they called Emme Ya. In 1995, when two French astronomers published the results of a multi-year study that was apparently a small, red dwarf star within the Sirius star system, the Dogon idea of there being a Sirius C, aka Emme Ya, was suddenly taken much more seriously. If the Dogons were correct in all of their other knowledge about Sirius, why would they not be dead on with their claims of cannabis being from Sirius. It is, after all, named after that "Two-Dog Star'

Note: The Dog Star was highly venerated in ancient Mesopotamia, where its old Akkadian name was Mil-lik-ud (Dog Star Of the Sun) and in Babylonia, where it was called Kakkab-lik-ku (Star Of The Dog). The assyrians called Sirius Kal-bu-sa mas (the Dog of the Sun) and in Chaldea, it was known as Kak-shisha (The Dog Star That Leads)

This may be a load of bullshit, but wouldn't it be cool if it was true? :rasta:


This Takes Us Right to the Heart of the Matter

This Takes Us Right to the Heart of the Matter

Peace out folks. Let's all work to create a better world for tomorrow instead of prophesying supernatural events.

It's great to speculate about all this stuff. Nobody can prove it's true, but it certainly can't be disproved. If the Age of Aquarius is just around the corner, we can all just kick back and let it all happen. Either God, or the Anti-Christ, or the Grays (or any one of the other 56 varieties), or the alignment with the center of the universe, or whatever you choose to fill the blanks in with. Something or someone is coming, and whatever it is it's pissed.

The great thing about all this "coming apocalypse" stuff is that it gives us excuses. Excuses to ignore the horrible things that are happening all around us. Children dying by thousands in third world countries for want of clean drinking water? People spending life in jail for the cultivation of a plant? Nuclear weapon proliferation? Corrupt politicians diverting humanitarian aid away from starving citizens to their armies? Human trafficking? The list goes on, doesn't it? But hey, we have more important things to concern ourselves with, the end is near.

We should be so lucky. There is so much that needs to be done, here on this planet, in this dimension. Now. We need to take responsibility for the sad state that we have brought our world to, and take action to fix things for ourselves.

Either that or we should set our vaporizers on stun, and speculate on the imminent end of life as we know it. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do, something tells me I'd have to leave the shanty to change the world.
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