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400W HPS Scrog - 1Plant - 450gr Harvest



man.... i see chronic mentioned all these months, and i'm thinking.. pffft.. peeps'll buy it cause it's CALLED 'chronic'. Never more, i'm done with that LoL ! ! Heck; i'm thinking - "I gotta get some o' that !"
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New member
sup dude

sup dude

Hey whats going on man?? That 400w Chronic grow was unbelievable!!!I'm trying to grow a feminised IceCream seed from Paradise Seed Co. and want to yield a reasonable amount. Not as much as this grow but I have a 400w conversion batwing mh/hps and I know its capable of 50,000 lumens if its a foot to ten inches from the plant. I was wondering where you got that red screen from?? Get back at me soon...Take it eazy. Peace :joint:


very nice, i hope to get that much off my nine plants in my ebb and grow haha. but then again i am just on my 3rd grow


New member
awesome scrog man! I think I should have cut even more off from my scrog to give more space for the main budsites.. And I also should have set the scrog lower to get taller buds. I'am hoping something between 200-300gr from my scrog. Time will tell :)

edit -> How did you do this? Do you think its about the strain or what? Why did my buds became so much smaller or is it that my screen was too high so I didnt give buds enough height?

And Iam really sorry to hear what happened to you bro! :cuss:
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Hey in the pictures, what are those black trays you have the harvest in? They look like good flood table candidates ;)


First post on ICM, I just had to say, this plant is Awesome! :canabis: :respect:I love looking at the stuff you guys do and reading about all of the different techniques that are used. I am a medical marijuana user and I will probably try to grow some plants in the future. This site is obviously the place to learn! Until then, I'll just keep doing what I have done for over 25 years to aquire my meds.

Obong said:
And I am really sorry to hear what happened to you bro! :cuss:

what would that be? :angrymod:??


Marshmello said:
what would that be? :angrymod:??
No doubt referring to the time i got robbed!
Been trying to get on here for ages but the forums have been so slow, slow to the point of pages just hanging after about 5 mins - seems fine tonight though. Have the servers been upgraded or something?
Anyway thanks for all the comments folks, i'm actually just stopping by with a quick pic update of a cheeky lil scrog i'm doing this winter. I haven't done a grow in AGES so i thought i'd rustle one up for shits and giggles, just to check 'ive still got it'.
This one is Powerplant from dutch passion (feminised single seed). Grown in a tiny, crappy, self assembly wardrobe with a 400W Hps. I scrogged it far too late, overvegged and have been battling fluctuating temps the whole time (bloody winter). I'm just glad i haven't had any pest infestations or hermie probs as they are far more annoying than the ones i've had this run. It's pretty untidy looking as i ran out of space to train the buds, and they aren't half as big as the chronic ones at the start of the thread but hey, my next one should be better once i move again and get me a decent robe to grow in.
Hope you all have had a great xmas and i'll be back in the new year with harvest pics providing the forums stay speedy!
PS - So sorry i have left all of your questions unanswered, not sure where to start with them!
