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2012 Legalization Effort Starts

It turns out that you cannot rent a house without a job generally speaking, and you cannot get a job (let's say not impossible, but almost) if you haven't worked for a couple of years. It's not even likely to be able to rent an apartment without already having a job.
I had a very different experience. I used a friends address to get my ID. Which I used to instantly get my rec. Then I got a job. A house the next week. And off to the races. All you need is a friend, this ain't never-never land. I hesitate to ask your age, job history, and race. Cause that shit matters too. Have you tried the hood?


Active member
I would not qualify for a CA MMJ recommendation adequate to my medical needs, due to not having a documented medical history -- that takes much $$$ and normally also continuous medical coverage. Even if Prop 19 had passed (my other legal medical treatment avenue) the 5x5 grow operation restrictions would have done me very little good considering that my best avenue for treatment is encapsulated hash oil.

Is there some sort of cognitive disconnect going on due to the emotions raised over Prop 19? A person, such as myself, who cannot afford medical coverage & co-pays is hardly likely to be in a financial position to purchase 20 - 30 pounds of cannabis per year to process into ingestible hash oil. The only alternative is to be able to grow my own, and a 5x5 plot is hardly large enough to deal with my personal medical needs.

you dont need any of that shit. theres a few places im gonna send you info on. 120 and you get your card simple as that.
Well. the other hang-up is: I am in California now, but having difficulty renting an apartment or a house. Every place I have tried to rent, I have been told that I must already have a job, or else adequate monthly cash-flow -- I have neither.
Are you 18 or something? This must be your first rodeo. LMAO at this guy... you sound like me ten years ago living in the park for 6 weeks getting turned down for rentals. "What do you mean I 'look like a grower'?" Change your tune, they don't like what you are singing. Get it? Lie dude!

Okay, sorry but you cracked me up. Thomkal's game plan for you.
1) start a fake semi-local business website, you seem net savy, something that wouldn't need a store front.
2) have a friend you trust to come thru for you in on the scheme, older is better.
3) put your buddy's number on the site
4) claim you work for him, put his number on your rental application
5) get a realistic reference from him
6) get that house, and do your thing.

@Sam; that was for free. :)


Game Bred
You are the first and only person I have ever put on ignore. Congrats. Peace to you, I will not be reading another post of yours.

stop the pm madness!!!
either really put me on ignore or state your case here in plain sight..

don't be scared it's just the internet.


it makes me laugh and cry at the same time bro....
i see the humor
but i see the consequence as well

I know man...I know. I feel much the same way. I'm a practicing Herbalist....I see the use of plants (Cannabis is but one herb I'm working with) a lot differently than your average stoner.

I plant lots of herbs...lots....without regulation. That is why I have issue with government regulating Cannabis. To me it is a just one of many healing herbs...growing from the Earth...meant to be free. Older than humans and a positive nurturing force..for those who know how to listen to it....like all other plants that heal.

...I'm almost 45 (another wk) and been smoking since '79....I'll always have love for cannabis...no matter the laws...I've grown older with MJ....it's my friend (corny as that sounds...that's how I interact with its presence)...it's a serious passion.

Yes I have my card...so does my wife. I used to joke about the medical status...but then I realized...it does help my migraines and it has always made me feel better. So it is a helpful medicinal aid.

You will never hear me say that I don't like getting high on it....I love getting high....but it comes from a different set of eyes...the way I perceive getting high now days. After growing and growing and growing all the variety of herbs I grow...I see MJ as just one of the crew...I've expanded so to speak...it has brought me to other herbs.

Consequences....fuck....always consequences to everything. We can't stop those sign spinning clowns....we couldn't explain it to them....we can't get everyone to see through our eyes....but we can laugh even if in desperation. Man I laugh every damn day....I refuse to be frustrated...just not worth it.


ICMag Donor
Nothing like a special on Med Certificates, lol......

Now tell me. Is that really true or some joke sign someone set up.....? Next you'll see a "menu" of illnesses to choose from..... I love it, lol.....

the california contribution to "legitimate" medical marijuana....



i realize this is not all of cali but the images that legislators and campaigners against medical show these and say "medical marijuana is just an excuse to get high"
"do we want our kids exposed to these pushers"


Well, thanks for the wonderful, ever so useful advice.

Well, thanks for the wonderful, ever so useful advice.

Are you 18 or something? This must be your first rodeo. LMAO at this guy... you sound like me ten years ago living in the park for 6 weeks getting turned down for rentals. "What do you mean I 'look like a grower'?" Change your tune, they don't like what you are singing. Get it? Lie dude!

Okay, sorry but you cracked me up. Thomkal's game plan for you.
1) start a fake semi-local business website, you seem net savy, something that wouldn't need a store front.
2) have a friend you trust to come thru for you in on the scheme, older is better.
3) put your buddy's number on the site
4) claim you work for him, put his number on your rental application
5) get a realistic reference from him
6) get that house, and do your thing.

@Sam; that was for free. :)

Well, thanks for the wonderful, ever so useful advice. :tiphat:


Game Bred
Naw, we'd rather have them exposed to these ones in Miami/Dade County.
Oxycodone kills.

Or the ones that put your 16 yr old child on 150mg of Ritalin a day.
that is the image of legitimacy you think we (as mmj patients/caregivers) should portray?

this is the exact image i fight every chance i get!
shirt and tie when on business.
no smelling like ganja.
no dealing with dispensaries with lava lamps or blacklights ect...

you get the idea


One day you will have to answer to the children of


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Well I guess in Colorado less people have such a big stick up their ass. Many people laughed and exposure got people talking about it. The majority of people don't give a shit about Marijuana, they are either for it or against it, they care about how much they are making, what kind of car they are driving, the Bachelor, the Biggest Loser, why don't they have a LV purse, ect.. Some people are just sooo annoyed here with the whole thing, they just say "I'm tired of hearing about (the MMJ controversy), they need to just legalize it."
"Now how bout that war in Iraqistan?"
"How about the bank bailout?"

I laughed my ass off when I was at one dispensary in the beggining trading clones and in walks a couple old enough to be my grandparents. With eyes wide open. No this one was very non-descipt, no big pot leaf on the front.

Most of the people putting the big potleafs on the front are transplants...I bet the same with lots of Cali.

Since Dagnabit and JJ represent the allies on the Eastern Front, given your reactions.
The cultural shock to look at it from a different perspective, like Marc Emery said "You have to pretend that pot in not illegal, and then you will see how silly it is." Or something like that, and when the public sees it in stores and virtually legal to all those that wish to. It changes peoples perceptions. The ones against that push back harder? You will never change their minds. It is the silent majority that has to be shown, the ones WILLING to change their views. You will never change someone's beliefs.
Yeah, you're damned no matter what Cali does.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
care to elaborate?
What would that achieve but the muddy up this thread even more.
You are not playing the Devil's Advocate, you are simply disagreeing with everyones viewpoints and ideas to garner attention because we are your only friends.
Like the disobedient child that does so only to get attention, albeit punishment.
There is a better way.
Since Dagnabit and JJ represent the allies on the Eastern Front, given your reactions.
The cultural shock to look at it from a different perspective, like Marc Emery said "You have to pretend that pot in not illegal, and then you will see how silly it is." Or something like that, and when the public sees it in stores and virtually legal to all those that wish to. It changes peoples perceptions. The ones against that push back harder? You will never change their minds. It is the silent majority that has to be shown, the ones WILLING to change their views. You will never change someone's beliefs.
Yeah, you're damned no matter what Cali does.

:thank you:
Having gone over this thread (actually a quick read if you skip dag) and it is obvious that you, thom, mmm, prop215, some other folks i'm too high to remember, are in agreement on this.
What would that achieve but the muddy up this thread even more.
You are not playing the Devil's Advocate, you are simply disagreeing with everyones viewpoints and ideas to garner attention because we are your only friends.
Like the disobedient child that does so only to get attention, albeit punishment.
There is a better way.

Thank you. I don't know what the term for him is technically, but I'm advocating not responding to him on the threads. It's like little brother scenario. He has to learn to stfu once and a while so he can kick it. This attention only encourages him. We can just all ignore him and talk about him like he isn't even here. I know JJ has enough bs on his plate without my lewd jokes.


And I am un-officially calling it. New thread time. Forget legalization. Focus on MMj in your state, or region.


Game Bred
What would that achieve but the muddy up this thread even more.
You are not playing the Devil's Advocate, you are simply disagreeing with everyones viewpoints and ideas to garner attention because we are your only friends.
Like the disobedient child that does so only to get attention, albeit punishment.
There is a better way.

trying to figure out why you assume the things you do is all...
but continue sniping..
your buddy keeps pretending to ignore me and pming me after every post...
at least you have the nuts to try and dismiss the salient points ive made publicly and embarrass yourself..

btw you still have yet to provide me with an example of my "flaming" or name calling..why?