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2012 Legalization Effort Starts

don't you think I know the real costs of producing, be it a pound or a ton?

Just caught that. I need to change my underwear... and my pants, maybe a new couch cushion. ;)

So I have to ask anyone who knows: How many people for how many days to trim a TON of manicured dried buds?


Active member
SS is a hypocrite. dude made a killing in the early days of the cannabusiness..now that hes already raked enough for retirement and has plans to capitolize in legalization he decides to turn his back on all the bedroom and guerilla growers, the same cloth he came from. now he has a holier than thou attitude that anyone who grows bud to pay the bills is some theiving evil person...fuck that noise. SS you are spewing nonsense that sound borderline socialist.


Active member
sam skunkmans dream world would basically put hundreds of thousands of people out of work. from the growers to the trimmers to the hydro shops to the brokers...entire cities in parts of california rely on the black market cannabis money.

so a select few can sit back and rake in millions selling super cheap pot from their mega farms.

i just damn near broke my back tonight transplanting and putting in work into my g-room. and even at the already low as hell cali prices it almost doesnt seem worth it sometimes. on top of super high energy, investment costs, lots of time and sacrifice, just to make a little side income. the buds that i can sell at market price to recoop electrical and other costs make smoking the free nugs enjoyable, but im definately not buying nice cars or clothes off my bedroom grow lol.

and SS wants everything to be grown outdoors too lol. yeah thats why when people grow SFV kush indoors and outdoors they are totally the same right? hahahaha....some outdoor is fuckin bomb potent good stuff, but you cant compare to a properly dialed indoor grow, no where near as greasy stanky compact and purrrddy.


You have no idea what you are talking about. Are you saying I grew Cannabis to sell to others in California? You are dead wrong, I only bred and produced seeds, not Cannabis to sell at a profit. As for calling me a borderline socialist, you are far from the truth...
BTW I have nothing against anyone making a profit with their Cannabis work, my objection is of those that would keep Cannabis illegal so they can protect their profits. My view is that legalization is much more important then protecting the profits of the growers and sellers of the illegal Cannabis. What I care about is all the people busted for illegal Cannabis in California, the USA, and the world. And I would like to see prices fall for consumers to a reasonable return on capital and labor, which is not now the situation. The reason prices were so high was because of the risk of being caught and put in jail. Make it legal, grow outdoors and the price will drop radically.
BTW I have zero plans to capitalize on legalization in California, you are dead wrong again.

SS is a hypocrite. dude made a killing in the early days of the cannabusiness..now that hes already raked enough for retirement and has plans to capitolize in legalization he decides to turn his back on all the bedroom and guerilla growers, the same cloth he came from. now he has a holier than thou attitude that anyone who grows bud to pay the bills is some theiving evil person...fuck that noise. SS you are spewing nonsense that sound borderline socialist.


This is why I will be happy when Cannabis is legalized and produced outdoors by the ton, I am pretty tired of all the folks that say they can't make a profit selling Cannabis at today prices. Maybe they need to learn to farm outdoors so they an make a profit? If you think that the very best Cannabis can't be grown outdoors you should have nothing to fear.
If you are wrong and I am right that the very best Cannabis can be grown outdoors or in a greenhouse then you are correct, the days of indoor grown Cannabis are coming to an end. Either way it will not be me doing the work, I am getting ready to retire and spend time with my grandchildren.
I have fought for 40+ years for full legalization, and I still will, until it happens. Patients are waiting, pot prisoners are waiting, so am I.

sam skunkmans dream world would basically put hundreds of thousands of people out of work. from the growers to the trimmers to the hydro shops to the brokers...entire cities in parts of california rely on the black market cannabis money.

so a select few can sit back and rake in millions selling super cheap pot from their mega farms.

i just damn near broke my back tonight transplanting and putting in work into my g-room. and even at the already low as hell cali prices it almost doesnt seem worth it sometimes. on top of super high energy, investment costs, lots of time and sacrifice, just to make a little side income. the buds that i can sell at market price to recoop electrical and other costs make smoking the free nugs enjoyable, but im definately not buying nice cars or clothes off my bedroom grow lol.

and SS wants everything to be grown outdoors too lol. yeah thats why when people grow SFV kush indoors and outdoors they are totally the same right? hahahaha....some outdoor is fuckin bomb potent good stuff, but you cant compare to a properly dialed indoor grow, no where near as greasy stanky compact and purrrddy.


Depends on if it is manicured wet or dry, by hand or with machines, and the variety used.
A person with a machine can manicure up to a kilo+ per hour, so it is 1,000 hours or if 100 people one ten hour day. By hand it could take about 100 people 10 days of 10 hour days.

Or put it into a sifter and make hash, or water hash.
A few people can sift a ton in maybe a week, with machines.

Just caught that. I need to change my underwear... and my pants, maybe a new couch cushion. ;)

So I have to ask anyone who knows: How many people for how many days to trim a TON of manicured dried buds?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
SS is a hypocrite. dude made a killing in the early days of the cannabusiness..now that hes already raked enough for retirement and has plans to capitolize in legalization he decides to turn his back on all the bedroom and guerilla growers, the same cloth he came from. now he has a holier than thou attitude that anyone who grows bud to pay the bills is some theiving evil person...fuck that noise. SS you are spewing nonsense that sound borderline socialist.

no no no! I have to defend Sam here. I have read his logic, and ideas about cannabis legalization over the years and they are good and down to earth; solid. I have also enjoyed growing, and smoking the strains he bred. which by the way have led the way for hundreds of other strains too.

I got your back Sam.


Game Bred
i just damn near broke my back tonight transplanting and putting in work into my g-room. and even at the already low as hell cali prices it almost doesnt seem worth it sometimes. on top of super high energy, investment costs, lots of time and sacrifice, just to make a little side income. the buds that i can sell at market price to recoop electrical and other costs make smoking the free nugs enjoyable, but im definately not buying nice cars or clothes off my bedroom grow lol.

shut down the lights..
its to much of a burden to you!!!
just go buy overpriced bullshit at a dispensary.
why put yourself through the headache?

i never understood masochism....
then again i never understood the prohibitionist mindset either..

why would you want to impose your version of morals upon others?


ICMag Donor
If some of you can't discuss this like adults stay out of this thread......

We're all getting sick of the arguing, fighting, insults and the rest of the garbage..... It's going to come to a point where we just won't allow these discussions if the crap continues.....
You have no idea what you are talking about. What I care about is all the people busted for illegal Cannabis in California, the USA, and the world. And I would like to see prices fall for consumers to a reasonable return on capital and labor, which is not now the situation. The reason prices were so high was because of the risk of being caught and put in jail. Make it legal, grow outdoors and the price will drop radically.
BTW I have zero plans to capitalize on legalization in California, you are dead wrong again.

Sam, I agree, you are being unfairly attacked. Can the community please relent so Sam and I can continue our discussion in a civil manner?

I would like to point out that possession of cannabis is a $100 infraction here (as of Jan 1st). And anyone can get a 215 rec. Free flowers and resin are available via the dispensaries for those in need. Anyone going to jail for pot in CA is growing too much or got caught hustling.

Funny story. My delta-9 buddy got pulled over with about 30 containers of ice water extract. The cop thought he had hit pay dirt. My buddy showed the cop his dispensary name tag and 215 rec, then the cop let him go. He had over a qp of hash in 30 containers. Hash is medicine here.


Rubbing my glands together
Sam you are wanting everything related to cannabis to be open and legal. I agree that it should be. You've done some great work over the years and brought some great strains to the consumer. So if everything should be as you say, free flow of canna knowledge, when are you gonna share your top secret method of dry shift making? Or maybe it's just better that everyone else be honest, open, and cheap with their products eh?


You said open, not me.
Do you think I should get a return for my work to create a method to make superior dry sift? Or just give it away for free like maybe you do with all of your great Cannabis ideas?
I did do that with water hash and was not thanked for doing it, except by a few, very few folks.
I don't care if your products are cheap or not, really. I do are if someone wants to keep Cannabis illegal so they can continue to make a living with high prices. Do you understand the difference?
Do you think I owe you something? Why, I don't even know you.
Stop putting your words in my mouth and please stop bothering me.

Sam you are wanting everything related to cannabis to be open and legal. I agree that it should be. You've done some great work over the years and brought some great strains to the consumer. So if everything should be as you say, free flow of canna knowledge, when are you gonna share your top secret method of dry shift making? Or maybe it's just better that everyone else be honest, open, and cheap with their products eh?


ICMag Donor
I've noticed a few comments here that "if you're not from Cali then it's really none of your business...". I've also read comments that all these great strains come from Cali....

First of all, I don't think any of the strains being grown in Cali are landrace strains or indiginous to Cali... They are strains from other parts of the world that have been worked on by people all over the world.....

Secondly, if you don't want other people commenting then maybe you all should be keeping your crops within the State of Cali..... But you know if you did that the price in Cali would be around a grand a bow, if not a lot less..... You want to be able to grow as much as you want legally and ship it anywhere you want. I don't quite see that as fair. Do you? People in other parts of the Country that are gambling their freedom are seeing their prices knocked down because of the influx of legally grown Cali herb......

And while I'm on my rant I'll tell you now that the quality of the Cali weed is no better than what I've had anywhere else.... I think people are starting to see that a lot of it is nothing but hype. There's great Cannabis all over the Country, and the world for that matter.....

So if you guys want the rest of the Country to stay out of your business, don't you think it would be a good idea for you to stay out of theirs and keep all your stuff at home? I don't think you'd like that though, now would you?


Rubbing my glands together
LOL Sam. See I hit a nerve. Look man I've got respect for you. Open exchange of ideas is what we need in the community to make things work. Whether those ideas are given out for free or produced into a product for purchase. You had the idea of the bubble bags no doubt about that. And believe it or not I appreciate it every single time I fill em up. Really not my fault your idea is benefiting everyone but you. Opportunist got hold of it and exploited the hell out of it leaving you out of the loop and for the most part your credit. Really tho, whose fault was that? Why not patient your dry shift method and capitalize on it. That would protect you and give you the credit that overlooked you with the bubblebag idea. Absolutely you should be compensated for your methods. That's only the fair thing that should happen. So why not go that route, with your protections so the rest of us can enjoy superior dry sift. Unless it's one of those things that just makes you feel better about yourself. I can do it you can't type of thing. Like those making big money off their work growing and keeping it illegal. No difference just a different process. And I don't think you owe me shit. I pay my way for products offered and am always looking for a superior product to process my glands. Twist it turn it however you like to make yourself feel better about it. Most growers work to produce a superior product you work to produce a superior product. Both deserve to set their price. Its the same thing like it or not.
I'll leave you alone now.


Game Bred
Most growers work to produce a superior product you work to produce a superior product. Both deserve to set their price. Its the same thing like it or not.
I'll leave you alone now.

no they dont!
the consumer sets the price.
the price of a good or service is ALWAYS what the market will bear.
the erroneous idea that a manufacturer tells the consumer what a product is worth has been proven dysfunctional every time it has been tried.
no both do not "deserve to set their price"
they deserve to be rewarded according to the quality of the product and the innovative nature of their of the widget and efficacy of their marketing.


Active member
This is why I will be happy when Cannabis is legalized and produced outdoors by the ton, I am pretty tired of all the folks that say they can't make a profit selling Cannabis at today prices. Maybe they need to learn to farm outdoors so they an make a profit? If you think that the very best Cannabis can't be grown outdoors you should have nothing to fear.
If you are wrong and I am right that the very best Cannabis can be grown outdoors or in a greenhouse then you are correct, the days of indoor grown Cannabis are coming to an end. Either way it will not be me doing the work, I am getting ready to retire and spend time with my grandchildren.
I have fought for 40+ years for full legalization, and I still will, until it happens. Patients are waiting, pot prisoners are waiting, so am I.

i cant grow outdoors. i live in the urban jungle. what should i do grow on my freakin roof? not everyone has nice acres and farmland to just set up shot and run outdoors.

dagnabit- i dont wanna smoke some mass produced outdoor crap with worms and bugs crawling out of the nugs. i like my indoor SFV og kush that blings with frost because i can control the humidity, co2 and air flow directly over the nugs...cant really do that unless you have a sealed greenhouse. there is no way in hell you can grow the pure kush like some of us do indoors, i would love to see the day when outdoor growers produce shit along the lines of what people like 40amps, dominican, justblazed produce indoors, but it aint happening.

the best outdoors are for sure better than most indoors. but the best outdoors cant stand up to the best indoors.

and your post about "why would you want to impose your version of morals upon others? "
are you kidding me? you are doing the same thing? you are imposing your commie "everyone shold get free cheap pot" ideas on people who make a freakin living in this shit.

no they dont!
the consumer sets the price.
the price of a good or service is ALWAYS what the market will bear.
the erroneous idea that a manufacturer tells the consumer what a product is worth has been proven dysfunctional every time it has been tried.
no both do not "deserve to set their price"
they deserve to be rewarded according to the quality of the product and the innovative nature of their of the widget and efficacy of their marketing.




how the FUCK can you say a business CANT SET THE PRICE, unless you are a damn communist. the business has to at least have some control over what they can sell it for OR THEY GO OUT OF BUSINESS. IS THE COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT GONNA SUBSIDIZE ME LIKE THE REST OF THE FARMERS??? is the government gonna pay PGE their thousands of dollars? Is PGE gona become feel good and lower their rates for growers? COME ON GET REAL PEOPLE...fuckin unbelievable some of the happy go lucky shit some of yall are spewing.

THE POINT OF A BUSINESS IS TO MAKE MONEY NOT TO SPEND MONEY HELPING PEOPLE. we are growers trying to pay rent and bills NOT MEGA MILLIONAIRE PHILANTROPISTS. THIS AINT CHINA WHERE BUSINESSES WERE CREATED AND SUBSIDIZED BY THE GOVERNMENT TO HELP THE COMMON GOOD....THIS IS AMERICA WHERE YOU OVERPAY FOR YOUR MEDICINE, CARS, GAS, HOUSING, and POT TO KEEP THE MONEY FLOWING. your ideas will do nothing but centralize the money flow into the hands of large corporations at the expense of thousands of workers currently in the industry..

god the shit in this thread is fucking off the wall. go create your free pot utopia somewhere else.....the only way i can afford to donate an OZ to a really sick patient is if i can charge a regular patient 200 for the other oz. you guys are commies just admit it...and i DONT GROW FOR PROFIT...my grow is for my close circle of family members friends. im able to recoop my costs by selling half the harvest at market price. if prices fell more, that means less weed for me and my brothers.


Rubbing my glands together
they deserve to be rewarded according to the quality of the product and the innovative nature of their of the widget and efficacy of their marketing.

So if my quality is better shouldn't I be able to charge more for it? People pay more for quality and brand name everyday. Less for store brands more for name brands. If people can't afford the higher cost name brand there's always a lower priced option. Therefore I set my price. You may not want to pay it but Joe down the block will.
For instance. I know 2 growers here that produce the same strain. 1 gets just over 3K/lb for his the other get over 5k/lb for his. Different market different economic class of clients. Both are happy with what they get as are their customers. Not as much of what you're selling as to who you're selling it to.
This is not CA btw.