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2000watt climate controled shed


Well-known member
Coco reassurance.

Coco reassurance.

not to throw off topic. but the 356, ya, 13 left of this certain year of only 200 or so made, 120k +. kinda insane especially the fact it was found rotten in a barn.

Coco. Day 20. Nothing more said. Superior in many ways it seems, again. Seems alot of ways to like already. I think i am convinced. Actually, i know, i'm already crazy 4 Coco. Seriously.

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yea man 20 days and shits daaaaaank. That strain is killer and look how long those spears are gonna be this time! PEACE


Active member
BLACK RAIN- Yea man. that shit sucks. I wish I knew what was causing it but coco seems to be workin for me so fuck it.

LIL WAYNE- Thanks bro. I'll start thowin the keychain next to the buds once they fill out a bit more! :rasta:

VINNYSTALLION- I'm not sure about the lineage but there the SR-71 cuts. I'm lovin this strain so far and I'm sure you will too.

GMANWHO- Hey man, feel free to get off topic all you want. As long as it's about PORSCHES! :yes:

CALIGREEN- Yea, these are the frostiest/fullest buds I've ever had at this stage. It's deffinately partly the strain but I think the coco is helpin out too. :joint:

Ok time for pics




MMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! Dank bro, so dank, those nugs will be soo dense! Where can I get in line for a sample ;) haha PEACE go COCO!!!


Active member
VHGHOST- Thanks a lot man. I know I havn't been gettin around to postin in everyone else's threads but I do stop in from time to time. I've just been really busy lately and any free time I get I head straight to tahoe so anyone who feels like they put effort into posting in my thread and that I'm not returning the favor, I'm sorry. I should be :spank:

HOMEGROWN- Yea, I cant wait for the smoke test. I've only had the privelage of smoking PK once before and it was tha BOMB. I just hope mine turns out to be as good.

CALIGREEN- AHH my faithfull supporter caligreen. I have a feeling this is going to be some of the best dank I've ever grown except mabey blue dot R.I.P. She'll always have a special place in my lungs. lol. I'll probably use clearex and flush for like 4-5 days.

SIRSMOKEALOT-thanks bro. I really wish I hadn't needed to tear down that whole system but I think I found my new favorite growing method in the procces so it all worked out.


well were gettin twards the home stretch. hopefully these girls will be done in about 3 weeks.
I am using GRAVITY flower hardener this time. I'M not much for addatives but I really need to get as much out of this harvest as possible so I'm givin it a try. It just went in with the new batch of nutes today so we'll see how it works.

The girls are yellowing a bit much for my taste. I think it's a combonation of not having enough airflow over the cannopy and a bit of a N def. I know you cant really see it from the pics but the lower leaves are yellowing a little earlier than I would like so I bumped up the CAL-MAG abit. And the yellowing that's on the top is mainly on the plants that are directly under the lights so another fan to get things movin a bit more should help.

Hope you enjoy. peace


oooooh shit here comes the purple ;) go they look dank, just like my urkle but I lost her :( PEACE


Active member
CALIGREEN- yea there just starting to get a hint of purple and if these girls turn out anything like the pic in there magazine they'll be solid purps by the time there done. :rasta:

I lost my urkle mother also along with my BD. Both very dissapointing losses but I think this Pk is gonna make up for it.
Nice shed you got there. Also some nice looking plants looks like a good harvest. Annoyed I missed this one untill so late.

Where did you get your seeds from? I can't seem to find any Purple Kush seeds online.


damn midtown your shit allways looks legit ...props to you man, what do think of the gravity? its a love hate relationship for me with that shit.i might add just a drop this round, dont know yet..makes your buds so fat but if you overdose on gravity watch out .....that shit needs a bigger warning label . ...anyways shit looks bomb

TB Gardens

Active member
whattup Midtown, glad you saved this go around, ive peeped your other grows in that shed, always always a nice crop. have you used purple maxx or bushmaster before? not a fan of the bushmaster anymore as i like to let my girls get huge, but i swear by the purple maxx.. ive def seen large resin increase since using it. keep it green, pz out



Active member
Herbatonist- Thanks man. I'm just glad that I can put on this show for everyone.

Black Ra1n- Yeea I'm really happy with this strain. It deffinately wont be a huge harvest but it'll be a harvest of some damn good weed.:rasta:

Josh-Skunker- Yea I've been really lucky having this shed to grow in but unfortunately this may be my last grow in it and possibly in anything for a little while at least:badday:. So enjoy the show while it lasts.

You can't buy PK seeds you gotta get clones at the medicinal club.

ESCOBLACKBART- I used the gravity on my last grow but I was forced to pull early due to seeding so I didn't actually notice a difference but I've heard really good things about it so hopefully it lives up to the hype. Ohh and I used it at half strength for 5 days.

TB Gardens- I've never used the other humbolt products. I'm not really into using too many addatives and I've been blessed with fairly pure indica strains for the most part but I would like to do a side by side run sometime.

Anyways it's not time for update pics yet but I thought you guy's might like to see some shots of the little taster nug I cliped.:yummy:



mmm taster nug lol. I wasn't completely aware you were running the PK, is it the sr-71? Looks fantastic for sure. How much do you usually pull per 600?? Do you usually run out of smoke before your next harvest? PEACE BROTHA


dunno how this one passed me for so long.
Mid-town! Fantastic man!
didnt know you left DWC behind... but looks like you rolling along in another system!!

looks awesome man! congrats, and good luck!


Active member

CALIGREEN- Yea it's the PK from SR71. I'm not exactly sure about how much per 600W but I deffinately don't run out of weed and I get rid of like 75% of it.

NZJAY- Hey bro. Glad to have you stoppin in. I've been watchin your stuff from the sideline and it looks like you did good with you'r last grows. I'm also glad to see you were able to start back up at a friends. I may be forced to quit growing in my current situation so I know how it feels. :badday:

DAY 52

I know it's only day 52 and they say that this strain can go for 9-10 weeks but they look ready and if I want to have any hope of getting at least 1 more harvest in at this location I need to start it NOW! So tomorrow is CHOP CHOP DAY.

Smoke reports soon to come so stay tuned.

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