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2000watt climate controled shed


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
it appears that you have the buckets on bare concrete, if you are in a cold climate area, i would check that out...


Active member
No it's nothin like that, It's got to be some kind of algea or bad bacteria or sompething.

I've got a chiller set at 68 and I don't live in a cold area.


why does it have to be bad bacteria is it affecting your plants in a negative way?...me thinks its good bacteria..


Active member
brainthor said:
why does it have to be bad bacteria is it affecting your plants in a negative way?...me thinks its good bacteria..

I guess that's possible, but I've been adding H202 so truthfully I don't see how any kind of bacteria is growing.

It's copletely covering my airstones, slightly cloging them and I'm sure the roots being covered in this crap isn't good either and may be actually be smothering them.


Bacteria . - Is a single celled organism belonging to the domain bacteria, in the three domain scheme. It can also be a type of organism belonging to one of the three major branches of....Traditionally classified as one of the five kingdoms, bacteria are microscopic and relatively simple cells. They lack the nucleus and organelles of the more complex cells called "eukaryotes;" however, like the cells of plants, most possess a carbohydrate based. In common speech, "bacteria" still refers also to archaebacteria, although the latter recently have been classified as an independent branch or "domain" of life. There are malicious & beneficial bacteria, so not all bacteria are destructive, but all are characterized by the "slime" they produce once an infection has occurred.


so we know its bacteria but is it affecting your plants in a negative way?if not i would let it be it could be helping...peace
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I think it might be brown algae, which grows in low-light conditions. Not harmful as such but it will clog everything up and reduce o2/nutrients. On the other hand I could be totally wrong.


waster: algae was my initial thought, but it seems as if mt's buckets are pretty much as light proof as you can get so yea who knows...


Active member
Thanks for the help guys. I don't know what that SHIT was and I doubt I ever will, but I wasn't willing to loose another crop so I transfered everything into coco.

I'd like to have everything on tables but because of the odd shape of my shed that won't work so I'll be setting up a DTW drip system. Unless I feel like modifying a table to fit in the wierd corner, but I don't know, we'll see.

Anyways I'd post pics but for some reason it's not letting me right now so that'll have to wait till tomorrow.



danktown said:
waster: algae was my initial thought, but it seems as if mt's buckets are pretty much as light proof as you can get so yea who knows...

Never had the problem, but I saw another grower had it, looked very similar. Like I said, apparently only needs minimal light compared to the green algae, so it could be that a small amount is making it into the buckets. Difficult to get rid of, so putting them in coco looks like a good move.



Active member
WASTER- yea that kind looks like the same shit just worse. I wish I had seen that before I transfered everything but I'm sure I'll get good results with the coco and my electric bill will go WAY down.

GREEN LION- Thanks man, I think everything is worked out now so stay tuned.

Alright , it's finally letting me upload pics now so here ya go.

These girls are nearly 3 weeks into veg and still have a bit to go which is prety F'ing SAD but I think were back on track.

There still kinda getting over their ordeal and showing some deficiencies but there comin around.

Oh and I'll be using H&G nutes and B-Cuz coco BTW.
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Active member
I didn't like the idea of doing DTW so I got a couple 4x4 tables, but since my shed is a weird shape I'm having to modify one of the tables.

I bassically just cut it at the proper angle and epoxy'd a piece of 1/4" plexiglass to the cut side.

The girls are all one the one whole table for now while that epoxy sets and their doing fairly well considering that I just checked the PH of the run off and it was at 6.8.

I'll post more pics when everything is all set up.
pH & ec from values run off can be very misleading according to canna here's a way they recommend obtaining these values via:

1. Take a sample of the coco from slabs/ pots, collect coco from as many places in the pots as possible to get an represenatative sample. (Not just top layer of coco salts can be higher there than slighlty deeper due to top layer drying first.

2. Collect the sample in a bowl and make sure it contains satisfatory level of moisture (Squeeze coco in one hand if water run through your fingers... your good, you want it dripping not pouring- if not add demineralised water and mix into coco.

3. Take a 250ml measuring jug and fill with 150ml of demineralised water. Add coco uptil the 250ml mark, fully mix and let settle for at least 2 hours.

4. Mix again and measure pH

5. Filter the coco/ water mix and measure EC

This test should be done after 3 - 4 weeks. Target EC is between 1.1 and 1.3, pH 5.3 - 6.2.

Glad you didn't have to scrap them man... coco is good stuff! I'm sure it will do well for you. Do you know if the coco you use has added trichoderma?


Active member
Alright, I'm all done with the set up. The only thing I might do is get a res that fits underneath the tables but that's it. The modified table worked really well. I thought it might not be strong enough but it worked perfectly. It's fully waterproof and I could even flood it if I wanted to. :joint:

All I gotta do now is get that PH in the right range and we should see some nice healthy growth.

PETER- Thanks for the tip. :wave:

I'm pretty sure that the only thing in my coco is some mycorhize(sp?).


here's a PK 17 day veg shot, this was from clone... droopy and overwatered. can be hard to get growing, but they all ended up averaging ~1.5zips.



man, midtown.... you seriously gave me nightmares with that slime... I had a dream last night where I was calling you on the phone and we were discussing this slime and what to do about it. In my dream it was almost like slimy marine silicone, over everything.. the walls, the door knob.. like out of some stupid scary slime movie. It was terrible, I woke up stressed and I had to pee bad. lol damn!!!

dreams are funny...


Active member

That's probably the funniest thing I've ever heard of on this site. Thanks for the the laugh NEPTUNE and it's good to know that your subconciously lookin out for me!!!! LOL



hey midtown ....

thought i would use up the rest of my 6x6's on this last round ....even using the Cutilene which has more drainage . There's just no comparison to dialed in Coco for the most consistent results & won't be going back to rockwool anytime soon .

The 50% i did in Coco just left the RW plants in the dust and getting bumper crops each time in Coco with FN , Floralicious+, Cal Mag .

* When it comes to health of the Rez , this is my secret weapon of choice ....a 40watt ultraviolet pond sterilizer which nukes/zaps/kills any living organism/slime known to man , lol....and rez looks clear as a bell after a couple of hrs only . It is a submersible unit and has lasted 5yrs and still going just using it periodicly once or twice each round.

(a 15watt UV for smaller rez running at 100gph will do just fine )


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