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2000watt climate controled shed


theres this clear slime i used to get almost like snot or cum that builds up on the roots and chokes the life out of your plants no one could help me on it i tryed everything

h202 baths scrubing the roots clean it always would come back.. i figured out later its airborn and if youve got it ur pretty muched ****ed. 60 degrees and colder would stop it from growing if i cleaned off the roots but when the temps when back up they were ****ed.. i think theres a thred if im not mistaking somware here under what somone thoughted to be root rot... also floranova tends to create a false root rot...... just dies the roots. hope that was some help.. ill try and find you the post good luck man.


here ya go man hope this helps


edit: just saw somone already posted it... the coco was a good thought. i had to end up transplanting mine to soil they grew killer widow. killer i cant prove this but everytime it happend almost when i check the res at somepoint there was a light leak. i dont think its the alge made by the light but i think it has sumthing to do with it... l8r......dickhead :p

also were you using rockwool if so were did you get it and what brand?
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salgjkhaf said:
dude, that is a sweet ass little sterilizer!! where can i get one of those?

Look under Fish Pond suppliers or water purification as most all well water is usually treated with UV units . Just kills everything and leaves rez clear as a bell . These guys have a great catalog here , everything u need for pets & fish and they have the UV sterilizers too:

Really love the 5gal ebb n grow system the rox for the shear mass & size plus the speed of root & plant growth, but would never mess with DWC just by itself .

*Like very much the idea that plants need something to hang onto in the rootzone and ebb n grow has shown itself to be superior and have seen amazing grows using rox & top drip recirculating systems. Hard to really mess up unless pump failures or rez temps get too high which is hastens the growth of all the baddies . Yep the ebb n grow is pretty fantastic or just top dripping rox too ...but never have tried either 'cause i would hate all that rox cleaning , lol. Just coconuts for Coco right now w/perlite in the mix and just can't beat it with a big stick ...roots just love the stuff :redface:

My 2nd all around useful tool is "The Stinger" below , not because its great for cleaning tables of debris or sopping up spills in a flash and light weight ....but because its a great weapon against those pesky lil' F~Gnats which get sucked into oblivion toots sweet !! lol

Have tried the 'ol fly swatter & pest strips but going into a room and sprinkle water over all sets the gnats to flying about and in minutes with this wet vac they are sucked into oblivion ....no matter where they fly they can't avoid the suction of this little baby :

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Nice show! Looks like you got things back in gear. Coco rocks big time. Your set up looks realy clean. Where does the water go after it passes through the pot?


nice grow midtown, sorry I missed it form the start...Coco is the way to grow bro, PEACE


Active member
TERRAN- I've got a saltwater tank that I've been wanting to get a sterilizer for and wondered if it work for hydro too. I guess you answered my question. :rasta:

BRAIN, CALIGREEN- Hey guy's :wave: I'm havin a little trouble gettin my ph where I want it but once I do I think I'm gonna love this stuff. It's amazing how light and airy coco is even when it's soaking wet! Not to mention that this is just so much simpler and QUIETER! I could hear all my pumps and chillers and shit from like 20 feet away and now I can't even tell that anything is goin on in there even if I put my ear to the door. Plus my electric bill is gonna go way down. :yes:

Ohh and the run off drains back into the res.

I guess I can't upload pics so that'll have to wait.


In Vino Veritas

MID TOWN said:
IN VINO- It's kind of an odd shape but it's more like 4x8

What's popping MID? Thanks dude! My whole growing area is about 7'x6.5'.. For flower I use 7x5 of it. Well right now just 7'x4'.. Trying to set up a veg area in there, but I think I'm just going to go with c22 or some shit in my bedroom and add another lamp in there. Nice choice with the tables and coco pots.. I was going to run coco but the mess I can't handle.. So I'm decided on NFT.. I'll keep an eye on you bro, last show was nice!

Hope you break that 2.5lb mark!


Not to mention that this is just so much simpler and QUIETER! I could hear all my pumps and chillers and shit from like 20 feet away and now I can't even tell that anything is goin on in there even if I put my ear to the door. Plus my electric bill is gonna go way down.

Nooo shit! hahaha, glad to hear the coco is working for you, I really want to the difference between hydro and coco buds, could you remind me when your done? haha, I think they will be almost the same in frost level, but the coco should add more flavor in the long run. PEACE


Active member
IN VINO, CALI, DR- Hey guy's. It finally let me upload pics so here ya go.

There definately still feeling the effects of my 6.4PH runoff but there lookin a little better. I just hope they fully recover by the time I flip em, which will be soon.

And after a little topping

I'll post more pics when I flip these bitches.



I just hope they fully recover by the time I flip em, which will be soon.

bro I wouldn't even worry about it :rasta: Your gonna be f***ing amazed at what coco can do for you :rasta:


Damn midtown I don't see any problems haha, those girls look soo dank man great growth! I love your setup this time around too, totally wanna do a similar thing when I get into my own place. PEACE


Active member

I don't have a lot of time right now cause I'm going snowboarding :headbange: :woohoo: But I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for stoppin bye and post a couple pics of the girls. I fliped em today so my rediculously long veg is finnaly over and were into flower. :rasta:



Ooooh man now the fun begins! Great start Mid! Those are some lovely coco bushes haha, can't wait to see how much they fill out during flower. I like your method of watering too, how many times a day and for how long....or just once a day? Really sweet shit bro, I've said it before but I really want this to be my future setup! PEACE


don't sweat the extra veg bro, I just had to do the same. Gotta get em right before flip! Its just not wroth fliping them when they look bad. Plus the extra veg never hurts the yeild in the end...

looking good man, I am sure you gona nail it this crop.
enjoy the fresh snow~
They look very nice Mid-Town. I will def. pull a chair to watch this one. I wish I could do another grow...sigh...I need to get out of my current place to do another...


Active member
Day 7 flower

CALIGREEN- Thanks for stoppin in. This deffinately IS where the fun begins and my PH is finally down to 5.9 so I think these girls are gonna have a blast. :headbange Right now I'm wattering once a day for 6 minutes, so I get quite a bit of runoff. I hope you get yourself a setup like this but for now your girls are lookin FROSTYYYY as ****.

NEPTUNE- Whats up bro. You and I flipped within a day of eachother so it'll be interesting to see how our girls progress. :dueling: lol.

Now that my PH is in check I'm really liking this coco shit. It's just SO simple and the growth rates really are pretty damn good. Plus I'm hoping that it's gonna be somewhat like soil where you get those really nice flavors and aromas but with the hydro yields like everyone's saying. :rasta: I still want to get some SCBB off you some time. I've just been really busy lately but mabey on the way back from tahoe one of these times.

The snow was GREAT!!!! I almoast lost my season pass on my first trip of the season riding out of bounds but it's worth it. :muahaha:

XXOSHZ25XX- More vistors are always welcome so pull up your chair. :lurk:

Alright were 1 week into flower and the girls are fillin out nicely. It's about time for a little hair cut but other than that were right on track.

and a stem shot

Peace out and happy hollidays to everyone. :wave: