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1st time vertical scrog bushes, 2000 watts (pics inside)

:wave:Hey WarrenBuffet, thanks for stopping in and posting.

Now for the update. I forgot to take any pics yesterday but its pretty self explanatory. I like to use whats already available to me before i buy things. so for shelving i used wire closet rack, (only instead of the plastic hardware they supply i use heavy duty plumbers strap, i also use this to hang my bulbs and alot of other things now that I think about it). I also stacked my two bulbs the 600 over the 1000 in am 8' diameter round metal cage.( this more for me then the plants.) The bulbs r supported with the plumbers strap making it as simple as unbending the strap and raising or lowering the bulbs. Now on the bottom I have a total of 4 plants in 6 gal containers, and 4 other med size girls in 3 to 5 gal containers. On top is 8 or 9 assorted clones from the 4 largest plants from the bottom, all in square 3 gal pots. And finally on top 3 different plants from seed that i grew. one AK cross, One supposedly med grade is all he could tell me and 1 Ice plant from a 5 pack of fem seeds im growing. well now for the pics

Lookin thru the door

Top shelf

Tried to get a wide shot for ya

Top shelf inside corner

:biggrin: now for pics of the girls recovering from their trim







Well i guess thats it for me guys. I appreciate all the people who contribute to this great place, not most but all of my inspiration has come from here mainly the vert forum in particular. I'm not one to usually post or talk about myself but i felt the need to share what u guys have taught me in the hope of helping someone else. So guys feel free to post ur suggestion's, questions, or anything else thats on ur mind. :ying:
something else guys i'm having to delete pics as i upload more for the thread, i was wondering if the pics will disappear from the thread after being deleted in my album? thanks again guys.
Well guys no pics today as i forgot the camera. Everythings looking great, almost ready for another trim. Im still seeing some leaves curling down though.

I found a great northern farmer stadium thread on here a lil earlier that ive been reading for the last couple hrs. That guy really knew his shit did'nt he? To think with double my space for flower he was running 4 to 5 cheap mh 1000 watt bulbs on 8 wk cycles pulling 2lbs a light on the regular with soil!!! The thread also shows some cool variations people came up with looking at his stadium. I guess what I'm sayin is I'm thinking about setting up another flower area to try my hand at coco with maybe drippers to cut down on some of my watering. So if anybody has any suggestions or thoughts fell free to post em.

As always guys thanks for all the help. :wave:


Hey guys here's one I've never encountered before... It's from seed obviously. Its BCBD GOD BUD, out of 5 seeds one did'nt make it and the other 4 sprouted fine except for one. I call it the mutant because it looks similar to the others only its not.

Here it is with one of its seed mates.

A side by side. its not growing up hardly any at all

Also the two bigger container plants in the back left of the above pic r the other 2 GB seeds.

A round of rooted clones

And now some bud :dance013:


I really like the way this one looks and smells already

This Purp has a nice grape smell


Well guys thats it for now. I'm going to the hydro store this weekend to get some coco and coco nutes or maybe I'll order them online( my closest source is like a 2 1/2 hr drive one way). If any one has some advice on a brand or type of coco to get feel free to post it.:tiphat:

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I use cocotek 5kg blocks and mix in 2 GH mixed bricks. I like the coarser cut of the GH bricks. Seems to add a little more air to the roots.
Hey guys, Im literally wrecked from work.. very long week. :jump: and on a brighter note everything is going so well with the girls im afraid im forgetting something, or leaving something out.

Thanks everybody thats posted and helped me along so far :tiphat: Already it's looking like this harvest could double or even triple my first and second small horizontal harvey's.. FTW if vert isnt the shit. Anyone still debating on ditching their hoods should just try it one round, cause its def made a beleiver outa me.

Now its time to :smoweed: so peace out :wave:


Well guys, Its been a few days since I updated any pics. I'm gonna try to do it once a week till harvest this round so that I will have atleast some record of my progress( I'm awful at writing down dates and important shit). Also I appreciate the help and comments u guys give.

So on my last adventure to the hydro store I picked up some KOOL bloom powder, the first time I tried it I burnt the shit out of my girls. This time I use 1/8 tsp a gal, no burn this time but they sure seem to have put on some weight.. so will definately use it again. any 1 have any input on a proper time to use K/B i.e. which wk of flower to apply it and for what duration? thanks again guys.

I tried to get some close ups for ya's

Looking Frosty






So far the girls that went on the shelves R doing great, Im hopeing after they stretch I will probaly lower the front of all of the shelving to better encourage the plants to grow in towards the light. The only thing I'm scratching my head about is the plants that have some leaves curling down from the tip(you can see what I'm talking about in the last two pic's posted. The only thing that I can come up with is my humidity is to low (RH stays between 30 and 40% constantly only rising slightly during lights off. That 6" vortex try's to pull the reflectix off the wall. If any one has any idea's on the curling leaves feel free to post it.:wave:


Active member
wow those buds are gaining size fast, looks like all the lower branch buds are filling in nice, I have had the same leaf curl with certain strains also, never have figured out why,
Hey Joesy thanks for the help so far man. It helps to have someone alot more experienced then me say things r looking good, ya know what I mean?

And as to the leaf curl It does'nt seem to effect growth rates or anything and the only thing that worries me is the humidity being so low. Temps r holding steady at lights on of 78 or 80 f and lights off 72 to 75f. I've been using a small humidifier but its small and doesnt help much. I even checked the infirmary and couldnt come up with anything definitive.

Oh and cant wait to see what U get going in ur new room Joesy, sounds like ur going to kill it man.
Hey Madalasatori, yeah I read something on it being related to over doing it on the nitrogen but I'm not sure on that. Is this something u have encountered or dealt with in ur experience? Is it something I should worry about or just one of those things? Oh and thanks for stopping in and posting man, and I appreciate the help.
Its a jungle in here!

Its a jungle in here!

Well the top tier is looking good, only problem will b running out of head room.

Here's one from tonite looking thru the door.



Well-known member
Yea I have experienced leaf curl from overfeeding, less is more when it comes to nutes IMO. The reason I don't think it's rh related is because I have often run similar rh levels and not encountered it at all. I'm learning a lot from this thread, am running a similar thing with 5 girls under 1200w


If you could take a close picture of one of the leaves with the lights off we could give you a more definitive answer. If its the claw from too much nitrogen, the leaves will be dark green and glossy, its hard to tell if that is the case from the pic.

Also the claw usually goes from the top down where nute defic goes from the bottom up. If it is effecting the whole plant the same, it is probably an environmental issue like the RH u mentioned.
If you could take a close picture of one of the leaves with the lights off we could give you a more definitive answer. If its the claw from too much nitrogen, the leaves will be dark green and glossy, its hard to tell if that is the case from the pic.

Also the claw usually goes from the top down where nute defic goes from the bottom up. If it is effecting the whole plant the same, it is probably an environmental issue like the RH u mentioned.

Hey Wiseco, thanks for droppin by man. I'll get u some pics of the leaves that r being effected after my lights come on today. I'm not really concerned at this point since it's not effecting growth that I can tell. I've grown quite a bit its just always been outdoor up until about 6 months ago. I'm thinking my R/H is the problem as its staying below about 20% now and thats the only thing I cant get a handle on. Temps stay consistently 70 to75 lights on and off. Anyway I'll quit typing and go get u some pics and maybe u can figure this out cause I cant.
:wave:Madalasatori, I'm glad my thread has helped u in some way. thanks for posting man. I'm not the most experienced person on here in no way but if theirs something I can help ya's with just ask man. Oh and if u c me screwing something up or something i could work on feel free to point it out. That's why I posted this grow in the first place.:tiphat:
Downward curling leaves?

Downward curling leaves?

Ok guys here's pics from tonite. I hung a blue tarp up as a background, im no photographer but it seems to make a better pic, I also added another 4 foot fluro to take pics under. anyway hope u enjoy guys.:joint:





