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1st run Purple Kush 2k 8 xl UC

awesome grow and investment mah man! how much do you yeild in that system under those 2 lights, how long was veg and about how big were they when u fliped them. do u veg in the quad pods from those guys as well or did you make your own veg system..?


Landrace Lover
I'll have some new pics tonight or tomorrow night.
I heard bad company 2 was the shit Im gonna have to try it out.

yeah man i got addicted to it, it's much slower moving than cod so you get fair rage issues at first when you get mauled and have to wait 10s to respawn each time but man some of the guns are tits and sniping from 1km away and getting a headshot is just wowwww! haha let me know how it goes!


Well-known member
Greenthumb I dont know how much yield first run with this strain but I can tell ya its gonna be at least 2# per lights. I vegged 5 weeks exactly in the 8 gallon UC. I flipped em when they were from 26" to 30". Thats it dm gold the hole time.
Darwin thanks I still havent had time to try it yet but I will soon.


Well-known member
Happy 420
I'll be updating later. I havent seen em in 5 days and Im starting to miss them. Is that wierd?


Well-known member
Here we go. Day 38 12/12
Ive let them drift down to 700 ppm because I havent had time to top them off with nutes. That aint gonna happen again. Ipumped em back up to 1260 ppm and ph 5.7.
The tray is at 1200 ppm ph 6.0.

Theres just starting to get swell time for some nutes

The hempys the first two are frostitute and then a sensi star

I hope everyone enjoys and happy 420
Last edited:


you big grn, lookin good buddy! how high do you run your water level in the under current? do have the water touching the bottom of the net cups are just underneath or what? thanks, seek


Well-known member
Thanks guys I will be updating today sometime. Everything is nuts The tray is great everything is really healthy .
seek up I run it like 2-3 inches above the netpots bottom


Right On BG. Those trees are gonna yield a good number im sure. I am going to try and scrog PK next round and see if i like the yields a little better.

Keep givin er they look wick!


Well-known member
Ah shit I was so rushed out the door I forgot my camera shit. So no pics until tuesday. Let me tell ya the buds in the tray are alot bigger than the buds in the UC. Im sure its do to the trimming method. Theres like 10" long buds of pk in there. Everything is way crouded and Im going to have to add another light just for the hempys. Lesson learned do not cram a 8 xl with 5 hempys and a 2x2 tray all in a 10x10 room without planning for it from the start. Next week I'll be setting up a tent to start veggin the next run.
See yas tuesday


I love my life
Ah shit I was so rushed out the door I forgot my camera shit. So no pics until tuesday. Let me tell ya the buds in the tray are alot bigger than the buds in the UC. Im sure its do to the trimming method. Theres like 10" long buds of pk in there. Everything is way crouded and Im going to have to add another light just for the hempys. Lesson learned do not cram a 8 xl with 5 hempys and a 2x2 tray all in a 10x10 room without planning for it from the start. Next week I'll be setting up a tent to start veggin the next run.
See yas tuesday

You're not allowed to say that shit after you tell me no photos until Tuesday!


You're not allowed to say that shit after you tell me no photos until Tuesday!

lol.... fuck its a good thing i wasnt drinking anything when i read that..!!!lol hilarious....

Fuck doooood!!

One Love 731

Senior Member
Well, throw some pics in of the tray, as I will be running mine in 4x4's trellised @about 18". I'm building up the army as I type. Ya really stepped it up on this one there BG, looks like your taking'er pro. I was gonna start a thread, but how do ya follow up a run like this. Yeah dude lets see some pics. Karma, One Love


Weed Robot
whats up with the pics dude! i rely on your grow to know whats gona happen to my PK run as for as stretching goes.the highest ppm i gave has been 800 and i think i dont need to step it up.your grow is great lets see whats happening already


Well-known member
Sorry for the delay but 1 of my computers crashed and my lap top got pop spilled on the keyboard. So here I am with a new lap top.
We have pics of 47 day 12/12. Ill pop on more later



Hey BG everything is lookin friggin awesome man! I read a few pages back and didnt want to burst your bubble on the 3+ with this setup. It is possible with the UC's but it would have to be vertical, with about 40" centers between pots and you would be nealy running 1k per plant to get those results. Many folks out there doing that now

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